A FASHIONISTA'S-D EAM Mens LAX lose to avy The Blue Hens lost 9-7 in the fir t round of Mosaic and Synergy join forces for the NCAA tournament at Navy Saturday, the 2005 Fashion Issue. ending their season. Mosaic/ Bl Sports I B6 . •' 250 Perkins Student Center University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 FREE • • TUESDAYS & FR ID AYS \'olumc I J I. Issue 54 ll'll'\l'.lldrel'ieu:com Tuesday, May 17, 2005 -~ 'I called her my Lindsey Lou' Local crime BY JlA DIN AND CAIT been reduced to ash marks and SIMPSON water damage. ·The smell of make continuesI . NewsEditon petvades the bui lding, which is still The pi ctures nearly covered blocked off by po lice tape. the entire wa ll of the bedroom. A According to po lice, the killer BY MONICA SIMMONS Managmg News Edllor • co llage of family and friends from is sti II at large. Three robberi c occurred within city limits last week­ ·:home and school documented 20 end , adding to the city's recent crime wave, Newark Police :;years' worth of memories. T h c To those who knew her, sa id. Vi ncent Van Gogh print of " afe L, in dsey will always be remem­ A university tudent was robbed at th e 7-Eleven con­ :Terrace at Night" and a Bob Marl ey bered for her sense of ·humor and venience store, located at the intersection of Delaware poster hung next to li ght-hearted energetic persona li ty. Avenu e and South Chapel Stree t, at 4:35 a. m. Saturday dood les drawn during many hours Lindsey's sister, Kri sten when he attempted to recover hi s stolen cell phone. spent in class. Bonistall , 22, sa id Lindsey had the In the main Two additional incidents occurred the following morn­ ab il ity to add ing when a 23-year-old male was assaulted and robbed on room, bright col­ hwnor to any sit­ Paper Mill Road, nea r Creek View Road, at approximately ored tapestri es uati n. 4:59a.m. ' .adomed the ceiling "She wo ul d be and wa ll s. Posters Eleven minutes later, a university student was wa lking the one that alone to hi s ca r outsid e of the 500 building or Univer ity of Sub li me, the wou ld be makin g Courtya rds when he was assaulted and robbed by similar Dave Matthews it better lor us all Band and Pitlk suspects. right now," she The ro bberies occurred two weeks afier th e murder of Floyd decorated said through her sophoq10re Lindsey Bonistall , whose body was fou nd in th e wa ll s amid tears. "S he would her Towne Co urt apartment, prompting city cou nci l to num erous original be the one who works of art done approve the addition of fi ve Newark Police officers. wo uld make us Sgt. Ri ck Wi ll iams, of Newark Poli ce, sa id po li ce by fri ends. laugh and make The inde- made an arrest in th e robbery that occurred at the 7-Eleven us be happy conveni ence tore. pend ence th at aga in - she was came with li ving joy." Michael Schorah, of Transom Court in Elkton, Md., off-campus in her was charged with first-degree robbery, conspi racy in the Sophomore Jon second degree, offensive touch ing ·of a law enforcement Towne ourt apattment gave soph­ Little, Lindsey's fom1er boyfriend omore Li ndsey BonistaUth e oppo r­ officer and theft under $1,000, Williams said. from fres lm1an year, said he and his Newark Police are still searching for the remaining tuni ty to create her own lifestyle. friends agreed Lindsey wou ld want Lindsey's father, Mark, said two uspects, identi fied as two white male in their early them to be happy regardl ess of the 20s. she wa med to chart her own course. tragic ~ itu atio n. ''She liked the idea ofhav ing . The victims of the robberi es that occurred at Scholar "If she were here, she 'd be Drive and 7-Eleven were uni versity students, Williams her own place and the idea of work­ making jokes and laughing about it All who knew her sa id humor Nicole Gengat'o and Lindsey, who ing and paying her uti lity bills," he sa id. The suspects did not carry any weapons, he said . and sayin g, 'Guys don 't worry encap ulated Lind ey's life. met after living in Dickinson B res­ . Capt. James Flatley, director of public safety, said the said. · about it,' " he sa id . "She just had Comedy Central was con­ idence hall their fres hman year. "She told me she was fman­ university is trying to urge students to take precautions, that altitude where she was always stantly on the TV in