-•.■a-’; i»' J t State Supreme Court Upholds Conviction Of J. !r.t s NEWS 1 WHILE IT IS NEWS FIRST OC IK YOÜR MEMPHIS WORLD VOLUME 23, NUMBER 90 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1955 PRICE SIX CENTS Texas NAACP C’mpaign Honors Si DALLAS, Texas — An intensive NAACP membership and fund­ Some Teaching Number Of^ raising drive underway in this state, conducted as a memorial to the late Walter White, will culminate in a “Mobilization for Freedom” «• Children Of Both Races p rally in Houston on May 22 it was ■ ■'« announced here this week by A. NEW YORK— (ANP) —Early results from an NAACP survey' j Maceo Smith, executive secretary show that there is no trend towards mass firing of Negro teacher» of the Texas NAACP. ' ' as a result of integration. Mr. Smith said the campaign Of the hundreds of Negro teach­ the first time and a number of goals are 25,000 NAACP members ers employed in localities which colored men and women are teach­ and $25,000 to carry on civil rights have desegregated, the NAACP sur­ ing children of both races. work. The drive Is part of a na­ vey shows that oj>)v; 2« have tion-wide NAACP'effort to secure been dismissed because of desegre­ In Washington, the school year one million dollars annually to gation. opened with mixed faculties in'it,, ' complete emancipation by January The survey also shows that there of the District’s 158 public school®. 1, 1963, the centennial of the Eman­ has been no loss of employment by Of the total of 3,620 public school: cipation Proclamation. Negro teachers in any of the larger teachers, elementary and secondary, Dr. T. R. M. Howard of Mound cities such as Washington, Balti­ in Washington. 1,943 are Negro and Bayou, Miss., will be a guest speak­ more. Sr Louis, Kansas CJty, Mo., the remaining 1,677 white. : er at the “Mobilization for Free­ or Wilmington. Del. Wilmington, Del., has six Negro, dom" rally. Dr. Howard is presi­ A large number of white teachers teachers serving on faculties form-' dent of the Regional Council of are instructing mixed classes for erly lilywhlte. !S Negro Organizations. ri Mrs. Wilda Gilton Rites At IT’S SERIOUS BUSINESS . Russell; N. S. Holiday, president Other seminar participants of the as businessmen tell Tennessee State Triangle Chemical Company; Flem 10-day period were Dr Elsie M. St. Andrew AME Tomorrow -’v- - V University students what business Otey, owner Otey’s Quality Gro­ Lewis, Dr. Hilliard A. Bowen, Rev. demands for successful operation. cery; Dr. H. A. Boyd, president of William Simmons of Tenn. State’s Last rites will be held here tomor­ was the widow of the late Dr. J. This panel closed a four-seminar Citizens Savings Bank and Trust faculty; Rev, Wilson Q. Welch, Dr. row (Wednesday) at St’. Andrew H. Gilton. Active in civic and:reel symposium on Negro life sponsor­ Company; Dorris Thompson direc­ E. Ralph Harlow, and Dr. Lyman AME Church, with the pastor the llglous circles Mrs. Gilton Was,one’ ed by Negro history class of Dr. tor personnel training, Kroger Co.; V. Cady of Fisk; Dr. George' Har­ Rev. W. M. Wingfield officiating, of the first Negro Gray Ladles at: AND NOW A HOMEBUILDER—Lt. George W. Lee, shown here in Merle R. Eppse, teacher. Panelists Gwendolyn Hill; Edward M. Porter vey. National Baptist Sunday for the well known Memphis civic Kennedy Hospital and a longtime one of his favorite poses, has added to his stature as a successful and student committee members (moderator), Calvin Brown, and School Board; and Rev. A. L. Por­ and religious woman Mrs Wllla B. deaconess at St. Andrew. political, civic and business leader by entering the field of private are (left to right) Miss Johnnie Miss Bettye J. Lloyd. ter, Jr., Baptist minister. Gilton of 1589 S. Third who passed last Saturday morning around 6 a. Survivors.include a son, the jiev^-. home construction. This week work has begun on the George W. m., in Cleveland, Ohio. Charles W. Gilton of Wilberforce,. Lee Homes promoted by an organization headed by Lt. Lee. 163 Ohio; a daughter, Mrs. Thelma G,;.-. homes will be built first, all with hardwood floors, and the proj­ Mrs. Gilton, a longtime resident Hooks of Memphis and a slster8Jrs.> Ida Dantzler of Chicago. ¡’T/J’H.; ect is so set up that a total of 635 can be constructed.—(See story of Memphis who had been in Cleve­ land nearly four and a half months, Hayes and Sons in charge. ’ *'■ v«!»3 this issue). -------------------- :—-V Memphian Turned Down By Negro Guests No Longer 1 A 'WM. TO KEY NOTE MEN’S DAY Court In 3 to 2 Decision FETE OF MT. OLIVE CME Oddity At The WhiteHouse i A CATHEDRAL Booker T. Washington to lunch,’.