TONY EVERS (D-WI) GOVERNOR OF WISCONSIN Life in Brief Quick Summary Born: November 5, 1951 A career educator and administrator who challenged incumbent Scott Walker’s Hometown: Plymouth, WI controversial administration with a platform of bettering the state through infrastructure and Current Residence: Madison, WI education • Focused his platForm on issues he believed had Education: gone unaddressed in Wisconsin like poor • PhD, Education, University oF Wisconsin- education Funding, dated inFrastructure, and Madison, 1986 limited health care • MA, Education, University oF Wisconsin- • Enacted policies expanding Funding, particularly Madison, 1978 For rural schools and mental health prevention, • BA, Education, University oF Wisconsin- during his time as superintendent and carried Madison, 1974 those priorities into his term as governor, vetoing a state budget that lacked substantial Family: support For public education • WiFe, Kathy Evers • As superintendent, promoted a complete • Three adult children overhaul oF the school Funding Formula that was • Nine grandchildren rejected by Scott Walker, sparking Evers’ interest in campaigning For his oFFice Work History: • Governor oF Wisconsin, 2019-Present ApproAch And MotivAtions • Superintendent, Wisconsin Department oF Public Instruction, 2009-2018 Relies on decades of experience in education to • Deputy State Superintendent, 2001-2009 inform his decisions and push for equity • Administrator, Cooperative Education Service • Has served as an educator and administrator Agency, 1992-2001 For his entire liFe leading up to his gubernatorial • Superintendent, Verona Schools, 1988-1992 run • Superintendent, Oakfield Schools, 1984-1988 • Values the public education system greatly, • Principal, Tomah High School, 1980-1984 Focusing on expanding Funding for mental • Principal, Tomah Elementary School, 1979- health and districts struggling with under- 1980 enrollment • Teacher, Tomah Elementary School, 1976- • Through the public education system has been 1979 exposed to a cross-section oF society, and proposes equity-Focused policy to close divides Electoral Overview created by poverty • DeFeated incumbent Scott Walker in 2008 with • Persistent in eFForts to obtain state-wide oFFice a one-point lead to advance education policy: started running For • Won the state superintendent election in 2017 superintendent in 1993, but lost then and again with a 40-point lead in 2001 beFore Finally cinching a victory in 2009 PEOPLE RESEARCH SERVICE 1 TONY EVERS (D-WI) GOVERNOR OF WISCONSIN PoLicy Positions And AreAs of Focus Core Communities Prioritizes education, health care, and public Based in education his whole life, Evers gained services for Wisconsin families the key support of the labor movement with his pro-union platform Education Policy: Prioritizes equity • Funded expanded student mental health Wisconsin Education System: After Scott programs, responding to growing suicide rates Walker’s defunding of state education, Evers’ • Sponsored Sparsity Aid, a program to boost candidacy was called “Teachers’ Revenge” Funding to low population school districts • Evers’ three-time alma mater, The University oF • Collaborated with tribal nations on expanding Wisconsin system, was instrumental in the educational opportunity For Native Americans Evers’ campaign aFter losing $250 million in • Created the “Fair Funding For Our Future” plan, funding under the Scott Walker administration an equity-based reForm For public school Funds; • Evers’ campaigned heavily at Wisconsin public then-Governor Walker rejected the plan schools, speaking with teachers and proFessors • Wants to continue the Freeze on in-state tuition • Education lobbies and unions on local, state, to keep higher education aFFordable, subsidizing and national levels endorsed, campaigned For, the cost with Funding For state higher education and donated hundreds of thousands to Tony • Vetoed a Republican spending plan due to its Evers lack oF investment in education Labor Movement: Wisconsin’s laborers rallied Health Care: Focused on protecting patients against Scott Walker’s union busting by backing • Supports protections made by the ACA, Evers, forming a key pillar of his campaign including preexisting conditions and maintaining • Several unions and union leaders endorsed the dependent age cap at 26 Evers For governor, rallying laborers • Wants to expand health care access in • The Wisconsin Laborers District Council was a Wisconsin by expanding Medicaid top campaign contributor to the Evers campaign • Supports medical marijuana • Electrical workers, teamsters, plumbers, transit workers, and other blue-collar groups made up Taxation: Lowering burdens on the middle class a massive portion oF Evers’ campaign Finance • Proposes a 10% income tax rate For Wisconsin families