LONDON CALAIS CARTE GENERALE DU BASSIN MINIER LILLE URBAN CITY STRATEGY E16 LIVING CITIES- de la Région Nord - Pas-de-Calais BRUXELLES LIEGE Fléchinelle KÖLN Dorignies / Pont-de-la-Deûle, Auchy au bois The State, the Communauté d’Ag- BETHUNE Ferfay Douaisis Marles-les- Douvrin Auchel Mines Meurchin glomération and the two munici- Cauchy à laTour Carvin Château- Bruay- Carvin l'Abbaye Cond é- A new social utopia La-Buissi ère Noeux-Noeux- Vieux-Condsur-l'Escauté les-Mines Ostricourt Vieux- BRUXELLES Bruay- les-Mines Cond é palities agreed on the need for Camblain- Labuissière Bruille- CHARLEROI Grenay Oignies Odomez Chatelain saint-Amand MONS Lens Saint Aybert Harnes Fresnes- Courrières Saint-Amand-les-Eaux Agglo Bully- Courri ères sur-l'Escaut les-Mines LENS intervention through the NPNRU Beugin Escaupont Thivencelle Montigny- Li èvin en-Goh. Dourges Flines- Raismes Sallaumines Vicoigne Escarpelle les-Raches Liévin Hénin- Hasnon Raismes Beaumont France Bruay- (New National Urban Renewal sur-l'Escaut Avion Méricourt Ablain- Drocourt Courcelles- Crespin les-Lens Saint-Nazaire DOUAI Saint Anzin Sin-le- Saulve Noble Programme). A tool that will allow Vimy-Fresnoy Somain Anzin VALENCIENNES SCALE: L / S Aniche Marly Aniche Denain the consultation of all the partners Denain TEAM REPRESENTATIVE: archi- Zones urbaines Routes secondaires Azincourt Prairies Routes nationales Douchy- Douchy-les-Minesles-Mines Boisements voies express involved and the concentration of tect/urbanist/ landscape architect Cités minières Autoroutes ARRAS Terrils Cavaliers miniers Cours d'eau Limites de département financial means. The NPNRU’s SITE TOPIC: Revitalization / Ma- Canaux Limites du Bassin Minier Ligne TGV Carvin Communes de plus de 10000 habs CARTOGRAPHIE N 0 10 20 Km O E PARIS REIMS ambition is to structure the terri- Janvier 2009 king Territories Performative S map of the miningPARIS basin tory, to requalify public and private OWNER(S) OF THE SITE: Mining COMMISION AFTER COMPETI- housing and to develop functional LOCATION: Douaisis Agglo, Company, RFF/SNCF, City of TION: Urban studies and urban and social mixes through urban Douai and Flers-en-Escrebieux, Douai, City of Flers-en-Ercrebieux, programming to propose a place of action. At the same time, the Com- Nord (59) Norévie (social landlord), private solidarity economy (1), a different munauté d’Agglomération must land kind of land management (2) and question the sustainability of its POPULATION: Douaisis Agglo: to develop innovative housing (3). interventions. This is one of the 148 910 inhab./ City of Douai: 39 questions raised by the «Living 700 inhab./ City of Flers-en-Escre- City» session. Methodological pro- bieux: 5 856 inhab. posals are expected to take into account existing informal uses and STUDY SITE: 152 ha Territorial map NPNRU area make them legitimate. An overall PROJECT SITES: (1) 2.8 ha + (2) plan linking the various projects 8.5 ha + (3) 4.4 ha underway in the neighborhood may be proposed. SITE PROPOSED BY: Douaisis The objective is to recreate a Agglo, City of Douai, City of Fler- link between the different neigh- sen-Escrebieux bourhoods and «sub-neighbou- ACTORS INVOLVED: Douaisis rhoods» of the city, which are highly Agglo, City of Douai City of Flers- fragmented, while at the same time en-Escrebieux, Agence Nationale enhancing the local identity and pour la Rénovation Urbaine, Noré- the very strong sense of belonging vie (social landlord) Aerial oblique view of an urban fracture specific to the neighbourhood. The living beings living in the neighborhood will be treated with dignity and put at the center of the proposed transformation process. SITE DEFINITION The Dorignies/Pont-de-la-Deûle site is located in northern France, in the heart of the mining area. The territory developed thanks to the industrial activity of coal mining, which operated for three centuries and had significant impacts on the economy, social context, lands- cape, ecology and culture. The neighborhood is made up of fragments of the city and spread over two different municipalities. The channel, the mining bypass (A21) and the railway are fracture Aerial view with clear limites elements that contribute to the pat- study site (line in red) chwork effect that is unique to the generalGeneral aerialaerial obliqueoblique viewview neighborhood. These elements + project site (line in yellow) of fragmentation can become the support for new uses and the vec- tor of new synergies. E16 LiVING CITIES - Douaisis Agglo France HOW MUST BE DEVELOPPED AND CONNECTED METABO- LISM AND INCUSIVITY? The territory’s strong social and cultural heritage resulting from its industrial past, as well as the landscape transformed by human activity but hosting great diversity, are sources of inspiration for buil- Ground view of the canal (3) ding the ecosystems of tomorrow. The candidates are invited to pro- pose projects that include the pro- blems of soil decontamination or dangerous road traffic, but also to question the need to deconstruct or build with proposals ranging from the rehabilitation of old buil- dings to the improvement of the living environment through inno- Urban-architectural map vative housing. projet sites 1,2,3 Ground view of the tower of the Château Delattre Social problems are very preva- lent in certain sectors and the ove- rall precariousness is growing in neighborhoods where the housing stock is not adapted to the needs of the inhabitants. Residents must therefore show resilience and de- velop ways of adapting to the diffi- culties and to urban planning that was not designed for their use. An economy and informal practices have emerged from these adap- tations. Non-human milieux are numerous and rich in diversity. Green and blue infrastructures extend over Ground view of the former building of the the entire territory and are able to radiological archives (1) provide many ecosystem services. Like the rare flowers that grow on land polluted by heavy metals or the slag heaps formed by the ac- cumulation of mine products that today offer views of the territory, synergies between human and natural systems can be created in order to strengthen ecosystems. The resilience demonstrated by the residents of the Dorignies/ Pont-de-la-Deûle neighbourhood and the services provided by natu- ral ecosystems can reinforce each other and enable the sustainable transformation of the neighbou- rhood. Urban-architectural aerial oblique view Ground view of the Dorignies social centre (2).
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