Weather n. 7 Red Bank Area f toraa Soaday. Sea weather, pat* MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 tend 4«ilj. lloadtr throat* TiUlT. *«xad ClMi Map VOL. *7, NO. 182 PtU u Sid Mak tad u Jkdmuoul ICtMw Office* FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Agreement Clear aWay for Selma March SELMA, Ala. (AP) - A pro- lice did not bother them. frank M. Johnson that state by heavily armed white youths demanding federal Alabama deputies and state Federal Community Relations long the proposed agreement posed compromise agreement —Civil rights attorneys return troopers should be barred from state troopers and sheriffs depu- intervention at Selma were per- troopers he said violated federal Service, spent about two hours would remain in effect in Selma. cleared the way for a civil to a federal courtroom in Mont- interferring with a protest march ties. mitted to remain about seven law in the Sunday clash at Selma with a Selma citizens group yes- Lewis said it provided for a rights march on the Dallas Coun- gomery today trying to show a from Selma In the state capital —President Johnson gave hours yesterday before police re- between state troopers, sheriff's terday in an effort to devise a march to the courthouse and a 15- ty courthouse today, ending tem- pattern of police brutality and in Montgomery. Negroes, includ- ders today that any future sit-in moved them. deputies and demonstrators. Ala. plan for sound race relations. minute prayer vigil. porarily an impasse between Ne- racud discrimination in Alaba- ing: King,: 1 testified : yesterday demonstrators at the White House —Also at Washington, Attorney bama's public safety director, A! —Demonstrations continued But, he said he did not know gro demonstrators and state and ma's Black Belt, an called for about a bloody racial encounter in Washington be evicted prompt- General Nicholas Katzenbaoh said Lingo, said he had no comment around the nation over the racial 'just how important this victory city police. its rich dark soil. They hoped lasf.SUnday at Selma where they ly regardless of the cause they the government would, move on the proposed action. developments In Alabama, is. If they let us march today, Negroes were beaten and —Leroy Collins, director of the RevT P. E. IOHIS,. paster of to convince U.S. District Judge said support. About 12 Negro and promptly to file charges against There was no indication how but they don't let us march to- Browns Chapel AME Church, morrow, it is no victory." headquarters for the Negro voter He said the. compromise was registration drive in Eeima, said reached between city officials and Wilson Baker, ofty public safety Sympathy Mdve in Minister's Death civil rights leaders as a result of director, "has. agreed to let us meetings, all day yesterday with inarch to the courthouse without Collins. interference." Word of the march spread Baker declined comment. As the quickly through the Negro area city's top law enforcement offi- near the church. State police cam cial, he has no authority to make pulled out and only a token force agreements and it was apparent Plan Red Bank Demonstration Sunday of officers remained at the scene. 'city councilmen must have A rope barricade was put up reached a compromise with the RED BANK — A demonstra- Announcement, of the demon- tality of Alabama state troopers Among those attending are: and Dr. Frank S. Moran, Jr., tion to permit Negroes in the Wednesday night to stop the Negro group. tion of sympathy with the civil stration, here comes in the wake in breaking up a civil rights Rev. W. Gordon Lowdeh," pastor Fair Haven, chairman of the South to register to vote. marchers from going to the court- Elsewhere on the radii scene: rights marchers In Eelma, Ala., of the shock felt throughout most march last Sunday. of the First Methodist Churich, committee on Christian social In a prepared statement issued house to protest alleged discrim- —A white Unitarian minister, will be held here Sunday. of the nation over the death of As a demonstration of concern, Red Bank, and president of the concerns of the Red Bank First by its president, John L. Jones, ination in voter registration. It Rev, James Reeb, 38, ol Boston, Rev. James J. Reeb, the Unitar- Greater Red Bank Area Coun- Methodist Church, Fair Haven, the Red Bank was still up and about SO Ne- Leaders of the Red Bank Area the National Council of Churches, died last night in a Birmingham ian-Universallst minister who died 1 cil of Churches; Dean Freiday, NAACP last night called for fed- groes maintained a prayer vigil Branch of the National Associa- through its commission on re- After this morning's parley, the hospital, 4! hours after