Golden Gate University School of Law GGU Law Digital Commons Caveat Other Law School Publications 9-1966 The aC veat, September 1966 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.law.ggu.edu/caveat Part of the Legal Education Commons Recommended Citation "The aC veat, September 1966" (1966). Caveat. Paper 6. http://digitalcommons.law.ggu.edu/caveat/6 This Newsletter or Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Other Law School Publications at GGU Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Caveat by an authorized administrator of GGU Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ---------~~~==~==~~~--------VOL. I, NO.7 GOLDEN GATE COLLEGE SCHOOL Of:= LAW SEPT 1966 SBA PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Although several months have DEAN: CONTINUED passed since our Student Bar Association elections, I am taking this opportunity to again thank all EXPANSION IN '66 those students who campaigned, and voted for me. My wish is to I appreciate the opportunity afforded me by the CA VEA T to extend perform the duties of this office to my greetings to all the new law students and to welcome back all the re­ their satisfaction. turning students. This is the third year in succession in which we have had a special reason to be excited about our program and plans. In 1964, Also, I would like to welcome we were looking forward to the completion of the remodeling of 536 Mission our new and continuing students Street and our occupancy of the building. In 1965 we welcomed the first to the forthcoming fall semester class to start in that building. This year we welcome the first class to at Golden Gate College. It prom­ begin in our recently approved Three Year Day Division. ises to be an interesting and excit­ The addition of this program ing year for all: for myself and NEW ADDITION TO FACULTY will, I am confident, greatly en­ members of my class, because it hance the program of the entire is our last year; for the first, school and strengthen the part-time program. There are a number of second, and third year students, things we could not do effectively because of the new three-year with only a part-time program, but program, and the possibilities it which we plan to inaugurate very offers to all students for and ex­ soon. For one example we have panded curriculum. added to our full-time faculty the Our students may expect the position of Associate Professor Student Bar Association to be and Law Librarian. Miss Wendy playing an important part in Golden NeIder, LLB University of Califor­ Gate College activities for this nia, Hastings College of the Law next year. Our main objective is has been appointed to that position. to establish an effective placement She will organize an advanced Legal Writing and Research course, program, first, for our law gradu­ One of the more charming as­ and beginning in the Spring Semes­ ates, and then, for jobs for our pects of the Law School this term is Miss Wendy NeIder, the newest ter we anticipate that this course students while attending school. full-time member of the Law School will develop in to a Law Review Work on this program has gotten faculty. A native San Franciscan, Program. The course will be open well underway during the summer, Miss NeIder was an undergraduate to both day and evening students. under the chairmanship of Richard at the University of California at Other special programs and courses Marshall, Secretary of the SBA. Berkeley and received her LLB are under consideration. Recent Other work started by the from Hastings where she was on the changes iIi the content of the Calif­ SBA this summer is as follows: A Law Review staff. She was asso­ ornia Bar Examination have given committee comprised of John ciated with McCutchen, Doyle, the students greater freedom in Schneider and Larry Handleman Brown, Trautman, and Enersen selection of courses and for this has been gathering information with after her graduation from law reason we plan to remove several courses from the required list and respect to the pros and cons of our school. Her assignments here will be increase the number of electives. American Law Student Association Let me close by offering to Compulsory Membership Program, varied, to wit: teaching legal writing and research and one sec­ each and every student my best as is now in effect at the law wishes for a very successful year. school. This information will be tion of equity plus watching over the library and heading an advan­ presented to the student body, and Sincerely, ced legal writing course which will shortly thereafter, a vote will be be the beginning of a planned law John A. Gorfinkel Dean, School of Law taken to determine whether or not review. Continued on page 4 Continued on page 5 A committee to establish an ening trend toward concentration S. B. A. NOTES effecti ve job placement service which Congress wanted to halt." The first topic of discussion was created, with Rick Marshall to If the trend toward concentration was the Student Bar Association serve as chairman. would continue, the market would Constitution. Each member was It was emphasized by the gravi tate towards domination by asked to give particular considera­ President, and the Board concurred one of a few giants and such a tion to; that the Board of Governors' meet-' trend has to be stopped in its 1. election procedure, ings are open to the entire student incipiency. 2. adaptability to the three year body. In the future, notice of the Prior to this decision, Section program, meetings will be posted. 7 of the Clayton Act had been used 3. Law Wives participation in primarily against large national SBA activities and its effect r-...........-----------I concerns rather than against local on the Constitution, and RECENT CASES OF INTEREST firms, and never before had been 4. general overall evaluation. U.S. v. VON'S GROCERY CO., U.S., used against an acquisition giving Chairmen were then appointed 34 U.S. L. Week 4425 a single local firm less than about to the two standing committees. May 31, 1966, the United 30% of the relevant market. Dave Loofbourrow was selected to States Supreme Court, speaking . Justice Stewart, in his lengthly head the Public Relations Commit- through Justice Black for the dIssent called this "a sweeping tee, and John Schneider will take majority with Justice Stewart and new construction" of the antitrust charge ofthe Orientation Committee. Justice Harlan vigorously dissent- laws, and declared that he could Revision of the Student Book mg, threw the antitrust bar into find only one thread of consistency: Exchange was discussed and the ostensible bewilderment. "The government always wins." following plan adopted for the .The .government challenged as As the dust begins to settle coming year: a vlOlatlOn of Section 7 of the the proposition emerges that whed Notice will be given requesting Clayton Act the 1960 acquisition an industry is showing any sign of students who desire to operate by.v0n's Gr?cery Co., Los Angeles' concentration, a merger between the Exchange to submit their thud ranklllg grocery chain of two substantial competitors may name to the Board of Governors. S~opping Bag Stores, the ar~a's be a violation per se of Section 7. Since the profits from operations SIxth largest grocery chain thus "Antitrust and Trade Regulation will be applied to the student's becoming the second largedt gro­ Report," July 26, 1966, stated a tuition, selection will be made cery chain in Los Angeles, pos­ government suit to outlaw such an on the basis of need, etc. sessing 7.5% of the relevant acqu.isition need be supported by Election of a treasurer was the market. nothIng more than evidence of next order of business. The nomi- The Southern California Fed­ ~oncentration trend in the industry nees from the previous meeting District Court, expressing e~al. lllvolved. " ... FTC statistics were Ted Long and Larry Handle- dI~ahsfaction with the government's plus other testimony collected a man. By secret ballot, Mr. Long e.V1dence on probable anti-competi­ year ago at the Senate Antitrust was elected. The Treasurer's hve effect, dismissed the injunc­ Subcommittee's hearing on econo­ first assignment will be to arrange tion suit.. (233 F.Supp. 976) mic concentration suggests there a separate bank account for the JustIce Black in reversing are few industries that are not SBA. At the present time, SBA said, "If ever such a merger would experiencing a trend toward con­ funds are controlled by the College not violate Section 7, certainly it administration. does when it takes place in a mar- centration. " Discussion was then directed ket .characterized by a long and toward the law school's represen ta- contInuous trend toward fewer and tion atthe upcoming ALSA National fewer owner-competitors ... " The t---------------- Convention in Montreal. Several basic purpose of the Celler­ ~oard members felt that representa- Kefauver Amendment to Section 7 hon was a waste of time and money, "was to prevent economic concen­ ((oUoqup and therefore should be discon- trati~n in the American economy by tinued. However, it was moved keepmg a large number of small and seconded, and carried by a 4-3 competitors in business." Between "About 75 years ago, I learned vote, that the school should be 1949:1958, nine of the top 20 chains that I was not God. And so when repres~nted by at least one repre- acqUIred 126 stores from their the people want to do something I sentahve.
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