• • LIVESTOCK MARKETS-COUNTRY PRICES CROP NEWS FOR FARMERS The JOURNAL gives the livestock g rower the most com prehensive a nd reliable information obtainable in the most interestmg and readable form. F r uit, grain and field crops, dairying, cattle sales, who lesale feed price•, An invaluable service to a n yone who raises livestock of any kind. vt>~etables, poultry and produce-all are covered in the J OUR N~L , together with news even ts affecting markets. You NEED the JOURNAL. VOL. 1, NO. 47 10 CENTS A COPY UNION STOCK YARDS, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 10 CENTS A COPY OCT. 25, 1923 LIVESTOCK PURCHASES HOGS ARE ACTIVE CALIFORNIA MARKET TOPPERS STOCK YAROS S[EN AT SHARP BREAK; AS GREAT FORWARD WEONESUAY TOP $8.75 STEP BY BANKER Strictly Good Idaho Bullocks Bulk Light 'Butchers This Week ! Friday Sell Readily •at $8.50 to $8.65; Stock J. Dabney Day Says Yards Will at $7.85 Pigs $6.00 to $7.00 Cause Los Angeles. to Become Live Stock Center BULK PLAIN STEERS .., FROM $6.00 TO $7.00 OVER A MILLION A MONTH FOR STOCK Cows Sharply Lower, Selling Mostly From $4.00 to $5.00; Many Huge Industries Attracted Calf Run Heavy Here by Those Behind Great Project REPRE SENTATIVE SALES BEE~· fi'l'l : rms Thurscluy, Odnhf•r 1 A .·o. ,\ ' . \\'t 1-'IH't' )fi l'tnh • • .• •••• 10 7:1 7 , 1111 I f'uhfn~nia • X7.1 7.00 17 Cuhfnruia .. 04 • 1020 7.00 5 1 l'tnh •••. •• !Jt 7 fi . :.!.t; 1 ~ l'tnh •• • .. HH1 il.7.) 1 St.t ,: ......... >! Ill ,j (I() Fnday, Ol'loiH·r 1 !l Jd,,hu I Ofi~ 7.1 Tt)ahn . ..• ..1 Oil'! ~ l ela !to •• 1011~ Xn l ('BJifornla • • • ..• fliU I Huturduy, Oc tnlu•r 2ll ., :!6 Idaho 1 O!ln 7. t10 1 51) ()rt;>l(on l OH'i i ..;o I 53 lfluhn • •.. 1 oo.; 7,00 I 11 l<loho • lflj:! li.'l.; 10 l•luh•>' . •. ..11110 H.25 .t l'tnh . 12 l 'i n.oa 18 l <laho ••..• • II.'>!! lUlU )fotular , Octnhf>r ~:! 5 ~ t-;;un Ln is Olnspn !l ll li HI 'l'ul·~cLJr , Oc· tcdwr ~ · : iR OrP.gun •. • .. ] O rW 7.~.) 1 \V,IIIning HfHI fi.'lll a On~J,:'fJII .1 Of4o (j riO 2'l Ore,gtHl 1 O:!!: f' .U ,\"~;s 'l'hun.. tlny, ()(otoiJur J "' .\ ' '· \\'t. ('1' 1, 1 s .\::\]) ('()~J:\10:\' ;; f ~ tnh !!~O Frul ny, O r·t olwr l !J l' tnh .• 11111 Xu. ., .\ ,·. Wt. Prh·•' Inn·~, ial 1 ~·~ .. ·t·w :\l •·x ico fl.ii;. l ,!,!,'j ~.Jturd.• r . Oc·tulwr :.!0 l'tnl! J1ri r1&\: .. Ol'flll;t'll.'\~, Idnhn • !,:!,; •lj .. · ~·w Mt•xu·o· · ~ ~ ~ 11 .\ rl t onr, ... 1 !lfi n: ~:11tm ;;-ru;ns Arizon•• .. :!7R Tbur.t~du y, Oc·tolu_,- 1 x ;. t 4 ' pw l\J{'Iri~n 1! t 1 .\ ,·. W t Pri•·•· 1 ') ,\rizu11n :!:l't \\"yum ing .• 'Jo:: :;.7[; I .· ,~w ·~J • •xir,, : ~ ; n a.; l ' t:&h R311 r;,no fi '\ rfzon 1 171 Jo~ricl~-. o . t ohpr 1 n .\rnwn 1 1:10 ,)2 ~· , .'t\.. ~ f t·XH'O ~fi J .\nt.onn ........ 11 2 j X1·w ~f C>·d•·,, •• HU5 ,\ ri'T.OU:l • 1 q .., Harunlny, Oc•hthPr '211 .\rJZOii ' l • • 2:;H 1" tah n~;, ... ; ) Sn.tnr,lny O ... tf,lu·r 211 Montnll·• . ..1110 .J,OII 1'1"'' l!ifl Tu,, 1luy, O •tlllH'I' u .l l' t» h : ~ th ~ .) .\r1zonu •• l ~n l,i'J 7 t .\ ri1o11n ARTHUR G. LEONARD Ill 'rj7fmn 1'.\ T I'()WS . \ ::\ll l!E ll' l·:as I l'tnh AT ~ .TOCK YARDS Tlt111scl.ly, Ortoht~r 1 R Arthur I. Leonard, pn:si<knt of the ~.. .\ .-. Wt, Los Angeles l ' nion Stork Yards • I Tm]J ~ rinl • . f'i 'O I l'tah . H I ll C•Jmpan) and also president of t he -. i C'nl1fnrnin .... 1 o?r, Chicago l nion Stot·k Yards Com­ l TmJwrinl •• 1 ~7:t pan\'. arrin·d in Los A ngl'lt• for an I Tmpf'ri ,) 1 1 no 'l lflluerinl 1 nno extt:nrll'd \'isit hen.·. ::\lr. Leonard is ~7 Trlahn . 1027 greath· pleased with the p t ogress If. Jmp('ri II . l llOfi made in building up the ,lock yards ., lmtwri1tl Ofi'l Tm,u•riul . 11 1 r, and cxpt:cts to make announcement :!-! l ' tah • II 1·• oi "important new developments in n-l T"tah li7 f"l J:; connt·ctiun with the Lo.q Angeles Jrnt•criul • • ... flifl 11 00 1 f 3 ..,. 4 - lk -tock vards and Central 1\!ann:actur- 1-'ri,Jn)', Oc tub••r 1 <1 10 0 1 11 r fJS An l.!'•·lfl!il • 1!! 7 0 .. · ' Jee (t'O\\k'S ' - £ d.;, ; ~ • ' ing District within a few clay . car1 y ~:a 1e oc cr aur1 ce cr, , .::> 0 1 _ f"'" \ncPic 111 0 .Sntur•ln\• Odolu•r '.!