AMONG THE MORMONS A Survey of Recent Articles Stephen W. Stathis FOR NEARLY A DECADE, SINCE MARY BRADFORD APPROACHED ME early one Sunday morning with the exciting opportunity of becoming part of the DIA- LOGUE staff, "Among the Mormons" has been a dear friend. Preparing this, my last column, has been particularly difficult, for it has meant closing the door on an extremely rewarding aspect of my life. It has been exhilarating to have a legitimate excuse (at least in my own mind) to take up literal residence in such friendly quarters as Eugene Need- ham's Booktable, a bookstore in my wife's ancestral hometown of Logan, Utah. Much of my children's love of books undoubtedly stems from the long hours they have spent amusing themselves in libraries and bookstores while waiting for Dad to fill up all his bibliography cards. Looking back, I am left with a deep appreciation for the hundreds of authors who have shared their varied insights of Mormonism. The watchful eye of such friends as Linda Thatcher, Gene A. Sessions, Lester E. Bush, and Mary Bradford, was especially helpful in drawing my attention to significant works that would otherwise have remained fugitive. To my wife, Barbara, I owe the most of all, for she made the whole venture possible and worthwhile. It has been a most enjoyable journey. GENERAL "Gay Articles Provoke Differing Reactions." Sunstone 10 (Jan. 1985): 14-17. "The History of Mormonism and Church Authorities: An Interview with Sterling M. McMurrin." Free Inquiry 4 (Winter 1983-84): 32-34. "Huebner Group Lauded in Hamburg." Sunstone 10 (March 1985) : 48-49. Hughes, David. "The Saints in Saigon: An End, a Beginning." This People 6 (April 1985): 46-51. Lindsey, Robert. "The Mormons: Growth, Prosperity and Controversy." New York Times Magazine (12 Jan. 1986): 18-22, 24, 38, 40, 42-43, 46. "Mormon Gains." Christian Century 101 (2 May 1984): 457. Stathis: Among the Mormons 173 Ostling, Richard N., and Christine Arrington. "Awaiting the 13th Prophet." Time 26 (18 Nov. 1985): 85. Simmons, Paul. "On Going Home Teaching: The Quest for That Magical Number 100 Percent." Sunstone 10 (May 1985): 49-50. Stansfield, Elaine. "Baby City, U.S.A." Humanist 44 (May/June 1984): 19-21. Woodward, Kenneth L. "Bible-Belt Confrontation." Newsweek 105 (4 March 1985): 65. , with George Raine, Milan J. Kubic, and Joseph Harmes. "A Time of Testing for Mormons." Newsweek 106 (25 Nov. 1985): 86-87. ADAM-ONDI-AHMAN Thompson, John E. "A Chronology of Danite Meetings in Adam-Ondi-Ahman, Missouri, July to September 1838." Restoration 4 (Jan. 1985): 11-14. "Spring Hill and Adam-Ondi-Ahman: A Reconsideration of the Date of Doc- trine and Covenants 116." Restoration 3 (Oct. 1984): 1, 5-8. ANTI-MORMON Homer, Michael W. " 'Recent Psychic Evidence': The Visit of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to Utah in 1923." Utah Historical Quarterly 52 (Summer 1984): 264-74. Marquart, H. Michael. "A Tanner Bibliography, 1959-1983." Restoration 3 (July 1984): 3-28. ARCHAEOLOGY Berge, Dale L. "Archaeological Work at the Smith Log House." Ensign 15 (Aug. 1985) : 24-26. Christensen, Ross T. "The River