their apan­ They were inseparable. whil e providing support to reinforce those precautions. cia lly independent and I chuckled. J happy." ment. It was common knowledge "We were just obsessed with to ld her, 'All you' re doing is paying " It' a pat.1ncrship of safety and security," he said. that Lindsey's favorite movies were each other froin the moment we Flatley sa id public safety has seen an increased your utility bill. ' " Laughing, her i tcr reca lled "Old Schoo l," "Office Space," met," Christine aid. Lindsey, 20, of White Plains, demand for its escort service. Between Thur day night !l nd Lindsey's habit of making flllmy "Super Troopers" and " 13 G ing Sophomore Maura Brosnan, a Sunday morning, he sa id officers more than 250 ca ll s. N.Y., was fo und strangled in her faces in pictures. on 30" because she wou ld recite close friend who grew up witl1 bathtub May 1 during an investiga­ "We're going to ~eep trying," Flatl ey said. "But if "She always fe lt if she would­ lines verbatim to the amusement of Lindsey, recalled her outgoing per­ so meone isn't taking advantage of the support we are offer­ tion of an early moming fiJe that n't be looking her 100 percent be t friends. sona lity. wa set in her apartment. ing, there's not much we can do." in the picture, she might as we ll be Sophoinore Christine Bush, Anyone with information on these crim es should co n­ The qnce artsy apartment has lick iJ1 g someone's face," she said. Lindsey's Joommate, sophomore see FRIENDS page A3 tac t Det. Scott Rieger of Newark Police at (302) 366-7 100 ext. 131. Ludacris performs hits at the Bob P .KA l . l a umnz wzn BY DA NA SCHWARTZ A three-minute warning from DJ Amaze kept th e crowd on the edge Enterwimuent Editor of its seats, and when Ludacri s' distinctive voice boomed through the • A crowd of I ,700 people anxiously awa ited Def Jam recording a1ii st, Bob, the audience immediately responded to the fam iliar sound . Ludacris, at the Bob arpenter Center Thursday. Ludacris made hi s way to th e stage, opening with "Number One city liquor dispute The concert, held by Student Center Programs Advisoty Board and Spot," from hi s newest albnm , 2004's "The Red Li ght District." Cultural Programming Advisory Board, attracted av id Ludacris fans , who Surprisingly, fa ns did not find themselves blinded by Ludacris' were not di sappointed by the rapper's performance. sparkling diamond s, whi ch adorned hi s neck, wrist and cars. They BY ANGELA LAFFERTY Cross said Delta Eta agreed DJ Amaze and Power 99 FM enterta ined the audi ence of uni ver$i ty remained on their feet as Ludacri s sa ng popular songs such as "What's Sraf[ Reporlet to a live-in chaperone, whi ch students and community members, and the rare youngster accompanied Your Fantasy" and "Southern Hospitality" from hi s fi rst album "Back for The Newark Ci ty Court was among the list of restric­ by a parent. the First Time" and "Area odes," from the "Word of Mouf" album. ruled the city ca nnot res tri ct tions from th e city. The crowd remained unevenly dispersed throughou t the Bob until Ludacris kept the audience entertained and invo lved and even dis­ Delta Eta, an alumni association "We tried to work with the word of Ludacri s' entrance ti ll ed the venue. Aud ience members rushed played hi s se n e of humor by freestyling between songs. for the Pi Kappa Alpha fratemi­ city," he sa id. the stage and qu ickly fi ll ed the front half of the Bob, as th ey danced and "Black people know me from the block I Latinos are waiting for my ty, from allowing PiKA resi­ Delta Eta was not looking waved their hands to the music. album to drop I And white people say I 'Man, you jitcking rock. ' " dents old er than 21 years old to for a special license to sell , di s­ The crowd filled the Bob with screams and waving hands when the ell, di stribute or consume alco­ tribute or consume alco hol , beat ofUsher's "Yeah" blasted thJough the venue. Ludacri s sa ng his verse hol in their apartment com plex. Cross said. of th e song as audience members danced in the aisles and on th eir seats. The case was brought after "We're not trying to open a Ludacris was a] o joined by the fema le member of the Disturbing Delta Eta planned on building liquor store," he said.
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