APPLICATION GUIDE BEAMS APPLICATION GUIDE Beams There is an increasing need for energy efficient air conditioning systems as energy codes become more stringent. Chilled beam systems are one such alternate to traditional “all air” conditioning systems. Beams use water to move energy through a building and service the building’s sensible (dry) cooling load, relying on the air-side simply to meet ventilation and latent (wet) load requirements. This drastically reduces primary air volumes supplied to a space and leads to energy savings, improved comfort levels, and ability to effectively integrate a dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS). vs. 1/2 in. Diameter Water Pipe & 18 in. x 18 in. Air Duct 7 in. Diameter Air Duct Water is more efficient at transporting energy. The All Air Systems Beam Systems smaller footprint of a beam system allows for greater mechanical and architectural flexibility. Use air for both sensible Use water for sensible load and and latent load air for latent load and ventilation Generally Generally supply up to TYPES OF BEAMS re-circulate air 100% outside air Active Beams + Supply primary air for ventilation and increased capacity. Active beam airflow + High velocity primary air induces room air across the coil. + Distributes combined primary and induced air into the room. + Provide heating and cooling. Passive Beams + Convective currents draw room air across Passive beam the coil. airflow + Require a separate ventilation system to condition latent loads, as no primary airflow is supplied. 2 For more information visit www.priceindustries.com | v002 APPLICATION GUIDE Beams CHOOSING THE RIGHT SYSTEM: THE ENERGY STORY Active and passive beam systems can contribute 30 - 57% energy savings depending on application. + Beams can contribute to energy savings in the building, which will help achieve LEED credits. + Relying on pumping power, as opposed to fan power, to transport energy through the building often results in energy savings. + Increased use of wetside economizer and a reduction in chiller lift contribute to plant efficiency. Pumps/Pump CompressorPumps/PumpPumps/PumpPumps/Pump Compressor Compressor Compressor Chilled Beam Fans Fans FansFans 100% 100%100% Air Transport LoadsAir TransportAir Loads Transport Loads Systems vs. All 100% Air Transport Loads Peak PowerP (Cooling)eak PoPeakwerP eakPo (Cooling)wer Power (Cooling) (Cooling) Compressor LoadsCompressor CompressorLoads Loads 87% 87%87% 87% Compressor Loads Air (VAV) and Peak PowerP (Cooling)eak PoPeakwerP eakPo (Cooling)wer Power (Cooling) (Cooling) 67% 67% 67% Refrigerant 45% 45% 45%45% 67% Distribution DistributionDistribution Distribution Peak PowerP (Cooling)eak PoPeakwerP eakPo (Cooling)wer Power (Cooling) (Cooling) Systems (VRF) Systems SystemsSystemsSystems 20% 20% 20%20% Assuming a mid to large size project, a chilled beam system 55% 55% 55% could use 33% less power to 55% 80% 80% 80%80% Generation GenerationGeneration Generation condition a space when compared Systems SystemsSystemsSystems to an all air system, and 20% when compared to a VRF system. VAV Air SystemVAV AirVA SystemV VAAirV SystemAir SystemVRF RefrigerantVRF RefrigerantVRFVRF Refrigerant Refrigerant Radiant CoolingRadiant ChilledRadiant CoolingRadiant Cooling Chilled Cooling Chilled Chilled 400 ft. ductwork System SystemSystemSystem Beam HydronicBeam SystemBeam HydronicBeam sHydronic HydronicSystem Systems Systems s 200 ft. pipe 400 ft. pipe (multiple compressors) Distribution / Pumping Energy The graph below shows the percentage of compressor horsepower to building pipe/duct length. When compared to an all air system and a refrigerant system, hydronic chilled beams require significantly less pumping energy. AHRI Standard 1230 for rating VRF equipment only requires 25 ft. of pipe for testing. Correction factors (AHRI Standard 1230 recommends at 6% per 100 ft.) are required to adjust for longer lengths of equivalent piping. 35% Hydronic (Chilled Beams) 30% Air (Low Pressure VVT) Refrigerant (VRF) 25% Air (Medium Pressure VAV) 20% 15% 10% ercent of Compressor Horsepower P 5% 0% 0 100 200 300 400 500 Pipe/Duct Length (ft.) v002 | For more information visit www.priceindustries.com 3 APPLICATION GUIDE Beams BENEFITS Efficiency Comfort Water is a natural resource that uses the Chilled beams typically run at a higher least amount of horsepower to deliver discharge air temperature when heating or cooling, therefore maximizing compared to most other HVAC systems energy efficiency. Chilled beams can (with the exception of Stratified Air help transfer the majority of the sensible Systems). Chilled beams are also quieter space load on to water coils, which to operate, and provide excellent air can present many advantages over all distribution, leading to better occupant air and VRF systems. When correctly comfort and increased productivity. applied, chilled beams can save 30% or more when compared to both all Versatility air and VRF systems. The ability to With chilled beams you can customize customize the design to building and the design to suit most buildings climate requirements helps optimize and climates in order to achieve an the system. efficiency goal. Through tying in all the Safety building mechanical components you can salvage energy and redistribute it On average chilled beams use 66-75% throughout the building. less CFC/HFC refrigerant than VRF. Refrigerant used is factory sealed and isolated from building occupants. 