Thursday, November 2, 1995 • Vol. XXVII No. 48 TilE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Lovell to retell Apollo story DOE project taps ND BY MAUREEN HURLEY sion to the moon when an awarded the crew the Medal of Sailll Mary's Nows Editor explosion drained the craft's Freedom, the nation's highest power and oxygen supply. The award. for financial aid test "Houston, we have a prob­ three-man crew managed to The tale of the near-disaster­ By BILL CONNOLLY for over 60 schools, including lem." bring the craft safely back to ous mission was recounted by News Writer Harvard University, on the Thosn five words begin a Earth. an accompishment that Lovell in his novel, "Lost Moon: Quality Assurance Consortium. gripping story that Apollo 13 is considered by many to be The Perilous Voyage of Apollo As part of the Clinton Before this past April. the Commander James Lovell NASA's greatest hour. 13." Director Ron Howard's Administration's attempt to Quality Assurance Consortium retells tonight at 7:30 p.m. in "We didn't realize the com­ motion picture release, "Apollo refrom the federal government, hs only discussed issues on ()'Laughlin Auditorium of Saint plete magnitude of this flight 13." also tells of the 1970 mis­ the U.S. Education Department financial aid. Mary's Collngfl Moreau Center. until we got back home and sion, with Tom Hanks playing has given the However. under Clinton's Lovell and his crew were 55 started reading about it," Lovell University of reforms, schools in the Notre Dame Consortium can now submit hours into America's fifth mis- wrote. President Richard Nixon see LOVELL/ page 4 and other proposals to the Department of schools the Education regarding changes in opportunity the way financial assistance to tailor the should be given to the schools way they in the Consortium. deliver finan- One proposal by Notre Dame cial aid to Brandt which the Department of their stu- Education has already dents. approved is the amount of days U.S. Secretary of Education which a university in the Richard Riley recently Consortium can hold the funds announced the approval of 54 of a student's loan after enroll­ five-year projects at more than ment. In the past, a mandatory 100 higher education institu­ figure of 30 days was used for tions for the first phase of an all colleges. experiment excusing them from Under Notre Dame's recently certain statutory and regulato­ enacted plan, the amount of ry requirements and permitting days can be adjusted to what­ them to use innovative strate­ ever figure lits the need of any gies designed to better meet member school in the their students' needs. Consortium. The schools were selected Brandt said that this stream­ from among those with a lines the process by eliminating proven track record of deliver­ a set figure which burdened ing financial aid without risk to different schools with dilTerent taxpayer dollars. needs. After nine years on the In all, Notre Dame submitted Quality Assurance Consortium, 15 different proposals, five of a branch of this program, Notre which have been approved, and The Observer/Aiyson Frick Dame has a chair on the four in which Notre Dame will Rest in peace Consortium, Susan Brandt, participate. assistant director for financial Mansa Limon of Lewis Hall and John Fernandez of Morrissey made this altar for Dia De Los Muertos. aid. Brandt serves as the chair see AID/ page 4 Police start blitz aimed Contest helps design home By LIZ SMITH tion, the students who partici­ homes. Thus. the winners uti­ News Writer pated visited the site, and lized a design known as Greek at DUI related deaths began work on their designs. Revival. In addition, Harner For students on the Notre The following week, " a scheme was directly involved in many Ry AMY SCI IMIDT Dame campus, community ser­ was chosem due to its clarity of of the decisions. As.i,r;onr News Ediror Safety Belt Facts vice is an integral part of col­ design, presence on the site, Garner was satisfied with the lege life. and functional flow," stated small kitchen, because it Drunk drivers bnware: thP Thus, when Habitat for Professor Duncan Stroik, the allowed for more space in the stattl of Indiana has begun its • 6 in 10 members of each Humanity sponsored a design coordinator of the competition. living room area. which was firth staln-wide blitz of en­ political party say they always competition for architecture The winning design was sub­ integrated with an open dining forcnrnnnt aimed at limiting al­ wear seatbelts majors, students were excited mitted by three students, Sean area. The three bedroom home cohol-rnlated fatalities and in­ to have the opportunity to ben­ Tobin, a graduate arehitectural · will house her and her children, crnasing thn us11 of safnty belts. • Drivers of silver cars are efit the