PAGE 8B Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan ■ Friday, February 25, 2011 www.yankton.net FRIDAY PRIMETIME/LATE NIGHT MARCH 4, 2011 OSCAR 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 BROADCAST STATIONS From Page 1A Arthur Å WordGirl Wild The Fetch! Nightly PBS NewsHour (N) (In Washing- Need to Know (N) (In McLaugh- Market to Dakota Last of the Dakota BBC World Charlie Rose (N) (In Tavis Smi- Playing for the World: PBS (DVS) Å (DVS) Kratts Å Electric With Ruff Business Stereo) Å ton Week Stereo) Å lin Group Market Å Life “His- Summer Life News Stereo) Å ley Å 1904 Indian Girls’ KUSD ^ 8 ^ Company Ruffman Report (N) Å (N) tory” Wine Basketball KTIV $ 4 $ Extra (N) Cash Ellen DeGeneres News (N) News News (N) Ent Who Do You Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å News (N) Jay Leno Late Night Carson News (N) Extra (N) BEST DIRECTOR The Doctors Å Judge Judge KDLT NBC KDLT Two and a Who Do You Think You Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å KDLT The Tonight Show Late Night With Last Call According Paid Pro- NBC Judy Å Judy Å News Nightly News Half Men Are? “Lionel Richie” News With Jay Leno (In Jimmy Fallon (N) (In With Car- to Jim Å gram NOMINEES: Darren Aronofsky KDLT % 5 % (N) Å News (N) (N) Å (N) Å (N) Å Stereo) Å Stereo) Å son Daly KCAU ) 6 ) Dr. Phil Å Oprah Winfrey News ABC News Inside Supernanny (N) Primetime: What 20/20 (N) Å News Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live Paid Paid Paid (Off Air) for “Black Swan”; David O. Dr. Phil (In Stereo) Å The Oprah Winfrey News CBS News Entertain- The Defenders A man CSI: NY A power- Blue Bloods A door- News Late Show With The Late Late Show News The Insid- Access Russell for “The Fighter”; Tom CBS Show Å Evening ment wakes up to find a dead ful gang’s leader is man at a nightclub is David Letterman (In With Craig Ferguson er (N) Å Hollywood KELO + 3 + News Tonight (N) body. (N) killed. Å murdered. Å Stereo) Å (N) (In Stereo) Å (N) Hooper for “The King's Speech”; The Ellen DeGeneres Be a Mil- Jeopardy! News ABC World News Wheel of Supernanny Helping Primetime: What 20/20 (N) (In Stereo) Å News Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live (In Inside Edi- Curb Your Entourage Extra (N) ABC Show (N) (In Stereo) Å lionaire (N) Å News Fortune the parents of five chil- Would You Do? (In (N) Å Stereo) Å tion (N) Å Enthusi- Å Å David Fincher for “The Social ` ` Network”; Joel Coen and Ethan KSFY 7 (N) Å dren. (N) Å Stereo) Å asm KMEG . 13 & Nate Berkus The Doctors Å Jeopardy News News Wheel The Defenders (N) CSI: NY Å Blue Bloods Å News Letterman Late Raymond Raymond Mathis Coen for “True Grit” My Name New Swift Jus- Swift Jus- America’s Funniest How I How I 42nd NAACP Image Awards Honoring people The Office The Office Scrubs Scrubs Å Friends Å Friends Å Every- Every- Hates Hates NATHAN SAYS: This is the FOX Is Earl Å Adv./Old tice tice Home Videos (In Ste- Met Your Met Your of color. (In Stereo Live) Å “Local Å “My Extra body-Ray- body-Ray- Chris Chris KTTW 5 9 _ Christine reo) Å Mother Mother Ad” Å Mile” mond mond award that goes to the present. KLKN Ellen DeGeneres Dr. Phil Å News ABC News Smarter Supernanny (N) Primetime: What 20/20 (N) Å News Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live Paid (Off Air) David Fincher, in what may be KOLN Oprah Winfrey First four Jeopardy News News News Wheel The Defenders (N) CSI: NY Å Blue Bloods Å News Letterman Late Paid Inside Extra (N) his most reserved directorial KPTH Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Justice Justice Simpsons Simpsons High School Basketball High School Basketball News 42nd NAACP Image Awards Å Friends Friends Fam. Guy effort to date, will get the gold. KSCB 97 Worship Worship Phillips Hillsong Zola Lev Changing Back to J. Hagee Rod P. World Revival Church Services Van Impe Franklin Word Copeland Life To J. Meyer Sound Second Base Church KSIN 99 , Arthur Electric Martha WordGirl Curious PBS NewsHour (N) Ebert Wash. Iowa Market Lark Rise Wait... Business Dwarf Top Secret Rosies (Off Air) Here, he puts all the focus on a KXNE ( Curious Cy Arthur WordGirl Wild Electric PBS NewsHour (N) Your Kids Binge Wash. Need to Know (N) News Your Kids Binge Served? Served? (Off Air) human drama about friendship PAY CHANNELS ›› ››› ›› and greed (with, admittedly, a lit- (401) “State of Robin “Post Grad” (2009) Alexis Ble- “Catch Me if You Can” (2002) Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Ricky Ger- Eastbound Real Time With Bill Real Time With Bill Funny or Ricky Ger- Funny or “Old School” (2003) Luke Wil- HBO 17 Play” Hood del. (In