I 69 24 Nmrtw «(the 4rtM ^ Ryu at fUrouletlnw Pbtr tonight and ’Tosaday: HtOa iiattflfpgtprR;r A a lEupttittfl.ev. u.*—- ffirralB• dtaiiga In temperature, MANCHESTER ~ A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. L V IL ,N a W m Pbga U). MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY. MAY 2, 1938 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS - SHANGHAI FULL Nonnan Thomas Gives Leftist Salute GREAT ITALIAN 0FTERR0RIS1S FORCE USED TO F D R URGES ACTION 1t)HGHT JAPS o GUAROJEHRER ON WAGE-HOUR BILL ^ ^^000 To 5,000 Reported To Hundred Hionsaiid Siddlen Be h Gty; Jap OOceane Gather In Rome; Pobiic In Shantung Blocked But BY HOUSE PETITION Farim B e c i^ Campq 6 Fierce Fighting Contiinies Or 7 Thomand Jailed. Express Hope That BiD Wi8 President Makes Plea Shanghai, May S ^-C ^l -- The Boms, May (AP) — Tro<m danger at wldeapre^ terrorlam re- Come To A Vote DespRe trains rolled Into Rome hoim upon vived war tenalon In Shanghai today heur today bringing 100,000 soM len For Wage-Hour Bill aa reporte circulated that thouaanda Refusal Of Rules CommB* to he on hand for the visit of Oat- of ChlneM Guerrillaa bad clipped many’s Relcbsfuehrer Hitler. Thera Into the city to haraaa the Japaneee. was eyetywbere the turmoil of last- tee To Give It Priority At In a Personal Letter Internattonal Settlenwt police mjnute preparation to make the wel doubled their patrola and aearebed come to the Nazi chieftain tomor This Session Of Congress BIgma refugee campa for guerrillaa, equip- row night the greatest pagesnt In Washington. May 2.—(AP)—Acommlttee, to alft out the hundreds ped with firearms and explosivea, the ancient dtsr’s history. Parks biding there. Chairman Norton (D„ N. J.), of toe of Mils which are Introduced each were closed to the public and con- House Labor committee m ^e pub- year, to hold hearings on them, and Tbe arreat of two bomb throwers,' verted Into military camps. Mer- Washinfirton. May 2.—(AP) after an attempt tp blast a truck lic today the following text of a let- to produce orderly calendars for chants refused deliveries because ter to her from President Roosie- —Prealdent Roosevelt express* loaded with Japanese soldiers, and too consideration of the whole information that more than 2,000 their trucks could not move through velt, renewing his appeal for House membenblp. That Is the Demo- ^ the hope today that the downtown streets choked by sol- action on a wage-hour bill: terroriata had Infiltrated tbe city, cratic process. Houae could vote on wage* diers, detectives and tourists. Charleston, S. C„ April 30. 1988. Thera are, however, certain types aroused police apprehensions. hour legislation at this sessiaa One report arid 5,000 special Persons of questionable record Tour letter telling me that as a of measures In each session which were Jailed or ordered from Rome, result of the action of eight mem- are of undoubted national Impor- despite refusal of the Rales! agents of tbe National Snlvatlon Association and other patriotic or- Florence and Naples during Hitler’s bers of the Rules committee a ivage tance because they relate to major committee to give It priority; ganizations were In Shanghai and six-day ^ y , and unofficial esu- and hour bill has again been pre- poUeles of government and affect Chairman Norton (D., N. the surrounding araa under orders matsa fixed the bumber involved a t vented from reaching toe floor of toe lives of millions of people. J*). of the House Labor cons*' to conduct a terrorist campaign between 6,000 and 7,000. first the House was given to me tost It has always teemed to me that mittee made public a letter ’’ against tbe Japanese. Soldiers stopped automobiles en- was held a day early to enable rell^ous groups to participate. ’The celebration night just as I took toe tn ^ . In toe caae of these measures—few Meanwhile, fierce fighting con- tering or Isavlbg Rome and checked I wrant to make It wholly clear in any one session—the whole mem- which Mr. Roosevelt sent her tinued on the Shantung front, where that the rules under which tlie fol- identification papers. PoUce doubled bership of the legislative body Saturday from Charleston, S. Japan has been atruggllng to ggln their regular guard along the rail- House of Representatives acts are should be given full and free oppor- control of Central China. Latent properly not toe concern of ths ex- C., suggesting the bill might way from Brenner Pass to Rome, tunity to discuss them. This dis- dispatches Indicated the new Jap- the route of the HlUer train. ecutive branch of toe government cussion may end in drastic amend- reach the floor either by a peti* anese offensive against Suchow and ASKS PLEBISCITE —nor have I any right whatsoever tion or by reconsideration of