STCC Rallyx Nordic Grenland Class Juniors Grenland 1,240 Km Free Practice 1 07.10.2016 13:30 Practice (4 Laps) Started at 13:36:38

STCC Rallyx Nordic Grenland Class Juniors Grenland 1,240 Km Free Practice 1 07.10.2016 13:30 Practice (4 Laps) Started at 13:36:38

STCC RallyX Nordic Grenland Class Juniors Grenland 1,240 Km Free Practice 1 07.10.2016 13:30 Practice (4 Laps) started at 13:36:38 Pos No. Name Entrant Make Nat./Club Laps Best Tm Diff In Lap 2nd Best 1 16 Guro Majormoen Peugeot 206 NOR-NMK Kongsberg 4 48.803 4 51.325 2 18 Mathias Kveven Hamre Peugeot 206 NOR-NMK Grenland 2 49.295 0.492 1 49.634 3 14 Helena Abrahamsen Toyota Corolla NOR-NMK Larvik 2 49.574 0.771 2 1:14.153 4 15 Joakim Paulsen Opel Corsa NOR-NMK Aremark 4 50.493 1.690 2 51.066 5 22 Hans Emil Pedersen Do Honda Civic NOR-NMK Grenland 4 50.854 2.051 3 50.956 Announcements No. 6 without transponder Official Timing Orbits Timekeeping M.Wagner: Clerk of the course Tony Lund Tjelle: Steward Morten Sjølie: Secretary of the meeting Helge Andreas Licensed to: MW Race Consulting Printed: 07.10.2016 13:48:33 Jensen: STCC RallyX Nordic Grenland Class Juniors Grenland 1,240 Km Free Practice 1 07.10.2016 13:30 Practice (4 Laps) started at 13:36:38 Lap Lap Tm Diff Time of Day Lap Lap Tm Diff Time of Day Lap Lap Tm Diff Time of Day (16) Guro Majormoen 1 51.325 +2.522 13:40:10.386 2 54.024 +5.221 13:41:04.410 3 54.165 +5.362 13:41:58.575 4 48.803 13:42:47.378 (18) Mathias Kveven Hamre 1 49.295 13:41:47.268 2 49.634 +0.339 13:42:36.902 (14) Helena Abrahamsen 1 1:14.153 +24.579 13:40:17.165 2 49.574 13:41:06.739 (15) Joakim Paulsen 1 51.066 +0.573 13:44:55.151 2 50.493 13:45:45.644 3 54.776 +4.283 13:46:40.420 4 51.614 +1.121 13:47:32.034 (22) Hans Emil Pedersen Doksrød 1 58.593 +7.739 13:44:56.599 2 50.956 +0.102 13:45:47.555 3 50.854 13:46:38.409 4 51.581 +0.727 13:47:29.990 Official Timing Orbits Timekeeping M.Wagner: Clerk of the course Tony Lund Tjelle: Steward Morten Sjølie: Secretary of the meeting Helge Andreas Licensed to: MW Race Consulting Printed: 07.10.2016 13:48:54 Jensen: STCC RallyX Nordic Grenland Class Juniors Grenland 1,240 Km Free Practice 2 07.10.2016 14:30 Practice (4 Laps) started at 15:01:00 Pos No. Name Entrant Make Nat./Club Laps Best Tm Diff In Lap 2nd Best 1 16 Guro Majormoen Peugeot 206 NOR-NMK Kongsberg 4 47.970 3 50.066 2 22 Hans Emil Pedersen Do Honda Civic NOR-NMK Grenland 4 49.548 1.578 4 55.792 3 15 Joakim Paulsen Opel Corsa NOR-NMK Aremark 4 49.841 1.871 3 52.859 4 27 Sunniva Rudi Peugeot 206 NOR-NMK Nore og Uvd 4 50.233 2.263 4 50.419 Announcements No. 6 without transponder Official Timing Orbits Timekeeping M.Wagner: Clerk of the course Tony Lund Tjelle: Steward Morten Sjølie: Secretary of the meeting Helge Andreas Licensed to: MW Race Consulting Printed: 07.10.2016 15:09:55 Jensen: STCC RallyX Nordic Grenland Class Juniors Grenland 1,240 Km Free Practice 2 07.10.2016 14:30 Practice (4 Laps) started at 15:01:00 Lap Lap Tm Diff Time of Day Lap Lap Tm Diff Time of Day Lap Lap Tm Diff Time of Day (16) Guro Majormoen 1 50.066 +2.096 15:01:56.875 2 53.881 +5.911 15:02:50.756 3 47.970 15:03:38.726 4 52.823 +4.853 15:04:31.549 (22) Hans Emil Pedersen Doksrød 1 