ROYAL OCEAN RACING CLUB Divisions: Class Rating Band Flag C = IRC IRC CK TCC 0.850 and Above Pennant 9 ENTRY LIST ALL YACHTS

ROYAL OCEAN RACING CLUB Divisions: Class Rating Band Flag C = IRC IRC CK TCC 0.850 and Above Pennant 9 ENTRY LIST ALL YACHTS

ROYAL OCEAN RACING CLUB Divisions: Class Rating Band Flag C = IRC IRC CK TCC 0.850 and aBove Pennant 9 ENTRY LIST ALL YACHTS - IRC 2H = IRC Two Handed IRC Z TCC 1.275 and aBove Pennant 0 2017 RORC CariBBean 600 Race C40 = Class 40 IRC 1 TCC 1.101 - 1.274 Pennant 1 CSA IRC 2 TCC 1.051 - 1.100 Pennant 2 M = Multihull IRC 3 TCC 1.007 - 1.050 Pennant 3 Superyacht CSA 1 TCC 1.001 and greater Pennant 6 Spirit of Tradition CSA 2 TCC 0.850 - 1.000 Pennant 6 Multihull MOCRA, all TCF Pennant 8 Sail No. Yacht Class Division TCC Max Crew Owner Sailed By Type Colour USA 25555 RamBler 88 CK C 1.853 E 26 George David Canting Keel Sloop Silver GBR 1 R Leopard CK C 1.799 E 29 Mike Slade Farr 100 Light Blue FRA 1953 SFS II CK C 1.689 E 21 Lionel Pean Vor 70 Black MLT 004 Trifork/l4 CK C 1.668 21 Jens Dolmer Vor 70 White AUT 2002 Green Dragon CK C 1.661 21 Johannes Schwarz Vor 70 White GBR 4945 R Maverick CK C 1.414 E 13 Oliver Cotterell Infiniti 46 R Silver Class Total: 6 GBR 11502 Shamanna Z C 1.621 Anders Nordquist Swan Blue USA 60722 Proteus Z C 1.614 E 22 George Sakellaris Maxi 72 Grey USA 45 Bella Mente Z C 1.612 E 22 Hap Fauth JV 72 Custom Blue CAY 126 Danneskjold Z C 1.479 28 Simon Hill Dixon 100 Grey USA 7575 Bella Pita Z C 1.466 Jim Grundy Tripp 75 Black USA 46269 Runaway Z C 1.440 E 21 Thomas Corkett Sr. Andrews 70 Custom White CAY 27 Adela Z C 1.431 41 Adela Ltd Greg Norwood-Perkins Dijkstra White CAN 08 Esprit De Corps IV Z C 1.390 18 Georges Leblanc Maxime Grimard Volvo60 Black USA 52329 HeartBreaker Z C 1.376 RoBert Hughes Transpac 52 Grey GBR 301 Challenger Z C 1.371 18 Christopher Stanmore-major WhitBread 60 Black/ Orange NED 8812 Tulip Z C 1.358 Melle Boersma Frers Custom 88 Dark Brown GBR 72 L Louise Z C 1.349 E 22 Grant Gordon Racoupeau 72 Custom Light Blue GER 7007 Black Pearl Z C 1.338 Stefan Jentzsch Carkeek 47 Black 5 Eleonora E Z C 1.295 Peras Ltd. Brendan McCoy Gaff Rigged Schooner White ESP 7211 Ocean Phoenix Z C 1.277 23 Jose Aguinaga Juan Luis Serra Lalaurie Pendennis 77 White Class Total: 15 Sail No. Yacht Class Division TCC Max Crew Owner Sailed By Type Colour USA 13751 Kialoa III 1 C 1.272 K3 Foundation Stephen Stewart Sloop White RUS 931 Anna 1 C 1.230 16 ZAO "SMM" Mikhail Mataruev Mobile 53 Blue GBR 8653 R Spirit of Juno 1 C 1.223 E 19 Ondeck Farr 65 White IRL 7600 Lilla 1 C 1.207 E 22 DP Yachts Ltd Simon & Nancy De Pietro C.n.b. Briand 76 Claret GBR 1372 R Nisida 1 C 1.202 E 15 Carl Wilcock Gy 51 White SUI 5006 Gordons 1 C 1.172 Oliver Heer Bermudian Sloop