Southern Tyrol Htlrred ment, or In recommittal, or even In the Lunghal railway b u been block- There is In the Southern ’Tyrol an WELDEN IS PICKED as President to criticize toa nileo, complete rejection. the rules committee’s actioiL ed, but neither side claimed Import- Neverthelees, because you and I Part Of Ptotfoim ant successes. especial air of exeltament, and Its Emphasizing that the com* ' predominantly <3erman population FOR CZECH NAZIS are old friends, and because I my- In toe caae of wage and hour leg- OdiMae, Hold. Attack self have been a member of a leg- mittee was within its rights la prepared to tum out a t dawff to- islation. toe majority party of tos Chinese said they were bolding islative body, I feel free to rtv* House Is oommittad to legislation and that he had no right to their defenses along the Taiercb- morrow when tbe Fuehrer’s train AS AIDE TO COX rolls from Austrian Germany onto my personal view of a difficult sit- by Us national platform—and I criticize House rules, the Prat> wahg - Yihaien - Plbalen - Tancheng uation which baa arisen because of Italian soil have no personal deubt that a large ident said he had “a profoim4 line while making strong attacks Use May Day To Sound New yesterday’s action and toe slmUar majority of toe membership of toe along the entire line. Italy received this ’Tyrol region preceding action of toe rules com- respect for and devotion to ths from Austria as part of World War House believes that toe House aa a Japanese said they captured Chin, IN HKMYYAY DEPT. mittee several months sgo. whole should pass Ita judgment on Democratic legislative pros, em posltiona a t KuUao. about 100 spoils. Otherwlss it would have be- Demands For Concessjon Becauss of my personal expert* such leglslatton. ess." mllea northwest at Talerhcbwang. come German when Hitler annexed enoe, both In ie^stotive and execu- They also asserted they had slain the rest of Austria on Marfch 12. You have toa sltuaUon, howaver, FOUNDA’nO N OF DEMOORACV) From The Little Repnbfic. tive capadtlea, I have a profound where a bill was held up by a ma-, . "The continuing fairaezz of tort 10.000 Chinese In the Shantung There will begin tomorrow the Temporary Appointment It reapect for and devotion to toe fighting. Jority vote of a small committee, leglslatlva proceaz la too feuBfie* main conferences designed to show WAR WAS AVERTED Democratic toglstoUva process. Tbe was then reported by toe petition General U Toufig-jen said the Jap- that Rome and Berlin still are good Uon of enduring— ^---- ' ~Democraey,” - -h# Praha. CzecboBlovakla, May 2._ continuing fairness of that legisla- system, was debated and recomiMt- anese offensive’ movement Involved friends, despite tl)e aimexajtlon and Made By New State Offi- three army units MUlUzg about (AP)—The Nazi ■ leader Koprad tive process to toe foundation of en- ted to too labor committee for fu- the new Italian accord with Great during democracy. ture consideration. "There ore, however, '~**Bt|f ' 80.000 men. with 40,000' reisrs ee. RrUaln- SAYS CHAMBERLAIN Henleln has demanded a pleUadte types of measures In «e*)i asastrtj One body of. Japaneae treeps k qp- cial Following Conference Maacratte Preeess A new MU haa been rep o rt by which are of undoubted naOeMU /Tkeps- siUl, hewevar, ba aa a t mas *<> th at toa 8JSOO,000 (Sermait rret- labor commlttoa. I do nm paas eretlng at HangchwnnE w along .SllFt* somewhat different from th at Importanea becauae thay reiat* tfi ths Ltneheng-Taiub^wang dants of Gzsohoslovakta may detar- msxt on Its merits or demarlts, pravaWng whan HtUsr recatved WHk Gey. Cross CalnneL mlne their wishes for govsmmeat. fket remains that toa subject way, anothar between Yihstsn and MusaoUaT In Munich last September ft^sh Prmier Tells House Taferhobwang and the third In the Usl^ May Day aa a springboard. Us members. And it to equally tos 28. Henleln and his colleagues renewed right of a legtstotiva body, through (ODiitlaaed «■ Page iw o) "It haa always seemed to me TaaebeM ssetor. ‘ that In tbe case of toes* mfiiniire# The Oilnese countor-offenaive In Itshans. some of them In official Hartford, May 2—(API—Tem- Of Connnons Anglo-ftal- their demands for political conces- circles, have expressed resentment sions In a burst of oratory In towns —few In any one sesalon—to* wboM Shansi and Honan provinces appar- porary appointment of Elmer C membership of toe legislative bo<^ ently has established a buffer zone that Naziflcatlon of Austria brought through toe German sector of toe Welden aa Deputy commissioner isn Pact Was Necessary. nation. should be given full and free OF* nearly 60 mllea wide on the north portunity to discuss them. yjS* bank of the'Yellow river.
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