making less than $150,000 State Superintendent’s Office: Nearly two • Plans to Fund tax cuts by removing breaks For decades in the state superintendent’s office high-earning Farmers and manuFacturers have brought Evers close to top administrators • Proposed a gas tax increase to Fund road • Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent prior improvement projects to Evers, deFeated him in the 2001 election and appointed him Deputy State Superintendent Immigration: Opposes Trump’s border policies • JeFF Pertl, Former senior policy advisor to Evers • Withdrew the Wisconsin National Guard from during his tenure as superintendent, was being called to the border and participated in appointed as deputy sectary For the Wisconsin the lawsuit against border wall Funding Department oF Children and Families • Wants to extend drivers licenses to • Michael Thompson, current Deputy State undocumented immigrants Superintendent, served with Evers in the superintendent’s cabinet For nearly two decades PEOPLE RESEARCH SERVICE 2 TONY EVERS (D-WI) GOVERNOR OF WISCONSIN ReLevAnt FinAnciAL Information PubLicAtions, MediA, And SpeAking Brought major education and blue-collar Carries his core issues into speeches and support to his campaign presentations, often focusing on bipartisan progress and state education reform Biggest Industry Donors (career) • Trade Unions: $1 million Media: Often uses video announcements • Public Sector Unions: $1 million through social media to focus on policy and • Education: $600,000 address the public • Lawyers and Lobbyists: $500,000 • PreFerred Outlets: WISN and other Wisconsin • Transportation Unions: $250,000 state networks, direct to social media announcements Biggest Corporate Donors (career) • Favorite Subjects: Education, public health, • Wisconsin Education Association Council health care, inFrastructure, gerrymandering (Madison, WI): $150,000 • Social Media Habits: Incredibly active on • Wisconsin Laborers District Council (DeForest, Facebook and Twitter WI): $100,000 • Operating Engineers Local 139 (Peqaukee, Speaking: Focuses on political change for WI): $100,000 Wisconsin when making addresses • Wisconsin Pipe Trades Association • Favorite Subjects: Education, public health, (Milwaukee, WI): $100,000 health care, inFrastructure • International Union oF Operating Engineers • PreFerred Audience: Wisconsin residents, (Washington, DC): $112,000 education groups Biggest Individual Donors (career) • Tom & Katherine Ann Steyer, Philanthropists: $80,000 • Laurene Powell Jobs, Founder oF the Emerson Collective (Palo Alto, CA): $40,000 • Lynde Uihlein, Philanthropist (Milwaukee Wisconsin): $40,000 • Adam J Lewis, Philanthropist: $40,000 • Chris Abele, Miluakee County Executive, $40,000 • Stephen Silberstein, Innovative InterFaces (Emeryville, CaliFornia): $40,000 PEOPLE RESEARCH SERVICE 3 TONY EVERS (D-WI) GOVERNOR OF WISCONSIN FAmiLy And PersonAL BAckground Criticisms And Controversies Evers’ entire life has centered around the public Has won two lawsuits against conservative education system, from meeting his wife to interest groups reacting to his policies launching his campaign • Met his wiFe, Kathy, in kindergarten; they went Blocking buses to a religious school • Superintendent Evers allowed Washington to junior prom together and began dating County, WI to not provide buses to a private afterwards Catholic school • Grew up, went to college, and worked in • Conservative groups Filed a lawsuit alleging Wisconsin his entire liFe, giving him a strong Evers was violating the First amendment by dedication to the state discriminating against the school’s religious • Has spent his entire career in education, values; federal judges Found in Favor oF Evers starting as a teacher; he and his entire Family • As per Wisconsin law, attendance areas only have attended public schools need to provide buses to one religious school per denomination, and since there was already a Catholic school being bussed to in the area, Evers was Found to be Fully compliant with the law Banned a conservative think tank from press briefings due to harsh criticism • The McIver Institute For Public Policy was excluded From Evers’ press brieFings From the beginning oF his term, and sued For a First amendment violation in August 2019 • In March 2020, the court decided in Favor oF Evers, allowing him to exclude the institute From his brieFings PEOPLE RESEARCH SERVICE 4 TONY EVERS (D-WI) GOVERNOR OF WISCONSIN COVID-19 Response COVID-19 Response (Continued) A fast-acting and progressive governor, closed Statements: Issues calm but direct sentiments schools and issued stay at home orders quickly for residents to prioritize their own safety while also offering employee and business • Conducts a weekly radio
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