/t- · y-C,~. '?-It, 7 55 "'3 \ r-t C:­ fifa o c,. 2 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from· Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/calyx1900wash CALYX Volume V 1900 Published by the Students wASHINfiTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY Lexington, Virginia The Stone Press, Roanoke, Va. To the memory of the Captain who led the students of '61 to a glorious death or a heroic life; of the professor who, for more -=--=-~"' than a quarter of a century after- ;--:- ~-':.- wards, guided the attendants at this University both in learning and in liv- !); ing; to the memory of that band of boys which gave this University the ~ honor of sending forth the only dis- tinctly college company which fought i-----n-- ~ throughout the war of the States ; to ~ the memory of JAMES JoNES WHITE AND THE LIBERTY HALL VoLUNTEERS this book is affectionately dedicated. JAMES JONES WHITE. OVERTURE This, the fifth volume of THE CALY X, is thrust upon an over­ credulous and unsuspecting student body (credulous as to our ability and unsuspecting as to our lack of it) with fear and trembling. We have violated the eleventh commandment-we have been found out-and our sin will ever be held before us by those who trusted us. Consider, however, that the editors are taking their first fling at publishing a college annual and that the management is sadly crippled by the financial burden left upon the stu­ dents by the football season, and let these facts, to some extent, stifle crit­ icism and mitigate the horrors of this book. APRIL 15th, 1900. SESSION 1899-1 900 begins 9 A. M., Thursday, September 14 EXAMINATIONS OF FIRST TERM begin Tuesday, December 12 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY begins 3 P. M., Friday, December 22 1900. SECOND TE RM begins . 9 A. M., Thursday, January 4 LEE MEMORIAL DAY, Su spe nsio n . Fnday, January 19 ANNIVERSARY OF THE GRAHAM-LEE SOCIETY . 8 P.M., Friday, January 19 WASHINGTON MEMORIAL DAY, Su spe nsion . .. .... Thursday, February 22 ANNIVERSARY OF THE WASHINGTON LITERARY SOCIETY . 8 P. M., Thursday, February 22 EXAMINATIONS OF SECOND TERM begin . Wednesday, March 21 SUSPENSION .. .. .......... - .. .. .. Mond ay, April THIRD TERM begins ......... 9 A. M., Tuesday, April LIBERTY HALL VOLUNTEER MEMORIAL DAY . Thursday, May EXAMINATIONS OF THIRD TERM begin . Tuesday, june 5 CO MMENCEMENT ...... See Page 43 Corporation. Legal Title. " T HE W IISHI NGTON AND LEE UN IV ERSIT Y." REV. GIVENS BROWN STRICKLER, D. D., RECTO R, 1899. Trustees WILLIAM ANDERSON GLASGOW, 1865. WILLIAM ALEXANDER ANDERSON. 1 -85. ALEXANDER TEDFORD BARCLAY, 1885. Re.v. EDWARD CLIFFORD GORDON, D. D., 1888. WILLIAM CARUTHERS PRESTON, 1893. REV. GIVENS BROWN STRICKLER, D. D. , 1894. * WILLIAM HENRY RUFFNER, LL.D., 1896. CLEMENT DANIEL FISHBURNE, 1896. REv. ROBERT HANSON FLEMING, D. D. , 1898. JUDGE. WILLIAM PAXTON HOUSTON, 1898. JOHN ALFRED PRESTON, 1898. LUCIAN HOWARD COCKE, 1898. WILLIAM INGLES, 1899. REV. AUGUSTUS HOUSTON HAMILTON, 1899. JOHN LYLE CAMPBELL, SECRETARY AND TREASU RER, 1877. * Resigned June 13th, r&J9. Faculty a.nd Officers. With Date of Appointment. GEORGE