WEDNESDAY,WEDNESDAY. AmUSTAUVUST 1,1. 1962196Z 8:45 am TheThe PteoidentPresident hadbad breakfastbreakfast withwith thethe following:following: TheThe ViceVice PrrsidsrstPre..ident Hoa.Hou. DeanDean RuskRusk Hon.Hon. McGesrgeMcGeorge BundyBundy Dr.Dr. WalterWalter HeIlerHeller Mr.Mr. Car2Carl RowanRowan Hon.Hon. PierrePierre SalingerSalmger Hon.Hon. ThedoreTheodore SoreasenSorensen Mr.Mr. LeeLee WhiteWhite 9:359:15 am The PreeidentPresident arrived inin thethe office. 1O:OO10:00 - 10:2710:2.7 arnam Hon. Philip D. Sprouse 21.U. S. Ambassador to Cambodia Hon. Averell Harriman l0:29lO:Z9 - 10:47lot47 amar.n 'rheThe PreaidcntPresident signedaigned S. 2998,2.996, the foreign aid bill with the followii1gfoUowixl$j witnessingwitneseing the ceremony: The Vice PreGidentPresident Hon.Hun. Dean Rusk SenatorSenator Mike MansfieldManafield SenatoSenatorr EveEverettrett Db,-keenDirksen SenatoSa~atorr ThomasThomas KuchelKuchel SenatorSenator JJohn·:)bJl SparkmanSparkroan SenatorSenator AlexanderAlexander WileyV*iley SenatorSenator BourkeBourke Hic:kenlooperHickbnfooper SenatorSeaator GeorgeGeorge D.D. AikenAiken SpeakerSpeaker JohnJohn W.W. McCormackMcConnack Cougres.manCungressman CarlCarl AlbertAlbert Congre8.manCongressman HaleHale BoggsBoggs CongressmanCongressman ThomasThomar E.E. MorganMorgan Congres8manGoogresemanClement Clement J.3. ZablockiZablockf COl1p-esamauCoa@ssernaa WayneWayne L.L. HaysHays Congrosss:nanCongre earman RobertRobett B.B. ChiperfieldChiperfield CongreCongreaermaa••man WalterWalter H.H. JuddJudd CongressmanCongressman Franei.Francis E.E. WalterWalter CongressmanCongressmanGeorge George H.H. MahonMahoa CongressmanCongressmanPeter Peter Frelinghuysen,Frtlinghuy een, Jr.Jr. CongressmanCotlgreasmanCornelius CornelitmE. E. GallagherGallagher Mr.Mr. FredFred DuttonDutton Mr.Mr. FrankFrank CoffinCoffin 10:4710:47 -- 10:5810:58 amam SenatorSenatorThomas ThomaeH. H. KuchelKuchel. WEDNESDAY,WEDNESDAY, AUGUSTAUGUST 1,1. 19621962 PagePage 22 10:5810:58 -- 11:0211:0Z amaxn Hon.Hon. DeanDean RuskRusk 11:0511:05 -- 1l:lO11:10 amam (Miss(Miss CatherineCatherine Pendergaat)Pendergast) 11:30 -• 12:43 pm~ DfSARE4AMENTDISARMAMENT MEETINGMEETING -- OFF THETHE RECORDRECORD (The(The ViceVice President)President) (Hon.(Hon. DeanDean Rusk)Rusk) (Hon.(Hon. WilliamWilliam Foster)Foster) (Hon.(Hon. ArthurArthur Dean)Dean) (Hon.(Hon. AdrianAdrian Fisher)Fisher) (Hon. Roswell Gilpatric)QilpAtric) {Hon.(Hon. John McCoae)McCone) (Hon,(Hon. McGeorge Bundy) 1:Z2 pm The President went to the pool. 1:35 pm To the Mansioc.Mansion. (LUNCH) 3:47 pm The Presi2entPresident departed the Vl'hiteWhite House and motored to the department of State.Sttatte. 4:00 - 4:3Z pm PRESS CONFERENCE at the Department of State AAuditoudito riurrt.ri-am. 4:35 pm Returned to the office at the White House.Horrse. 