E358 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 18, 2015 IN HONOR OF CHARLENE WHEEL- levels strive to make the most of their edu- ica and for his efforts put forth in achieving the ER OF SOUTH BOSTON AND cation and develop a work ethic which will highest distinction of Eagle Scout. BRAINTREE, MASSACHUSETTS guide them for the rest of their lives. f I extend my deepest congratulations to Ayla Schuetz for winning the Arvada Wheat Ridge HONORING THE LIFE AND HON. STEPHEN F. LYNCH BRAVERY OF JAMES A. CARTER OF MASSACHUSETTS Service Ambassadors for Youth award. I have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES no doubt she will exhibit the same dedication and character in all of her future accomplish- HON. BILLY LONG Wednesday, March 18, 2015 ments. OF MISSOURI Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor of Charlene Wheeler, in recognition of Wednesday, March 18, 2015 her outstanding contributions to the Massa- INTRODUCTION OF FLEXIBILITY FOR WORKING FAMILIES ACT Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to chusetts Bay Transportation Authority and to honor the life and memory of a very special commend her for 32 years of dedicated serv- constituent of mine, James A. Carter. ice to the MBTA and the South Boston com- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY James Carter was born on January 28, munity where Charlene was raised. OF NEW YORK 1921, in Hannibal, Missouri, and passed away The daughter of Robert and Mary McGinn, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on February 22, 2015. natives of South Boston, MA, Charlene was Wednesday, March 18, 2015 On that infamous day in 1941, James was born on May 5th, 1955 in South Boston and stationed at the Pearl Harbor military base in lived all over the neighborhood, from D Street Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. Hawaii as a machinist. As you already know, to Middle Street to Dorchester St. until she Mr. Speaker, across all sectors and industries, on December 7, 1941, the Japanese Imperial moved to Braintree, MA with her family in flexible work arrangements are a key to meet- Navy launched a surprise attack on the U.S. 1991. Charlene attended the John Boyle ing the 21st century’s diverse workforce Naval Fleet stationed in Pearl Harbor. This O’Reilly School, Cardinal Cushing and South needs. Such voluntary arrangements have heinous act by the Japanese Empire struck a Boston High School, graduating in 1973. been shown to boost employee satisfaction massive blow to our armed forces in the Pa- Prior to joining the MBTA, Charlene worked and their physical and mental health as well cific theater of operations, costing the lives of a number of jobs in her South Boston commu- as improve businesses bottom line by helping over 2,400 people. nity including as a counselor with Jobs for to retain key talent, reduce absenteeism, and None could have anticipated the events that Youth. Additionally, Charlene volunteered her enhance employee productivity. occurred that day, but even as fiery death time by teaching Catholic education at St. Flexible workplace policies are a win-win for rained down upon servicemen and civilians Brigid’s School where her children attended. businesses and workers. To help promote alike, the brave men and women of Pearl Har- In her time with the MBTA, Charlene held a these policies, I am introducing the Flexibility bor rose to meet the occasion. On that day, number of positions, starting as Track Walker for Working Families Act. This legislation guar- James himself, caring nothing for his own life and progressing to her final position as Train antees employees the right to request flexible or safety, swam time and time again through Starter for the Red Line. At times, Charlene work arrangements and provides employers the raging inferno of burning oil which was one of the first females to hold positions with flexibility by encouraging them to review blanketed the surface of the harbor, dragging of authority at the ‘‘T’’ and always did so with these requests, propose changes, and even many back to safety on the shore. James the mindset of professionalism and equality. deny them if they are not in the best interest sought no recognition for his actions that day, She took pride in each position she held at the of the business. Such voluntary arrangements and never spoke of his valiant actions upon MBTA and made endless contributions to the between employees and employers include returning to civilian life. Authority. changing the time, amount, and/or place that I raise my voice today to honor, in memo- Mr. Speaker, Charlene is known for her car- work is conducted. rial, the life of a brave and humble man. I am ing heart, outgoing personality, and her dedi- It is time for our country’s workplace policies deeply honored to recognize James Carter cation to family, friends and her work. to reflect the reality of a 21st century econ- and his service