() !O $6 50· fll' hv fecclt> r-; 11 ''. to $7·50 ' SANTA FE BUILDS 2~ Ttl abo 1 fill"' he p 8,000; toe to 15c lughcr; fat '' Tthlhot l fi'IR: lamb- 1240 to 12.50, best held at • J•lnho l fJRfl NEW LINE AT MERCED 27 frl 1hn 11 12.75 j" The ~ I~~ ~l'd Cottn!y S u] ~l·n·1 sol's 7" lrhhn J flll l - - hav .. authortzl'd the ~anta h· Hnil- "'i 'Afont antr .. lt ~;t FORT \\ ORTH Oct. 24. Hogs road to 'c ~llt struct <1 <•lle m ile ~JUr 2 l Jclab,, P !l:.!fl 9 T•hl:o H4 1 2.200; J(k hi~her ~.~t 7.10 to $7.35. track to the new $1,000.800 cement · Cattl tcad>. h cp steady. plant riu\\ being crectl'r.J m ar.. 1\ol erccd. 2 FARM AND l<ANCH MARKET JOURNAL Oct. 25, 1923 FARM AND RANCH 1923 SHOW DATES SELF-FED PIGS that the right kind of bedding is pro­ Building Great Beef Herd on GAIN RAPIDLY vidtd. Frequently, partitions are used MARKET JOURNAL Chicago International Live Stock Show, Dec. WIDE VARIATION in stock car , and because of this a 1·8, Chicago. Published Every Thursday at Arizona State Fnir, Nov. 12·17, Phoenix. Hearst Ranch in San Luis Obispo For rapid and economical gains usc careful t•xamination must he made for Los Angeles Union Stock Yards, Waco Cotton Palace and Exposition, Oct. projecting nails and cleats that may Los Angeles, California 20-:.:ov. 4, Waco. a self-feeder. If you arc growing and have been left when these partitions Houston Fair ancl Exposition, Nov. 2·12. A great beef cattle herd 1s being fact, onlv a select few of the best IN MEAT YIELDS iattcning pigs on alfalfa tJasture, they were removed. The floor is the most CHAPIN & CROW, Publishers Houston, 'l'exns. built up on the \Villiam Randolph bulls irO"m both purebred sires and will do best when self fed on grain and important part of the car. It should CALJFORNIA DATES Hearst Ranch at San Simeon, 111 San dams arc ever placed in service. he gone over thoroughly and any holes NELSON R. CROW--·-·-·--··Editor Padfic Slope Dairy Show, Oct. 29 to Luis Obispo county, California. On .\lr. Lee has found that cows and Figures Show Why Well-Bred some protein supplement. Self-fet:d N. L. CHAPIN-----··-............ Manager Nov. 3, at Oakland, Calif. shelled corn and meat tankage, and the patched. Doors must he in good re­ thi~ great 120,000-acre ranch some oi heifers fatten much sooner and give Animals Pay Better Than pigs will make heavier, faster and more pair and, when the cattle or other live Subscription Price.......... $1.00 per Year the finest Hereford blood in the the packer a much more desirable Common Stock stock arc loaded, sccurclv fastened. big Qrogress made by the Los An­ country 1s being used to give Cali­ carcass if they arc spayed a year be­ economical gains than if a limited feed Single Copies ..............................10 Cents of grain only is fed on pasture. "Last year at one middle-western Advertising Rates on Application geles Union Stock Yards 111 its first fornia better beef. fore being sold as beef. As a result Stati~tical studies just completed by market 1,700 cattle and more than J, B. Lee, manager of the ranch, of the improved breeding and culling the United States Department of Agri­ Feeding tests show that the pig will year. He recalls the days when balance his rati(}J1 economically when 2,000 hogs were fo und crippled in cars. Entered as Second-Class Matter has some very decided opinions on out process, the Hearst ranch is get­ culture, showing meat vielcb of vari­ Denver had no stock yards and of the scli-fct"dcr is used with the above In December more than 1,000 crippled January 12, 1923, at the Postoffice at methods of producing better beef, ting a premium 111 price for their ous classes oi animals i1i proportion to hogs were received at one of the east­ Los Angeles, California, under the the immediate improvement 111 live­ !iYe weight. bring out clearly the im­ ieeds. If alfalfa is good, and the shotes and he expres>ed some of these idea~ bed when rcadv for market. pastured at the rate of about twenty ern markets. These numbers arc small Act of March 3, 1879. stock marketing when the yards were while visiting the Los Angeles Union No grain or corral feeding 1s at­ portance oi good breeding.
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