VOL - XXXIV Aizawl, Friday, 27.5.2005 Jyaistha 6, S.E. 1927, Issue No.1 07 DELIMITATION COMMISSION OF INDIA NIRVACHAN SADAN, ASHOKA ROAD, NEW DELID-110001 SHANGARARAM lEL. 011-23052005 SECRETARY FAX 011-23052006 NO. 282/MIZ/2005 Dated: 27th May, 2005 6 Jyeshtha, 1927 (Saka) NOTIFICATION Inpursuanceof Sub-Section(1) ofSection 10oftheDelimitationAct,2002 (33 of2002), the following OrdermadebytheDelimitation Commission underSub-Section (2)ofSection 9read withSub-Section (2)ofSection4oftheAct,inrespectofthedelimitation ofParliamentary and Assembly Constituencies intheStateof Mizoramishereby published. ORDER NO. 10 WHEREAS, inpursuanceofSections8and4 oftheDelimitationAct, 2002 (33 of2002), as amended bytheDelimitation (Amendment) Act,2003 (3of2004),theDelimitation Commission has, by its Order No. 7 dated 13th April, 2005, published in the extraordinary issue ofthe Gazette ofIndiaandthe Mizorarn StateGazetteon 13thApril,2005,determined - (i) thetotal numberofseats in the House ofthe Peopleto be allocatedto the StateofMizoram as one (I ) which shallbereserved fortheScheduled Tribes, and(ii) thetotal numberofseatstobeassigned, . to theLegislative Assemblyofthe Stateas forty (40)ofwhich,no seatshallbereserved forthe Scheduled Castesandthirtynine(39)seatsfortheScheduled Tribes; and WHEREAS, in pursuanceof Sub-Section (l)ofSection5, read with subSection(l) of Section9 ofthe said Act, the DelimitationCommissionassociatedwith itself the Associate Members fromtheStatewiththeproceedings forthedelimitation ofParliamentary andAssembly Constituencies intheState;and WHEREAS, inpursuance ofSub-Section (2)ofSection 9ofthesaidAct,theDelimitation Commissionpublished itsproposals, alongwiththedissenting proposals oftheAssociate Member ofthe Commissionwho desiredpublicationthereof, forthe delimitation ofParliamentary and AssemblyConstituencies in the State on the basis ofthe relevant published figuresof2001 Census, inthe extraordinary issueofthe Gazette ofIndiaand inthe MizoramStateGazetteon 13th April,2005,forinviting objections andsuggestions in relation totheaforesaid proposals by 27thApril,2005;and - 2 - WHEREAS, in pursuance of the said Sub-Section (2) of Section 9 of that Act, the Commission's Order No.7 mentioned above and the above referred draft proposals of the Commission along with the dissenting proposals of the Associate Member were also published in the 'local newspapers on 13th and 14th April, 2005 and given further publicity through radio and television and other media of mass communication; and WHEREAS, in pursuance of the said Sub-Section (2) of Section (9) of that Act, the Commission also issued a Public Notice on 13th April, 2005 specifying the place and date of its public sittings to consider all objections and suggestions; and WHEREAS, in pursuance of the said Sub-Section (2) of Section 9 of that Act, the Commission held public sittings at Aizawl on 5th May, 2005 and heard the members of the public and afforded them full opportunity of making oral and written submissions, in addition to the written representations already sent, if any, to the Commission; and . WHEREAS, the Commission has considered all objections and suggestions made at the aforesaid public sittings