White GBR 4669 R Pata Negra 1 C 1.172 13 Giles Redpath Lombard Irc 46 2.50 Light Grey FRA 43894 Purple Rain 1 C 1.169 10 Jean-marc Calmet Pogo 12.50 Wight USA 60454 Azura 1 C 1.168 E 16 Jamie Walker Swan 56 Blue CAN 1213 Hermes 1 C 1.160 Morgen Watson Pogo 12.50 White 911882 Taz 1 C 1.156 9 Bernard Evan-wong Reichel Pugh 37 White GBR 17 R Nemesis 1 C 1.150 13 James Heald Swan 45 White GBR 905 R Xanadu 1 C 1.147 15 Simon Costain X-50 White USA 2650 Hound 1 C 1.115 Frank Eberhart Nielsen Custom White GBR 8633 R Jings 1 C 1.107 E 12 David Ballantyne J/133 White USA 42673 Spice 1 C 1.105 Kevin McLaughlin J/44 White GBR 1250 Yellowdrama IV 1 C 1.102 E 17 Stephen Matthews Swan 57 White Class Total: 17 GBR 4778 R EH01 2 C 1.092 13 Global Yacht Racing Andy Middleton First 47.7 White GBR 2215 L Quokka 8 2 C 1.090 E 11 Global Yacht Racing Christian Reynolds Grand Soleil 43 White USA 52902 Redshift on El Ocaso 2 C 1.089 RoBert Hillier Ed Fishwick J122 Blue GBR 970 R Jua Kali 2 C 1.086 E 11 Dominic Hurndall Grand Soleil 43 White USA 28920 Sunset 2 C 1.086 Andy Middleton J120 Silver GBR 8405 R Olympia's Tigress 2 C 1.085 E 10 Susan Glenny / Tigress Sport Susan Glenny First 40 White And Black GBR 7408 R Arthur Logic 2 C 1.069 E 10 Sailing Logic First 40 White GBR 9192 R Eos 2 C 1.064 10 Roderick Stuart Elan 410 Blue GBR 9193 T Piccolo 2 C 1.063 Andrew Yates Dufour 44 White GBR 1702 T Scarlet Oyster 2 C 1.059 13 Ross Applebey Oyster 48 Red Class Total: 10 GBR 8520 R Hot Stuff 3 C 1.034 10 First 40.7 White ITA 13880 Blue Magic 3 C 1.037 E 10 Nikola Popov First 40.7 2.40 Blue GER 5625 Charisma 3 C 1.036 12 Constantin Claviez Swan 441 White GBR 2228 L Gaia 3 C 1.028 Andrew Eddy Oyster 485 White GBR 486 Sleeper X 3 C 1.027 E 13 Jonty and Vicki Layfield Jonty Layfield Swan 48 (72) Mod (thr) White GBR 2080 L El Oro 3 C 1.024 20 Kent King Auzepy-Brenneur 68 Blue USA 14571 IsBjorn 3 C 1.008 13 Andy Schell & Mia Karlsson Andrew Schell Swan 48 Navy Blue USA 5341 FreeBird 3 C 0.982 Philip Asche 1975 Swan 44 White GBR 8396 Sam 3 C 0.976 9 Peter Hopps Sigma 38 White Class Total: 9 Sail No. Yacht Class Division TCC Max Crew Owner Sailed By Type Colour ITA 55 Maserati M M 2.023 Giovanni Soldini Mod 70 White 03 Phaedo 3 M M 1.980 Lloyd ThornBurg Brian Thompson MOD 70 Lime / Chrome AUS 3002 Morticia M M 1.652 Shaun Carroll Modified Sea Cart 30 Black USA 5301 Fujin M M 1.466 Greg Slyngstad Bieker 53 Silver USA 82946 Lucky Strike M M 1.332 Fred Ball Newick 50 White POL 6601 R-six M M 1.235 Robert Szustkowski RoBert Janecki Hh66 Black CarBon GBR 666 M Dazzla M M 1.208 Michael Butterfield Dazcat 46 White Class Total: 7 FRA 147 Campagne De France C40 C40 1.000 Halvard MaBire Miranda Merron Class40 Green FRA 145 Eärendil C40 C40 1.000 Catherine Pourre Class40 