Bayreuth Hbf – Lichtenfels – Coburg Bayreuth Hbf

Bayreuth Hbf – Lichtenfels – Coburg Bayreuth Hbf

Bayreuth Hbf – Lichtenfels – Coburg Sonderfahrplan gültig ab 23.03.20 RE ag ag ag RE RE RE RE ag ag RE RE ag ag RE RE ag ag RE RE ag ag RE RE ag RE Zugnummer 59398 84510 84512 84514 59318 59318 3466 59396 84530 84686 4948 59300 84690 84690 3481 59356 84600 84600 4924 59302 84602 84602 3483 59358 84516 59304 Verkehrstag mo-fr mo-fr mo-fr sa+so sa+so mo-fr mo-fr mo-fr mo-fr mo-fr sa+so täglich sa+so mo-fr täglich mo-fr sa+so mo-fr täglich täglich sa+so mo-fr täglich täglich täglich täglich Marktred- Marktred- von Hof Weiden Hof Nürnberg Pressath Weiden Nürnberg witz Hof Nürnberg witz Hof Nürnberg Bayreuth Hbf ab 5:02 5:45 5:45 6:34 7:01 7:37 7:37 8:02 8:30 8:30 9:02 9:37 9:37 10:02 10:30 11:02 Bindlach ab 5:06 5:49 5:49 6:38 | 7:41 7:41 | 8:34 8:34 | 9:41 9:41 | 10:34 | Ramsenthal ab x5:09 5:53 5:53 x6:41 | x7:44 x7:44 | x8:37 x8:37 | x9:44 x9:44 | x10:37 | Harsdorf ab 5:12 5:58 5:58 6:47 | 7:48 7:48 | 8:40 8:40 | 9:48 9:48 | 10:40 | Trebgast ab 5:16 6:03 6:03 6:52 7:15 7:53 7:53 | 8:45 8:45 9:15 9:52 9:52 | 10:45 11:15 Neuenmarkt-Wirsberg an 5:21 6:08 6:08 6:15 6:59 7:05 7:20 7:57 7:57 8:20 8:50 8:50 9:20 9:57 9:57 10:20 10:50 11:20 Neuenmarkt-Wirsberg ab 5:21 6:15 6:16 7:08 7:08 7:27 7:58 7:58 8:27 8:51 8:51 9:27 9:58 9:58 10:27 10:51 11:27 Ludwigschorgast ab x5:25 | | x7:11 x7:11 | x8:01 x8:01 | x8:54 x8:54 | x10:01 x10:01 | x10:54 | Untersteinach (b. Stadtsteinach) ab 5:27 6:20 6:21 7:13 7:13 7:32 8:04 8:04 | 8:56 8:56 9:32 10:04 10:04 | 10:56 11:32 Kulmbach an 5:32 6:25 6:25 7:18 7:18 7:36 8:08 8:08 8:34 9:01 9:01 9:36 10:08 10:08 10:34 11:01 11:36 Kulmbach ab 5:32 6:25 6:26 7:18 7:18 7:37 8:09 8:09 8:35 9:01 9:01 9:37 10:08 10:08 10:35 11:01 11:37 Mainleus ab 5:37 6:30 6:30 7:22 7:22 | 8:13 8:13 | 9:05 9:05 | 10:13 10:13 | 11:05 | Mainroth ab x5:41 | | x7:26 x7:26 | | | | x9:09 x9:09 | x10:16 x10:16 | x11:09 | Burgkunstadt ab 5:45 6:37 6:37 7:30 7:30 7:47 8:20 8:20 8:44 9:13 9:13 9:47 10:21 10:21 10:44 11:13 11:47 Hochstadt-Marktzeuln ab 5:50 6:42 6:42 7:34 7:35 | 8:25 8:25 8:48 9:18 9:18 9:51 10:25 10:25 10:48 11:18 | Michelau (Oberfr) ab | | | | | | | | | x9:21 x9:21 | | | | x11:21 | Lichtenfels an 5:56 6:48 6:47 7:41 7:41 7:41 7:56 8:31 8:31 8:53 9:25 9:25 9:40 9:57 10:31 10:31 10:53 11:25 11:56 Lichtenfels ab 5:09 5:38 6:13 6:36 7:01 7:45 7:45 7:57 7:57 8:36 8:36 8:54 9:03 9:34 9:34 9:44 10:36 10:36 10:54 11:02 11:34 Schney ab 5:12 5:41 6:16 6:39 7:04 7:48 7:48 8:00 8:39 8:39 | 9:37 9:37 | 10:39 10:39 | 11:37 Ebersdorf (b. Coburg) ab 5:22 5:47 6:21 6:44 7:14 7:53 7:53 8:12 8:45 8:45 9:15 9:42 9:42 9:51 10:45 10:45 11:13 11:42 Grub am Forst ab 5:25 5:50 6:25 6:48 7:18 7:56 7:56 8:15 8:49 8:49 9:18 9:46 9:46 | 10:48 10:48 11:16 11:46 Creidlitz ab 5:28 5:53 6:29 6:51 7:21 8:00 8:00 8:18 8:52 8:52 | 9:49 9:49 | 10:51 10:51 | 11:49 Coburg an 5:34 5:58 6:34 6:55 7:25 8:04 8:04 8:22 8:56 8:56 9:25 9:53 9:53 10:01 10:55 10:55 11:22 11:53 Sonneberg Sonneberg nach (mo-fr) Sonneberg Bamberg Bamberg Sonneberg Bamberg (mo-fr) Bayreuth Hbf – Lichtenfels – Coburg Sonderfahrplan gültig ab 23.03.20 RE ag ag RE RE ag ag ag RE RE RE ag RE RE ag RE RE RE ag RE RE ag RE RE ag Zugnummer 4926 84604 