WA SHINGTON CUSTIS LEE, LL. D , 1897, WILLIAM LYNE WILSON , Ll. D. , 1897, President E m eritus. P resident. Faculty. GEORGE HUTCHESON DENNY, M.A. , Ph. D., 1899, ALEXANDER LOCKHART NELSON , M.A. , 1854, Pro fessor of La tin. Cincinna ti Professor of Mathematics. MARTIN PARKS BURKS, A. B., B. L. , 1899, P ro fessor of Common a n d Statute La w. JAMES ADDISON QUARLES, D. D. , LL. 0.1 1886, Professor of P hilosophy . CHARLES LANGLEY CROW. M. A, Ph. D. , 1899, Adj un ct Professor of Modern La ng uages. HENRY DONALD CAMPBELL. M. A., Ph.D , 1887, Robinson P rofessor of Geology a n d Biology. Instructors. DAVID CARLISLE HUMPHREYS, C. E. , 1889, Thom as A. Scott Pro fessor of Civil E ng ineerin g. SAMUEL BROWN McPHEETERS, 1899, P h ysica l D irector. HENRY ALEXANDER WHITE, M. A , Ph.D. , D. D., 1889 ROBERT ERNEST HUTTON, 1898, Professor of Histo ry. Instructor in E lectr ical Eng iuec:ring and ADDISON HOGUE, 1893, 1\lat h em a tics. Cor coran Proressor of Greek. FRANK HAMILTON ANSCHUTZ, 1897, Ao;sista nt in Dra wing . JAMES LEWIS HOWE, Ph. D 1 M.D., 1894, Bayly Professor of Chem istry. EDWIN PAGE BLEDSOE, 1899, WILLIAM SPENCER CURRELL, M.A., Ph . D , 1895, Ass is ta nt in Chemical Labora tory. Professor of English. EWING DAVIDSON SLOAN, 1899, HENRY ST. GEORGE TUCKER , M. A., B. L., LL.D., Assist a nt in the P hysica l Laboratory. 1897, Dean a nd Professor of Equity a n d Corporation Officers. Law, and of Con stitution al and Interna t ional Law. JOHN LYLE CAMPBELL B. L. , 1877, Secreta ry of the Faculty. HENRY PARKER WILLIS, Ph. D. , 1898, Professor of Economics a nd Political Science. MISS ANNIE ROBERTSON WHITE, 18951 Libraria n. WALTER LEC ONTE STEVENS, Ph. 0. 1 1898, McCormick Professor of P h ysics. JOHN REDO DILLARD, JR., 1899, Law I.ibra rian. WILLIAM REYNOLDS VANCE . M.A., Ph. D., B. L., 1899, WILLIAM CARROLL MOORE, 1899, Professor of Co mmercial La w. Assista nt Cu stodia n of Reading Room. 8 WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY The Alumni Association. Officers. REV. R. H. FLEMING, D. D . , Virg inia, President. HoN. JoHN W. DAVIS. West Virginia, } Vice-Presidents. PAUL M. PENICK, Virginia, H. D. CAMPBELL, Secretary. \VILLIAl\1 M. McELWEE, T reasurer. Executiv e Commi ttee. H. D. CAMPBELL, Chairman. 1\I. W. PAXTON, WILI.IAl\1 l\I. J\IcEr.WEE, }R., \V. G. McDowELL, H. A. \VHITE. IJ Officers. F. H. ANSCHUTZ, President. 7 D. H. H. ARNOLD, T icc-Prcsident. R. H. JoYNER, Secreta I)'. \V. PINKERTON OTT, Treasurer. E. D. SLOAK, Historian. Class Roll. 1FRA:NK HAMILTON ANSCHUTZ. "Old as I mn, for lauieR' loye unfit, The power of beauty I remember yet." First Ea w the light of day at Baltimore, l\Iaryland, on December l:!th, 18li4; uf German-Engli;;h descent; won while rtt college, Physics Scholarship, '98; Lee Scholar.;hip, '!)!); was Instructor in D~uwing during the years, '!:!7-98, '98-9G, '9fl- OO; Treasurer of Athletic Association, '98-99; President of same, '9!:!-00. Expects to resume practice of Engineering in West Yirginia. '''· r. ~- 2 DANIEJ~ HARVEY IIIJ~L A HNOLD . "Beauty is but skin deep." Born in Bevet·ly, 'Vest Virginia, January 18th, 1879, of English and Scotch-IIish parentage. Undecided as yet what his vocation will be. Belongs to K. A. Fraternity. 