Weatherhead High School WEATHER REPORT A high performing academy providing excellence for all Autumn 2013 OUtstandING SCHOOL, OUtstandING RESUlts! Top Scores for Some of our outstanding students with Mr Dyment A Level Students tudents and staff celebrated outstanding A Level results with 79% of grades at A*-C and Sa record 49% A*-B grades. Nearly 140 students secured University places. Mr Dyment congratulated all students on their achievements and wishes them every success in their new adventures at University. Rebecca Dennis A* A* A B Lancaster University - Mathematics Hannah Thurlow A* A* A Liverpool University - Mathematics Alice Lucking A* A A B Birmingham University - Medicine Christine Duncan A* A A Liverpool University - English Louise Evans A* A A Manchester University - English & Spanish Olivia Stowell-Smith A* A A Loughborough University - Sport & Exercise Science Rebecca Benson A* A B Surrey University - Mathematics Emily Moore A* A B Manchester University - Architecture Hannah Simmons A* A B Lancaster University - English Laura Cook A A A C Liverpool John Moores University - Zoology A-Level Results Day Tougher Grade Boundaries No Hurdle to GCSE Students e also celebrated another exceptional year of GCSE results with 73% of This year’s top performers students achieving 5 A*- C grades (including English and Maths). A record Sarah Houlighan 8A* 6A numberW of 634 A* and A grades were awarded with students securing a 99% pass rate of 5 or more GCSEs. 87% of students achieved A*- C grades in Maths and the Bethany Johnson 7A* 6A success of students achieving the English Baccalaureate was excellent. In addition, Wynsei Chu 7A* 5A 1B 73% of our Year 10 students achieved A*- C in early entry Maths and 82% Year 10 Grace Blundell 6A* 7A students achieved A* -C in Media. Emma Watts 6A* 5A 1B Mr Dyment congratulated students on their outstanding success and said, “All Jaspreet Kaur 6A* 5A 1B our students had worked tremendously hard and were rewarded for their efforts. Every child has secured a qualification and many have achieved exceptional grades. Jodie Oliver 5A* 8A 1B I am delighted that Weatherhead is able to provide such excellent teaching that Eleanor Saunders 5A* 6A 2B supports students to achieve such outstanding results.” Faye Edwards 4A* 9A Sam Pipkin 4A* 9A 110_WR_Autumn13_v6.indd 1 16/09/2013 08:11 A New School Year Welcome Evening for New Year 7 Parents and Carers arents, Teachers & Friends @ Weatherhead (PTF) invite Year 7 parents and carers to an information evening on Tuesday 15th October. This informal social event will enable new families to the school to meet other parents. PWe seek to create a caring and supportive school community for all students and families and hope that you will feel Weatherhead is a welcoming and open place. For more information on Weatherhead PTF please visit our website or contact our Chairman Ann Blundell via email [email protected] Headteacher’s Welcome “I am delighted to introduce the latest edition of Weather Report. Once again our GCSE and A Level results were outstanding, placing Weatherhead amongst the best schools in England. Equally, the wealth of opportunity and number of activities that our students are involved in never ceases to amaze me. They are great ambassadors for young people today and I am grateful to the staff that organise all the trips and activities. I would £1,200 PTF fundraising for school refurbishment also like to extend my thanks to parents for all the encouragement and support given to students. We celebrate this year our tenth anniversary in our impressive state-of-the art building New Appointments in Breck Road. It’s a great time and place to welcome our new intake of Year 7 students Senior Leadership Team and their parents to the school. Starting secondary school is an exciting time. In iss Sullivan has been promoted from Year 7 Leader and has been addition to a packed timetable we encourage appointed Assistant Headteacher - Pastoral. We also welcome Miss Powley all girls to get involved in extra-curricular who will be the new Assistant Headteacher - Curriculum and Head of activities - there are plenty to choose from. MSixth Form. Mr Wright is currently Acting Deputy Headteacher. I would also like to remind parents that I offer Miss Sullivan Miss Powley an open surgery for any parent or carer who wishes to see me. Dates of termly surgeries are available on our website along with all the school’s information, letters and calendar dates. Enjoy reading about our school!” Mr Dyment - Headteacher 2 WEATHER REPORT 110_WR_Autumn13_v6.indd 2 16/09/2013 08:11 Leading News Student Senior Leadership Team 2013 - 2014 Head Girl Nicole Robson Deputy Head Girl Rebecca Edwards Deputy Head Boy John Buckley Assistant Head Girl Amy Langton Assistant Head Girl Anna Ghader Assistant Head Girl Alex Heron Assistant Head Girl Esther Richardson Assistant Head Girl Georgia Moss SSLT 2013 - 2014 Awesome SSLT! he new Student Senior Leadership Team