Michigan Radio Manistique

Michigan Radio Manistique

Format: MOR. Greg Theokas, pres; Robert R. Dorogi. Radio of Michigan. Net: MBS. Rep: Lotus. Format: Michigan VP & gen mgr; Gina DeBiasi, office mgr; Lou Lambert, C &W. Frank Gokey, pres; Dave Anderson, gen mgr; Radio prog dir & prom mgr; Jerry Barnhart, mus dir. Rates: Chuck Poet. prog dir. Rates: $6; 6; 6; 6. $14.20; 14.20; 14.20; 14.20. WKLT(FM) -Co -owned with WTGE(AM). April 8, WJXQ(FM) -Co-owned with WKHM(AM). May 30, 1979: 97.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 500 ft. Stereo. Net: NBC. WKLA Inc. (acq 1950). Net: ABC /I, ABC /E, Michigan 1976; 106.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 ft. Prog sep from AM. Format: prog, AOR. Rates: $9; 9; 9; 9. Farm Radio Network. Format: MOR. Spec progs: Farm Stereo. (517) 784 -6753. Format: AOR. DEnise 2.5 hrs wkly. R. Thomas Plank, pres & gen mgr; Swanson, gen mgr; Jim Ryan, prog dir. Rates: $25; Kentwood Richard Lambert, sis & prom mgr; Martin Kryger, prog 22; 25; 22. dir; diane Arent, prod dir; Dave Hawley, new dir: John WKWM(AM) -Sept 18, 1978: 1140 khz; 5 kw-D, DA. Sonefelt, chief engr. Rates: $1.20: 6; 6; 6. WXCM(AM) -Nov 20, 1926: 1450 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 Box 828 (49508). (616) 676 -1237. Richard Culpep- w -N. Box 1450 (49204). (517) 787 -1450. Casciani per. Net: Natl Black. Roberts Assoc Format: Black. WKLA -FM -May 1971: 106.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 250 ft. Communications Inc. (acq 3- 15 -82). Net: ABC /E. Rep: Spec prog: Religious 5 hrs wkly. Richard Culpepper, Dups AM 19 %. Stereo. Net: ABC /FM. Format: Adult Torbet Radio. Format: C &W. Spec progs: Pol 1.5 hrs, gen mgr. chief engr; Norman Jackson, opns mgr; Frank contemp. Rates: $9.20; 6; 6; 6. Span 1.5 hrs wkly. John Casciani, pres; Hal Payne, Grant, prog & mus dir, stn mgr; Lloyd Brown, sis mgr. gen mgr; Bart Hawley, prog dir; Hugh Thomas, news Rates: $15; 14; 15; --. Manistee dir; David Fuller, chief engr. Rates: $15.75; 12.65; 15.75; 12.65. Lansing WMTE(AM) -June 7, 1951: 1340 khz; 1 kw-D, 250 w -N, DA-1. Box 128, 59 Maple St. (49660). (616) WIBM -FM -Co -owned with WXCM(AM). July 14, WILS(AM) -1947: 1320 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 kw-N, DA -2. 723 -9906. Manistee Bcstg Corp., Charles E. 1958: 94.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 320 ft. Prog sep from AM. 600 W. Cavanaugh Rd. (48910). (517) 393 -1320. Hedstrom. Net: ABC /I. Format: MOR, btfl mus. Stereo. Net: ABC /FM. Format: Adult contemp. Rates: Lansing Bcstg Co. Net: CBS. Rep: Torbet. Format: Charles Hedstrom, pres & corn! mgr; Pete Nezki,gen & $17.25; 13.75; 17.25; 13.75. MOR (ad contemp). Spec progs: Farm 1 hr wkly. prom mgr, prog dir; Bernard Schroeder, news dir; Mark John C. Pomeroy pres; E. L. Byrd, VP; Susan Harvey, Adams, mus dir; Eric Munson, chief engr. Rates: Kalamazoo gen mgr; Paul Crockett. coml mgr; Rick D'Amico, prog $11.50; 10.75; 10.25; 7. dir; Gail McKnight, must dir; Keith Cummings, news WBUK(AM) -See Portage. dir; Larry Estlack, chief engr. Rates: 616.50; 15.90; WRRK(FM) -Co -owned with WMTE(AM). Aug 1, 16.50: 11.50. 