COMPLETE RADIO PROGRAMS AND HIGHLIGHTS-FOR TODAY n CHICAGO FREQUENCIES W-G-NSpencer Allen, news. W-G.N-7211 WMB/-1110 FM- WMAQWhen a Girl Marries [Ni. WIND-580 WJJD-1160WGNI1-45.9 WEIBMPaul Gibson. WILL-580 WJOB-1230 and OE.% 0WCFLMusic LoversMatinee. WMAQ-870 WEDC-1240 WBEZ-44.5 WINDNews; Spike Jones. WBBM-780 WSBC-1240 WBBM-00.3 WLSMartlia and Helen. WAIT-820 WCRW-1240 WDLM-90.7 I 4:15W.G.NNoveity Shop. WENR-800 WMR0-1280 WEFM-45.1 WMAQPortia Faces Life IN I. VVLS-800 WJOL-1340 and 08.5. WJJDNews; Four-Four Thur. WAAF-050 WCES-1300 WEBS-100.1 WLSEddy Duchin show. WCFL-1000 W1IFC-1450 WEAW-104.3 WINDJimmy Dorsey. thiI Indicates MBS. (NI NBC, IC] CBS, 4:30-1WH-NItaker's Spotlight. and (A] ABC. WMAQJust Plain BillIN]. Programs are listed In central standard time.] ,",,,WCF1,Tonutly jp_i?,,,,,I, !louse. Dorsey. IVi5liA1-10/itor's Daughter. MORNING IVINIINews; Tommy Dorsey. 5:30-1Y-O-N.-.Farm hour and news. WLS.1ullan Bentley. news. WMAQPrayer; Early Bird, 4:45-1Iallads by Bob Atcher. WINDEarly Bird Rhythms. IVNIAQFront Page Farrell. WLSSmile-A-WhIle show. WENRBeaulah Hamel% WBBMThe Country show. WB1351LInda's FirstLove. WJJDBreakfast Frolic to 7 a. In. WJJDSUpper Frolic to 6:45 5:48WINDCoffee Pot Parade. WINDBenny Goodman. Time Musk. 1V-G-NIlop Harrigan [M]. WMAQTown and Farm. WENSTennessee Jed [A]. WBBMPaul Gibson prograM. WMAQNews reports, 0W41-NOldWCFLRevellle with Roberts. 0WBBNINews reports. WLSFarm Bulletin Board. WJJDRosemary Wayne Spins, WINDNews; Dawn Serenade. WAITJimmy Allen. WINDNews; Charlie Spivak. 1 6:15WCFLDr. J. C. O'llatr. WCRWOdds end Ends. WLSMoming Devollonl. 5:15W-G-NSuperman [M] WINDMorning Salute, WBBMLum and Abner [C] 8:30W-GNFarm Service. WMAQDave Garroway show, WLSPrairie Ramblers. WENSTerry and the Pirates [A]. WINDNews; Wake Up Music. WAITDonald McGibney, news. WCFLNews; Reveille with Roberts. WJJDFour-Four Time. 6:45W-G-NMorning news. 5:30IWG-NCaptain Midnight [It]. WMAQ, WLSNews reportc , W1313MNews reports. WINDYawn Patrol. WENRJack Armstrong [Al. 6:55WBBMNews reports. WJJDRnsemary Wayne Spins. WCFLLee Parker show. WCRWVariety program. Reveille. WEFMCocktall Time. WBI3MNewa of the World ICI. WCFLRiding the Platter. WCFLMartln Agtonsky. news. 5:45W-G-70=f111111 Ails, serialIII]. 0W-G-NRecordWMAQNorman Ross show. WEIDANews reports IC 1. WLSThe Sage Riders. WCFLMnionln) Claire. WINDNews; musical news review. WMAQJohn Holtman, news reports. W.LJDRhythm Reveille. WINDMan Who Came to Supper. WAAFNeWE Breakfast Express. EVENING 7113W-G-NNews bulletins. Preston Bradley. WBBNINews reports. MI7011-1011ton Lewis Jr., stews [MI. WCFLHalloween Martin. WBBMEverett Holler, news, WINDThe Record Shop. 0W-(1.14-11r.WhIAQJimmy Blade's music. WLSRex Allen and Ranges!. WCFLTop Taste Tune Time. 7:20W-GNRecord Reveille to 8 a. rn. IVLSJulianBentley,news. 7:30WBBMListen to C116. WINDNews: Sweet and Solid. WJJDUlmer Turner, newt. WJADBob Elson. WISBa PPE Hank. WEAWNews: Bestin Mists WINDMusical news review. 6:15W-G.NTelepltone Quiz. WSBCViennese Morning Melodies. 15'G/01Dinner concert. 7:45WCFLBIII Hamilton, news. WMAQNews of the World [N). WLSNews reports. WLSLive stock show. WJJDEddle Lamar, news. wimmsportraits. WJJDSwing. Sweet and Silky. WHFc Sports show. WAAFJivin' with Jack Cooper. 