DIRECTORY.) NORFOLK. TITCHWELL. 647 Hovell Browne ffolkes hart D.L., l.'P. of Hillington Hall; the money order office is at Terrington St. John & telegraph trustees of Horace Marriott esq. and Watson Failes esq. of office at Terrington St. Clement. Postal orders are Tilney St. Lawrence, are the principal landowners. The issued here, but not paid soil is loam and silt; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are National School (mixed), with residence for the master, wheat, beans, oats, peas and roots. The parish contains erected in 1845 at a cost of £.soo, for 92 children; aYerage 2,750 acres of land; rateable value, £4,570; the population attendance, 78 ; Mrs. Wyatt, bead mistress in 1891 was 515- Railway Station, Clenchwarton, Zachariah Goodalc, S~ation Parish Clerk, William Dann. master PosT OFFWE.-George Minns. receiver. Letters arrn-e from CARRIERS TO LYNN.-Bailey, tues. & sat. ; Bunting, tues. & Lynn at 7 a. m.; dispatched at 5.50 p.m. ; sundays, fri. ; Fayers, tues. & sat.; Drew, tues.; Blomtield, tues. arrive at 8 a. m. ; dispatched at 11.10 a. m. The nearest & fri tNames of residents marked • should be Goodale Zachariah, station master, Minns Charles Robert, farmer addressed Terrington St. Clement.] Clenchwarton station Minns George, grocer, Post -office Howes Mrs. The Firs Green Francis, far:ner Minns William, butcher & grazier Newnum Rev. John Henry M.A. [vicar, Green Rohert, farmer & landowner, Quantrill John, farm bailiff to Mr. & diocesan inspector of schools for the Manor farm William Newling deanery of LynnMarshlandJ,Vicarage Green Walter, farmer RaynerRbt.farm bailiff toChristr.Failes Green \Villiam, farmer Robinson George, farmer, Ken-wick COMMERCIAL. Gregory Stephen,farmer & auctioneer ; Robinson Leonard, farmer RakeF Wm.Edward,farmer & landownr & at Tuesday Market place, Lynn Robinson William, fish hawker Bird John, farmer (tuesdays only) *Savage J onathan,farmer,LittleLonU:ou Boon Samuel, farmer *Harrison Benjamin,frmr.LittleLondon Smith Joseph, cowkeeper l3riggs John, farmer Hendry Edmund, baker Tyler James, jun. blacksmith Claxton Wm. shoe maker & shopkeeper Johnson William Forth, wheelwright Ward Thomas, Ship P.H. & farmer Dann Wiliiam, Bell P.H. blacksmith & Langley John, farmer Watling Francis Simmons, bee' retailer parish clerk *Large Leonard John, farmer & s~pkpr & pig dealer *Driver James, bricklayer• Linferd John, sen. farmer *Whait Charles, farmer, Little London Fayer Ann (Mrs.), carrier Mason William, farmer, Marshland fen Wing James, farmer, Marshland fen Fendick Charles, Shore Boat P.H [letters via Middle Drove] [letters vii't Midtlle Drove] TILNEY-CUM-ISLINGTON, see IsLINGTON. TILNEY ST. LAWRENCE is a parish and village Lady Jane Grey; in 1577 be was appointed to the bishopric 3miles south from Terrington station on the Bourn and Lynn of London, which he held till his death, 3rd June, 1594, branch of the Midland and Great Northern joint railway, .Aylmer Hall is occupied by \\'llliam l3aldock Parsons esq. and 6~ south-west from Lynn, in the North \Vestern division J.P. Edward llugh Jackson esq. of North Brink, Wisbech, of the county, hundred and petty sessional division of Free- is lord of the manor. Sir William Hovell Browne ffolkes bridge -:\1arshland, union of Wisbech, Lynn county court hart. D.L., J.P.; W. B. Parsons esq. J.P. of .Aylmer Hall; district, rural deanery of Lynn Marshland and archdeaconry Thomas Edward l3agge esq. n.L., J.P. of Gaywood Hall; and dwcese of Norwich. The church of St. Lawrence is an John J ohnson esq. ; John l{obert Roofc esq. of Middleton; edifice of stone and br·ick, in the Early English style, con- Mrs. Starr and Watson Failes esq. of Tilney St. Lawrence, sisting of chancel, nave, transepts, south porch and an are the principal landowners. The soil is loamy; subsoil, embattled western tower, with spire, containin~ one bell : clay. The chief crops are wheat, beans, peas and oats. The the organ, formerly in Waltharn Abbey church, was pur- area is 3.377A. 2lt. 13P.; rateable value, £5,979; tile popu­ chased at a cost of £II5 and placed here in 1879: the lation in 1891 was 728. church was restored in r8-l6 at the cost of Miss Mary .Mann, Parish Clerk, Joseph Hallowell. of Lynn, and has 250 sittings. The register dates from PosT 0FFICE.