Stereo) Å Hanks. (In Stereo) Å vais Maher Å Maher Å Die vais Die son. (In Stereo) Å tle technical flair by casting HBO2 ››› “Looking for Richard” ›› “King Kong” (1976) Jeff Bridges. (In Stereo) ›› “The Wolfman” (2010) Wolfman ›› “Jennifer’s Body” (2009) › “Friday the 13th” (2009) (In Stereo) Bill Maher... But I’m Not Wrong › ›› ›› ››› ››› Armie Hammer to play both of (420) “Time “Juwanna Mann” (2002) Miguel “The Frighteners” (1996) Michael J. Fox, “It’s Complicated” (2009) Meryl Streep, “The People vs. Larry Flynt” (1996) Life on Top “Dark Fantasies” (2011) Jack Law- “Darkman” the Winklevoss twins). Despite MAX Traveler” A. Núñez. Jr. (In Stereo) Trini Alvarado. (In Stereo) Å Steve Martin. (In Stereo) Å Woody Harrelson. (In Stereo) Å (N) rence. Premiere. (In Stereo) (1990) Liam Neeson. MAX2 ›› “Edge of Darkness” Å ››› “Gattaca” (1997) Å ›› “Daredevil” (2003) Ben Affleck. Å ›› “Edge of Darkness” (2010) Å Lingerie ››› “Public Enemies” (2009) Johnny Depp. Å Co-Ed Confidential the lack of flair, it’s still very SHOW 18 (435) › “Taking Chances” (2009) Justin Long. ››› “Adventureland” (2009) Å›“Punisher: War Zone” (2008, Action) ››› “The Ghost Writer” (2010, Drama) › “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell” “Adventureland” much a Fincher film, and a very SHOW2 Nobel › “Hardball” (2001) Keanu Reeves. ››› “The Messenger” (2009) Å Californ. Shameless Å “World’s Greatest Dad” (2009) “Housebroken” (2009) Danny DeVito. Å Mike Epps Presents good one at that. Tom Hooper TMC ›› “Antitrust” (2001) Ryan Phillippe. ›› “Soul Men” (2008) (In Stereo) › “The Janky Promoters” › “Next Day Air” (2009) Å “Immaculate Conception of Little Dizzle” “Sexual Magic” (2001) Å Wild may have won the Directors CABLE STATIONS A&E 57 I Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Guild award, but he won’t get AMC 41 V ››› “Cujo” (1983) Å ›› “Constantine” (2005) Keanu Reeves. Å The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Cujo Å this one. ANPL 19 K Hero Phoenix Hero Phoenix Hero Phoenix I Shouldn’t Be Alive Fatal Attractions Fatal Attractions (N) Confessions Fatal Attractions Confessions Fatal Attractions I Shouldn’t Be Alive Personally, I’ve always been a BRAVO 25 W Top Model Top Model Top Model Real Housewives Bethenny Ever After ›› “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” (2003) ›› “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” (2003) Bethenny Ever After big fan of Darren Aronofsky, but CMTV 38 Ω “Young Guns II” Dukes-Hazzard Dukes-Hazzard Dukes-Hazzard Working Wedding Working Working Wedding Wedding ››› “Pure Country” (1992) George Strait. Å Wedding Wedding Wedding CNBC 53 T Closing Bell Options Money in Mad Money (N) The Kudlow Report 60 Minutes on Truth About Remington Un. Mad Money 60 Minutes on Truth About Paid Paid he just doesn’t have the success- CNN 33 Q Newsroom (N) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer (N) John King, USA (N) Race and Rage Piers Morgan Anderson Cooper Race and Rage Piers Morgan Anderson Cooper Race and Rage ful track run that Fincher has COM 45 ≠ Cad Futurama South Pk Tosh.0 Scrubs Presents Daily Colbert Presents Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Completely Serious Comedy Comedy Completely Serious ›› “Scary Movie 3” (2003) Anna Faris. had. I hope his day will come. CSPAN 49 1 House of Representatives Tonight From Washington Capital News Today Washington WHO WILL WIN: David DISC 34 L American Chopper Auction Auction Cash Chicago American Chopper Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska American Loggers Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska American Loggers The Colony Å DISN 64 D Deck Deck Deck Deck Shake It Shake it Shake It Shake It Deck Fish Phineas Deck Deck Deck Deck Deck Fish Phineas Shake it Shake It Shake It Zenon Fincher DISXD 65 (103) Phineas Phineas ›› “An Extremely Goofy Movie” (2000) Buttowski Buttowski Zeke Zeke I’m-Band Phineas Zeke I’m-Band Deck Phineas I’m-Band Zeke Phineas Deck Phineas Naruto DARK HORSE CANDIDATE: E!TV 51 Æ Sex/City Sex & The E! True Hollywood Story Holly’s E! News (N) Sex/City Sex & Kourtney Kourtney The Soup Fashion Chelsea E! News Chelsea The Soup Fashion Chelsea Chelsea Tom Hooper ENC (480) Diehard 2 ›› “Little Giants” (1994) ›› “The Sandlot” (1993) Tom Guiry. ››› “The Fifth Element” (1997) Å ››› “Die Hard 2” (1990) Bruce Willis. ›› “The Jerk” (1979) Steve Martin. Å “Buffy-Slayer” WHO SHOULD WIN: Darren ESPN 28 8 NFL Live J. Rome Around Pardon SportsCenter Å NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Orlando Magic.
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