POSTGRAD. MED. J.. (1966), 42, 301 Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.42.487.301 on 1 May 1966. Downloaded from CONTROL AT THE CARDIA RICHARD K. GREENWOOD, M.D., M.Chir., F.R.C.S. Surgical Tutor *St. Thomas' Hospital Medical School, London, S.E.1. DESPITE many recent advances, a thorough DIAPHRAGM understanding of the physiological action of the ilower segment of Ithe oesophagus is still incomplete. The precise location of the gastro- MUCOSAL JUNCIONI esophageal junction requires definition. Clearly CARDIAC ORIFICE it is where oesophagus terminates and stomach commences. Unfortunately there is no unanimity of opinion on this matter. Barrett (1958) defines LOOP OF WILLI the oesophagus as the tubular structure inter- - % posed between the ph'arynx and ,bag of the stomach, receiving its blood supply from the aorta rather than ,the left gastric artery and having no peritoneal covering. This places the FIG. l.-Anatomy of the gastroesophageal junction. gastroesophageal junction at the level of the incisuria cardia where the fundus of the stomach phragmatic hiatus -to enter the abdomen. As commences (Ingelfinger 1958). The opening into copyright. the stomach is referred to as ,the cardiac orifice it does so it deviates -forwards and to the left. and the region immediately above it as the The oesophageal opening in the diaphragm is cardia. Earlier however Barrett (1950) had closed by the phreno-esophageal Imembrane. suggested that the mucosal junction offered a This is morphologically part of the transversailis convenient and distinct landmark between the fascia which 'lines the interior of the whole two organs. He and Palmer (1953) postulated abdominal cavity. It passes from the under- that anything lined with squamous epithelium surface of the diaphragm to the wall of the was oesophagus, and any structure with gastric oesophagus where it splits into ascending and glandular mucosa was stomach. The mucosal descending fibres which eventually merge with http://pmj.bmj.com/ junction however 'bears little relation to the t,he muscle in the walil. Anders land Bahrmann structure and function of the muscle. (1932) noted ,many elastic fibres in the mem- underlying brane, but its texture and significance are Anatomy of the Junction disputed. Allison .(1951), believes it to be a Gastroesophageal tough structure of considerable importance in The oesophagus of man is a tubular structure restraining 'the stomach within the a,bdomen. with a muscular wall. '(Fig. 1) The muscle is Barrett i(1954) however, considers ilt to ;be too arranged in two layers, an inner circular and delicate to play any part in preventing sliding on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected an outer longitudinal. In the upper part of 'the hiatal herniation. organ the muscle is striated but in the midd,le The mucosal junction is clearly discernible third there is a gradual transition from striated on the inner aspect of the two organs. The to smooth, the lower end consisting entirely of stratilfied epithelium of -the oesophagus is white, smooth muscle (Arey and Tremaine, 1933). At the columnar mucosa of the stomach reddish the level of t,he cardiac orifice of the stomach brown. The two meet at an irregular but easiJly tlhe musdle !fibres in the wa,ll are arranged in a definable line. T'he precise location of the loop encompassing the anterior, lateral and columno-squamous junction in relation to both posterior aspects of the organ. These are the cardiac orifice of the stomach and the variously referred to as ,the loop of Willis (1674), diaphragm in the living human is disputed or collar of Helvitius. (Aillison and Johnstone, !1953; Palmer, 1953; The oesophagus -passes through the dia- Creamer, Harrison and 'Pierce, 1959). It is probable Ithat the lower 2 cm. of tubuilar "gullet" *Presen.t A'ddress: Leiceste'r General Hospital normally has a columnar lining and that the 302 POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL May, 1966 Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.42.487.301 on 1 May 1966. Downloaded from epithelial junction lies just Ibelow ,t,he oesopha- The first is that of a pinchcock action. This geal hiatus of the diaphragm. It is agreed hypothesis was put forward by Jackson (1922) that there may be variations in the precise who suggested a side-to-side compression bet- location from individual -to individual, and also ween the two pillars of the crus. This has possibly in the same individual from time to been noted at oesophagoscopy and could time owing to the muscular activity of the account for the hold-up at the level of the muscularis mucosa '(Palmer, 1953; Nauta, 1955; diaphragm sometimes noted during barium Alilison, 1956). In this connection it is interesting swallows (Johnstone, 1955). This pinchcock to note that the mucosal junction in the dog is action of the diaphragm is far from constant located at a sim,i'lar level to -that in man, at or and is observed only during inspiration- just below the oesophageal hiatus. In other Joannides (1929) postulated a milking action