started their year in office on a high note! Having already represented the school at Key Stage 3 Awards TEvening, Open Evening and Induction Day they cemented their team spirit by spending the day learning to climb at Awesome Walls in Liverpool. It certainly proved a challenge but they supported each other well to overcome any difficulties. They also attained a climbing qualification as part of their leadership training. They certainly are a team to be proud of! Awesome SSLT Term Dates Dates for Your Diary School closes Thursday 17th October Sports Awards Evening Wednesday 9th October INSET (Teachers) Friday 18th October Settle In Evening for Year 7 Tuesday 15th October Half Term Monday 21st October - Parents/Carers Friday 25th October Senior Awards Evening Thursday 17th October School opens Monday 28th October Performing Arts Showcase Wednesday 30th October Year 9 Parents’ Evening Thursday 14th November School closes Friday 20th December Year 13 Parents’ Evening Thursday 28th November Christmas Monday 23rd December - Holidays Friday 3rd January 2014 Christmas Concert Wednesday 4th December Careers Fair Thursday 5th December School opens Monday 6th January Year 12 Parents’ Evening Thursday 9th January Year 11 Parents’ Evening Thursday 13th February Year 10 Parents’ Evening Thursday 27th February Year 7 Parents’ Evening Thursday 13th March Year 8 Parents’ Evening Thursday 27th March For a full list of term dates and events please visit the Key Information for Parents and Carers section on ! the school website For all the latest news visit www.weatherhead.wirral.sch.uk 3 110_WR_Autumn13_v6.indd 3 16/09/2013 08:11 Celebrating Achievement KEY STAGE Year 7 Latin cohort 3 Per aspera ad astra! he Year 7 Latin cohort received a copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in Latin to reward and celebrate the completion of their first year of Latin. Taught by the University Tof Liverpool, the students undertook a year’s introductory course and will have the opportunity to start GCSE Latin in Year 8. Year 10 celebrate success Key Stage 3 Awards Evening ey Stage 3 Awards Evening was a wonderful evening celebrating the successes of nearly one hundred students in Years 7, 8 and 9. The girls were rewarded for their Khard work and effort as well as for their academic achievements. A number of students also received special Year Leader Awards. The evening showcased the talent of our Performing Arts students with a Year 8 Dance performance to Seal’s Crazy followed by Year 8 student Rebecca Barrow playing A Whole New World by Menken Mr Dyment congratulates MENSA students on the cornet. The evening finished with a solo performance of Adele’s Turning Tables by Jessica Henry, accompanied by Mr Brown on piano. Chamber Choir sang a full repertoire of beautiful pieces as MENSA IQ Tests guests arrived and departed from the Theatre. Our guest speaker, ifted and Talented Leaders, Mr Riley and Mr Stringer, Miss Gabrielle Wenham from Atlantic Chambers, gave an inspirational coordinated eighty students from Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 talk about her career as a Barrister and provided the girls with some to take MENSA IQ tests. The IQ test is a series of short words of wisdom, encouraging them to work hard, aim high and testsG of verbal, spatial and numerical reasoning taken under remain individual. Thank you to all of the staff and students who a strict time limit of five to eight minutes per test. The girls contributed to making the evening such a wonderful celebration of achieved some phenomenal scores including seven students all that is great about Weatherhead. who attained MENSA membership which place them in the top 2% of the population. Well done to Ellen Brown, Jade Award winners Franks, Sarah Jackson, Nicole Marnell, Rebecca Moulesdale and Molly Stafford who were invited for tea with Mr Dyment in recognition of their achievement and to celebrate their impressive MENSA membership. Senior Awards Evening will take place on ! Thursday 17th October KEY STAGE Poetry by Heart ear 10 and 11 students Alex Cooke, Abigail Keane Atkins, Jordan McDonald and Melanie 4 Squires took part in the Poetry by Heart competition. Launched by Poet Laureate, Sir Andrew Motion, Poetry by Heart is a passionate competition that requires students to memoriseY and recite a piece of their favourite poetry. Talented Year 11 student Melanie Squires won a place to represent Merseyside in the National Finals at the National Portrait Gallery, London, in front of a distinguished panel of leading British poets. Melanie recited Oscar Wilde’s Ballad of Gaol and Badly Chosen Lover by Rosemary Tonks. Although she didn’t win, Melanie represented the school and region brilliantly. Melanie thoroughly enjoyed the experience and “regardless of winning or losing - it was the pure enjoyment that made it everything, being surrounded, perhaps for the first time, by kindred spirits”.
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