he was last night of head injuries suf- Elberon, chairman of "the Red eral intervention in Alabama and there. tion for the Advancement of Col- ligion and race, summoned the local delegation will meet with beaten along with two other white fered Tuesday when he was Bank Council's social action com- placed the blame for the police ored People, which is sponsor, nation's religious leaders to a Rep. James J. Howard (D-3d Before word was received of - ministers by a group of white clubbed by white racists on a mittee; Rev. Thomas H. Coursey, brutality there on the shoulders ing the demonstration, still are mass meeting this morning in Dist.) and Sens. Clifford P. the minister's death, Baker an- men in Selma. Murder charges Selma street, and mounting na- pastor of the Shrewsbury Avenue of Alabama Gov. George Wai working out the details. They the Lutheran Church of the Refor- Case (R-N.J.) and Harrison A. nounced the arrest of a fourth were filed immediately at Selma tional indignation over the bra- AME Zion Church, Red Bank, lace. are expected to complete ar- mation, Washington, D. C. Williams, Jr. (D-N.J.). man, Odel Hoggle. ,30, a Selma against four,white men who ear- Discuss Issues "Why doesn't the Civil Rights auto mechanic and brother of lier had been arrested.on assault rangements at an executive board meeting tonight In a telephone interview before Bill of 1964 apply to Alabama?" William Stanley Hoggle, 36, who charges. They were released un- (lie group left for Washington last Mr. Jones asked. was arrested the day before. Wil- der $25,000 bond each. President Stafford W. Thompson, this night, Rev. Mr. Lowden said they Declaring "the situation in liam Hoggle was arrested along Johnson and Dr. Martin Luther place, local NAACP vice presi- would discuss with the legisla- Selma is a serious blot on our wUh R. B. Kelleyi 30, and Elmer King, Jr. issued statements of dent, said the tune and place of tors the need for protection for American way of life," he said, Cook, 41. All four were charged sorrow. Hundreds of demonstra the demonstration will be an- civil rights demonstrators in Al- "We believe federal Intervention with murder after it was learned toM knelt and pdayed for Reeb nounced over local radio sta- abama, and the need for legisla- (See RED BANK, Page 3) the minister had disd. In » Birmingham City park. Po- tions. Teachers OK Block Incinerator Sale LONG BRANCH-A tie vote in >unoilmen Vincent J. Mazza and Theni,, he said, the dty could buy City Council last night doomed Robert Penn. new land. plans to sell the city incinerator Councilman Walter J. George Differs to the Monmouth Park Jockey had left the meeting before the Counciiwoman Wilson took a Regional Guide Ohib for $85,000. vote was taken and Councilman different view. She claimed that Samuel A. Marks was absent. The club, which operates Mon- in 10 years land east of the Gar- FREBHOLD-The 160-member year with the opening of Southern mouth Park race track, had been Last night's proposed resolu- den State Parkway would not be (acuity of the Freehold Regional Regional at Howell. trying to buy the land on which tion was to put the land, on the available for garbage disposal Hign School district voted yester- The board rejected a suggestion the incinerator is located for northwest corner of Myrtle Ave. use. Land cost plus the cost. «l day to accept a salary guide of- by the salary committee, of the more than five years. The plot and an adjacent tract oji ttie trucking garbage to a distant fered to it earlier this week by Teachers Association that the would be used for. parking. north side of Rt. 36, up for sale. site would.make the operation the Board of Education and to system was experiencing -a high Bids were to have been received unfeasible, she claimed, call oft further protest*. turnover of teachers because of Lost night's bid was the high- March 25. Councilman (Xoffl, who a few inadequate salaries; It went along est received for the land. Track months ago proposed formation tin Testers Ai&odaUon' had Noeds Repair with the appraisal of Kenneth M. officials' three, years ago made of an incinerator authority, «aid objected (p the plan because it Frisbee, superintendent, that the an unsuccessful bid at 540,000. Mayor Untefmeyor told the the Incinerator!* services could did notprovl<Je for higher differ- council a' "report prepared" turnover was about 10 to IS per Negative votes were cast by b contracted to surrounding mti- ential! it bid requested for teach- City Manager James F. Roose cent a year and wat normal. NUNS JOIN P5MONSTRATOU — IhlW Gtttholic Nuns join in tha tinging of free- Councilmen Edgar N.
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