4:45 - 5:32 pm DISARMAMENT MEETING The President The Vice President Hon. Dean Rusk WUliam\VilPam C Foster, Director.Director, Arms Control anda~d DisarmamentDisarmament AgencyAgency Hon.Hon. ArthurArthur Dean,Dean, RepresentativeRepresentative ofof thethe U.U. S.S. ofof ArnerAmer onon thethe EighteenEighteen NationalNational DisannamentDisarmament CommitteeCommittee AdrianAdrian Fisher.Fisher, DeputyDeputy Director.Director, ACDAACDA Hon.Hon. RobertRobert McNamaraMcNamara JohnJohn T.T. McNaughton.McNaughton. DepntyDeputy AssistantAssistant SecretarySecretary ofof DefDef (Arms(A rmsControl) Control) InternationalInternational SecuritySecurity AffairsAffairs PaulPaul Nitze.Nitze, AssistantAseistant SecretarySecretary ofof DefenseDefense forfor InternatiInternati Secll~itySecurity Affair&!Affair5 (continued)(continued) - WEDNESDAY.WEDNESDAY, AUOUSTAUGUST 1.1, 196Z1962 Page 3 4:45 - 5:3Z pm DISARMAMENTDXSARWMENT ivlEETINGMEETING (continued) Hon.Hon, Robert Kennedy Hon. John McCone.McCone, Director.Director, CIA Dr. GlennGttnn T. Seaborg.Seaborg, Chairman, AEC Dl°.Dr. Lela.ndLcLiPnd J.3. Haworth.Haviorth, AECAEG Hon.Eon. EdwArdEdward R. Murrow.hiurruw, Director.Director, USIA GenttralGeabral LymanLyman L.L. LemnitzerLemnitzer a. a. - Hon.Hon. Jamesfame3 E.X. -"Vcffe'bb,ebb. Administrator,Administrator, NASANASA GeneralGeneral MaxwellaBXweUTlaylor oylor DrDr.• .JeromeJerome 'WiesnerYJiesner Mr.Mr. SpurgeonSpurgeon KenneyKeaney }:1r.hlr. RobeEobertrt LovettLovett lY1l'.Mr. Jt>lmJokMcClay AfcCloy Dr.Cr. FranklinFranklin Long,Lung, AC5AACIPA 5:35 .. 6:25 pm FOREIGNFOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ADVISORYADVISORY BOARDDOAXD Dr.Dr, JamesJarnts R.R. l'~Uina,Kitlina, Jr.Jr. Dr.Dr. Williamtvilliarn O.0. Ba.kerBaker Lt.Lt. GeneralGeneral JamesJamesH. E. Doolittle.Dwlittle, USAFUShF (Ret.)(Ret. ) Dr.Dr. WUlic:.n-.l?+'i&cz~L.L. LangerLangcr Dr.Dr. Edv.inEd~kinH.H, LandLed Eon.Eon. CIn-1"kClark Cliliol'dCfi20l.d .1'.1.1'.Mr. FrankFrank Pace.Pace, Jr.Jr. GeneralGeneral .Ma.'C\vellIcknvellTa.ylor Taylor lv.!r.h4r. RtUl~£;tllRusse3l AshAsh 6:1.1 - 6:40 pm COG;COGreesman reasmen WPl'tightri~~'lt :Patm~nPatr2an Dr.Dr. Walter%alterHeller Hcller Hou.Hon. Lawrencetau.rence O'BrienG'Ericsn 7:10 pm TheThe PresidentPreeident departeddeparted thethe c.,I!iceoffice andand 'Wentwent toto thetbe pool.pool. t ,then then totothe the Mansion.Xansion. THURSDAY,THURSDAY, ,AUGUSTAUGUST Z#2, 196Z1962 8:554U"'n TheT& PresidentPresident arrivedarrived inin thethe officeoffice... 9:55 - 10:05 am. TheThe PresidentPresidefit greet~dgrcelad thethe !ollowingfdlawing Alaskan Indianslndiane enGand EskimoEskimo el~ctronicelectronic traineelJ,trainees, ~;howho have been studyingo'tudying atat RCA.RCA, TheyTbey will be usedused inin helping inin ourour warningwarning Byatemeyetern inin detectingdetecting planesplanes inin thethe farfar reacbeereaches ofof Alaska.Alaska, RussellRussell Vi.IS'. Attwood.Attwood, Ketchikan~Ketchikan, Alaska-4lzsfra MargieMargie Aukongak,AaEtongak, Nome,Name, AlaskaAlaska MorganMorgan Aukongak,Aukonask, Nome.Nome, AlaskaAlaah PercyPercy lpalook~Ipalook, Kotzebue.Hotzebue, AlaskaAlarka BarryHarry Kito,Xibo, Peteraburg.Pete rrburg, AlaskaAlaska SamSam Kito,Kito, NswNsw York.YorJI;, N.N, Y.Y, HennanWerrnan l<!tka,Nth, Jr.,Jr., Sitka,Sitka, AlaskaAlaska ArthurArthur H.H. Petereon.Petersoa, Ft.Ft. Yukon,Yukon, Ala.skaAlaska JJosephoseph Pungowiyi~Fungowiyi, Savoonga.Savuongr, AlaskaAlaska PlrterPeerJ. J, Tocktoo,Tccktoo, Shishmaref,Shfshararef,Alaska Alaska GordonGordon Upicksoun,Upicksoun, PointPoint Lay,Lay, AlalAaPiLali?h TheThe followingfollowing accompanied:accompanied : Hon.Hon. E.E. L.L. (Bob)(Bob) Bartlett.Bartlett, Alaska.Alaska Hon.Hw, ErnestErnest Gruening.Grlzening, Alaska-1Slaaka CongressmanCongressman RalphRzlpb J.J. Rivera,Rivera, AlaskaAlaska Hon.Hon, STewartSTewart L.L. UdallUdall Antoinetterlntoinettc B.B. Friedma.n.Friedman, DepartmentDepartment ofofthe the InteriorInterior BhUleoBhilieo Nash.Nash, Commissioner.Commiesioliar, BureauBureau o£of IndianIndian A!