.1 MONDAY, APRIL f, 1961 jlUmrlrrBt^r E om tos llrriEtUi Save Your for the Cancer Collection April 2l The Stanley Group of the South Methodist W.S.e.S. wUI meet to­ Ladies* Lodge Donates to Orphanage Legion Honors' Average IM ly Net Press Run ' *,*.1 /* Town 4 'i lit morrow evening at 7 ;45 in the la­ For Om Week Badlng Tha WiitiMr ■ - dies’ parlor at the church. Mem­ New Curtains April T, IN I . of O. lb Weathe "oC tiM dnw lns held at bers are reminded to bring articles James O’Neil (BH-AiM ricwi club Saturday (or the rummage sale to be held 1 0 ,1 6 8 (or the baeketball fund Uf«re on Thursday of this wee^f. Hos­ tun: flrat prlie, Gary Krojvka tesses will be Mrs. Glenden Dun­ Former National Com­ F or Spring BtaolMr of the Audit toalaBt lop, Mrs. Alex McBride, Mrs. Ad- BJWO ran dHve. No. 5074: eecortd mander Guest at the Bureua of OtooulatlonB , lU n rie Blowale. Avery » t w t , riaii St. Pierre and Mrs. Laura Manchester—“A City of Village Charm ______ I WMtoor. No. S86: third p rl«. Frankovitch. Legion Home . ‘ JkBoa Sawyglel, 385 California Dr. George McReynolds, dean of ^ w S t Stratford, No. 4881. Tailored . the school of Arts and Sciences at An Informal reception In honor VPL. LXX. NO. 181 (ChMsiaed Advortlabig ou Pag* I I ) MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1981 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE nV B CBMIB the University of Connecticut, will S t M argarefa Circle. DauRliters of the Honorable James F. speak on "The Need for Moral O’Neil, past national commander liabeUa. will hold a buaineM Leadership In World Politics” at Rayon Marquisette aaooUns tomorrow evening at eight 1:15 at the Community " Y ” to­ of the American Legion, waa held ' o’elock at the Knighta of Columbui morrow* afternoon. An informal last night In the Legion Home on hnini Mra. John Lappen la chair- Red Fire Halts U. N. luncheon will be. held at 12:30 for Leonard street O'Neil waa the X ■ maa o ( the refreahment comnllttee' 42” 54” — $2.39 YOUR MANCHESTER those wishing to attend. This is guest speaker at yesterday’s f (Or thla month. the final lecture in the aeries MacArthur to Push Drive sponsored by the Public Affairs "Freedom Shrine” ceremonies Forces on Shores o f Mombera and friend* of the Man- committee of the Manchester held at Verplanck school. He now 42” X 63” Today— Tomorrow « - $2.49 ^MOtor T . W. C. A. are reminded Y.W.C.A. calls New York City his home ,0 ( the open houae to be held to- but Is originally from Manchester, Morrow evening at eight o'clock Dughtera of Liberty No. 125, L. New Hampshire. 42” X 72” Hwachon Reservoir at the Community "Y ." A craft O.L.I., will meet tomorrow evening More than 100 persons attend­ - $2.69 4emonatration, a talk on new hair- at 7:30 sharp. A class of candidates ed the reception. A buffet lunch For More Power in Korea does, (un and refreshments will will receive the degree work and was prepared by the Garden Tokyo, April 10—(^P)—Al- • In the air, American F-86 Sabre make up the evening’s program. officers are requested to wear w*hlte Grove Caterers and served by the 42” X 81” Jets shot down one Russian-type gowns. Mrs. M. S. Neville and her Legion Auxiliary. — $2.98 lied troops reached the south­ MIG-15 Jet fighter and damaged ^ICm bera of the W.S.C.S. of the committee will *er\*e refreshments. Commander Theodore Fairbanks Fin* quality rayon marqulsett* with .1” hems on each side ern shores of the sprawling ' another. The air battle was fought t and 3" botu>m hems. General Ii Believed to South Methodist church who are was chairman for the program. Hwachon re.servolr today but at low. level over "MIG Alley" May Wind Up Army Secretary Gets Military Salute planning to attend the Norwich Mrs. Roy .'t. Thompson of New Quests seated at the head table heavy Red mortar fire near Sinulju In northwest Korea. Have Asked Arm j Sec­ District W.S.C.S. annual meeting York City' is visiting her nephew included Matthew Moriarty; Past stopped them short of the big Other Fifth Air force planes at the South church. Wednesday. and niece, Mr. an<l Mrs. .To.seph R. Department Commander Howard Tuesday flew close support mis­ retary Pace for More April 11. are reminded to make Wright of Lvdall street while her Jacobs of Wllllmantlc: Depart­ North Korean dam and hy­ sions for the Allied Infantry and All Business their dinner reservations before daughter is touring South Amer­ ment Adjutant Rev. Charles Park­ dro-electric plant. continued their dawn-to-dusk at­ Troops, Freer Hand in Tuaaila;* noon by calling Mra. ica. Mrs. Thompson plans to stay er,’ of Norwich: Department Com­ tacks on Red