6:30-1V-G-NSpencer Allen, news, WLSLone Ranger [A]. W/11351Club FifteenICI. IVISIAQSkip Farrell, baritone, WCFLRoad to Rhumba. WINDBert Wilson. Bob Atcher, singer of American W-G.NKate Smith Speaks [Mb WJJDNews; Sid Ordower. WONIIParade of Melody to 0 p. m. 6:45W-G-NInsIde of Sports [H]. folk songs, will be heard on WBBMWendy Warren, news [C]. WJOBEd McF.Iroy, spoils. 0WLSWeleome Travelers [A]. WCFLblusic for Men. WMAQFood Magician. W-G-N at 4:45 p. m. today. WJJDElson and Simon show. WMAQII, V. Kaltenborn, news IN]. WCFLNeas reports; Serenade. 1V-G-KCrInte Club CM I. WINDNews; Music by Martin. VITINISSymplsony program. WAAFCoffee 'rime. 11:15W-G-NVictor H. LIndlahr [M]. WMAQDentits Day IN 7. 7:S5MIAS:IClifton Utley. WMAQEchoes from the Tropics. W1313MAmerican Melody hour[CI. news. 0 WBBNIEunt Jenny's Stories EC]. W-G-NRobert F. Bartels's, news. WLSMayor of the Town [Al. WCFLBarn Dance at 1000. WCFL. WCFLSports news. WLSBreakfast club [Al. 11:30W-G.NPaul Neilson, netts, WBBMNews WINDNews: Comedy Favorites. reports. 0 WMAQMusical Mlikwagon. WMAQYour WJJDSupper Plane to 8:45 p. M. Neighbor program. WBBMRomance of liclen Trent [C].7;15WCFLTen Pin Tattler. WINDNews; Anniversary club. WLSFarm World Today. WAITVince Garrity, sports. WJJDRecord show to 10 a. In. WINDNews; Songs by Sinatra. 7:20WINDMusical program: news 8:15-19-G-NTwo Ton Baker. WJJDICen Nelson. 7:30W-C.-NRtilet, Ple.3e1511. WBBMGold Coast Rhythm. WAITStella White Streamlines. WAIAQThe Great Gildersleeve Tune. IN). 8:20WINDMusical WAAFJudy Logan, WIII1MDr. Christian, drama LC]. 8:30W.G-NHappy Birthday. I 11:45W-O.NClaudia, WLSVon Pon [AL WBBMPaul Gibson program. WBBMOur Gal. Sunday [C]. WCFLWax and Needleclub. WMAQNorman Ross program. WCFLDon Artiste. pianist. WINDBob Elson. sports. WINDNews; Record Shop. WJJDFoolish Questions. 7:45WINDTime to Remember. WEDCCzech Breakfast. 7:55-1V-G-7OBilly Rose show [51]. 8:45W-G-NThe Wishing Well. AFTERNOON WBBMNews reports [Cl WMAQNorman Barry, news. eit)1V-G-51Let's Have Fun. W-G-NGabrIel Ile:ttter. newsw [M]. WBBMNews reports. 0 WBBMBlg Sister (C]. W3NBConcert Favorites. WGESHousewlves' program. WLSDinner Bell Time. WMAQDuffy's Tavern [N]. Allen, news. WAAFSymphonic Hour. WCFLChicago Symphony orchestra. WMAQFred Waring (NI. WCFLEaukhage Talking [A]. WI3BalFrank Morgan show [C]. WBBMShopping with the MIMI. WBBMLook Your Best [C]. WINDNews reports; Guest Star. .) WLsMy CW-G-NSpencer True Story [A]. WINDNews; Gratefully Yours. WENRAbbott and Costello I A 1. WCFLLinn Burton Spotlight. WJJDWaltz Time. WSBCItallan Radio Theater. WINDNews; Start the Day Right. 12:15WBBMMa Perkins [Cl. NVIM.M, WM/IINews; Musical. WAAFNews; Canary Serenade. WMAQTunes and Tips. 8:15W-G-NStorles from Real Lite r5f]. 9:15Wfl-NTo YOU, aillady, WCFLNancy Craig. WONIISInfonletta. WCFLFreddy Martin. wArrD'Artega Piesents. 1 WJJDTip Top Tunes. 8:20WINDLes Brown; news. WBBMMusic for You [C]. 112:30W-G.NElizaheSy Hart Preaenis. W1111111Edweld R. Mori ow, news [C]. WINDDick Jurgens. W.1.1Dnah Elson. WA1AQ, WCFLPresident Truman. 0:2SWLSBelty Cracker [Al. WBBAIYoung Di. Malone [C]. 