and/or received by it otherwise, in relation to its said proposals, in the light of the relevant provisions of the Constitution and the said Act; NOW THEREFORE, in pursuance of clause (d) of Sub-Section 2 of Section 9 read with Sub-Section (2) of Section 4 of the said Act, as amended, the Delimitation Commission hereby determines as follows: 1. The territorial Assembly Constituencies into which the State of Mizoram shall be divided for the purpose of elections to the Legislative Assembly of the State and the extent of each such Constituency shall be as shown in Table-A. 2. The extent of territorial parliamentary constituency in respect of the State of Mizoram for the purpose of elections to the House of the People shall be as shown in Table B. 3. Where the name of a Constituency as shown in Table-A or Table-B is distinguished by the brackets and letters "(ST)" the seat in that Constituency is reserved for the Scheduled Tribes. - 3 - Ex-107/05 TABLE -A ASSEMBLY CONSTITUENCIES AND THEIR EXTENT SERIAL NO. AND NAME OF EXTENT OF THE CONSTITUENCY ASSEMBLY CONSTITUENCY DISTRICT MAMIT 1-Hachhek (ST) Villages Kanhmun, Moraicherra (Luimawi), Lushaicherra (Thinghlun), Hriphaw, Bungthuam, Zawlpui, Zamuang, Rengdil, Kawrthah, Tumpanglui, Tuidam, Sotapa Veng, Mualthuam, Kawrtethawveng, Thaidawr IV, Thaidawr I, I Serhmun, N.W.Bunghmun, Sihthiang, Lungmawi, Kananthar, Darlak, Saikhawthlir, Chuhvel, Zawlnuam (NT) and Sarali K in Zawlnuam R. D. Block; and Villages Belkhai and Zomuan in W.Phaileng R. D. Block 2-Dampa (ST) Villages W.Phaileng, Kawnmawi, N. Chhippui, Lallen, Saithah, Parvatui, Phuldungsei, Keisalam I, Zopui, W. Phulpui, Silsuri, Pukzing, Pukzing Vengthar, Hnahva, - IHruiduk, Marpara North in West Phaileng R. D. Block; and Villages Tuahzawl, Rulpuihlim, Chungtlang, Reiek, Ailawng, W. Lungdar, Khawrihnim, Lungphun, N. Kanghmun, Bawlte, Bawngthah, Darlung and S. Sabual in Reiek R. D. Block 3-Mamit (ST) Villages N.Sabual, Dampui, Nalzawl, Bawngva, Mamit (NT), N.Tlangkhang, Pathiantlang, Suarhliap, Phaizau, Chilui in Zawlnuam R. D.Block; and Villages Saitlaw, W. Serzawl, Hmunpui, Dilzawl, Rawpuichhip, Lengte, Nghalchawm, Dapchhuah (Tutphai), Lengpui (NT) - Lengpui in Reiek R. D. Block; and Villages Khantlang, Tuipuibari, Rajivnagar, Andermanik, Damparengpui, Khawhnai, Tuirum, Salem Boarding and Teirei Forest in W.Phaileng R. D. Block - 4- DISTRICT KOlASIB 4-Tuirial (ST) North Thingdawl, Rajtali, Dilzau H, Hortoki, Sethawn, Bukpui, N. Chaltlang, N. Mualvum, Zanlawn and Wd. No. 1 Kawnpui and Wd. No.2 Bualpui in N. Kawnpui (NT) of North Thingdawl R. D. Block; and Villages Khamrang, Lungmuat, Nisapui, Serkhan, Mualkhang, Lungdai and Sentlang in Tlangnuam R. D. Block 5-Kolasib (ST) Bairabi (NT), Villages Hmaibialaveng, Meidum, Pangbalkawn, S.Chhimluang, in North Thingdawl R. D. I Block; and Kolasib Vengthar, Diakkawn 'S', Diakkawn, Lungpher - - Veng, Venglai, Hmarveng, Tumpui and Dinthar in l Kolasib (NT) 6-Serlui (ST) Villages Phainuam, Saihapui V, Chite, Vakultui, N.Chhimluang, N.Chawnpui, Chemphai, Phaisen, Buhchangphai, N.Thinglian, Bukvannei, Saihapui K, Parsenchhip, N.Hlimen, Thingthelh, Vairengte (NT), I Bilkhawthlir, Rengtekawn and Builum in North I Thingdawl