supply lines. A P Oorrespondent Tom Brad­ W ar Against China daribel Carr. 5489. Dinner will be until the end of April. mander John P. Griffin, of East shaw rep ort^ from the central Bitter Communist reristance At Hoekanum Hartford: National Ebcecutive served at C p. m. front battleground that the water waa reported from the western Reds; Committeeman Arthur J. Connell Statements on Loyal Circle of Kings Daughters behind the dam still is about 200 front as Allied patrols probed of Middletown: Miss Barbara A kitchen bingo party wlU be will hold Its monthly meeting this feet deep. The Reds opened 10 of deeper Into Red Korea. Intelli­ Official Says Pickets Use of Chiang Forces Wallett, president of the Auxil­ held Wednesday evening at eight evening at 7:45 in the Federation the reservoir's 18 floodgates Mon­ gence reports said the Reds were iary: EMward Krasenics, repre­ Riles Allied Powers <yeloek at the home of Mrs. room of Center church house. Host­ —Photo by Robert Naomaa day In a try to halt the Aljled sending more troops to this sector. Block Needed Oil at Kathryn Ruttgera. 88 Garden ess Chairman Mrs. Harry Mathews Louis Nardelll of Waterhury, state eecretary of th* Order Sons of Italy in America, accepts a $50 senting the Exchange Club: Rob­ drive. But water quickly subsided On the east coast. Allied war­ Line; Owner Repeats will be assisted by Mrs. Hazel check for the Caasino Memorial Orphanage Fund from Mre. Emma Gcnovesl, venerable of Eleonora ert Brunette, president of the to near-normal levels in the Puk- By The Associated Press street. Proceed* of the bingo will Manchester High School Student ships hammered Communist sup­ go Into the benefit fund for sick Peterson and Miss Dorothy Peter­ Duse Lodge, Dmightcr.s of Italy. The presentation was made yesterday at a Joint anniversary b.an- han river, reservoir 'outlet. ply dumps and traffic routes. son. The members will fold band­ Council; Police Chief Herman O. Threat to Move Out The controversy over Gen. sad ailing member* of Sunset quet of the ladles’ lodge and Gluscppa Mazzint Lodge, Sons of Italy. The memorial will shelter and ed- American units paced the Allies There waa no report of ground ages for the hospital. ucate Italian war orphans at Caasino and honor th e American war dead of the Italian campaign. Schendel and Director Walter Ma­ The Manchester Development Commission Announces Douglas MacArthur’s recent Council No. 45, Degree of Poca- honey. assault on the dam. The 0>mmu- contact on this front. Rockville, April 10—(/T) The OUiera In the photo are, left to right, Mias Irma DeSimone, Miss Clara Comollo and Mrs. CarmcIIa nlsts fbught back with a steady Tuesday’s heaviest fighting Contest I —Your Manchester—Today statements boiled on , three heatas. Mrs. Lur* Mohrbacher of Thomp^ Alolslo, all pant venerables of Eleonora Duse Lodge. barrage o f mortar shells. swirled near the Hwachon reser­ (Details will be found in advertisement on page 13) strike-bound Hoekanum Mills here, continent.s today but in aonville entertained the patients at Account o f the Joint celebration will be found In thla edition on Page three. struggling along for eight weeks AH Sakits Mothers' Ctrcle will the Memorial Hospital annex this B n i^ s w said it waa believed voir. The O>mmission has tried to stir you up with Its "M. Q." Quiz Tokyo the United Nations the Chbiese lacked the equipment now with s skeleton staff, may hseo their meeting tomorrow night afternoon with songs, playing her program, it hopes you know more about Manchester than you soon be closed down completely. commander indicated he in­ with Mrs. Michael Treechuk of M ducted by Mrs. Wallace G. Payne, necessary to blow the dam. (Oentlnned on Page Twelve) own accompaniments on her accor- Duke the accompanist. This was VITAMINS did. It hopes you are now thinking about Manchester, what It Abbot .Stevens of M. T. Stevens tends to keep right on press­ LaaoK street. dlan. The program was provided by followed by "Devotion" by Schu­ president. Tribute waa paid to the has been, what It is today and what you want It to become. Dry Cleaning All Leading Braoda and Sons Inc., mill ownera said the Army and NaVy Club under ar­ mann, sung by Connie Crosby. memory of Mra. C. K. Burnham, a Our Board of Directors has appointed a Development Com­ ing for greater latitude in the At Lowest Possible Prices this morning that, " I f we don’t A was bom April 8 to rangements made by the local Martha Martin, pianist, then pre­ former well-loved member mission to work on this problem, but Manchester Is yours.
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