59.176 +9.628 15:02:15.782 2 55.792 +6.244 15:03:11.574 3 55.801 +6.253 15:04:07.375 4 49.548 15:04:56.923 (15) Joakim Paulsen 1 52.859 +3.018 15:02:04.668 2 54.303 +4.462 15:02:58.971 3 49.841 15:03:48.812 4 54.691 +4.850 15:04:43.503 (27) Sunniva Rudi 1 54.411 +4.178 15:02:16.690 2 59.034 +8.801 15:03:15.724 3 50.419 +0.186 15:04:06.143 4 50.233 15:04:56.376 Official Timing Orbits Timekeeping M.Wagner: Clerk of the course Tony Lund Tjelle: Steward Morten Sjølie: Secretary of the meeting Helge Andreas Licensed to: MW Race Consulting Printed: 07.10.2016 15:10:14 Jensen: Rallycross / Grenland / 8 october Class Junior Cup Startgrid Omgang 1 Heat 1 OMG1 PosPos NoNo. NameName 1 22 Hans Emil Pedersen Doksrød Heat 1 OMG1 2 14 Helena Abrahamsen Heat 1 OMG1 3 18 Mathias Kveven Hamre Heat 1 OMG1 4 27 Sunniva Rudi Heat 1 OMG1 5 Heat 1 OMG1 6 Heat 1 OMG1 Heat 2 OMG1 Pos No. Name 1 15 Joakim Paulsen Heat 2 OMG1 2 2 Marius Bermingrud Heat 2 OMG1 3 6 Helene Hvaal Heat 2 OMG1 4 16 Guro Majormoen Heat 2 OMG1 5 Heat 2 OMG1 6 HHeateat 2 OOMG1MG1 Pos No. Name 1 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 5 0 0 6 Pos No. Name 1 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 5 00 6 Pos No. Name 1 00 2 000 0 3 00 4 00 5 00 6 Pos No. Name 1 0 0 2 00 3 00 4 00 5 00 6 Clerk of the course Tony Lund Tjelle Steward Morten Sjølie Secretary of the meeting Helge Andreas Jensen Timekeeping Meik Wagner published: printed: 07.10.2016 15:14 Rallycross / Grenland / 8 october Results Omgang 1 Class Junior Cup Driver Club No.Pos Total Tm. Diff Lap 1 Lap 2 Lap 3 Lap 4 Pts. Entrant Car Marius Bermingrud NOR ‐ KNA Eiker 1 2 3 3:21.190 21 190 ‐ 5454,729 729 5252,228 228 47 47,484 484 4646,749 749 50 0 Honda Civic RX Helene Hvaal NOR‐NMK Larvik 2 6 3:21.951 0.761 53,956 47,286 52,868 47,841 45 0 Honda Civic Guro Majormoen NOR‐NMK Kongsberg 3 16 3:26.618 5.428 56,580 48,346 48,147 53,545 42 0 Peugeot 206 Mathias Kveven Hamre NOR‐NMK Grenland 4 18 3:26.874 5.684 57,209 52,466 48,659 48,540 40 0 PeugeotPeugeot 206 Hans Emil Pedersen Doksrød NOR‐NMK Grenland 5 22 3:33.233 12.043 1:02,749 49,752 49,443 51,289 39 0 Honda Civic Joakim Paulsen NOR‐NMK Aremark 6 15 3:35.580 14.390 1:02,045 52,019 50,873 50,643 38 0 Opel Corsa Sunniva Rudi NOR‐NMK Nore og Uvdal 7 27 3:55.349 34.159 1:04,672 1:04,685 54,333 51,659 37 0 Peugeot 206 Helena Abrahamsen NOR‐NMK Larvik DNF 14 DNF ‐ 56,476 48,103 ‐‐35 0 Toyota Corolla 00 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐0 00 00 00 ‐‐‐‐‐‐0 00 0000 0000 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐0 00 00 00 ‐‐‐‐‐‐0 00 00 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐0 00 00 00 ‐‐‐‐‐‐0 0000 00 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐0 00 00 00 ‐‐‐‐‐‐0 00 00 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐0 00 00 00 ‐‐‐‐‐‐0 00 00 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐0 00 00 00 ‐‐‐‐‐‐0 00 0 0 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐0 00 00 0 0 ‐‐‐‐‐‐0 00 These results are provisional until the conclusion of any judicial and technical matters Info: 0 DiDrivers ilddincluded: 8 Clerk of the course Tony Lund Tjelle Steward Morten Sjølie Secretary of the meeting Helge Andreas Jensen