of Nephi: An Archeological Commentary on an Old Diary Entry." Newsletter and Proceedings of the S.E.H.A. 158 (Dec. 1984): 1-8. "Stela 5, Izapa: A Review of Its Study as the 'Lehi Tree-of-Life Stone." Newsletter and Proceedings of the S.E.H.A. 156 (March 1984) : 1-6. Norman, V. Garth. "Archaeology at Izapa since 1960 as Seen from the Perspective of the Book-of-Mormon Research Interest." Newsletter and Proceedings of the S.E.H.A. 156 (March 1984): 6-10. Palmer, David A. "The Fluted Pyramid at La Venta: A Response to Warren on the Popol Vuh." Newsletter and Proceedings of the S.E.H.A. 156 (March 1984): 10-11. Sorenson, John L. "Digging into the Book of Mormon: Our Changing Understanding of Ancient America and Its Scripture." Ensign 14 (Sept. 1984): 26-37; and (Oct. 1984): 12-23. ARCHITECTURE Abbott, Carl. "The Facadism Fad: Is It Preservation?" Historic Preservation 36 (Oct. 1984): 42, 47. Attebery, Jennifer Eastman. "The Square Cabin: A Folk House Type in Idaho." Idaho Yesterdays 26 (Fall 1982): 25-31. Carter, Thomas. "North European Horizontal Log Construction in the Sanpete-Sevier Valleys." Utah Historical Quarterly 52 (Winter 1984): 50-71. Roberts, Allen D. "Where Are the All-Seeing Eyes? The Origin, Use, and Decline of Early Mormon Symbols." Sunstone 10 (May 1985): 36^18. 174 DIALOGUE: A JOURNAL OF MORMON THOUGHT ART, DRAMA, AND MUSIC Argetsinger, Gail. "Costumes and Small Miracles." Ensign 15 (July 1985): 22-27. Bell, James, and Cecelia Fielding, eds. "The State of the Arts: Four Views." BYU Today 38 (June 1984): 18-24. Boren, Murry. "Worship Through Music Nigerian Style: A Mormon Musicologist Iden- tifies Our Cultural Blindspots." Sunstone 10 (May 1985) : 64-65. Burgess, Samuel A. "Latter-day Hymns — Emma Smith." Restoration 4 (April 1985): 27-30. Davis, Robert O. "Desert, Brush, and Oil: A Portrait of LeConte Stewart." Ensign 15 (Feb. 1985): 38-43. Farnsworth, Maryruth, and Kathie Horman. "Roy Fitzell: Putting on the Fitz." This People 6 (Oct. 1985): 38-41, 43-44. Fielding, Cecelia. "A Mormon at the Met." BYU Today 38 (June 1984) : 34-35. Geary, Elmo G., and Edward A. Geary. "Community Dramatics in Early Castle Valley." Utah Historical Quarterly 53 (Spring 1985) : 112-30. Head, Derin Lea. "Michael McLean: Boogie Man." This People 5 (Oct. 1984) : 54-58. "Robert Cundick: Pulling Out all Stops." This People 5 (Nov. 1985) : 60-61, 63-65. Hicks, Michael. "The All-Hearing Ear." Sunstone 10 (Feb. 1985): 29-30. Holbrook, Thelma M., comp. "Pioneer Musicians and Composers." An Enduring Legacy 6 (1983): 45-84. Maxwell, Bruce David. "George Careless, Pioneer Musician." Utah Historical Quar- terly 53 (Spring 1985): 131-43. "'The Morning Breaks': George Careless, Musical Pioneer." Ensign 14 (Feb. 1984): 46-50. Moody, Michael F. "Latter-day Saint Hymn Books, Then and Now." Ensign 15 (Sept. 1985): 10-13. Osborne, Steve. "Arnold Frieberg: A Master's Touch." This People 5 (Oct. 1984) : 44-51. Oviatt, John. " T Have Learned to Sing': President Heber J. Grant's Struggle to Sing the Hymns of Zion." Ensign 14 (Sept. 1984): 40-43. Poole, Kit. "Richard Rich: He's Got Character(s)." This People 6 (April 1985): 54-55, 57-59. "Working for Walt Disney: Behind the Magic." This People 6 (April 1985) : 60-61,63-66. Rollins, Kerril Sue. "LDS Artifacts and Art Portray Church History: The New Church Museum." Ensign 14 (April 1984) : 44-53. Rudolph, Walter B. "Emma as Opera." BYU Today 38 (June 1984): 41. Toone, Thomas. "Mahonri Young: Sculptor of His Heritage." Ensign 15 (Oct. 1985): 40-45. Turner, Judd A. "Ed Fraughton: True to Form." This People 6 (May 1985): 64-68, 70-71. -. "Merrill Jenson: Waiting in the Wings." This People 5 (Dec. 1984/Jan. 1985): 70-74. Stathis: Among the Mormons 175 ATHLETES Benson, Lee. "BYU Basketball: The Way It Was ... and Is." BYU Today 38 (April 1984): 39. Bradshaw, Afton Bradford. "Tennis in Utah: The First Fifty Years, 1885-1935." Utah Historical Quarterly 52 (Spring 1984): 179-96. "BYU Basketball Working to Win." BYU Today 38 (Feb. 1984): 36. "BYU Spawns Olympic Hopefuls." BYU Today 38 (June 1984): 36. Chamberlain, David. "Praise the Lord, Pass the Ball." Sport 75 (Dec. 1984): 55-60, 64. Dalton, Joseph. "Too Good for His Own Good." Sport 75 (June 1984) : 24-25, 27-28, 30. Drew, Sheri. "Peter Vidmar: An Exercise in Perfection." This People 5 (Oct. 1984): 20-26. Dunn, Marion. "BYU Breaks the Barriers." BYU Today 39 (Jan. 1985): 28-29, 31. Farrell, Charles S. "Tough Challenge for a Basketball Recruiter: Finding Blacks to Play at Brigham Young U." Chronicle of Higher Education 30 (20 March 1985): 33-34. Firmrite, Ron. "Armed to Win the Big Ones." Sports Illustrated 61 (29 Oct. 1985): 42-45. Greenwalt, Julie. "Volcanic 'Mount' Morris Cools Down to Become King of the Hill for Detroit." People Weekly 22 (16 July 1984): 129-31. Hale, Val. "Arnie Ferrin and Glen Tuckett." This People 5 (Nov. 1985): 22-26. "Dale Murphy: Aw C'Mon!" This People 6 (Oct. 1985): 20-26. Harmon, Dick. "LaVeil Edwards: The Heart of the Hidden Man." BYU Today 39 (Jan. 1985): 22-26,40. Haraldsen, Tom. "Vernon and Vance Law: The Law(s) of Average." This People 6 (May 1985): 56-57,59-62. "High Marks for Women's Sports." BYU Today 38 (Feb. 1984): 37. "Holiday Bowl '83: Never a Dull Moment." BYU Today 38 (Feb. 1984): 34-35. Hughes, David L. "Go West, BYU." Sport 76 (Sept. 1985): 47-49. "There Are Some Who Don't Think BYU Is So Nice." Sport 75 (Dec. 1984): 60. Larsen, Ellen. "Women's Sports: Making It to the Top." BYU Today 38 (April 1984): 34-37. Lubeck, Kathleen. "Henry Marsh: Oh, Henry! Or Putting Things in Perspective." This People 5 (Nov. 1984): 56-59. McCallum, Jack. "Man with the Golden Arm." Sports Illustrated 60 (12 March 1984): 28-31. Marcin, Joe. "BYU Finishes Perfect." Sporting News 199 (7 Jan. 1985): 32. Phillips, Bob. "The Man Behind B.Y.U.'s Passing Fancy." Scholastic Coach 54 (May/ June 1985): 42-44,92-93. Reilly, Rick. "So Good, He's Scary." Sports Illustrated 62 (6 June 1985): 74-78, 80, 82, 84, 86-88. Robinson, Doug. "Lavell Edwards: And Then There Was One." This People 6 (Feb./ March 1985): 20-23, 25-27. "Tackling the NFL." This People 6 (Nov. 1985): 44-52. 176 DIALOGUE: A JOURNAL OF MORMON THOUGHT Simpson, Kevin.
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