Guillaume Du Fay Opera Omnia 02/14 Fulgens iubar ecclesiae Dei Edited by Alejandro Enrique Planchart Marisol Press Santa Barbara, 2011 Guillaume Du Fay Opera Omnia Edited by Alejandro Enrique Planchart 01 Cantilena, Paraphrase, and New Style Motets 02 Isorhythmic and Mensuration Motets 03 Ordinary and Plenary Mass Cycles 04 Proper Mass Cycles 05 Ordinary of the Mass Movements 06 Proses 07 Hymns 08 Magnificats 09 Benedicamus domino 10 Songs 11 Plainsongs 12 Dubious Works and Works with Spurious Attributions © Copyright 2011 by Alejandro Enrique Planchart, all rights reserved. Guillaume Du Fay, Fulgens iubar ecclesiae: 1 02/14 Fulgens iubar ecclesiae - Puerpera pura - Virgo post partum [ ] = Guillaume Du Fay Cantus Ful gens iu bar ec cle si ae de [ ] Contratenor 8 Pu er pe ra, pu ra pa Tenor 8 Tenor secundus 7 i, Pec ca to rum sa lus prom 8 rens, E ni xa re 8 13 ptis si ma, Si pre ci bus qui 8 gem sae cu li, Ti bi non 8 Virgo post partum quem genuit adoravit Tenores isti ter dicuntur: Primo de modo et tempore perfectis minores. Secundo per tertium. Tertio cise per semi de primo. 19 bus cum que fle cti Que as, no bis da, vir 8 fit or ba pa rens Ri tu mens: va 8 D-OO Guillaume Du Fay, Fulgens iubar ecclesiae: 2 25 go be a ta, Ut om nes qui tu ae 8 les sae cu li Vi tam red de re, non nul li 8 31 my ste ri a Pu ri fi ca ti o nis co li mus 8 Sal va ti sunt hoc li mi 8 37 Post tem po ris hu ius cur ri cu 8 te; Das haec me ri to ti tu 8 43 la Sub li me mur san cto rum se di bus. 8 li: "Fi li, pec ca ta re mit te." 8 D-OO Guillaume Du Fay, Fulgens iubar ecclesiae: 3 49 Quae se mi ne vi ri pe pe ris 8 Ei a, vir go lap su ca 8 55 set, Mu li e rem lex quon dam 8 rens, Car ta qua di 8 61 co ge bat, Ut ad tem plum pur 8 tem ex pu li, An nu i 8 67 gan da ve ni ret Par tum fe rens; lex 8 sti le gi ve rens Sol ve re le 8 D-OO Guillaume Du Fay, Fulgens iubar ecclesiae: 4 73 haec non ur ge bat Ma ri am, quae vi rum 8 gem; et pul li; Tur tu rum tis in fan tu li 8 79 non no ve rat. Il la ta men pro no bis om ni bus 8 Ex mon strant ob la ti vi 8 85 Le gem tu lit, ut nos quos a ma 8 tae Lu cem; pro me quod in tu 8 91 bat Sub li me mur san cto rum se di bus. 8 li: "Fi li, pec ca ta re mit te." 8 D-FI Guillaume Du Fay, Fulgens iubar ecclesiae: 5 97 Quod pur ga ri non in di gna ve 8 Lar ga ma ter, lux o 8 109 rit Hu ius fe sto mon strat ec 8 ri ens O men de dit o pus cu li, 8 121 cle si a Per ce re um, quem tunc quis que ge rit; 8 Cum Si me on non mo ri ens Am ple xa 8 133 Lu ce e nim qua ful get can de la 8 tur hunc "o cu li Nu men 8 D-OO Guillaume Du Fay, Fulgens iubar ecclesiae: 6 145 Per splen do rem vi tae in Ma ri 8 vi dent" et ser 8 157 a Con cor di ter om nes o 8 vu li Te no re dat ver bum: "mit te!" 8 169 sten di mus, Ut per su a tan dem pre ca mi na 8 Ad Chri stum dic: "te pro tu li: Fi li, pec ca 8 181 Sub li me mur san cto rum se di bus. 8 ta re mit te." 8 D-OO Guillaume Du Fay, Fulgens iubar ecclesiae: 7 193 O i gi 8 O i 8 199 tur vir tu tis ex 8 gi tur vir 8 205 em plar, Vir gi num lux, glo 8 go cle mens, Quae 8 211 ri o sa vir 8 nos om nes re de mi 8 D-OO Guillaume Du Fay, Fulgens iubar ecclesiae: 8 217 go, De cus no strum 8 sti, Do mus De i, 8 223 et, ut ve rum 8 gem ma ful 8 229 lo quar, Vi 8 gens, Dul cis por 8 235 va vir tus, pul chra pul chri tu do, 8 ta pa ra di si, 8 D-OO Guillaume Du Fay, Fulgens iubar ecclesiae: 9 241 San cti ta tis ex cel 8 Dic nunc, quae so, 8 247 lens y 8 tu ae pro 8 253 ma go Hu mi li ter a 8 li, Quem lac 8 259 te re qui ri mus, Ut 8 ta sti tu o la 8 D-OO Guillaume Du Fay, Fulgens iubar ecclesiae: 10 265 post mor tem 8 te: "I stis 8 271 cum dul ci gau di o 8 qui ser vi unt ti 8 277 Sub li me mur san cto 8 bi: Fi li, pec ca 8 283 rum se di bus. 8 ta re mit te. 8 D-OO Guillaume Du Fay, Fulgens iubar ecclesiae: 11 289 [ ] A men. [ ] 8 A men. [ ] 8 A men. [ ] A men. D-OO Guillaume Du Fay, Fulgens iubar ecclesiae: 12 02/14 Fulgens iubar ecclesiae – Puerpera pura – Virgo post partum Source ModB, fols. 121v-123r (new 124v-126r). “Du fay.” Text in the cantus and contratenor, incipit in tenor 1. Canon: “Tenores isti ter dicuntur / primo de modo et tempore perfectis minoris. Secundo per tertium. Tertio cise per semi de primum [These tenors are said three times, first in perfect mode and perfect minor tempus, second [cut] by a third, and third cut in half from the first]. Clefs