to our nation. May his life be Charlene has had the good fortune to be mar- omy—where both parents are working and an example to us all. ried to her high school sweetheart, Chuckie overtime is expected. I urge my colleagues to f Wheeler for 35 years. They are the proud par- support the Flexibility for Working Families ents of three children and three grandchildren, Act, and I thank Sen. BOB CASEY for his work PERSONAL EXPLANATION with a fourth on the way. on this important legislation. Mr. Speaker, it is my distinct honor to take f HON. XAVIER BECERRA the floor of the House today to join with OF CALIFORNIA HONORING DANIEL GARNETT Charlene Wheeler’s family, friends, and con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SHAY temporaries to thank her for 32 years of re- Wednesday, March 18, 2015 markable service to the Massachusetts Bay HON. SAM GRAVES Mr. BECERRA. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- Transportation Authority and the communities ably detained and missed roll call votes 113, OF MISSOURI of South Boston and Braintree in which she 114, and 115. If present, I would have voted IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lived and worked. ‘‘yea’’ on roll call vote 113, ‘‘yea’’ on roll call f Wednesday, March 18, 2015 vote 114, and ‘‘yea’’ on roll call vote 115. AYLA SCHUETZ Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I f proudly pause to recognize Daniel Garnett ROBERT CHRYSAFIS HON. ED PERLMUTTER Shay. Daniel is a very special young man who OF COLORADO has exemplified the finest qualities of citizen- ship and leadership by taking an active part in HON. ED PERLMUTTER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF COLORADO the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 264, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, March 18, 2015 earning the most prestigious award of Eagle Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Scout. Wednesday, March 18, 2015 today to recognize and applaud Ayla Schuetz Daniel has been very active with his troop, Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service participating in many scout activities. Over the today to recognize and applaud Robert Ambassadors for Youth award. Ayla Schuetz many years Daniel has been involved with Chrysafis for receiving the Arvada Wheat is a 12th grader at Standley Lake High School scouting, he has not only earned numerous Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. and received this award because her deter- merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- Robert Chrysafis is a 12th grader at Arvada mination and hard work have allowed her to ily, peers, and community. Most notably, Dan- High School and received this award because overcome adversities. iel has contributed to his community through his determination and hard work have allowed The dedication demonstrated by Ayla his Eagle Scout project. him to overcome adversities. Schuetz is exemplary of the type of achieve- Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in The dedication demonstrated by Robert ment that can be attained with hard work and commending Daniel Garnett Shay for his ac- Chrysafis is exemplary of the type of achieve- perseverance. It is essential students at all complishments with the Boy Scouts of Amer- ment that can be attained with hard work and VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Mar 19, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18MR8.008 E18MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS March 18, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E359 perseverance. It is essential students at all role model for women in corporate America, versity Law Alumni. At the University of Dela- levels strive to make the most of their edu- who is retiring after a remarkable career at ware, the John L. Weinberg Center and Cor- cation and develop a work ethic which will Chevron Corporation that spanned four dec- porate Governance is lucky to have her on the guide them for the rest of their lives. ades. For the last 20 years, Lydia served as advisory board. I extend my deepest congratulations to Rob- the Corporate Secretary and Chief Govern- In her retirement, she will undoubtedly enjoy ert Chrysafis for winning the Arvada Wheat ance Officer. In addition, she served as the more time with her husband Charles Doyle Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. secretary of the board, the Executive Com- and their three children Bion, Jason and Lou- I have no doubt he will exhibit the same dedi- mittee and the Board Nominating and Govern- ise. cation and character in all of his future accom- ance Committee. Mr. Speaker, I ask the House of Represent- plishments. Lydia’s history with Chevron dates back to atives to rise with me to honor an amazing f 1977 when she originally joined as a contract woman whom Chevron named its first woman attorney.
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