1970: 97.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 200 ft. Dups AM 50 %. -WIDR(FM) -July 7, 1975: 89.1 mhz; 10 w. Ant 158 ft. Stereo. Student Services Bldg., Western Michigan U. WILS -FM- January 1967: 101.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 180 Manistique (49008). (616) 383 -1686. Western Michigan U. Net: ft. Stereo. Format: AOR. Linda Tallman, coml mgr; ABC /c. Format: Progsv. Thom De Cerchio, gen mgr; Frank Smith, prog dir; John O'Leary, mus dir. Rates: WTIQ(AM) -Feb 11, 1965: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- Lyn Jason Hampel, chief engr. S23; 22.40; 23; 22.40. N. DA -2. 1501 Deer St. (49854). (905) 341 -2024. American Peakes Ltd. (acq 5- 7 -82). Net: CBS. Rep: WKDS(FM) -Oct 1982: 89.9 mhz; 100 w. Ant 127 WITL(AM) -June 26, 1961: 1010 khz; 500 w-D, DA. Mich. Spot Sls. Format: prog country. Doug Tjapkes, ft. Stereo. 606 E. Kilgore (49001). (616) 385 -0899. 3200 Pine Tree Rd. (48919. (517) 393 -1010. pres; Jim Hall, gen mgr, prog & mus dir; Dixie Kalamazoo Board of Educ. Format: Div, ed. Robert Metropolitan Radio Corp. (acq 4- 11 -64). Group owner: Klugstad, coml & prom mgr; Bill Shust, news dir; Larry Kucera, gen mgr; Rosemary, LaRue, prog dir; Del Mid -West Family Stns. Net: RKO. Rep: McGavren- Parrish, chief engr. Rates: $6.50; 6.50; 6.50; 6.50. Farnsworth, prom mgr; John Badham, chief engr. Guild . Format: Hit country. Chuck Mefford, pres & mgr; William Pacelli, WK FR-FM -See Battle Creek. gen gen sis mgr; Jim Walton, Marine City opns mgr; Greg Rizzo, loc sis mgr; Wayne Waters, WKLZ(AM) -Feb 4, 1956: 1470 khz; 500 w -D, DA -D. mus Duane dir; Stacker, news dir; Chuck Drake, prom WSMA(AM) -Dec 10, 1951: 1590 khz; 1 kw -D, DA. 2315 Schippers Lane (49001). (616) 381 -1470. dir: Geary Morrill, tech mgr. Rates: $34; 26; 29; 26. 5300 Marine City Highway (48060). (313) 765 -8893. Williams Bcstg Corp. (The Circle Corp.) (acq Sommerville Bcstg Co. (acq 2-1-67). Format: C &W. 12- 19 -81). Net: MBS. Rep: Mich. Spot Sls. Format: WITL-FM -April 15, 1964: 100.7 mhz; 55 kw. Ant Spec progs: Farm 3 hrs, Polka 3 hrs, wkly. Richard S. MOR. Walter Isbert, Ares; Jannette Newton, stn mgr; 165 ft. Prog sep from AM. Format: Modern country. Sommerville, pres; James Williams, prog dir; Dar David Chamberlain, opns dir; John Marion, mus dir; John Austin, prog mgr. Hollenrake, news dir; Jeff Sommerville, chief engr. news Rates: 9; 10; 9. Bill Jones, dir. $10; Rates: $7; 7; 7; 7. WJIM(AM) -1934: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Box WKMI(AM) -August 1947: 1360 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw- 40226 (48901). (517) 372 -8282. TWX 517 -372- N, DA-N. Box 911 (49005). (616) 344 -0111. Steere 0741. Gross Telecasting Inc. (group owner). Net: NBC. Marquette Bcstg Corp. (acq 10- 5 -52). Net: ABC /C. Rep: Major Rep: PRO Radio, Pearse. Format: MOR. Spec progs: WDMJ(AM) -July 4, 1931: 1320 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 kw- Mkt Radio. Format: MOR. David E. Steere, pres; Farm 1 hr, Span 1 hr, wkly. James H. Gross, pres & N, DA -N. 845 W. Washington St. (49855). (906) Robert M. Salmon, gen mgr; Ken Lanphear, prog dir; gen mgr; Bryan S. Halter, prog dir; Carl Onken, chief 228 -9600. WDMJ Inc (4- 19 -76). Net: ABC /E. Robert Brink, coml mgr; Robin Hook, news dir; Charles engr. Rates: S14; 10.50; 13; 10.50. Rep: McGavren Guild. Format: Top -40. Lou W. Chappell, A. Gustafson, engr. Rates: $35; 31; 33; 29. chief pres; WJIM -FM -June 1960: 97.5 mhz; 28 kw. Ant 440 ft. Michael Roche, gen mgr. Rates: $15; 13; 14; Net: NBC. Prog sep from AM. Format: Btfl mus. 12. WKPR(AM) -Oct 20, 1960: 1420 khz; 1 kw -D, DA. WJIM -TV affil. Rates: S16; 12.50; 15; 12.50. Box 867 (49005). (616) 381 -1420. Kalamazoo Bcstg WHWL(FM) -Dec 16, 1965: 95.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Co. Inc. Group owner: kuiper Stns. Format: Relg. WVGO(AM) -See East Lansing. 530 ft. Stereo. 249 A.W. Washington St. (49855). (906) William E. Kuiper, Ares, gen mgr; Ron Keith, prog & 228 -9606. Gospél Opportunities (acq 4- 19 -76). For- mus dir, chief engr; Henry Wielhouwer, stn & sis mgr, WVIC -FM -See East Lansing. mat: Rel. Stuart Schaeffer, stn mgr; Lori Gonyer, traf Jim Barzler, news dir. Rates: $6; 6; 6; 6. mgr: Allan Borrett, chief engr. Lapeer WKZO(AM) -Sept 10, 1931: 590 khz; 5 kw-U, DA -N. WJPD(AM) -See Ishpeming. 590 W. Maple St. (49008). (616) 345 -2101. TWX WDEY(AM) -Nov 16, 1962: 1530 khz; 5 kw-D, DA -D. 810- 277 -8952. Fetzer Bcstg Co. (group owner). Net: 286 W. Nepessing St. (48446). (313) 664 -8555. 'WNMU -FM- August 1963: 90.1 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 930 ft. Stereo. Northern Michigan U. CBS. Rep: McGavren Guild. Format: MOR. Spec prog: WTHM Bcstg Co. (3- 1 -73). Format: Easy listen. (49855). (906) Farm 11 hrs wkly. John E. Fetzer, chmn; Carl E. Lee, David R. Sommerville, pres; John F Sommerville, VP; 227 -2600. Board of Control of Northern Michigan Uni- pres & gen mgr; Otsi Gaston, VP & stn mgr; Fred Lori Knapp -Heatherington sis mgr; Jeffrey P. Sommer- versity. Net: NPR. Format: Jazz, class, talk. Ernest E. Douglas. news dir; Lee Dershem, prom dir; James ville, news dir & chief engr. Rates: $13; 13; 13; 9. Phelps, gen mgr; Stephan W. Dupras, stn mgr; Earl Garrett, chief engr. WKZO -TV affil. Rates: $43; 33; Lihich, chief engr. WNMV -TV affil. 36; 29. WDEY -FM -Feb 6,1968: 103.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 330 ft. Dups AM 100 %. Stereo. Rates same as AM. WUUN(FM) -April 6; 1974: 100.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant WMUK(FM) -Jan 8, 1951: 102.1 mhz; 50 kw Ant 370 ft. Stereo. 412 W. Washington St. (49855). (906) 400 ft. Friedmann Hall, Western Michigan U. (49008). WMPC(AM) -Dec 2, 1926: 1230 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 228 -6800. Stereo 100 Inc. Net: RKO II. Rep: PRO (616) 383 -1921. Stereo. Western Michigan U. Net: w -N. 1800 N. Lapeer Rd. (48446). (313) 664 -6211. Radio. Format: Adult contemp. E.

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