8:30-1V.0-NLet's fin to Movies [Ml. 0:30W-G-NNorman Ross. WC1°L-13Ing Crosby. WON'SOpportunity 'rime. WMAQItoad of Life [N]. WMAQMr. District Attorneylist]. WLSNoon Time News. WBBNISweeney and Morch [C). WI3HIMEvelyn Winters' Romance [C]. WINDNews; Luncheon Melodies. WINDCasa Rhumba. WCFLHeadlIners at 1,000, 12:45-1V-G-NParnous Names. WINDNews; Bing Sines. WENRJack Pam' tAl. WMAQBelleve It or Not IN]. 8:45-1VGNB-11r. George W. Crane. 9:45W-G-NSpots of Music. WINDDate with a Star. W/NDRockets Fonthatt Round Table. WMAQJoyce Jordan, M. D. [NI. WCFLVoice of tile Army. WBBMDavld Hamm (CI. W-G-NL. Stowe, commentator [MI. WI/BMGuiding LightI CI. ) WLSThe Listening Post [A ]. IIGNIISymphony. WIJDModern Melody Time. WMAQThe Big StoryI N 1. Baker. WLSLloyd Burlingham. W BlvdThe Whistler IC I. WMAQNelson 0 Olmstead. %%'.G-N--Queen for a Day WCFLNews reports. WBEMArthur [C]. Godfrey 1.VBBMSccond Mrs. Burton [N]. 4DW-G.NJune WINDNews: Gaslight Varieties. WLSBreak fast in Hollywood [Al. WMAQToday's Children IN). WENRBIng Crosby (Al. WINDNews: Song Serenade. 0WCFLNews reports (Al. WEAWNews; Symphony Hall. WJJDHere Comes Tomorrow. WLSTed Malone LA]. 9:15W-G-NVreddle Martin's orchestra. WCFLAndre Kostelanetz. WiNDNews; Sammy RaYe, 9;15WCFLLabor Flashes. 10:15WCFLDon Artiste. pianist. WJJDSluslc foe Dreaming. WINDSymphonic Hour. WMAQKatie's Daughter [N] 1:15WMAQWoman in White (NI. club. 0:30W-0-70Itonshl Colman. WIJD-73realaast WINDDick Jurgens, . WBEZWigwam Tales, W131351Escape Id. WCFLKasit Kwir. WMAQJimmy Durante show IN], 10:30W-G-NIfeart's Desire [M]. WLSSchcol Time. WBBMGrand Slam (Cl. WJJDThree's a Crowd. WEFMComposer's Hour. wmAQJack Herat show (NI. WBBMPerry Mason [C]. WENRHenry Morgan show (A]. WLSGalen Drake [A]. 1:27WMAQ--Story of Holly Sloane [N]. WGESGrand Opera. WCFLTalking with Tan]. WCFLHouse of Dreams, 1:30W-G-NMartIn Block show [Si). WINDNews; Carmen Cavalier& W-G-NThe Answer Man. WLSBride and Groom [A]. WAITBing IVGNI3EveningMusical. Crosby records; newt. WJJDErnie Simon show. WJJDNews; Jan WMAQPerry Como show [N]. Garber. WIND, WBEZWestward Hol WAAVHot Club of Chicago. 0WBBMMystery of the Week [C]. WCFLThat Gal Gleason. WCFLBill Hamilton, news, 10:45WMAQLora Lawton [N ]. WBBMJulian Bentley, news. WENRPaUl Harvey. news, WBBAIRosemary serial [C]. 1:40WMAQBetty Crocker IN]. WLSNews reports. 1:45WMAQLight of the World [N]. WINDNews; ABC Club. WCFLEthel and Albert [A]. WINDTex Beneke. 10:15W-G-7,'Calling All Detectives. WINDJo Stafford.. WBBMRose of My Dreams [C]. WBBMJack Smith [C]. WJJDHappY Harmonies, WMAQNews reports. W-G-NMeet the Stars. WCFLMuslc Lovers' Hour, WMAQLlfe Can Be Beautiful [NJ. WENRIlerble Mintz. WCFLMeet Del Moore. 10:30-1V-G-NYour Tomorrow's Tribune. 0WBBNIDouble or Nothing IC]. WBBMBob Elson on Century. WINDErnie Simon, WMAQFrank Parker show. WLSLadles, Be Seated [A]. 10:40W-G-NSong Souvenir. WINDNews, Record Shop. 10:45-1V-G-NJack Brirklmuse,sports. WGESAfternoon Varieties. VV131351Sports Final;news, WAAFNews; Sweet and Swing. WMAQIlowdy, Mr. Lincoln. WSDCRug Cutters. ISil1514.1 Notes. 2:15W-G.NDr, George W. Dram. WMAQMyron Wallace, news. WMAQMa Perkins [NJ. WCFLConcert Hall. WhIBI. WDLAIFrom a City Tower. alW-G-NNews;WINDNews: Dancing Party. 2.30W-G-NSong of the

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