£airsAffairs JohnJohn O.0. Crow,Crow, DeptuyDeptuy Comtt.l.is$ionc1'»Comrsiissio~er,BureauBnrcau ofof IndianIndian AffairsAffairs JamesZarnes E.E. Officer.Officer, AssociateAssociate CO~is6ionerComn.issioner M.M. P.P. Mangan.Man~an,AssistantAssistant CommbsionerCommissiorler SeleneEelene CHfford~Cifford, AssistantAssistant Conunis8ioDerCommis siooer M.M. M.M. Tozier,Totier, InformationInformation OfiicerOfficer Walter%'alter J.3. Knodel%ode1 BriceBrice L.L, LayLay TheodoreTheodore B.B. V-lbiteT;hite ConradCarad E.E, BaderBader F.F. G.G. Maedel.Maeclel, President,President, RCARGA Institutes,Institutes, Inc.Inc, HaroldHarols Metz~Mcta, ViceVice President.Presideat, Div.Div, ofofEd Ed.,•• RCARCA HaroldHarold Fezer,Fezsr, Director,Director, RCARCA InstituteInstitute WilliamMrilliaznSiegrist, Siegrist , Public:Public Rela.tionsRelatiow Director,Director, RCARCA (Wasl(Was1 RomneyRamney Wheeler,Wheelex, PublicPublic RelationsRelations Director.Director, RCARCA (NY)(NY) THURSDAY.THURSDAY, AAUGUSTuaUST Z.2, 196Z1962 PagePage 22 10:05 am Th&The PresidentPresident g~eetedgreeted thethe FultzFultz quadrupletsqnadrupkts ofof Milton.Mflton, N.N. << MaryMary Allce,Alice, MaryMary Louiae,Louise, MaryMary Catbe:ine,Cathe ,.?ine, andand MaryMary AnneAnne (They(They a:r~sxt nownow 1616 ~C!.rsyezrs ~!d).nld). 10:101O:fD -- 10:251025 amam (Mr.(Mr.PaulPaul FQut)Fout) OFFOFFTHFRECORDTHE RECORD 10:3115:31 -- 10:3310:33 aznm H021.Hen, EdwinEddn MartinMartin 10:3310:33 ...- 1111:OO:00 amam H.H. E.E. Dr.Dr. M~rcosMsrcoa FALCONFILLCON BricenoEjriceno V~ne::uclanVeue zuclan MinisterMinistc r ofof ForeignFort igrs AffairsAffairs Dr.Dr. CarlosCarlos P~re~Perez dede 1ala C,:,vaCave ChargeCharge d'Affaires,d8Affaircs, Vflnezl..-elanVerrtz~wlar?Embass-yEmbassy Hon.Hon. EdwinEhinMartin Martin Mr.Mr. An.thonyAnthony Hervas,Mervaa, interpreterinierpreter MMt..... JoseJose DeSel'.bre.DcSeabrc, interpreteriater?ratcr 11 :06 - 11 :Z5 am senatorSenator JamesJames O.O. EastlandEastland 12:20 - 1:05 pm Mr.h<r. LeeLee HillsHills PresidentPresident ofof thethe AmericanAmerican SocietySociety ofof NewspaperNewspaper EditorEditor Mr.Mr. P1'.u1Psut Miller,?Yiiller, Pllbllsb€:r.Publishc r, GannettGannett NewspapersNe-;vspapers Mr.Mr. WalkerWalker Stone,Stone, EditorEditor-... in.Chief, in-Chief, Scripps·HowardGcripps -Howard Mr.Mr. Vermor"tVermmt Royster,Ropter, E.iit"r,Editor, thethe ~aUbwaU- StreetFtreet JournalJournal 1:15 pm TheThePresident President departeddepzirted thethe officeoffice andznc?wen.t weat toto thethe pool.pool. 1:35 pm ToTothe the Mansion.Mansion. (LUNCH)(LUNCH) 3:50 pm ToTQthe the of!ic~.offics. 3:58 - 4:10 pm TheTbe~re6ident eretsident greet~dgreeted thethe followingfollowing membersmembers ofof thethe NationalNational ASf.oeiationAs~.ociationofof
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