vertebrates, however, the junction may 'be high of the pillars of the crus on the walls of the in the oesophagus ,(bat) or low in the stomach oesophagus during inspiration. Dornhorst, (rat). ,(Botha, 1958b). Harrison and Pierce (1954) and Braasch and Ellis 1(1956) however, have been unable to Physiology of the Closing Mechanism at the detect any gripping action of the diaphragm Gastroesophageal Junction during inspiration. It is agreed by all who have studied the The other sphincteric action attributed to problem that some closing mechanism exists the diaphragm was propounded by Allison between the oesophagus and stomach which (1951). He likened the gastroesophageal junction prevents reflux of contents of the latter into the to the ano-rectal junction. In both sites t'he former. Essentiailly the hypotheses propounded alimentary canal changes direction and passes to laccount for gastroesophageal competence :through a muscular diaphragm ,(the diaphragm may be grouped under certain 'headings: and pubo-rectalis). It was postulated that the 1. The presence of a morphological sphincter. right crus of the diaphragm which lassoes the 2. Mechanical factors. cardilac angle and hitches it to the lumbar spine 3. The presence of an intrinsic physiological (Collis, Satchwel'l and Aibrams, 1954) mightcopyright. sphincter. compress the gastroesophageal junction directly or serve ito maintain the angle of entry of 1. Morphological Sphincter oesophagus into the stomach and enable this Two varieties of anatomical sphincter have to function as a mechanical flap valve (vide ,been considered as factors responsible for infra). closure of the gastroesophageal junction- intrinsic and extrinsic. 2. Mechanical Factors (a) Intrinsic. A constriction in the wall of t'he (a) Oblique entry into stomach. of oesophagus http://pmj.bmj.com/ lower human oesophagus near the gastro- The cardiac angle or angle of His (1903) has esophageal junction has been reported by a been considered an important antireflux factor number of workers. i(Laimer, 1883; Lerche, by many observers. When the angle is acute, 1950; Nauta, 1955). Most of the studies have distension of the stomach tends to close the been carried out on cadavers and accoun;ts of gastroesophageal junction in a valve-like fashion the relationship of the narrowing to the dia- by forcing the intrailuminal projection created by phragmatic 'hiatus have 'varied. The cause of the the angle against the opposite oesophageal wall narrowing has been reported as a localised (Von Gubaroff, 1886; Dick and Hurst, 1942 and on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected muscle thickening. (Hurst, 1925; Anders and Barrett, 1954). Marchand (1955) ;believed that Bahrmann, 1932; Lerche, 1950). Other the cardiac angle acted purely mechanically and investigators have ibeen unable to con'firm was a passive phenomenon. He demonstrated these findings '(Lendrum, 1937; IPeters, 1955) that the cardia was competent in the cadaver and most authorities now agree that there is provided that -the angle of His was not oblite- no morphological sphincter in the wall of the rated. This work has not been substantiated, human oesophagus. It is interesting -to note however, and it is difficult to see how the angle however that such anatomical sphincters do can form 'an effective ,barrier uniless it is main- exist in certain species, e.g., the bat. (Fischer, tained by some active means. Many believe that 1909). the diaphragm fulfills this role, and certainly (b) Extrinsic. It has been suggested thTt the the angle is lost in the presence of a hiatal diaphragm might act as an external sphincter hernia. Smiddy and Atkinson (1960) however upon the lower oesophagus. Two mechanisms showed that Ithe angle persisted after the gastro- have been postulated in this connection. esophageal junction had ibeen completely freed Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.42.487.301 on 1 May 1966. Downloaded from May, 1966 GREENWOOD: Control at the Cardia 303 from the d,iaphragm. They believe ithat the is greater than intragastric pressure and hence oblique 'fibres constituting the loop of Willis the segment remains closed. (Cannon, 191i1; maintain the oesophago-gastric angle by acting Fyke, Code and Schlegel, 1956). It has been as a sling around the cardia. Disruption of the suggested that individuals without an intra- oblique fibres of the gastric muscle coat on the aWbdominal oesophagus are particula,rly sus- lateral side of the cardia renders Ithe latter more ceptible to gastroesophageal reflux when intra- susceptible -to reflux. Similar results were re- abdominal pressure is increased (Wolf, 1960). ported by Gahagan '(1962). It is possible that the distance separating the It 'is interesting to note however that the diaphragmatic hiatus and cardiac orifice may cardiac angle is a 'late evolutional development, vary and factors wYhich shorten this distance being present only in reptiles and mammals may facilitaate retrograde flow, e.g., pregnancy (Botha, 1958b).
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