4 For more information visit www.priceindustries.com | v002 APPLICATION GUIDE Beams Costs Sustainability Lower upfront costs Chilled beam systems provide a true The versatility of the system allows you to path to Net Zero. These systems can design for every budget. Initial costs can provide the highest level of energy be controlled through the proper selection efficiency. Simple integration between of components, the implementation of green technologies and the longest technology, a well engineered control lasting equipment solutions provide strategy, and a competitive bid process. for a very sustainable system. These systems use comparatively low Lower lifecycle cost amounts of CFC/HFC refrigerants Hydronic systems are designed for the with many replacement and upgrade life of the building. These systems are opportunities. easily upgradeable as new technology evolves providing true unmatched energy efficiency. Minimal maintenance Typical chilled beam designs are sensible cooling only which leads to minimal in-space maintenance in most applications. Hydronic components are interchangeable and parts are readily available. v002 | For more information visit www.priceindustries.com 5 APPLICATION GUIDE Beams SYSTEM DESIGN Primary Airflow When designing an air distribution system there are many factors that affect occupant comfort, including: + Building skin loads + Occupant and equipment loads + Lighting loads + Ventilation requirements + Outdoor air load The difference between a VAV system and an active chilled beam system is what factors are handled at the AHU level versus in the space being conditioned. Classroom In a typical VAV system, the airflow from the AHU is used to handle all the load factors listed above. In an active chilled beam system, the coil installed in the beam will cool the majority of the sensible space load and handle the room air recirculation. The primary airflow from the DOAS/AHU is typically sized to take care of: + Ventilation rate + Zone latent load + Ventilation load + Partial zone sensible load The goal with a chilled beam system is to minimize the volume of primary air required. Depending on the application, this may lead to as much as 75% reduction in the quantity of primary air required. Office This design example compares a high density application (classroom) to a moderate density application (office) and how the system efficiency can be optimized by minimizing the required primary airflow. ASHRAE 62.1 Results Application Details Application Occupants (2013) Ventilation Outdoor Air Outdoor Air Requirements /Occupant Area: 750 ft.2 1 instructor 0.12 cfm/sq.ft. Classroom 350 cfm 13.5 cfm Set Point: 75°F 25 students 10 cfm / person Window Area: 100 ft.2 0.06 cfm/sq.ft. Office 10 employees 95 cfm 9.5 cfm T8 florescent lighting 5 cfm / person 6 For more information visit www.priceindustries.com | v002 PSYCHROMETRIC 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 SENSIBLE HEAT RATIO = Qs / Qt CHART 50 55 Normal Temperature 1.15 I-P Units 45 170 0.45 1.10 SEA LEVEL 85 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE: 29.921 in. HG 160 80 1.05 80 15.0 1.00 40 150 0.50 0.95 140 80 WET BULB TEMPERATURE - °F 55 0.90 75 0.55 75 130 35 0.85 120 0.60 0.80 75 APPLICATION GUIDE70 0.75 Beams 70 110 0.65 30 0.70 50 100 0.70 Application Latent load per occupant Outdoor air per occupant Moisture depression Target DP, gr/lb. 0.65 65 70 65 Classroom 200 btu/h 13.5 cfm 21.8 gr/lb. 44.5° F DP, 43.10.75 gr/lb. 90 0.60 Office25 200 btu/h 9.5 cfm 31.0 gr/lb. 36° F DP, 33.90.80 gr/lb. 14.0 VOLUME- CU.FT. PER LB. DRY AIR ENTHALPY - BTU PER POUND OF DRY AIR 0.55 80 Wet Bulb, 60Saturation Temp - °F 0.85 60 65 0.90 0.50 45 70 90% 0.95 ENTHALPY - BTU PER POUND OF DRY AIR 55 0.45 VAPOR PRESSURE - INCHES OF MERCURY 1.00 20 55 60 Space Moisture Content 55°F DP, 64.9 gr/lb 25% 80% 60 0.40 50 50 70% 55 0.35 50 15 45 60% 45 Classroom Supply Air Target 44.5°F DP, 43.1 gr/lb 0.30 50 40 40 Moisture Depression Moisture Depression 40 50% 10 40 15% 0.25 45 35 35 40% 30 0.20 40 13.0 Office Supply Air Target 36°F DP, 33.9 gr/lb 30 5 30 35 30% 0.15 25 8% RELATIVE HUMIDITY 20 30 25 HUMIDITY RATIO - GRAINS OF MOISTURE PER POUND DRY AIR 20 20% 6% 25 20 0.10 0 15 10 20 4% 10 35 5 15 10 12.0 10% RELATIVE HUMIDITY 0 10 0.05 -5 5 0 2% 0 DEW POINT TEMPERATURE - °F -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Chart by: HANDS DOWN SOFTWARE, www.handsdownsoftware.com DRY BULB TEMPERATURE - °F 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Takeaway Design Tips A typical space is conditioned to 75°F dew point (DP), 64.9 gr/lb.
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