163 Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters,Vol. 18,No. 2, pp. 163-174,6 figs., I tab.,June 2007 @2007 by Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, Miinchen, Germany - ISSN0935-9902 Two new speciesof Pseudflncistrusfrom southern Venezuela (Siluriforrnes: Loricariidae) Nathan K. Lujan*, JonathanW. Armbruster* and Mark H. Sabaj** Two new speciesof Pseudancistrusare describedfrom the upper Rio Orinoco and Rio Negro in Southern Vene- zuela.Pseudancistrus pectegenitor was collectedin the main channel of the Rio Orinoco near the mouth of the Rio Ventuari and in the middle reachesof the Rio Casiquiare.It differs from congenersby having 10-11dorsal-fin rays (vs. seven),adpressed cheek odontodes reaching to three or more plates beyond the opercle in adults (vs. maximally to rear edge of the opercle),plates of ventral row of caudal peduncle with dorsal laminae strongly concave,accentuating the medial keel of the ventral plate row (shared with P. sidereus),and large oral papillae internal to the dentary tooth cup (shared wilh P. coquenani,P, orinoco,and P. yekuana).Pseudancistrus yekuana is known only from the type locality, immediately upstream of Salto Tencua in the upper Rio Ventuari. It differs from congenersby having large oral papillae internal to the dentary tooth cup (shared with P. coquenani,P. ori- noco,and P. pectegenitor),lowerlip reaching to middle of pectoral girdle (vs. to anterior edge of pectoral girdle), pectoral-fin spine maximally reaching posterior baseof the pelvic-fin spine when adpressedventral to the pelvic fin (vs. at least halfway through pelvic-fin insertion) and by severalmorphometric differences. Sedescriben dos especiesnuevas del g6nercPseudancrsfrls (familia Loricariidae) de la parte alta del Rio Orinoco y del Rio Negro en el sur de Venezuela.Pseudancistrus pectegenitor fue colectadoen el canal principal del Rio Orinoco cercade la boca del Rio Ventuari y en los tramos medios del Rio Casiquiare.Esta especie difiere de sus cong6nerespor presentar10-11 radios en la altea dorsal (vs. siete),odontodos en la mejilla alcanzandotres o mds placaspor detr6s del op€rculo en adultos cuando seencuentran en posici6n retractada(vs. no extendi6ndosemas alld del borde posterior del op€rculo), placas de la fila ventral del pedrinculo caudal con liiminas dorsalesque presentanuna profunda concavidad y acent(an la quilla medial de la fila de placasventral (condici6n compar- tida con P.sidereus),papilas orales de gran tamafro situadas en posici6n interna a la caja dentaria (condici6n compartida con P. coquenani,P . orinoco,and P. yekuana).Pseudancistrus yekuana se conocerinicamente de su loca- lidad tipo, en las inmediacionessuperiores al Salto Tencuaen la parte alta del Rio Ventuari. Estaespecie difiere de sus cong6nerespor presentar papilas orales de gran tamafro situadas en posici6n interna a la caja dentaria (condici6n compartida con P. coquenani,P. orinoco,and P. pectegenifor),labio inferior extendi6ndosehasta la parte media de la cintura pectoral (vs. alcanzandorinicamente el borde anterior de la cintura pectoral), espina de la aleta pectoral alcanzandoa lo sumo el borde posterior de la base de Ia espina p6lvica cuando se encuentraen posici6n extendida hacia la aleta p€lvica (vs. alcanzandopor lo menos hasta la parte media del inserci6n de la aleta p6lvica) y por varias diferenciasmorfom€tricas. Department of Biological Sciences,Auburn University,33l Funchess,Auburn, AL 36&{9,USA. E-mail: NKL: [email protected],JWA: [email protected] Academy of Natural Sciences,1900 Beniamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103,USA. E-mail: [email protected] Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters,Vol. 18,No.2 164 Introduction proximally along each dentary, internal to the tooth cup (Fig. 1). These papillae vary within The Proterozoic outcrops in the upper Orinoco individuals in thosespecies that have them, rang- are an incredibly species-rich and historically ing from a single large papilla to one to three under-studied habitat for loricariid catfishes,as clusters of smaller papillae. Comparative speci- evidencedby this and severalother recentspecies mens of other loricariids examined are listed in descriptions(for example,Werneke et a1.,2005a; Armbruster (2004a-b)and a list of members of Werneke et al., 2005b;Armbruster, 2005; Arm- Pseudancistruswith dentary papillaeis below. A bruster et a1.,2007).Recent fieldwork in Amazo- principal components analysis for the morpho- nas, Venezuelaby AUM, ANSP, and MCNG has metric data was performed using a covariate yielded several hundred lots of loricariids col- matrix and log-transformedmeasurements in JMP lected largely from rocky habitats in the upper (Vers.5.01a, SAS Institute,2002).The data for Rio Orinoco,upper Rio Negro, and many tributar- P. coquenaniand P. orinocowere combinedin