THE WEATHER ■ ■ ■ w ■ ^^B For Brownsville and the Valley: HOME Mostly cloudy and slightly warmer a a — m a Tlinanaj night; Wednesday partly •* ■ 'm I ■ IT ’h ^ I cloudy and wanner. | | | |^| _ _ _ _ _ —. i OF --- _ THE VALLEY FIRST—FIRST IN THE VALLEY—LEASED WIRE SERVICE THE ASSOCIATED PRESS _ ___ _ FORTIETH YEAR—No. 170 BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1932 EIGHT PAGES TODAY 5c A COPY — ■ .. [ in our I VALLEY! BILL PASSED ABOUT this APPROPRIATION IS NICE THING ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦> ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ *1* ♦ ♦> ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ *♦* v ♦ ❖ ❖ •> ♦> ♦> •> ❖ <♦ ♦> ♦ ❖ <♦ ♦ ❖ column writing business— You just can’t get away with anything. * Make a mistake, and rest assur- ed that somebody, somewhere, Mellon Action in House Will call It to your attention. —" — 1 " m Impeachment Delayed— ■■■ — — *3 rnmmmmmmmmmmmmm Which is as it should be. And we do not mind. <iEX. ATTERBURY TRUNK MURDER CASE GJ>T« UNDER WAY For at least it proves that there " •re people— NEW MATERIAL DAWES WILL I I I ...t $126,000,000 Who read our humble effort*. So we were glad to hear from a “Harlingen lady," IS AWAITED IN HEAD GIANT MEASURE GETS Who told us that the -kumquats” L ivrow'ing in the Brownsville yards sfL Are not “kumquats' at all. CREDIT BODY But are “calainondms.” INVESTIGATION — ——- A species of citrus— SENATE^OKEH Resembling the orange on a Colombia President Business Revival Plan Public small scale. Utility Probe Is For The calamondm grows troni seed, Denies Oil Deal Ready Ordered In House Appears to be almost immune With Mellon Test Committee from damage by frost or cold. | Bears the year round, WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. Pres. It being a common sight to sec WASHINGTON Jan 19. F — WASHINGTON. Jan. 19. (AP» Hoover announced Am- blossoms Final action On the Patman resolu- today “The senate today pawed and bassador Dawes would retire as tion seeking the impeachment of •ent to tonfereiMe the Si’ftooe,- Green and ripe fruit. chairman of the American arms On the tree at the same time. See. Mellon was postponed indef- ! delegation to become president of deficiency appropriation MU. the reconstruction finance And anyone who has seen the | initely today bv the house judl- corpora- tion and that Sec. Stimson would WASHINGTON Jail 19. 4»,— in Brownsville, I clary committee. trees replace him at Geneva. The house today loosened the par- Will bear us out that they are Material Is Asked. liamentary shackles that bound the extremely ornamental. Meyer Is Chairman. reconstruction corporation, send- • • • This action was explained not to At the same time, the president ing the bill to conference with the Jim Fox is mean the case was but | TAX COLLECTOR dropped j stated Eugene Meyer—governor of senate for agreement on contro- it tor in | making easy everybody that future consideration would ! the federal reserve board—Would verted feature* so it can be dls- to the W. j Cameron county join politi- await the printing of the hearings Uen. W. Atterbury. president be chairman of the board of the lwtched to the White House to be cal by establishing sub- ol the Pennsylvania railroad, and made law the s parade the the proposed $2,000,000,000 finance by president stgna- be and receipt of material com ! was stations where poll taxes may a visitor in Brownsville today, corporation. ; tur*. mittee has requested. railroads of paid ir. charge of all the will sail with The senate was ready for the After a brief executive session Sec. Stimson not Just in case you did not know it. the United States in France dur- conference. Both branches gave held after Rep. Wright Patman. | the remainder of the American we would remind you that you may ing tile World War. their time to less W I delegation to the general arms con- prewing legisla- Texas democrat, and Alexander A graduate of Yale, he entered pay your poll tax without paying ference ncxt month at Gen- tion, with the senator* getting Gregg. Mellon's representative, the rail- I coming your property tax. although when service of Pennsylvania eva. I ready to vote on the *12* 000 000 had closed their arguments. Chinn. road in 1886 as an apprentice in you pay your property tax you His place as chairman of tbi deficiency bill which already has Hatton W. Summers said: the Altoona and worked his must pay your poll tax. shops, delegation at the opening sessions passed the house. "We are going to await the print- to the presidency. Please do not misconstrue that way up will be taken by Ambassador Hugh An Investigation of public utility ing of the hearings before we con- He first became familiar with remark as being advice to pay the Gibson, one cf the American dele- holding companies and investment sider the matter further.’ the Mexican border section in As-Kitted Prett Photm one and not the other, it's just gates. trusts was ordered by the houan 1916. when, as of the Above are shown Mrs Winnie Ruth Judd 'center* and her two slain companions. Agnes Le Rot 'left* you ot the tacts. Of Oil Cable Sought. president Pres. Hoover said these sudden to be conducted one of it* com- reminding he and Samu«’Ison At lower left is Mrs Judd's home in Phoenix and at lower by American Railway association, Hedvig 'right*. right officials i course, all of us who possibly can, changes in were necessitated mtttees. The material requested includes rendered valuable assistance to j plans are shown examining trunks in which the bodies of the two women were found in a Lo* Angeles railroad are all of our taxes, and es- the fact that unless Dawes was The ways and means committed paying the orgmal cable sent by Pres this section. by station. de- O O U U _-_-________ to end its tax pecially are we paying up our of Colombia to his lega- named to and accepted the position decided hearings Olaya As director general of trans- T r T T to linquent taxes so as to take ad- as head of the new corporation, he ( next Monday, the plan betng tion here which in turn wa.s laid portation of the American Ex- vantage of the remission of penalty would sail from the United States have a revenue program ready for before the committee today, deny- peditionary Forces he handled the ‘and interest the house by the first of next ing that he had ever discussed the of U. S tomorrow. from transportation problem month But we are getting awav of! concession with Mellon The president is keenly desirous TRUNK MURDER Barco in France, and for his ser- of inter- troops Numbers of committees examin- the poll tax question Lots Patman had charged that the Distin- to have the corporation start tunc- Startled i vice was awarded the j • --in these Every- « t ^ * Drys ed witnesses and legislation today, days. in mthiene- By politic* secretary had a hand j guished Service Medal, the legion losing.4mn*e*i*»*r4v.- is wondering who the demo- the subjects up again including how body ing American bankers to make a of Honor by Prance the Compan- Liven Business. nominate to taxes should be levied and whether crats will oppose loan to Colombia which went for- ion of the Most Honorable Order JURORS CALLED A conference must be had be- 4 per cent beer should be' allowed:. President Hoover. ward shortly after the Mellon con- of Bath bv Great Britain, and the 1 house committee w In Cameron county everybody is oil received the the tween the senate and house for re- Booze The Judiciary Gulf Commander of View trolled corporation of Order conciliation of differences in details Murray postponed a vote on the Patman if the Taxpayers League a concession from Colombia to Crown bv Belgium Jflhondering Winnie Ruth Judd resolution of ‘will have a ticket in thr field and valuable oil iands in the He has been president of the of their bills, but the president is Begins seeking impeachment Burco; Jan. 1!>. —A startled Anti- Sec Mellon. in Hidalgo county rumors would concession. Pennsylvania railroad system since expected to have the legislation for- WASHINGTON, • to in i To Sen Borah republican. Idaho have us believe that that hotbed 1924 I warded him for signature the Fight Escape Saloon league convention weighed today a surprise sug- to have next few Soon thereafter, it in a bill called for reduction of ail of real politics us going days. from Gov. of Oklahoma that a more satis- be started Gallows gestion Murray federal salaries exceeding* *5.000. panties again. is hoped that credit can j Roosevelt Ready re- factory form of control be substituted for Fi x a good year to be a voter, and flowing from the $2 000.000.000 liquor might the only way in the world you can To Take New Post RAILROAD HEAD sources planned for the agency— > existing prohibition. this state of Texas is by to liven business in many fields PHOENIX. Ari* Ian 19.— *>. Recog: 3ed as a dry, the pic- vote in WASHINGTON Jan 19 P — Prisoner Is in i TJve president, announcing the Ruth having a poll t*x receipt your Theodore Roosevelt came to Wash- —IVinnif Judd went to turesque Alfalfa BUI* was given selections at his regular Tuesday 1 possession todav to receive his trial before Judge Howard C. on last s ington appoint- j conference, said he prominent place night the midday press mem as governor general of speak man in county of the biennial con- Here WE WERE to VIEWS CITRUS was gratified to state that Dawes .Maricopa OFFICERS BEAT program big JUST AS ready the Brought Philippines, approved by senate 1 i had the as- superior court today for the vention.
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