Black FR 137 Phor-ty C40 C40 1.000 Peter Harding Class40 Blue SWE 95 Talanta C40 C40 1.000 Mikael Ryking Class40 White FRA 140 Saint Pierre & Miquelon C40 C40 1.000 Marc Lepesqueux Class40 Withe Class Total: 5 USA 25555 RamBler 88 CSA 1 1.595 George David Canting Keel Sloop Silver GBR 1 R Leopard CSA 1 1.582 Mike Slade Farr 100 Light Blue GBR 11502 Shamanna CSA 1 Anders Nordquist Swan Blue USA 60722 Proteus CSA 1 George Sakellaris Maxi 72 Grey USA 45 Bella Mente CSA 1 1.401 Hap Fauth JV 72 Custom Blue CAY 126 Danneskjold CSA 1 Simon Hill Dixon 100 Grey USA 46269 Runaway CSA 1 Thomas Corkett Sr. Andrews 70 Custom White GBR 8653 R Spirit of Juno CSA 1 1.062 Ondeck Farr 65 White SUI 5006 Gordons CSA 1 Oliver Heer Bermudian Sloop White USA 60454 Azura CSA 1 Jamie Walker Swan 56 Blue USA 61266 Bounty CSA 1 Theodore Kane, Jr. Swan 66 Blue IRL 7600 Lilla CSA 1 1.076 DP Yachts Ltd Simon & Nancy De Pietro C.n.b. Briand 76 Claret IVB 612 Nix CSA 1 1.042 Nico Cortlever X-612 White GER 7315 teamgeist CSA 1 1.017 Christoph SchuBert X-562 Dark Blue Class Total: 14 911882 Taz CSA 2 1 Bernard Evan-wong Reichel Pugh 37 White CAN 1213 Hermes CSA 2 0.991 Morgen Watson Pogo 12.50 White GBR 8633 R Jings CSA 2 David Ballantyne J/133 White GBR 2215 L Quokka 8 CSA 2 0.964 Global Yacht Racing Christian Reynolds Grand Soleil 43 White GBR 2080 L El Oro CSA 2 0.956 Kent King Auzepy-Brenneur 68 Blue GBR 9999 Blue Fin CSA 2 0.954 Rodney Dodd Sun Odyssey 54 DS Dark Blue GBR 4778 R EH01 CSA 2 0.952 Global Yacht Racing Andy Middleton First 47.7 White 17 The Blue Peter CSA 2 0.943 Mathew Barker Classic White NED 717 Jent CSA 2 0.94 Herny Van Melle J-46 Grey GBR 8405 R Olympia's Tigress CSA 2 0.940 Susan Glenny / Tigress Sport Susan Glenny First 40 White And Black GBR 7408 R Arthur Logic CSA 2 0.932 Sailing Logic First 40 White GBR 9192 R Eos CSA 2 0.932 Roderick Stuart Elan 410 Blue GBR 1702 T Scarlet Oyster CSA 2 Ross Applebey Oyster 48 Red USA 5341 FreeBird CSA 2 0.917 Philip Asche 1975 Swan 44 White Sail No. Yacht Class Division TCC Max Crew Owner Sailed By Type Colour GBR 2228 L Gaia CSA 2 Andrew Eddy Oyster 485 White GBR 486 Sleeper X CSA 2 0.904 Jonty and Vicki Layfield Jonty Layfield Swan 48 (72) Mod (thr) White GBR 8520 R Hot Stuff CSA 2 0.902 First 40.7 White USA 14571 IsBjorn CSA 2 Andy Schell & Mia Karlsson Andrew Schell Swan 48 Navy Blue USA 61003 Porthmeor CSA 2 0.884 Neil Styler Oyster49 White GBR 8396 Sam CSA 2 0.848 Peter Hopps Sigma 38 White ANT 606 Phoenix CSA 2 0.81 Pippa Turton Sun Odyssey White Class Total: 21 USA 60790 Andiamo C Byrne Murphy Gunfleet 5803 White Class Total: 1 Total: 78 It is the responsiBility of owners to advise RORC when data shown here is not correct (e.g.

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