the ies thereof.Included in theseare at leasttwo new PCA becausethere are no discernablemorpho- speciesof. Pseudancisfrus with enlarged dentary metric differencesbetween the two species. papillae. Armbruster (2004a-b)redescribed and diag- nosedthe genusPseudancistrus and treatedLithox- Pseudancistruspectegenitor, new species ancistrusand Guyanancrsf rus as junior synonyms. (Figs.2-3) Armbruster (2004b)listed 14 nominal speciesin Pseudancistrusof which 12 are currently consid- Holotype. MCNG 54797(formerly AUM42130), ered valid. Of these,two species,P. coquenaniand 241.6mm SL; Venezuela:Amazonas: Rio Casiq- P. orinocohavelarge oral papillae on eachdentary uiare,bedrock in stream,73km NE of SanCarlos just internal to the tooth cup (Fig.1). This char- de Rio Negro (2o21'09"N66'34'31"W); 9 March acterwas usedby Isbnickeret al. (1988)to propose 2005,N. K. Lujan, D. C. Werneke,M. H. Sabaj, the new genusLithoxancistrusfor their new species M. Arce, R. Betancur& T. E. Wesley. L. orinoco;however, dentary papillae also occur in Chaetostomaand some Cordylancistrus(Arm- Paratypes.AUII{ 42202,227.0mm SL;Venezuela: bruster, 2004a-b;fWA, pers. obs.). The purpose Amazonas:Rio Casiquiare,153 km NE of San of this paper is to describe two new speciesof Carlosde Rio Negro (247'56"N 66"00'23"W);24 Pseudancistrusthat share with P. coquenaniand March 2005,N. K. Lujan et al. - AUM 43'192(cs.), P. orinocothe presenceof dentary papillae. One 173.6mm SL;Venezuela: Amazonas: Rio Orinoco, of these species,P. pectegenitor,is large with an beachand bedrock outcropping, 50 km E of San increased number of dorsal-fin rays, making it Fernandode Atabapo.- ANSP 182801(formerly very easy to diagnose from other Pseudancistrus 4UM421.8'D,225.1mm SL;Venezuela: Amazonas: despite a sample size of only four adults. The Rio Orinoco, Punto de Maraya, Isla Maraya, second species,P.yekuana, is small and very 80.8km W of SanFernando de Atabapo(4'01'23" similar to P. orinoco.Infact, P. yekuanamay not N 56'58'19"W); 31 March 2005,N. K. Luian et havebeen easily diagnosed from P. orinocoif they al. were not sympatric. Diagnosis. Pseudancistruspectegenitor can be diagnosedfrom all other Pseudancistrusby having Methods 10-11dorsal-fin rays (vs.7) and adpressedcheek odontodes reaching to three or more plates be- Counts and measurements follow Armbruster yond the opercle in adults (vs. maximally to rear (2003).Character numbers and states are from edge of opercle); from all other described Pseu- Armbruster (2004b)and are presentedin paren- dancistrusexcept P. sidereusby having the plates theses.One specimenof eachspecies was cleared of the ventral row of the caudal peduncle with and stained (cs.) for examinationof bone and dorsal laminae strongly concave, accentuating cartilageusing the methodsof Taylor & Van Dyke the medial keel of the ventral plate row (vs. ven- (1985).Institutional abbreviations are as in Levi- tral plate row slightly convex;Armbruster,2005); ton et al. (1985).Dentary papillae are defined as and from all Pseudancisfrusexcept P. coquenani, a simple papilla or clusters of papillae located P.orinoco,and P. yekuanaby having large oral Luian et al.: Twonew Pseudancistrus 165 Fig. 1. Mouth of; a, Pseudancistrusyekuana; and b P. pectegenitor.Arrows point to dentary papillae. papillae proximally on eachdentary just internal as wide as head. Tooth cups of upper jaw slight- to the tooth cup (vs.papillae absent;Fig. l). Pseud- ly wider than those of lower jaw. Premaxillary ancistruspectegenitor can be further diagnosed teeth 119-164(median 131);dentary teeth 126-134 from P. coquenani,P.orinoco, and P. yekuanaby (median 128).Teeth villiform and bicuspid with having a larger pectoral-fin spine (38.342.2Vo SL medial cusp larger than lateral cusp. Worn teeth vs.22.0-31,.4)and from P. coquenaniand P. orino- with cuspsapproachingequal length. Lateral edge co by having a smaller head-dorsal length (5.6- of oral disk extending slightly beyond lateral 6.8Vo SL vs. 8.0-12.2). margins of head. Maxillary barbel short and oc- casionally bifurcated distally. Ventral surface of Description. Morphometrics presented in Ta- lips papillose. Papillae increasing in size and ble 1. Meristics basedon four individuals. Large decreasingin density from labial rictus (smallest loricariids, largest specimen241.5 mm SL. Body and most dense),to regions proximal and poste- squat with large, dorsoventrally depressedhead rior to dentary tooth cups (intermediate), to and stout trunk. Snout sloped at -30o angle to larger and less-denselyspaced papillae restricted orbit; dorsal profile slightly arched from orbit to to band along middle of lower lip; posteroventral posterior insertion of adipose fin with depth at edge of lower lip devoid of papillae. Dentary adipose fin shallower than depth at orbit; body papillae
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