Locations And Tourist Characteristics Of Culinary Tourism In West Bandung Regency, West Java Province Ikhsan Maulana Mulya, M.H. Dewi Susilowati, Ratri Candra Restuti Introduction Tourism in West One of them is culinary Bandung Regency has tourism grown rapidly Differences in These culinary tourism characteristics between locations have different culinary tourism characteristics locations Characteristics of Differences in tourist culinary tourism characteristics found in locations and tourist all culinary tourism characteristics in West locations Bandung Regency Literature Review Tourism • Tourism is all activities related to tourism and is multidisciplinary in nature which emerge as a manifestation of the needs of each person and country as well as interactions between tourists and local communities, fellow tourists, central government, regional governments, and entrepreneurs. [1] Tourist • A tourist is someone who is motivated by something or some necessity to travel or have a temporary stopover outside his place of residence for a period of more than 24 hours not with the intention of earning a living. Basically the word tourists can mean people who travel for fun or pleasure. [2] Culinary Tourism • Culinary tourism is a tour that is influenced by the desire to make a visit to a place where food is made, a food festival, a restaurant, or a location with the aim of trying food. [3] Location • Location is divided into two, namely absolute and relative locations. Absolute location is a fixed location and cannot change because it is related to the shape of the earth. Meanwhile, relative location is a location that can be described using physical factors that exist in the environment and its surroundings. [4] METHOD FLOW CHART This study uses two variables, namely, location characteristics and tourist characteristics. Research variables can be in the form of anything, depending on what the researcher determines to study so that information can be obtained about it, then conclusions can be drawn [5]. No Variable Indicator Explanation Distance from Distance between culinary tourism and other tourist natural/human-made objects (Natural / Artificial) tourist sites Consists of arterial roads, collector roads, local roads, Location Road Network 1 and neighborhood roads Characteristics Includes the diversity of land uses around culinary Land Use tourism The choice of food types is between western and Types of Food traditional rigin of Tourists The diversity of areas of origin of tourists Tourist 2 Viewed by travel companions of travelers (Friends Characteristics Travel companions and Family) Characteristics of Culinary Tourism Locations in West Bandung Regency In Indonesia, culinary tourism is part of the type of tourism in general. Whether tourists who come in groups or individually, as well as spontaneously and in an organized way, culinary tourism is to be tried [6]. Site aspects areBasedseenon basedthe resultsonofdatathe characteristicson types of offoodthe.siteTheretype are variousandtypesthe situationof foodof culinaryin Indonesia,tourism locationsstartingthat havewithbeen Traditional described,food, Arabianthe characteristicsFood, Chineseof culinary Food,tourism locationsJapanesein The situationWest Bandung aspect isRegency seen basedare formedon data. Thisfrom location's3 Food, Korean Food, and Western Food. But generally, aspects,characteristics namely the areelementformed offrom the distancethe combination of the of the what you can find is Traditional Food and Western Food. culinarycharacteristics tourism locationof the fromtype of naturalsite and andthe artificialsituation, which Traditional formfood4orcharacteristicslocal culinaryof culinaryis a typetourismof foodlocationsclosely. The tourism objects, then the road network function aspect. related to ancharacteristicsarea andofpassedthe locationdownare: from generation to Then the• thirdStrategic aspectEnough is theLocation aspectof ofTraditional land useFood around generation as• parttheStrategic culinaryof aLocationtradition tourismof Traditional. At location.the sameFood time, Western Food or Western• StrategiccuisineLocationis aof generalizedWestern Food collective term that refers •to Strategiccuisines Enoughfrom LocationEurope of Westernand Foodother western countries [7-8] Tourist Characteristics in West Bandung Regency The tourist characteristics are divided into trip descriptors and tourist descriptors. The characteristics based on the trip descriptor are differentiated into more specifics based on the purpose of the trip, namely visiting friends or family (visiting friends and relatives), recreational travel,110 based on the length of the trip, based on the way of travel, based on travel information, based on the type of accommodation used, based on the means of transportation which is used for travel, organizing trips and the number of expenses for traveling [9]. 44 43% • Tourists from West Java with Family Family Jumlah 57 • Tourists from West Java with Friends Friends • Tourists from outside West 57%Java with family • Tourists from outside West Java with friends 28 66 WEST JAVA OUTSIDE WEST JAVA Origin of Tourist 29 WEST JAVA OUTSIDE WEST JAVA Family Friends Relationship Characteristics of Culinary Tourism Locations with Tourist Characteristics in West Bandung Regency The characteristics of culinary tourism locations and tourist characteristics can influence each other because tourists from various regions who visit culinary tourism locations will pay attention to the factors that exist in location characteristics. To determine the relationship between the characteristics of culinary tourism locations with the characteristics of tourists in West Bandung Regency, using quantitative analysis, namely Chi-Square. Chi-square is also known as Kai Squared. Chi-square test is one type of non- parametric comparative test, which is performed on two variables, in which the data scale of the two variables is nominal [10]. CONCLUSION The culinary tourism location in West Bandung Regency has the characteristics of enough Strategic Food Traditional, Strategic Traditional Food, enough Strategic Western Food, and Strategic Western Food. The characteristics of tourists from West Java and their families are those who visit more culinary tours in West Bandung Regency. Following the results of statistical tests that there is a relationship between the characteristics of culinary tourism locations in West Bandung Regency with tourist characteristics, West and West Java tourists prefer Strategic Food, culinary tourism locations with traditional food strategic, and tourists more familiar with the location. The location is easy to reach, close to nature and other artificial tourist sites, and has a variety of beautiful scenery. This makes this culinary tourism location more preferred by tourists from West Java and outside West Java. References 1. Dahuri, R. dan Iwan Nugroho. 2012. Pembangunan Wilayah (Perspektif Ekonomi, Sosial, dan Lingkungan). LP3ES: Jakarta. 2. Chafied Fendeli. 1995. Dasar-dasar Manajemen Kepariwisataan. Yogya: Liberty 3. Hall, Colin Michael et.al. 2003, Food Tourism Around the World: development, management and markets. Burlington: Butterworth-Heinemann. 4. Summatmadja, Nursid. (1981). 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