1 ' GEOTIGE PETRIE ]'HHIBUHNE. "Grim reader, did you eYer see a ghost?" Pete frowned at this world for the first time on April 17th, 1880, at Charlottesville, Yirginia. Has won the (_~reek Scholarship, '98, and heen Editor-in-Chief of Collegian, '9[)-00. H e thinks he is of Scotch-Irish ancestry. Expects to study Law. K. A. GRADUATING CLASS 4 SA~IUEf.J WILLIAl\IS FIUEH.SO:N. " 1 do not think so fair an outward and such stutrwithin e n<low~ a man hut he." Began his game of bluff at Columbia, Tennessee, Septcml1er 20th, 18ifJ, of English de;;cent. \Von History SchoiMship, '98; was Outfielder on Baseball Team ~, 'fJ8, 'fJ!l; Mannger of Collr. gian, '!)8; Associate Editor of Cullegirm, '!)i. I s studying Law. <!>. K. '1'. "LINWOOD HUFf!' IIOI..:l\H~S. "Admire-exult-despise-laugh-weep for here, There is much matter for all feeling." Burn at Lexington, Virginia, December 3d, 1880; of Scotch-lrioh and Dutl'h ancestry. \Von Taylor Scholarship, '98; Franklin Scholarship, '!)!). " 'ill be an Engineer. 6 REGINALD HEBER JOYNEH. "Devoted, anxious, ge n e rou~, void of guile, Aud with his whole heart's welco me in his smile." Happeneu in this world of woe, October lOth , 1879, at Gordonsville, \ rirginia; of pure English blood. Has been awarded at College the Birely Scholarsh ip, '!)8; been member of the Gymnasium T eams, '!)!), '00. \Viii be a Physician. ;.FRANCIS DARE LAIUX. "His looks do argue him replete with modesty." This lad is of English and Scotch-Irish parentage, and was b orn at Frederick, Maryland, on March 26th, 187!). He has won the Birely Scholarship, 'fl7; Physics Scholarship, '!)!); was Captain of the Scrub Football T eam, '!)fl. Expects to be a Civil Engineer. 8HEXRY LEWI~ 1\IARTIX, JR. "He draweth out the thread of his verbosity, Finer than the staple of his argument." He struck the bluegrass region of K en tucky at Midway, October 5th, 1881 , being a true blue Scotch-Irishman. \Vas hnlf-hack on the Football Team, '99. Will study Law. <!>. K . '1'., El. X. E. 9SAl\IUET.J BROWN l\IcPIIEETERS. "He bears himself like a portly ge ntleman. " This precious package was received in this country, June 22d, 1880, at Rockbridge Baths, Virginia ; hi s parents were 8cotcb-lrish. He has been a member of the Football Tenms, '96, '98, '09, and was Ca ptnin of the Team of '99; .No. 3 on Harry-Lee Boat Crew, '9!); winner in doubles at Tennis, "9 i; President of the Glee Club, '96-97, '98-99; Physical Director, '99-00 ; Associate Editor on CALYX Board, '99- 00; Vice-President Y. iiJ. C. A., '96-97, '98 . ~1!). Will practice Medicine. <!>. r. ~ . 10 \VILLIAl\I PINli.ERTON OT'l'. " He is a m o~t gallant, illustrate, and learned gentleman. " This Rockbridge Scotch-Irhhman wns born nt ~I idway, ' ' irginia, December l~th , 187tl. H e has made himself distinguished b~· winning the 'Vbite Scholarship, '!:1 7 ; Lee tlcholarship, '!JH; Y ounl;' Scholarship, '!:1 \1 ; was Presid ent of the G raham-Lee Society, '98-fl!:l; and President of the Intermed inte Celebration of the same Society, '00.
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