Revista peruana de biología 28(1): e19745 (2021) Distribution and conservation of Cactaceae in doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.15381/rpb.v28i1.19745 Brazilian Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests: insights ISSN-L 1561-0837; eISSN: 1727-9933 Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos from floristic and phytosociological surveys Trabajos originales Distribución y conservación de Cactaceae en Bosques Presentado: 07/07/2020 Tropicales Estacionalmente Secos: apreciaciones a partir Aceptado: 15/12/2020 Publicado online: 25/02/2021 de estudios florísticos y fitosociológicos Editor: Mónica Arakaki Abstract Species lists available from floristic and phytosociological studies contain important information about species distributions that are useful for making biogeographical inferences and even to evaluate conservation status of species and ecosystems. In Autores the case of the Caatinga, this information may contribute to challenging the pre-es- Silvana dos Santos Simões 1 tablished idea that it is a homogeneous vegetation unit. The strong relation between [email protected] the substrate and the plant assemblages of the Caatinga may characterise different https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7299-4353 types of vegetation. In this way, the objective of the present study is to evaluate Daniela C. Zappi 2 whether differences in the distribution of Cactaceae relate to distinctive types of [email protected] substrate (sedimentary and crystalline) as much in terms of floristic richness as https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6755-2238 species density. Concomitantly, we evaluated the conservation status of the Caatinga Grênivel Mota da Costa 3 areas studied. To obtain the data, we undertook a bibliographic revision of floristic [email protected] and phytosociological studies in the Caatinga and constructed a similarity matrix https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5080-8444 using the selected floristic studies in order to evaluate the relation among different Lidyanne Yuriko Saleme Aona 3* areas of Caatinga. We found that 48 areas included Cactaceae species; 33 species [email protected] distributed in 14 genera were recorded. Among these taxa, Cereus jamacaru was the https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8477-5791 species that presented the largest number of occurrences, appearing in 17 areas, Correspondencia followed by Pilosocereus gounellei (=Xiquexique gounellei), found in 11 studies, *Corresponding author and Tacinga inamoena in 10. The grouping analysis resulted in the formation of 10 1 Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia – UFRB, groups, with a remarkable relationship between species and soil type. There were Programa de Mestrado em Recursos Genéticos Vege- differences in both the diversity and density of species related with the degree tais, Cruz das Almas, BA, Brazil. of conservation of the Caatinga, noticeable from the direct relationship between 2 University of Brasília, Secretaria da Coordenação de conservation and richness and, indirectly, between density and number of species. Pos-Graduação em Botânica, Caixa Postal 04457, CEP 70919-970, Brasília, DF, Brazil and Museu Paraense Resumen Emílio Goeldi, Coord. Botânica, Boaventura da Silva, Las listas de especies presentadas en trabajos florísticos o fitosociológicos pro- 955, Nazaré. Belém, PA. 66055-090. Brazil. porcionan importante información sobre distribución, útil para realizar inferen- 3 Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia – UFRB, cias biogeográficas y evaluar el estado de conservación de especies o incluso de Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Ambientais e Biológicas, ecosistemas. En el caso de los bosques secos del nordeste de Brasil, conocidos Rui Barbosa, 710, Centro. Cruz das Almas, BA. 380- como Caatinga, el análisis de esas listas puede contribuir para confrontar ideas 000. Brazil. previamente establecidas sobre la homogeneidad de esa unidad de vegetación. La fuerte relación entre el sustrato y los ensambles de plantas de la Caatinga pueden caracterizar distintos tipos de vegetación. Es así como, el objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar sí la distribución de Cactaceae está relacionada con los tipos de sustrato (sedimentar y cristalino), sea con la riqueza florística o la densidad de las especies. Al mismo tiempo, evaluamos el estado de conservación de las áreas estudiadas de la Caatinga. Los datos fueron obtenidos a partir de revisiones bibliográficas, de estudios de florística y fitosociología en la Caatinga. Para evaluar las distintas áreas, con los Citación estudios florísticos seleccionados se preparó una matriz de similaridad. Se encontró que, 48 áreas tenían especies de Cactaceae; 33 especies distribuidas en 14 géneros Simões SdS, Zappi DC, Costa GMd, Aona LYS. 2021. fueron