KRISHNA BHAGYA JALA NIGAM LIMITED (A Government of Karnataka Undertaking) 40 YEARS OF UPPER KRISHNA PROJECT (Three Volumes) VOLUME-1 : REPORT WITH 18 CHAPTERS UKP DOCUMENTATION COMMITTEE BANGALORE 16th January 2004 PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition www.CutePDF.com KRISHNA BHAGYA JALA NIGAM LIMITED (A Govt. of Karnataka Undertaking) REPORT ON 40 YEARS OF UPPER KRISHNA PROJECT (Three Volumes) VOLUME-1 : REPORT WITH 18 CHAPTERS UKP Documentation Committee Bangalore 16th January 2004. REPORT ON 40 YEARS OF UPPER KRISHNA PROJECT (Three Volumes) VOLUME-1 : REPORT WITH 18 CHAPTERS Foreword The Upper Krishna Project is a mega project and the largest multi-purpose project in Karnataka State. A comprehensive document on this was a long felt need. It is perhaps the first of its kind completed comprehensively in the entire history of Public Works and Water Resources Departments. This report is purely technical and substantiated by documents. The intended objective of this well documented report is to highlight various important issues / aspects of the project, Krishna water disputes, dispute regarding the height of Alamatti dam, other major problems encountered like financial, managerial, R&R etc., during its execution and efforts made to solve them. Major events that took place during its implementation, major decisions taken to accelerate the project completion, contract management etc., are highlighted and could serve as reference for the successful execution of other irrigation projects. The report would probably prepare us for future and enlighten us better. The stupendous task completed at minimum time is entirely due to the hard work and devotion of Sri.M.K.Venkataram, Member-Convener of the UKP Documentation Committee constituted specifically for this purpose by the Managing Director, KBJNL. I hope this Report would be of immense help to all the irrigation engineers working in the office as well as on the field. K.C. Reddy Bangalore Chairman 02.01.2004 Technical Advisory Committee Irrigation Projects Government of Karnataka. INDEX Page Nos. 1. Abbreviations……………………………………………………………………… ……… (i) 2. Report………………………………………………………………………………… 1 to 18 3. Chapter 1 - Krishna Water Dispute……………………………………………… 19 to 37 4. Chapter 2 - Project History, Proposals & Revisions………………………… 38 to 60 5. Chapter 3 - Narayanapur and Alamatti Dams………………………………… 61 to 74 6. Chapter 4 - World Bank Assistance…………………………………………… 75 to 102 7. Chapter 5 - Restoration of Distressed Don Aqueduct in NLBC…………… 103 to 113 8. Chapter 6 - Important Legislations made but not implemented…………… 114 to 120 9. Chapter 7 - Major Policy decisions taken for accelerating the progress…. 121 to 137 10. Chapter 8 - Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation & Resettlement of Project Affected Families………………………………………… 138 to 151 11. Chapter 9 - Relocation of Bagalkot Town and Development of Kudala Sangama Complex………………………………………. 152 to 167 12. Chapter 10 - Contract Management and Disputes Settlement…………….. 168 to 186 13. Chapter 11 - Damages to Radial Crest Gate of Narayanapur Dam……….. 187 to 196 14. Chapter 12 - Krishna Bhagya Jala Nigam Limited…………………………… 197 to 208 15. Chapter 13 - Lift Irrigation Schemes…………………………………………... 209 to 236 16. Chapter 14 - Investigating the capability of NLBC to carry 10000 cusecs… 237 to 259 17. Chapter 15 - Design, Fabrication, Transportation and Erection of crest gates of Alamatti Dam………………………….…… 260 to 272 18. Chapter 16 - Dispute regarding the height of Alamatti Dam………….….. 273 to 296 19. Chapter 17 - Master Plan for utilization of Krishna waters……………… 297 to 303 20. Chapter 18 - Power Development in Upper Krishna Project……………. 304 to 316 21. Annexure 1 - Office Order dated 13.03.2003 of the MD, KBJNL…….…. 317 -- 318 22. Annexure 2 - Office Order dated 11.04.2003 of the MD, KBJNL…….…. 319 23. Annexure 3 - Index Map of Upper Krishna Project…………………….…. 320 24. Annexure 4 - Yearwise expenditure and irrigation potential creation under Upper Krishna Project……………………….……… 321 25. Annexure 5 – Salient features of Stage-I and Stage-II Projects………… 322 to 330 F.N.: Annexures to Chapters are in Volume-2 and Volume-3. = = = i ABBREVIATIONS KWDT : Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal MOU : Memorandum of Understanding ISWD Act : Inter-State Water Disputes Act,1956 DPR : Detailed Project Report TR : Tribunal's Report dt 24.12. 