Timekeeping Meik Wagner published: printed: 08.10.2016 11:18 page 1 of 2 Rallycross / Grenland / 8 october Class Junior Cup Startgrid Omgang 2 Heat 12 OMG2 PosPos NoNo. NameName 1 22 Hans Emil Pedersen Doksrød Heat 12 OMG2 2 15 Joakim Paulsen Heat 12 OMG2 3 27 Sunniva Rudi Heat 12 OMG2 4 14 Helena Abrahamsen Heat 12 OMG2 5 Heat 12 OMG2 6 Heat 12 OMG2 Heat 13 OMG2 Pos No. Name 1 2 Marius Bermingrud Heat 13 OMG2 2 6 Helene Hvaal Heat 13 OMG2 3 16 Guro Majormoen Heat 13 OMG2 4 18 Mathias Kveven Hamre Heat 13 OMG2 5 Heat 13 OMG2 6 HHeateat 1133 OOMG2MG2 Pos No. Name 1 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 5 0 0 6 Pos No. Name 1 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 5 00 6 Pos No. Name 1 00 2 000 0 3 00 4 00 5 00 6 Pos No. Name 1 0 0 2 00 3 00 4 00 5 00 6 Clerk of the course Tony Lund Tjelle Steward Morten Sjølie Secretary of the meeting Helge Andreas Jensen Timekeeping Meik Wagner published: printed: 08.10.2016 11:19 Rallycross / Grenland / 8 october Results Omgang 2 Class Junior Cup Driver Club Pos No. Total Tm. Diff Lap 1 Lap 2 Lap 3 Lap 4 Pts. Entrant Car Marius Bermingrud NOR ‐ KNA Eiker 1 2 33:15.430 15 430 ‐ 53,45453 454 49 49,663 663 45 45,909 909 46 46,404 404 50 0 Honda Civic RX Mathias Kveven Hamre NOR‐NMK Grenland 2 18 3:15.931 0.501 52,825 46,385 50,515 46,206 45 0 Peugeot 206 Guro Majormoen NOR‐NMK Kongsberg 3 16 3:20.386 4.956 55,064 46,760 51,965 46,597 42 0 Peugeot 206 Helene Hvaal NOR‐NMK Larvik 4 6 3:22.551 7.121 1:00,074 49,265 46,798 46,414 40 0 HondaHonda CivicCivic Joakim Paulsen NOR‐NMK Aremark 5 15 3:26.330 10.900 55,772 48,814 48,808 52,936 39 0 Opel Corsa Sunniva Rudi NOR‐NMK Nore og Uvdal 6 27 3:32.189 16.759 57,320 54,801 50,055 50,013 38 0 Peugeot 206 Hans Emil Pedersen Doksrød NOR‐NMK Grenland 7 22 3:32.791 17.361 1:02,720 50,721 49,412 49,938 37 0 Honda Civic Helena Abrahamsen NOR‐NMK Larvik DNS 14 DNS ‐‐‐‐‐0 0 Toyota Corolla 00 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐ 0 00 00 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐0 00 0000 0000 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐0 00 00 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐0 00 00 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐ 0 00 00 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐0 0000 00 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐0 00 00 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐0 00 00 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐ 0 00 00 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐0 00 00 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐0 00 00 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐0 00 0 0 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐0 00 00 00 ‐ ‐‐‐‐‐0 00 These results are provisional until the conclusion of any judicial and technical matters Info: 0 DiDrivers ilddincluded: 8 Clerk of the course Tony Lund Tjelle Steward Morten Sjølie Secretary of the meeting Helge Andreas Jensen Timekeeping Meik Wagner published: printed: 08.10.2016 13:21 page 1 of 2 Rallycross / Grenland / 8 october Class Junior Cup Startgrid Omgang 3 Heat 23 OMG3 PosPos NoNo.

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