Russian Entomol. J. 26(4): 73–92 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2018 An annotated checklist of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of Yakutia (Siberia) with some new records Àííîòèðîâàííûé ñïèñîê âèäîâ ñåìåéñòâà Dolichopodidae (Diptera) ßêóòèè è íîâûå óêàçàíèÿ I.Ya. Grichanov1*, A.K. Bagachanova2 È.ß. Ãðè÷àíîâ1, À.Ê. Áàãà÷àíîâà2 ¹ All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, Podbelskogo 3, St. Petersburg-Pushkin, 189620, Russia. Всероссийский институт защиты растений, шоссе Подбельского 3, Санкт-Петербург-Пушкин 196608, Россия. * Corresponding author, E-mail: [email protected] 2 Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone SD RAS, Lenin Avenue, 41, Yakutsk, 677007, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Институт биологических проблем криолитозоны СО РАН, просп. Ленина, 41, Якутск, 677007, Россия. KEY WORDS: Dolichopodidae, Russia, Yakutia, checklist, new records. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: Dolichopodidae, Россия, Якутия, список видов, новые указания. ABSTRACT. A new material of Dolichopodidae continental climate with the absolute annual amplitude was recently collected and/or identified, and a revised of temperature reaching 101.8°C at Verkhoyansk [Sus- check-list of Yakutian species was compiled. The present lov, 1999]. Most of its territory, except for high moun- research gives new records, including 28 species found tains of its NE part, is covered by open taiga of low- for the first time in Yakutia, 31 species recorded from growing larch (Larix spp.) with admixture of pine (Pi- new natural zones and four probably undescribed spe- nus silvestris) and birch (Betula pendula s. 1.). The cies. In total, 20 genera and 150 (including four un- forests exist there in spite of extremely low precipitation named) species are listed that apparently makes up 60– (mostly in late summer, annual precipitation ranging 70% of actual Dolichopodidae fauna in Yakutia. This from 90 to 300 mm), which is compensated by a low paper provides also distribution pattern for each species evaporation. The summer is quite short (80–110 days and characteristics of Yakutian habitats for 54 species. without frost) but sunny and hot (at Yakutsk, the aver- How to cite this article: Grichanov I.Ya., Bagacha- age temperature of July is 19°C, the maximum temper- nova A.K. 2018. An annotated checklist of Dolichopo- ature registered is 38°C); so, many animal species ex- didae (Diptera) of Yakutia (Siberia) with some new tend more northerly in Yakutia than in West Siberia records // Russian Entomol. J. Vol.27. No.1. P.73–92. [Suslov, 1999]. Rather high latitude provides a very doi: 10.15298/rusentj.27.1.12 long daytime in June and July and hence a rapid passing of all phenological phases in the beginning of the sum- РЕЗЮМЕ. Новый материал по семейству mer; the best time to collect almost all insects there is Dolichopodidae Якутии собран и/или определен; со- June [see Suslov, 1999 and Kuznetsova, 2005 for fur- ставлен новый список видов Республики. Новые ther reading]. указания включают 28 видов, найденных впервые в The earliest collection of Yakutian Dolichopodidae Якутии, 31 вид, обнаруженный в новых природных was made by the Russian researcher of Siberia Ale- зонах, и четыре, скорее всего, неописанных вида. ksander Czekanowski in 1874–1875 in the Far North of Всего в Республике отмечено 20 родов и 150 видов, Yakutia during his expeditions along the Olenyok River что, по-видимому, составляет 60–70% якутской фа- mainly. The material was treated in 20th century, being уны Dolichopodidae. В статье приведены также об- still kept in the Zoological institute (ZIN) of the Russian щее распространение для каждого вида и краткие Academy of Sciences (St.-Petersburg). характеристики мест обитания для 54 видов, отлов- The first information about Yakutian long-legged ленных в Якутии. flies was published by the Finnish researcher R. Frey [Frey, 1915] who treated Diptera material collected Introduction during the 1900–1902 Russian polar expedition and found Hydrophorus alpinus Wahlberg, 1844. The re- Yakutia (presently, the official name of this land is sults of treatment of rich dolichopodid materials col- “Sakha (Yakutia) Republic”) is a vast (more than lected by the Yakutian expedition of the Academy of 3000000 km2) and scarcely populated (about 1 million) Sciences of the USSR (1925–1927) were published in region situated in NE Asia and characterized by a severe a series of works of the famous Soviet dipterologist 74 I.Ya. Grichanov, A.K. Bagachanova A.A. Stackelberg [1928, 1929, 1930a, b, 1933, 1951]. Recently, rich Diptera material was accumulated at Since 1950s, the ZIN dolichopodid collection replen- the Institute of Biological Problems of the Cryolythozone ished by various expeditions to Yakutia. The very inter- of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sci- esting