-George Thomas Bennett, receiver. Letters the year 16r8. The living is a vicarage, annexed to Tilney through Lynn, arrive at 7.20 a. m. ; dispatched at 5.30 .All Saints, average tithe rent-charge £233, joint gross p.m.; sundays, arrive at 9 a.m.; dispatched at 10-45 yearly value £333, including 6o acres of glebe, in the gift of a.m. The nearest money order office is at Terrington St. Pembroke College, Cambridge, and held since 1891 by the John & telegraph office at Terringtou St. Clement. Postal Rev. John Henrv Newnum M.A. and late scholar of that orders are issued here, but not paid college, and Diocesan inspector of schools for the deanery of .A School Board of 5 members was formed I r December, Lynn Marshland, who resides at Tilney All Saints. Here is 1871 ; Frederick William Taylor, clerk to the board & a Primit.ive Methodist chapel. Stallet's charity of /.,2 yearly attendance officer is given to the poor under the direction of the church- Board School (mixed), opened in 1874, for 140 children; wardens. John Aylmer D. D. born at .Alyrner Hall in this average attendance, 140; Robert Yair, master; Mrs. parish in 1521, was chaplain to Henry Grey, Duke of V air, mistress; Miss Mary Elizabeth Girdlestone, infants' Suffolk K.G. and was tutor to his daughter, the unfortunate mistress Beckett Joseph, Ivy house Esgate William, miller (wind) 1 Macro Stephen, Coach & Horses P.H. Goodrick William Robert Failes Frederick, farmer blacksmith & farmer ' . Johnson John Failes Matthew, jun. farmer 1 Manchester Umty of Oddfellows (John Jghnson Mrs Failes Watson, farmP.r, The Limes : Kitteringham, local sec) Parsons William Baldock esq. J.P . .Ay!- Failes \Villiam, farmer ; Mason Edward, Victory inn, & builder mer hall Farrow Thomas, farm bailiff to John , :Mason James, f:irmer, Fen end Starr .Mrs Robert Roofe esq Mason John, wool merchant 1 Woods Alma Gathergood Mitchell, farmer 1 Merrison James, farmer, Lord's bridge COMMERCIAL. Gathergood Robt. farmer & bricklayer' Newsham Henry, farm bailiff to Mr. Askew John, farmer, Smeeth [letters Gathergood Saml. (exors. of), farmers ! Stephen Gregory,of Tilney All Saints via Middle Grove] Green .Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper I Oldroyd Richard, farmer .Alexander John, boot maker Hallowell Joseph, parish clerk Oglesby Richard, hawker .Austin Charles, fa!'mer Hawes William, farmer Parsons W11liam Raldock J .P. farmer & Beales Jn. thrashing machine manager Hill Robert, market gardener landowner, Aylmer hall Rennett Geo. Thos. grocer, Post office Holah George& Joseph,farmP-rs,Fen end, Pollyn Thos. Lavender,farmer,Fcn end Bird Henry, farmer, Fen end Johnson l:lenjamin, agent to the Pru- Pollyn \Villiam, farmer, Fen end 1 Bland Joshua, carpenter, Fen end dential .Assurance Co. Limited 1 Reeder Henry & Sons, bricklayers Bodger Edward John, shopkeeper Johnson John Sugars, builder & wheel- Roofe Josiah, farmer & landowner Burrell Henry, grocer & draper wright & machinery agent Southwell Richard,miller(wind)&baker Clare Abraham, farmer Johnl'on John, farmer& landowner Stacey Isaac, miller (wind), Fen end Clarke James, farmer Johnson Thomas, blacksmith Staples James, farmer ·Clayton Daniel, miller (wind) Johnson \\'illiam I<"orth, carpenter Sutterby Richard, farmer, Fen end Cooper James, farmer Joyce Richard, farmer '1 Taylor Frederick \Villiam, clerk to the Dix John, Plough l'.H. & coal merchant, Kitteringham Edward, farmer I school board & school attendance Fen end Kitteringham John, blacksmith officer & farmer Drew Thomas Griffin, Buck inn Kitteringham Robt. Wilson, wheelwrght Taylor Thomas, farmer, Ivy farm Duncan John, farmer I LeeJames, farmer & sheep dresser I Wing Robert, beer retlr.& mole catcher Esgate . John, farmer & thrashing j Macdonald William, farmer YoungsJn.Jacob,farmer&market grdnr 1 ma('hme owner I TITCHWELL is a parish and village near the German railway and 21 north-east from Lynn, in the .North Western ocean and on the coast road from Lynn to Wells, 5~ miles division of the county, Smithdon hundred, Smithdon and west-by-north from l3urnham Market station on the Hun~ Brothercross petty sessional divisiop, Docking union, Little 1 ~nton and West Norfolk section 'Of the Great Eastern \\'alsingham county court district, rural deanery llf _Reach am, .
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