84604 3485 59360 84518 84518 84520 59306 59306 4928 84606 3487 59362 84522 4930 59308 59384 84608 3489 59364 84524 59310 4932 84610 Verkehrstag täglich mo-fr sa+so täglich mo-fr sa+so mo-fr täglich mo-fr sa+so täglich täglich täglich täglich täglich täglich täglich mo-fr täglich täglich mo-fr täglich täglich täglich täglich Bad Bad Bad Bad von Nürnberg Steben Steben Nürnberg Nürnberg Steben Nürnberg Nürnberg Nürnberg Steben Nürnberg Nürnberg Bayreuth Hbf ab 11:37 11:37 12:02 12:30 12:30 13:01 13:02 13:37 14:02 14:30 15:02 15:37 16:02 16:30 17:02 17:37 Bindlach ab 11:41 11:41 | 12:34 12:34 13:05 | 13:41 | 14:34 | 15:41 | 16:34 | 17:41 Ramsenthal ab x11:44 x11:44 | x12:37 x12:37 x13:08 | x13:44 | x14:37 | x15:44 | x16:37 | x17:44 Harsdorf ab 11:48 11:48 | 12:40 12:40 13:11 | 13:48 | 14:40 | 15:48 | 16:40 | 17:48 Trebgast ab 11:53 11:53 12:16 12:45 12:45 13:16 13:15 13:53 14:16 14:45 15:15 15:53 16:16 16:45 17:15 17:53 Neuenmarkt-Wirsberg an 11:57 11:57 12:21 12:50 12:50 13:21 13:20 13:58 14:21 14:50 15:20 15:57 16:21 16:50 17:20 17:57 Neuenmarkt-Wirsberg ab 11:58 11:58 12:27 12:51 12:51 13:28 13:28 13:58 14:27 14:51 15:27 15:58 16:27 16:51 17:27 17:58 Ludwigschorgast ab x12:01 x12:01 | x12:54 x12:54 | | x14:01 | x14:54 | x16:01 | x16:54 | x18:01 Untersteinach (b. Stadtsteinach) ab 12:04 12:04 | 12:56 12:56 | | 14:04 | 14:56 15:32 16:04 | 16:56 17:32 18:04 Kulmbach an 12:08 12:08 12:34 13:01 13:01 13:37 13:37 14:08 14:34 15:01 15:36 16:08 16:34 17:01 17:36 18:08 Kulmbach ab 12:08 12:08 12:35 13:01 13:15 13:37 13:37 14:09 14:35 15:01 15:37 16:08 16:35 17:01 17:37 18:08 Mainleus ab 12:13 12:13 | 13:06 13:20 | | 14:13 | 15:05 | 16:13 | 17:05 | 18:13 Mainroth ab x12:16 x12:16 | x13:10 x13:23 | | x14:16 | x15:09 | x16:16 | x17:09 | x18:16 Burgkunstadt ab 12:21 12:21 12:44 13:14 13:28 13:47 13:47 14:21 14:44 15:13 15:47 16:21 16:44 17:13 17:47 18:21 Hochstadt-Marktzeuln ab 12:25 12:25 12:49 13:19 13:33 13:52 13:52 14:25 14:48 15:18 | 16:25 16:48 17:18 | 18:25 Michelau (Oberfr) ab | | | x13:23 x13:36 | | | | x15:21 | | | x17:21 | | Lichtenfels an 11:40 12:31 12:31 12:54 13:26 13:40 13:58 13:58 13:43 14:31 14:53 15:24 15:40 15:57 16:23 16:31 16:53 17:25 17:56 17:42 18:31 Lichtenfels ab 11:59 12:36 12:36 12:54 13:03 13:36 13:36 14:01 14:36 14:54 15:02 15:33 15:44 16:24 16:36 16:54 17:03 17:35 18:02 18:36 Schney ab | 12:39 12:39 | 13:39 13:39 14:04 14:39 | 15:36 | | 16:39 | 17:38 | 18:39 Ebersdorf (b. Coburg) ab 12:17 12:47 12:47 13:15 13:45 13:45 14:14 14:45 15:13 15:41 15:51 16:31 16:47 17:15 17:43 18:15 18:45 Grub am Forst ab | 12:50 12:50 13:18 13:49 13:49 14:18 14:48 15:16 15:45 | | 16:50 17:18 17:47 | 18:49 Creidlitz ab | 12:53 12:53 | 13:52 13:52 14:21 14:51 | 15:48 | | 16:53 | 17:50 | 18:52 Coburg an 12:25 12:57 12:57 13:25 13:56 13:56 14:25 14:55 15:22 15:52 16:01 16:47 16:57 17:25 17:54 18:24 18:56 Sonneberg nach Sonneberg Bamberg Sonneberg Bamberg (mo-fr) Sonneberg Sonneberg Bamberg Sonneberg Sonneberg Bayreuth Hbf – Lichtenfels – Coburg Sonderfahrplan gültig ab 23.03.20 Verkehrstage/Gültigkeiten: mo–fr = Montag bis Freitag, nicht an Feiertagen; RE RE ag RE RE ag RE RE ag RE ag RE RE RE RE RE ag ag Zugnummer nicht 24., 31.12.

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