6.0 References EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Caltrans, Federal Highway Administration, and County of San Bernardino. Initial Study/Environmental Assessment, Victorville to Barstow-Add Southbound Mixed- Flow Lane. May 2001. Council on Environmental Quality, ―Forty Most Asked Questions Concerning CEQ’s National Environmental Policy Act Regulations,‖ 46 Fed. Reg. 18026 (March 1981). Available at: <http://ceq.hss.doe.gov/nepa/regs/40/40P1.HTM>. Council on Environmental Quality Regulations, Section 1502.12 and 1505.2(b). Federal Railroad Administration Procedures for Considering Environmental Impacts, 64 FR 28546 (May 26, 1999). National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. 4332. ALTERNATIVES Bratton, Don, Staubach Company; acting property managers for BNSF Railroad. Personal communication, January 19, 2007. Caltrans, Federal Highway Administration, and County of San Bernardino. Initial Study/Environmental Assessment, Victorville to Barstow, Add Southbound Mixed Flow Lane. May 2001. Cambridge Systematics. DesertXpress Ridership Forecast Review. January 2008. Congressional Research Service. High Speed Rail (HSR) in the United States. December 8, 2009. Council on Environmental Quality Regulations, 1981. Glaab, Christine, Surface Transportation Board librarian. Personal communication, January 4, 2007. Korve Engineering. DesertXpress Plan and Profile Drawings. November 2006. URS Corporation. Desert Xpress Updated Ridership and Revenue Study. December 2005. March 2011 Final EIS 6-1 DesertXpress 6.0 References LAND USE AND COMMUNITY IMPACTS Bureau of Land Management. Defense Advanced Research Projects (DARPA) Grand Challenge Environmental Assessment. December 2003. <http://www.blm.gov/ca/pdfs/barstow_pdfs/darpa/chapter_3_affected_environ ment.pdfBLM 2003>. Accessed 2008. Bureau of Land Management. Land Use Planning. West Mojave Plan. 2006. Calico Ghost Town. <http://www.calicotown.com>. Accessed 2007. Center for Land Use Interpretation 2007. 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