1973 PPA : Power Purchase Agreement TFR : Tribunal's Further Report dt 27.05.1976 WSMA : Water Supply & Management Agreement SRBC : Srisailam Right Bank Canal IDA : International Development Association SLBC : Srisailam Left Bank Canal ARDC : Agricultural Refinance & Development Corporation UKP : Upper Krishna Project IBRD : International Bank for Reconstruction & Development NLBC : Narayanapur Left Bank Canal SAR : Staff Appraisal Report SBC : Shahapur Branch Canal DCA : Development Credit Agreement MBC : Mudbal Branch Canal DSRP : Dam Safety Review Panel JBC : Jewargi Branch Canal PCR : Project Completion Report IBC : Indi Branch Canal ICR : Implementation Completion Report NRBC : Narayanapur Right Bank Canal SDR : Special Drawing Right ALBC : Alamatti Left Bank Canal ICB/LCB : International / Local Competitive Bidding ARBC : Alamatti Right Bank Canal AIBP : Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme LIS : Lift Irrigation Scheme CLA : Central Loan Assistance FRL : Full Reservoir Level CCTV : Close Circuit Television FSD : Full Supply Depth OS : Original Suit FSL : Full Supply Level WP : Writ Petition FB : Free Board CP : Contempt Petition FIC/FDC : Field Irrigation / Drainage Channel OFD : On-farm Development MCPC : Mass Concrete Pipe Culvert CTC : Cart Track Crossing GLSR : Ground Level Storage Reservoir TMC : Thousand million cubic feet Cumecs : Cubic meters per second Cusecs : Cubic feet per second CNS : Cohesive Non-Swelling Soil CCA : Culturable Command Area BC Soil : Black Cotton Soil El : Elevation RL : Reduced level KWh/MW : Kilowatt hour/ Megawatt MU : Million Unit SR/CSR : Schedule of Rates / Current Schedule of Rates BTDA : Bagalkot Town Development Authority R & R : Rehabilitation & Resettlement O & M : Operation & Maintenance MIS : Management Information System PAF : Project affected family PDF : Project displaced family CAF : Canal affected family ECPC : Engineer-in-Chief and Project Co-ordinator ECSS : Engineer-in-Chief and Ex-officio Special Secretary TAC : Technical Advisory Committee, Irrigation Projects, GOK MIPC Board: Major Irrigation Projects Control Board, GOK KBJNL : Krishna Bhagya Jala Nigam Limited MD : Managing Director TSC : Technical Sub-Committee of KBJNL KPCL : Karnataka Power Corporation Limited KEB : Karnataka Electricity Board KPTCL : Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited CADA : Command Area Development Authority PWD : Public Works Department WALMI : Water and Land Management Institute WUA : Water Users' Association WRDO : Water Resources Development Organisation, GOK NIRM : National Institute of Rock Mechanics, KGF CWPC : Central Water & Power Commission CWC : Central Water Commission CWPRS : Central Water & Power Research Station MOWR : Ministry of Water Resources, GOI CEA : Central Electricity Authority IISC : Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore WAPCOS : Water and Power Consultancy Services, Delhi TAPCO : The Asia Power Company, USA MYRADA : Mysore Rehabilitation and Development Agency, Bangalore TRF : Torsteel Research Foundation in India, Bangalore TSP : Tungabhadra Steel Products Limited, Hospet = = = = = R E P O R T 1.0 The Upper Krishna multi-purpose Project in Karnataka is a mega project and has come as a boon to the drought affected areas of Bagalkot, Bijapur, Gulbarga and Raichur distircts. It is mainly an irrigation project but power generation is also envisaged under the project. Though the project was conceived more than 50 years back by the earstwhile State of Hyderabad, it took a definite shape only after the reorganization of the States in November 1956. The first project report prepared by GOK was approved by the Planning Commission, GOI during 1963. The work relating to the foundations of Alamatti and Narayanapur dams, which are the main component parts of the project, was started in the year 1963. During the course of execution of the project, especially with World Bank assistance during 1970s and 1980s, the project drew wide attention from environmentalists due to the large scale rehabilitation and resettlement of the project affected families. Further during 1990s, the project once again attracted great attention from all corners due to a dispute raised by Andhra Pradesh relating to the height of the Alamatti dam. The project is considered by the State as a very important and prestigious one from all points of view. 2.0 Considering the magnitude and size of the project, and the importance attached to it, it was thought necessary to prepare a comprehensive history report on the project ever since it was conceived. The idea of getting such a history report for Upper Krishna Project prepared, originated from Sri.K.C.Reddy, Chairman, Technical Advisory Committee, Irrigation projects, who is closely associated with the project as Chairman of the Technical Sub Committee of Krishna Bhagya Jala Nigam limited (KBJNL) for the last 8 years. The Managing Director, vide his order No.KBJNL/DFD/09/2002-04/2311 dated 13.03.2003 (copy enclosed as Annexure-1), constituted a Committee of the following Members for preparing the documentary of the project:- (i) Sri.H.K.Venkatesha Prasad, Executive Assistant (Tech) to MD, KBJNL. (ii) Sri.M.K.Venkataram, Former Secretary, TAC, Irrigation Projects.
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