<■ The man whom Our World Maga­ Nashville Ministers Rap QHICAGO, Ill. — A few months zine calls the ‘¡Most ’ Controversial ago the sight of Negroes entering, When Ethiopia’s Emperor ’ ’Hsfi»; . (Special to Memphis World) Selassie visited Washington inrlWF.’' Negro in Mississippi” Dr. Theodore the White House to attend social NASHVILLE—Youthful (21) John Arthur Hale of Memphis must gatherings was enough to send all he became'the Hrit NejfKf'to-spenH'- : . R. Mason Howard, outspoken fljh- the rifeli t there'. ■'ThreemoritJ» later,' Tri' die in the-iefectric. chair »aitf the Tennessee- Supreme Court','by a 3 .ter -for civil rights from the’historic Fisk's Dismissal Of Lorch local Wàshington, D. C., newspa­ UVT7KV, - ------------ pers and national news agencies when Liberia’s' President,?fWilllaBi •), to 2 vdter,-as it uphefdTKo .^^^^io^i’oilmposecl upon Hale in GRANTED-NEBRASKA ASSIS­ all Negro town of Mound Bayou, March last year by Criminal Court Judge Perry Sellers for criminal­ scurrying to" get pictures of them V. S. Tubman. visited'the-CdtlSUT. TANTSHIP — Joseph R. Phillips of will speak in Memphis Sunday, May he received the same h(mor,’’DuBi5.) The officers of the Interdemonl- tionary local whites sitting on the entering the White House grounds. ly assaulting an eight year old white girl. Nashville has just been granted a 15 as keynote speaker for the af­ ing 1954, approximately 500 'othief'“' ternoon program of Mt. Olive CME national Ministerial Alliance, Nash­ Board of Trustees. Today if they are not $eyi. at the RAPS MEMPHIS TRIAL permltted the. states counsel (form­ $1200 graduate assistantship by the social functions it causes* comment Negroes Tvete guests of theWhlto Chief Jsiitice A. B. Nell, who along er attorney general John Heiskell University of Nebraska for next Cathedral’s Men’s Day observance. ville, Tennessee, have denounced “Dr. Lorch has served Fisk well. Dr. Howard pre- the action of the Fisk University He has also long been an outstand­ among the local papers, says House, and leading the soclatllst J. with Associate Justice Hamlltori, and assistant attorney general Ed year. A Zoology major graduating EBONY magazine in its June issue. Ernest Wilkins, Assistant. Secretary.4'’ dissented and in his dissenting P. A, Smtih), over the defendants’ with distinction from- Tennessee • I sident and foun- Board of Trustees in firing Dr. Lee ing and courageous" campaigner against discrimination. We . recall of Labor and former Chicago 3 •£ . opinion pointed to one of the facts objections,. to state to prospective State University last ye&r, Mr. l der of the Missls- Lorch, ■ mathematics department torney, . • .¡X - : TMI sippi Regional head, and well-known fighter for with pride the various role he play EBONY reviews of the Negroes, brought out by Atty. Alexander Loo­ jurors the substance of the proof Phillips is at present doing, graduate who have been, guests of former Other notables included Arch!?:, by, one of Hale’s attorneys, at the relied on for a conviction, and ask work at his Alma Mater .while serv­ I 1 Council of Negro civil rights. •> ed in the long struggle to forge the K 'X Leadership which Describing the Board's action as giant Metropolitan Life . insurance­ President Truman and President bald J Carey, 'former.' alternate hearing before the state supreme each juror if.hejwould agree to im­ ing as biology graduate assistant. Eisenhower. This is a far cry from delegate to the United Nations,’ PSi court on Jan. 17 that during the pose thé death penalty.” He will pursue an advanced degree I i M on April 29 held ‘'shocking," they declared: "It is company to rent'apartments to Ne- amazing that the forces dominating the time Teddy Roosevelt made and Mrs. Ralph Bimcheiand sing­ Memphis trial the prosecuting at­ ILLEGAL PROCEDURE in physchology at Nebraska. Son fourth annual (Continued On Page Five) Dixie's editors scream by ■ inviting er Marian Anderson.' . torneys possibly prejudiced the ju­ Justice Neil avowed: “In my opin­ of Rev. and Mrs. F. P. Phillips, Vl s-’j meeting with the Fisk should have nerve enough to rors toward asking for the death ion, this procedure was illegal and he is a member of Beta Kappa Chi first race U S. offend its basic constituency by sa­ sentence. without, precedent in the entire ju- Honorary Scientific Society and Congress­ crificing such a notable fighter for Justice Neil saidi "The trial judge (Continued On Page Five) Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. man' from civil rights on the demand of reac- f .Michigan the honorable Charles < C. Diggs Jr., as Du. HOWARD C. A. Franklin, speaker, will talk on ‘The Negro’s Challenge In This Changing Order.” The afternoon session will begin at 3 p. m. v 1 ' ■ Dr. Howard, who has been equal­ PROJECT HEADED BY Homes are scaled to sell from $7300 of 635 houses at a cost of approx­ Atty.
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