and mensurations 1 97 193 289 Cantus c1 [ ] [ ] Contratenor c3 [] [ ] Tenor 1 c3 [] - - [ ] Tenor 2 c4 [ ] - - [ ] Texts Cantus Cantus Fulgens iubar ecclesiae dei, Shining glory of God’s Church, Peccatorum salus promptissima, Most speedy salvation of sinners, Si precibus quibuscumque flecti If you may be swayed by any prayers, Queas, nobis da, virgo beata, Grant us, blessed Virgin, Ut omnes qui tuae mysteria That all we that honor the mysteries Purificationis colimus Of your Purification, Post temporis huius curricula After (completing) the course of this age, Sublimemur sanctorum sedibus. May be raised aloft in the dwellings of the saints. Quae semine viri peperisset, In former times the law compelled Mulierem lex quondam cogebat, The woman who had given birth by a man’s seed Ut ad templum purganda veniret To come to the temple to be cleansed, Partum ferens; lex haec non urge bat Bringing her child; this law did not bind Mariam, quae virum non noverat. Mary, who knew not a man. Illa tamen pro nobis omnibus But she for all our sakes Legem tulit, ut nos quos amabat Submitted to the law, that we whom she loved Sublimemur sanctorum sedibus. May be raised aloft in the dwellings of the saints. Quod purgari non indignaverit That she did not disdain to be cleansed Huius festo monstrat ecclesia The Church makes manifest in her feast Per cereum, quem tunc quisque gerit By the taper that each worshipper then wields; Luce enim qua fulget candela For by the light with which the candle shines Per splendorem vitae in Maria We all signify in harmony Concorditer omnes ostendimus, The complete splendor of life in Mary, Ut per sua tandem precamina That at length by her prayers we Sublimemur sanctorum sedibus. May be raised aloft in the dwellings of the saints. O igitur virtutis exemplar, Therefore, O pattern of virtue, Virginum lux, gloriosa virgo, Luster of virgins, glorious maiden, Decus nostrum et, ut verum loquar, Our adornment, and (to say true) Viva virtus, pulchra pulchritudo, Living virtue, beautiful beauty, Sanctitatis excellens ymago, Pre-eminent image of holiness, Humiliter a te requirimus, We humbly beg of thee Ut post mortem cum dulci gaudio That after death, with sweet joy, Sublimemur sanctorum sedibus. We may be raised aloft in the dwellings of the saints. Guillaume Du Fay, Fulgens iubar ecclesiae: 13 Contratenor Contratenor Puerpera, pura parens, Mother, pure parent, Enixa regem saeculi, That did bear the King of the world, Tibi non fit orba parens Your mind does not become blind [= is clear-sighted] Ritu mens: vales saeculi As it obeys the ritual law; you have power Vitam reddere, nonnulli To restore the life of the world; Salvati sunt hoc limite; Several have been saved at this bounding line; Das haec merito tituli: You grant these things by virtue of your constant “Fili, peccata remitte!” Saying: “My Son, forgive sins!” Eia, virgo lapsu carens, Hail, maiden without sin, Charta qua Ditem expuli, The charter whereby I have expelled Death, Annuisti legi verens You consented to the law Solvere legem; et pulli For fear of undoing the Law; Turturum tis infantuli And the offered young of turtledoves Exmonstrant oblati vitae Show forth the light of the life of your little child; Lucem; prome quod intuli: Utter the words I have put to thee: “Fili, peccata remitte!” “My Son, forgive sins!” Larga mater, lux oriens Generous mother, the dawning light Omen dedit opusculi, Provided the omen for the little work, Cum Simeon non moriens When Simeon, not dying, Amplexatur hunc: “oculi Embraces Him: “Mine eyes behold the Godhead”, Numen vident” et servuli And in the manner of a humble servant Tenore dat verbum: “mitte!” Utters the word: “Let me depart!” Ad Christum dic: “te protuli: To Christ say: “I gave thee birth; Fili, peccata remitte!” My Son, forgive sins!” O igitur virgo clemens, Therefore, O merciful maid, Quae nos omnes redemisti, Who have redeemed us all, Domus dei, gemma fulgens, House of God, shining gem, Dulci porta paradisi, Sweet gate of Paradise, Dic nunc, quaeso, tuae proli, Say now, I beg, to your offspring, Quem lactasti tuo lacte, Whom you suckled with your own milk: “Istis qui serviunt tibi, “For those that serve you, Fili, peccata remitte!” My Son, forgive sins!” Tenor 1 Tenor 1 Virgo post partum quem genuit adoravit.
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