R. O. Block; and Villages Saiphai and Saipum under Sakawrdai Sub- Division (Civil) in Thingdawl R. D. Block under Aizawl l District DISTRICT AIZAWL -- I - '7-Tuivawl (ST) Villages Mauchar, Kani, N.Tinghmun, Zohmun, Palsang, Upper Sakawrdai, Lower Sakawrdai, N.Khawdungsei, Vaitin, Khawpuar, Luakchhuah, EDamdiai, Thingsat, New Vervek, Lungsum, Ratu, Sunhluchhip, Sailutar, N.Serzawl, Sawleng, Chhanchhuahna Khawpui, Kepran, E'phaileng, Pehlawn and Darlawn (NT) in Darlawn R. D. Block 8-Chalfilh (ST) Villages Khawruhlian, Tuirinikai, Hmunnghak, Khanpui and Lailak in Darlawn R. D. Block; and Villages N. Khawlek, Vanbawng, Lamherh, Suangpuilawn, Zawngin, Phullen, Thanglailung, Luangpawn, Phuaibuang, Khawlian, N.E. Tlangnuam and Daido in Phullen R. D. Block; and Villages Buhban, N.Lungpher, Mualmam, Sesawng, I Dilkhan, Tualbung and Sihfa in Thingsulthliah R. D. Block - 9-Tawi (ST) Villages Saitual (NT), Saitual, Keifang, Ruallung, Rulchawm and Saitual Spl. charge - BRTF, Thingsulthliah, Saisih Vety Farm, Aichalkawn, Seling, -- Phaibawk, Edenthar, Tuikhurhlu, Thingsul Tlangnuam, Mualpheng, Lenchim, Tawizo and Maite in ' Thingsulthliah R. D. Block /' -- I - 5 - Ex-107/0S 110-Aizawl North-I (ST) Aizawl (NT) - Wd. NO.1 - Durtlang Vengthar / Selesih, - Wd. NO.2 - Durtlang, - Wd. NO.3 - Durtlang Leitan, Wd. NO.7 - Bawngkawn and Wd. No. 16 - Chaltlang in Tlangnuam R D. Block 11-Aizawl North-II (ST) Aizawl (NT)- Wd. NO.8 - Ramhlun N, Wd. No.9 - Aizawl Venglai, Wd. NO.10 - Ramthar, Wd. No. 11 - Ramthar N, Wd. No. 12 - Ramhlun S, Wd. NO.13 - Ramhlun Sports Complex, Wd. No. 14 - Ramhlun Vengthar Wd. No. 15 - Ramhlun Vengl~i and Wd. No. 26- Laipuitlang in Tlangnuam R D. Block 12-Aizawl North-III (ST) Aizawl (NT) - Wd. No. 17 - Edenthar, Wd. No. 22- Electric Veng, Wd. No. 23 - Zarkawt, Wd. No. 24 - Chanmari W, Wd. No. 25 - Chanmari and Wd. No. 60- Hunthar in Tlangnuam R. D. Block 113-Aizawl East-I Villages Sairum, Neihbawih, Sihphir/Sihphir Vengthar, Nausel, Muthi, Bung IB, Tuirial Jail, Tuirial and Aizawl I (NT) - Wd. NO.4 - Zuangtui, Wd. NO.5 - Thuampui and Wd. NO.6 - Zemabawk in Tlangnuam R D. Block 114-Aizawl East-II tsn Aizawl (NT) - Wd. No. 18 - Tuithiang, Wd. No. 19- Sarawn Veng, Wd. No. 20 - Chhinga Veng, Wd. No. 21 , - Dawrpui, Wd. No. 27 - Armed Veng, Wd. No. 28 - . Armed Veng Sand Wd. No. 29 - Chite in Tlangnuam R D. Block I1 ~ - 11S-Aizawl West-I (ST) Wd. No.1 Sairang Wd. NO.2 S. Sihhmui Wd. NO.3 S. Dinthar and Wd. NO.4 S. (PTe) in Sairang (NT), Aizawl (NT) - Wd. No. 61 - Chawnpui, Wd. No. 62 - Zotlang, Wd. No. 63 - Chawlhhmun, Wd. No. 64 - Luangmual, Wd. No. 65 - Zonuam, Wd. No. 66 - Luangmual I Govt.Complex, Wd. No. 67 - Tanhril, Wd. No. 68 - I Sakawrtuichhun and Wd. No. 69 - Rangvamual in Tlangnuam R. D. Block 16-Aizawl West-II (ST) Aizawl (NT) - Wd. No. 54 - Tuikual S, Wd. No. 55 - Tuikual N, Wd. No. 56 - Dinthar, Wd. No. 57 - I Dawrpui Vengthar, Wd. No. 58 - Vaivakawn and Wd. No. 59 - Kanan in Tlangnuam R. D. Block I 17-Aizawl West-III (ST) . Aizawl (NT) - Wd. No. 47 - Mission Vengthlang Wd. No. 48 - Khatla S, Wd. No. 49 - Khatla, Wd. No. 50 I - Bungkawn Nursery, Wd. No. 51 - Bungkawn, Wd. No. I I 52 - Maubawk and
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