CG-G A S J7G 141 Ashburton Avenue, Yonkers, New York 10701 914 963 0730 ERmail: [email protected] + Website: www.stjosephyonkers.org The Rev Joe A Francis Priest Rev Mr José Luis Velásquez Deacon Ms Carmen Ureña Parish Secretary Mr Frank Dietrich Cemetery Superintendent R 914 963 0780 MASS SCHEDULE / HORARIO DE MISAS Sun./Dom. 9 AM (English), 11 AM (Español) Wed./Mier. 8:30 AM (English) Mon./Lun. 8:30 AM (English) Fri./Vier. 7 PM (Español) Vísperas & Misa Tues./Mar. 7 PM (Español) Vísperas & Misa Sat./Sab. 9 AM Mass for Children/FamiliesREnglish PARISH OFFICE HOURS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Monday to Friday, 9:30 AM. to 6 PM Deacon José Luis Velásquez, Director of Religious Educaon (Closed for lunch, 1:00V2:00 PM) Office Hours Monday/LunesVThursday/Jueves R10 AM T12PM HORARIO DE LA CASA CURAL Saturday 10 AM R 1 PM Lunes a Viernes, 9:30 AM a 6 PM (Cerrada, 1 R 2 PM) (914R457R4776) SPECIAL DEVOTIONS/DEVOCIONES ESPECIALES Email: [email protected] Exposion of the Blessed Sacrament with Benedicon, Fridays, a er the 7 PM Mass RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Exposición del Sansimo Sacramento con la Bendición: INICIACION CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS (RICA) Viernes luego de la Misa de las 7 PM Deacon José Luis Velásquez R (914)457R4776) The Miraculous Medal Novena, on Mondays a er the Mass. COMMUNION FOR THE HOMEBOUND Novena de la Medalla Milagrosas, los lunes después de la Misa. Any one who cannot aend church because of illness or age, please contact the parish office so that arrangements can be made BAPTISMS & MARRIAGES to bring communion to you. Contact the Parish Office for COMUNION PARA LOS ENFERMOS informaon. By appointment only. Llámanos para que uno de nuestros ministros te lleve la BAUTISMOS & BODAS Sagrada Comunión. Llamar la oficina parroquial. Hacer una cita de antemano. Holy Days/Días Festivos SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Check the Liturgical Calendar for the Mass schedule. Revise el calendario dentro del boletín. 9:45 AM on Saturdays. Any me by appointment. SACRAMENTO DE LA RECONCILIACIÓN WELCOME, NEW PARISHIONERS! Sabado a las 9:45 AM. O llamar para una cita. Please visit the Rectory so that we may formally register you as members of the parish. ANOINTING OF THE SICK /UNCIÓN DE ENFERMOS ¡BIENVENIDOS NUEVOS FELIGRESES! Call anyme. / Llamar a cualquier hora. Favor de visitar la Casa Cural para inscribirse en nuestra parroquia. COLLECTIONS/COLECTAS January 27, 2019 Weekly need is / Necesidad semanal es: $6,178.00 Sunday/Domingo, February 3rd Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday Offering $2,901.00 Jer 1: 4-5, 17-19; 1 Cor 12: 31-13:13 / Lk 4: 21-30 (9 AM $1,721 & 11 AM $1,180) 9 AM Hippeli Family Church Property Fund $733.25 th 11 AM † Maria A. De Los Santos (7 Aniversario) † Maximiliano De Los Santos † Santiago Frías May God Bless you for your generosity! † Lucina Simón ¡Que Dios los bendigas a todos por su generosidad! † Angel Ramírez Monday/Lunes, February 4th Wedding Banns (III) Heb 11: 32-40 / Mk 5: 1-20 Jesús Cano-Calvario & Angélica Romero-Romero 8:30 AM † Santiago Frías (March 9, 2019, at San Pablo del Monte Tlaxcala, Tuesday/Martes, February 5th México). St. Agatha Heb 12: 1-4 / Mk 5: 21-43 Amonestaciones de matrimonio (III) 7 PM † Santiago Frías Jesús Cano-Calvario & Angélica Romero-Romero (09 de Marzo del 2019, en San Pablo del Monte Wednesday/Miércoles, February 6th Tlaxcala, México). St. Paul Miki & Companions Heb 12: 4-7, 11-15 / Mk 6: 1-6 8:30 AM † John D. Mansfield † Santiago Frías URGENTLY NEEDED th Friday/Viernes, February 8 We are looking for a volunteer who is computer-savy Sts. Jerome Emiliani & Josephine Bakhita to manage our Facebook Page and Social Media. Heb 13: 1-8 / Mk 6: 14-29 7 PM Available th Saturday/Sábados, February 9 Heb 13: 15-17, 20-21 / Mk 6:30-34 St. Bartholomew’s 9 AM Catherine López (Birthday) Winter Festival Dance-2019 Sunday/Domingo, February 10th Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Escape the winter blues and come join us. Is 6: 1-2, 3-8; 1 Cor 15: 1-11 / Lk 5: 1-11 Great food from local restaurant, music 9 AM Available and dancing!!! When: Saturday, February16, 2019 11 AM † Rosa Achahui 6 PM (after the 5 PM Mass) † Casiano Condorhuacho † Lorenzo Achahui † Juan Sanchez (7th Aniversario) For questions or to buy tickets: Please contact the Parish Office at 914-965-0566 or Staci at 914-980-5866 UNEXPECTED PREGNANCY? If you are in a crisis pregnancy, please call (914) 620-4464 LIFE OPTIONS CENTER 24 / 7. ¿EMBARAZO INESPERADO? Si se encuentra en una crisis por causa del embarazo, llamar al (914) 620-4464 LIFE OPTIONS CENTER - disponible, 24 / 7. Year of Luke (C) - February 3, 2019 Año de Lucas (C) –3 de febrero del 2019 St Paul Miki and Companions (Feb 6) San Pablo Miki y Compañeros Originally, Japan was evangelized by the Portuguese Seréis Mis Testigos. Jesuits. Later, Franciscans and Spaniards came. Owing Clavados en la cruz, era admirable ver la constancia de largely to the efforts of St Francis Xavier, by 1597, todos, a la que les exhortaban el padre Pasio y el padre there were over 200,000 Catholics in Japan. Rodríguez. El Padre Comisario estaba casi rígido, los Nagasaki, Japan, is familiar to most of us as the city on ojos fijos en el cielo. El hermano Martín daba gracias which the 2nd atomic bomb was dropped in 1945, a la bondad divina entonando algunos salmos y aña- killing 1000s of people. Three and a half centuries ear- diendo el verso: A tus manos, Señor. También el her- lier, 26 martyrs of Japan were crucified on a hill, now mano Francisco Blanco daba gracias a Dios con voz known as the Holy Mountain, overlooking Nagasaki. clara. El hermano Gonzalo recitaba también en alta This group of 26 Christians suffered martyrdom on voz la oración dominical y la salutación angélica. Pa- February 5, 1597. The group was made up of 6 Fran- blo Miki, nuestro hermano, al verse en el púlpito más ciscans (from Spain, Mexico and India), 3 Japanese honorable de los que hasta entonces había ocupado, Jesuit catechists (including Paul Miki), and 17 Japa- declaró en primer lugar a los circunstantes que era ja- nese lay Catholics. ponés y jesuita, y que moría por anunciar el Evange- After part of their left ears had been cut off, they were lio, dando gracias a Dios por haberle hecho beneficio led through various towns, their cheeks stained with tan inestimable. Después añadió estas palabras: «Al blood, as a deterrent to others. Upon their arrival at llegar este momento no creer ninguno de vosotros que their place of execution near Nagasaki, they were al- me voy a apartar de la verdad. Pues bien, os aseguro lowed to make their confession to two Jesuits. Then que no hay más camino de salvación que el de los cris- they were tied to crosses with ropes and chains about tianos. Y como quiera que el cristianismo me enseña a their arms and legs and with an iron collar round their perdonar a mis enemigos y a cuantos me han ofendido, necks, they were raised into the air. The foot of each perdono sinceramente al rey y a los causantes de mi cross fell into a hole in the ground, prepared for it. muerte, y les pido que reciban el bautismo.» Y, vol- The crosses were planted in a row, about 4 feet apart, viendo la mirada a los compañeros, comenzó a ani- and each martyr had an executioner near him with a marles para el trance supremo. Los rostros de todos spear, ready to pierce his side - according to the Japa- tenían un aspecto alegre, pero el de Luis era singular. nese method of crucifixion. As soon as all the crosses Un cristiano le gritó que estaría en seguida en el paraí- had been planted, the executioners raised their lances so. Luis hizo un gesto con sus dedos y con todo su at a given signal, and the martyrs were killed, almost at cuerpo, atrayendo las miradas de todos. Antonio, que the same instant. They sang hymns and offered pray- estaba al lado de Luis, fijos los ojos en el cielo, y des- ers throughout their torture and death. pués de invocar los nombres de Jesús y María, entonó When missionaries returned to Japan in the 1860s, at el salmo: Alabad, siervos del Señor, que había apren- first, they found no trace of Christianity. But after es- dido en la catequesis de Nagasaki, pues en ella se les tablishing themselves they found that 1000s of Chris- hace aprender a los niños ciertos salmos. Otros repe- tians lived around Nagasaki and that they had secretly tían: «¡Jesús!, ¡María!», con rostro sereno. Algunos preserved the faith. Beatified in 1627, the martyrs of exhortaban a los circunstantes a llevar una vida digna Japan were finally canonized in 1862. They are col- de cristianos. Con éstas y semejantes acciones mostra- lectively referred to as the Japanese martyrs or the Na- ban su prontitud para morir. Entonces los verdugos gasaki martyrs. desenvainaron cuatro lanzas como las que se usan en The survival of Japanese Catholicism is one of the Japón. Al verlas, los fieles exclamaron: «¡Jesús!, most moving stories in the history of the Church. For ¡María!», y se echaron a llorar con gemidos que llega- over two centuries the people had no priests but lived ban al cielo. Los verdugos remataron en pocos instan- the faith as best they could in secret, not daring to keep tes a cada uno de los mártires.
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