listadas. Cereus jamacaru fue la especie con el mayor número de puntos en Distribution and conservation of Cactaceae 17 áreas, seguido por Pilosocereus gounellei (=Xiquexique gounellei), encontrado in Brazilian Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests: insights from floristic and phytosociological en 11 estudios y Tacinga inamoena, en 10. El análisis resultó en la formación de surveys. Revista peruana de biología 28(1): 10 grupos con fuertes relaciones entre especies y tipos de sustratos. También, e19745 (Febrero 2021). doi: http://dx.doi. encontramos diferencias en diversidad de especies en relación con el estado de org/10.15381/rpb.v28i1.19745 conservación de la Caatinga, notable por las relaciones directas entre conservación y riqueza de especies, e indirectas entre densidad y número de especies. Keywords: Caatinga; Cactaceae; crystalline substrate; sedimentary substrate; biodiversity; Sea- sonally dry tropical forests; SDTF; floristic surveys; phytosociological surveys; Brazil. Palabras clave: Caatinga; Cactaceae; sustrato cristalino; sustrato sedimentario; biodiversidad; Bosques tropicales estacionalmente secos; SDTF; listados florísticos; estudios fitosociológicos; Brasil. Journal home page: http://revistasinvestigacion.unmsm.edu.pe/index.php/rpb/index © Los autores. Este artículo es publicado por la Revista Peruana de Biología de la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Este es un artículo de acceso abierto, distribuido bajo los términos de la Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial- CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/), que permite el uso no comercial, distribución y repro- ducción en cualquier medio, siempre que la obra original sea debidamente citada. Para uso comercial póngase en contacto con: revistaperuana. [email protected] 001 Simões et al. Introduction Floristic and phytosociological studies are extremely et al. 2006, Queiroz 2006, Cardoso & Queiroz 2007, San- useful for improving the knowledge about species dis- tosbeen et foundal. 2012, in severalCosta et studies al. 2015, (Rocha Moro etet al.al. 2015, 2004, Moro Gomes et tributions, giving support to biogeographic inferences, al. 2016). Another type of Caatinga, found on limestone and contributing to both species and ecosystems conser- outcrops of the bambuí group, to the west of Bahia and vation (Cardoso & Queiroz 2007, Moro et al. 2016). For Caatinga, one of the largest and most threatened centres of dry tropical forest in the world, analyses of similarity withMinas this Gerais, vegetation. has been highlighted by Taylor and Zappi (2004), however, there are very few floristic lists dealing In general, the environmental characteristics of dry to circumscribe its heterogeneous vegetation types (Li- nares-Palominoand scrutiny of the et al.floristic 2010, compositionMoro et al. 2014, have Morobeen etused al. of succulent plants adapted to arid climate such as Cac- 2016, Queiroz 2017). taceaeforests (Penningtonreflect a high et abundance al. 2000, Taylorand relative & Zappi diversity 2004, Many phytophysiognomies are found inside the geo- Moro et al. 2016, Climate-date.org 2018). As eastern graphic limits of the Caatinga biome in Eastern Brazil, in- Brazil is the third centre of diversity for the Cactaceae cluding semi-deciduous forests, montane cloud forests, rupicolous vegetation growing on quartzitic soils (cam- scale analysis of cactus diversity, taking into account po rupestre) and even enclaves of Brazilian savanna. In thefamily, different with 154physiognomies species (Taylor of the & Caatinga Zappi 2018), (Moro a et fine al. the present work, the vegetation focussed on is Caatinga 2014, Zappi et al. 2011, Queiroz et al. 2017) is much sensu stricto. This is characterised by woody deciduous needed. vegetation of variable density and height, a seasonal and Therefore; it is clear, that Caatinga biodiversity discontinuous herbaceous stratum, and the presence comprises different distribution patterns, and with of prickly or spiny and/or succulent plant species. The species are adapted to the semiarid climate, with mar- studies, we could answer the following questions: Is ked seasonality and scarce and irregularly distributed therethe help a difference of vegetation in the structure distribution analysis of fromCactaceae floristic in rains (Andrade-Lima 1981, Pennington et al. 2000, Sil- different types of geomorphological formations? Does va et al. 2004). Due to these extreme conditions and its geographical isolation from other SDTF groups (Linares- species vary according to the different physiognomies Palomino 2010 ) by the barriers formed by the seasonal, offloristic Caatinga? composition Is there evidence and the that density well preservedof individuals/ areas within the Caatinga show richness and density of indi- biomes, the Caatinga presents almost
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