findings were made by well known dipterists ences, Yakutsk (IBPC). The flies collected before 2002 K.B. Gorodkov and V.G. Kovalyov in the northern, were studied by I.Ya. Grichanov, who found 11 species northeastern and central parts of the Republic, by V.V. new for the fauna of Yakutia and compiled a check-list Zlobin in the Center, West and Southwest. These mate- for the Republic for the first time, including 76 species rials were used in a number of taxonomical revisions [Grichanov, 2002]. New data on the distribution of 51 and faunistic reviews of dolichopodid fauna of the species of Yakutian Dolichopodidae including 17 spe- USSR and Russia published by O.P. Negrobov and his cies new for the Republic were published in 2006 [Grich- disciples since 1971 (see References). The Catalogue anov, Bagachanova, 2006]. Last years, Grichanov, Vol- for the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in the USSR fov [2009]; Maslova et al. [2011]; Negrobov, Grichanov that presented an annotated list of species with region by [2013], Grichanov, Negrobov [2014]; Negrobov et al. region records contained 45 species known for Yakutia [2017] have described several new for science species [Grichanov, Negrobov, 1979]. Later, several more spe- from that territory. At the same time, A.K. Bagachanova cies records were published in taxonomical and faunis- and her collaborators (IBPC) have collected a lot of new tic works based mainly on ZIN collections [Negrobov, material from various parts of Yakutia, and I.Ya. Grich- 1986a, b, 2000; Negrobov, Tsurikov, 1986; Negrobov, anov has identified recently sorted flies from the old ZIN Chalaya, 1991; Negrobov, Maslova, 1995; etc.]. and IBPC collections. Fig. 1. Points of collecting dolichopodids in Yakutia: z — listed by authors [Grichanov, Bagachanova, 2006, and this paper]; S — according with other references. The following designations were adopted in the text and Figure 1: N — North Yakutia; NW — North-West Yakutia; NE — North-East Yakutia; W — West Yakutia; C — Central Yakutia; SW — South-West Yakutia; S — South Yakutia [after Vinokurov et al., 2010]. Рис. 1. Места находок видов Dolichopodidae в Якутии: z — указанные авторами [Grichanov, Bagachanova, 2006, и настоящая статья]; S — приведённые по другим источникам. Обозначения, использованные на рис. 1 и в тексте: N — Северная Якутия; NW — Север-западная Якутия; NE — Северо-восточная Якутия; W — Западная Якутия; C — Центральная Якутия; SW — Юго-западная Якутия; S — Южная Якутия [по Винокурову и др., 2010]. An annotated checklist of Dolichopodidae of Yakutia 75 It is worth noting that the papers based on old DISTRIBUTION. Type locality: Sweden: Gottlandia; collections contained a lot of missing data, inaccuracies Oja. Palaearctic: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germa- and wrong spacing of collection points. Distribution of ny, Ireland, N Kazakhstan, Latvia, Poland, Russia (Karelia, species was sometimes provided in general, e.g. “Yaku- Leningrad, Pskov, Ryazan, Yakutia); Sweden. Euro-Siberian tia”, “Indigirka”. In some cases, localities were errone- temperate. New for Yakutia; easternmost distribution. HABITATS. Cereal grasses at lake. ously associated with the recognized natural regions of the Republic, e.g. with the East Yakutia instead of the 4. Campsicnemus bagachanovae Central Yakutia. For this paper, the authors have checked Grichanov et Volfov, 2009 original (label) localities, if they were referenced, and REFERENCES. Grichanov, Volfov, 2009: 964 (C Yakutia: established the exact locations of collection points ac- Lena-Amga interfluve). cording with primary sources (Fig. 1). Such work is DISTRIBUTION. Type locality: Central Yakutia, Lena- necessary for bonding a fly distribution with the land- Amga interfluve, Tyungyulyu vil., 50 km ENE Yakutsk. scape and vegetation zones of Yakutia [after Vinokurov Conditional endemic of boreal Yakutia. et al., 2010]. In future, it will allow characterizing HABITATS. Hygrophyte communities. dolichopodid fly species by area types [Gorodkov, 1984]. 5. Campsicnemus compeditus Loew, 1857 REFERENCES. Negrobov, Zlobin, 1978: 52 (C Yakutia: Amga River valley); Negrobov, Chalaya, 1991: 65 (C Yakutia: Lena- Annotated List of Species Amga interfluves). DISTRIBUTION. Type locality: Poland: “aus hiesiger For each species we provide references (if avail- Gegend” [= Meseritz]. Palaearctic: Austria, Belgium, Czech, able), with natural zones of Yakutia (Fig. 1) for the Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, published material and with the names of taxa used by Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia (Karelia, Leningrad, the respective authors if they differ from those used by Murmansk, Buryatia, S Kamchatka, Yakutia), Sweden, UK, us; unpublished material studied; short characteristics Switzerland. Trans-Eurasian
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