community through the student, Johnny Cruz, a fifth Darius and Alexandria. Named Operation Pull Over, most likely to buckle up. use of skills learned in classes. year, and Marianela Gago, also The rooms were also coordi­ the program is a statewide traf­ Those who drive blue, black Although the Notre Dame a fifth year. nated with the sun. The master lie safety earnpaign that works and maroon cars are least chapter of Habitat for "It was challenging, because bedroom faces the sun in the toward thren goals: likely. Humanity built another home it had to be simple and build­ morning, while the living room • !!eduction of alcohol-related under the guidelines of the able, as well as beautiful," says faces the sun in the afternoon. fatalities in Indiana from 228 • Married drivers buckle up organization last spring, this is Cruz regarding the project that The kitchen is designed to look dtmths in 199:{ to 205 deaths in more than single drivers. the first time that another occupied all of fall break. out over the backyard. In addi­ JIJIJ5 Notre Dame group has been However, designing the house tion, Garner stipulated that the • Inernase of safety bnlt usage • Persons born under Taurus involved. is only one step in the difficult public rooms be entirely sepa­ from 56 rwrcent in 199a to 70 and Leo are tops about Essentially, Habitat for process of actually getting the rate from the private. percent in 1995 buckling up, while Scorpios Humanity is a worldwide orga­ home built. For the co-presi­ However, although the stu­ • lnt:rtmsf~ of safely belt usage live dangerously nization designed to facilitate dents of the Notre Dame chap­ dents were restricted in their in 1996 by five percentage ter of Habitat for Humanity, designs through specifications briety checkpoints, increased the building of "simple and points. and decrease or alcohol­ decent houses." Heather Hughes and Josh and money constraints, they traffic patrols. and internal law rnlawd traflic fatalities by live Specific guidelines have been Briggs, there are still months of still managed to allow for the pfln:nnt points over the 1995 enforcement campaigns to de­ work to be organized. little touches. For instance, in crease incidents of drunk driv­ set in order to facilitate the eco­ rnsults. nomic building of the home. Once clearance from St. order to integrate the one story ing and possibly prevent un­ Tlw program itself has two For instance, the architectural Joseph's county is obtained, house with the surrounding two main eomponents: Enforcement necessary alcohol-related ground breaking will occur in story homes, the front of the fatalities. students who participated in and public information and the contest were restricted to a the third week of November, home will be raised because of The public information and education. home of 1200 square feet, and with the pouring of cement the a brick base that will be built The multi-year program has education component ranges following week. The site cho­ by volunteers and donated from a complete print and eco­ required to include certain four key enforcement periods, rooms. Usually, Habitat for sen is located at the corner of materials. In addition, a large nomie campaign to high-profile ineluding Labor Day, the holi­ Humanity utilizes a typical Notre Dame avenue and Sorin front porch was added at the day season, early spring, and state and regional kickoffs. Lo­ Street. request of Garner, with pillars cal awareness activities, such design, with very little devia­ Mmnorial Day. The South Bend tion. However. in this case, Although the specifications interspaced. area embarked on the holiday as the sober tailgate parties slightly more creative freedom outlined by the Habitat organi­ Work on the house will con­ season campaign during a and other educational efforts, zation were key to the design, tinue throughout the winter, as aim to inform and even shock was allowed. sobM lailgatll party held before The contest was launched the the site location also played an some of the walls and detailing Uw Boston College-Notre Dame people. Saturday of fall break, when important role. The neighbor­ will be constructed in the "We hope to jolt people with esc gam11 on Oel. 28. participants met with Mitzi hood surrounding the house is storage garage. The winners of Operation Pull Over's en­ Garner, the client for whom the composed of early twentieth forcement component uses so- see PULLOVER/page 4 house is being built. In addi- century , one and two-story see HABITAT/page 4 page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Thursday , November 2, 1995 • INS!OE COLUMN • WoRlD AT A GuttcE Strike threatens Chrysler DETROIT The depths About 1,000 workers went on strike Wednesday at a Chrysler Corp.
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