4 The Japan Times Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Saudi Arabian crown prince’s visit A new chapter in bilateral history Abdulaziz Turkistani in both the regional and inter- ambassadoR oF saudi arabia national arenas. In addition, an agreement on the promotion We will cel- and protection of mutual in- ebrate the 6oth vestments between the govern- anniversary of ments of the Kingdom of Saudi the establish- arabia and Japan was signed ment of diplo- following the talks. matic relations economic ties have served to between the connect saudi arabia and Ja- Kingdom of pan very closely. saudi arabia saudi arabia supplies Japan with one-third and Japan in 2015. since its in- of the total amount of crude oil ception, we have maintained imported to the country. as a cordial and smooth relations framework of the technical co- through economic exchange, operation, there are three voca- without mentioning mutual tional training institutes in Saudi visits between the royal Family arabia, which were established and Imperial Family, and both Prince Miqren bin Abdulaziz King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Crown Prince Salman bin in cooperation with Japan. There Longstanding ties: Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko receive Prince Salman, then governor governments’ officials. Al Saud Al Saud Abdulaziz Al Saud have been about 3,000 saudis of Riyadh Province, at the Imperial Palace on April 22, 1998. embassy oF saudi arabia It gives me great pleasure to who have graduated from these announce that His Royal High- pan for four days through Feb. ernor of Riyadh. in which both sides discussed to date. decade. For instance, more than of H.r.H. Crown Prince Salman In conclusion, we, the royal ness Crown Prince salman bin 21. This is the second visit to Japanese Prime Minister the depth of the relationship additionally, we have recent- 500 Saudi students are receiving will open a new chapter in the embassy of saudi arabia, are abdulaziz Al Saud, Deputy Pre- Japan by H.r.H. Crown Prince shinzo abe visited saudi ara- that has existed between the ly witnessed an expansion of higher education in Japan today. history of friendly bilateral rela- greatly honored to welcome this mier and Minister of defense salman, the first having been in bia last year and held talks with two friendly countries, and re- people-to-people exchanges be- I believe with absolute cer- tions and will further strengthen visit by H.r.H. to Japan at this is making an official visit to Ja- 1998 in his capacity as the Gov- H.r.H. Crown Prince salman, viewed the recent developments tween our countries over the last tainty that this auspicious visit them. important moment. Brief profile and agenda of Crown Prince Salman Development His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz He is a recipient of several honorary degrees was designated Crown Prince of the Kingdom of and academic awards, including an honorary Saudi Arabia and appointed deputy premier by doctorate from the Islamic University of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Madinah, the Prince Salman academic award, and progress Abdullah bin Abdulaziz on June 18, 2012, upon and the Kant Medal by the Berlin-Brandenburg the death of Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz. Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Crown Prince Salman also serves as minister of appreciation of his contributions to the field of Education primary schools. Approximately defense. science. In the 1950s, the Kingdom of five million students are en- Prince Salman was born in Riyadh on Dec. Prince Salman paid an official visit to Japan in saudi arabia had few schools rolled in the system, which has 31, 1935, and received his education at the 1998 in his capacity of the governor of Riyadh and very few citizens had ac- a student to teacher ratio of 11- Prince’s School in Riyadh, which was and met with Their Majesties Emperor Akihito cess to formal education. To- to-1, one of the lowest in the established in 1937 by the late King Abdulaziz and Empress Michiko, Their Imperial Highnesses day, saudi arabia has tens of world. for his sons. He served as deputy governor Crown Prince Naruhito and Princess Masako, as thousands of public and pri- The literacy rate in the king- of Riyadh from March 1954 to April 1955, and well as a number of Japanese officials. vate schools and has invested dom has risen to 96 percent, governor of Riyadh from April 1955 to H.R.H. Crown Prince Salman met with Prime a large portion of its budget up from 35 percent forty years December 1960 and again from February Minister Shinzo Abe and a number of Japanese in improving the standards of ago. 1963 to Nov. 5, 2011, when he was appointed officials in April 2013. education at all levels for all In 2006, King abdullah es- minister of defense. H.R.H. Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al citizens. tablished the King abdullah Since 1956, Prince Salman has chaired Saud, is paying an official visit to Japan through To support the kingdom’s scholarship Program for study various humanitarian and service committees Feb. 21. continued growth and to meet abroad. The saudi govern- that provide relief from natural and man-made During his stay in Japan, H.R.H. Crown Prince the needs of a burgeoning ment has offered scholarships disasters domestically and internationally. For Salman will have an Imperial Audience with His youth population, the govern- to more than 130,000 students, his humanitarian services, he has been awarded Majesty Emperor Akihito, who will host a Court ment allocates about 25 per- who are attending schools in many medals and decorations, including awards Luncheon in honor of H.R.H. Crown Prince cent of its annual budget to more than 20 countries world- from Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Salman. education. wide. There are more than Morocco, Palestine, the Philippines, Senegal, the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will also hold a saudi arabia’s educational 72,000 Saudi students studying Strengthening relations: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is welcomed by Crown Prince Salman at the United Nations, Yemen and the King Abdulaziz meeting and host a dinner for H.R.H. Prince system is comprised of more in the U.s. King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah on April 30 during his visit to Saudi Arabia. Medal-First Class. Salman. than 30 public and private uni- saudi students in the U.s. embassy oF saudi arabia versities and more than 26,000 ContInuEd on page 5 PAGE: 4 The Japan Times Wednesday, February 19, 2014 5 Saudi Arabian crown prince’s visit crown prince visit highlights friendship, trust Hiromasa Yonekura Prince salman visited Japan for cHairman, Japan-Saudi arabia the first time. during the visit, SocietY the crown prince met with Their Imperial Majesties emperor On behalf of akihito and empress Michiko, the Japan-saudi as well as then Prime Minister arabia Society, I ryutaro Hashimoto, and also would like to ex- paid a visit to a special school tend my hearty for handicapped children. welcome to His at present, H.r.H. Crown royal Highness Prince salman serves as the Crown Prince deputy prime minister and the salman bin ab- minister of defense of the King- dulaziz Al Saud of the Kingdom dom of Saudi Arabia and under of Saudi Arabia. the leadership and guidance of The crown prince’s visit to the Custodian of the Two Holy Japan this time, made less than Mosques King abdullah bin one year after Prime Minister abdulaziz al saud, the crown shinzo Abe visited Saudi Arabia prince has played a significant last April, is truly significant and role to drive the progress and en- it is a testimony to the strong sure the prosperity of the King- bonds of friendship and trust dom of Saudi Arabia — a leader between the Kingdom and Ja- in the Middle east region and pan that have been developed the world’s largest oil exporter. over the past nearly 60 years The crown prince is also known since diplomatic relations were for his philanthropic activities established in 1955. and humanitarian efforts. H.r.H. Crown Prince Salman after the summit meeting Big time: The King Abdullah Clock Tower in Makkah (Mecca) houses the world’s tallest minaret, made of gold, the largest clock served as the governor of Riyadh held in Jeddah last April, H.r.H. face and largest man-made crescent. embassy of Saudi arabia Province for many years, dur- Crown Prince Salman and Prime ing which time Crown Prince Minister Abe issued a joint state- resource development. This has engaged in since the incep- arabia and the further strength- will be successful and reward- salman enjoyed considerable ment to affirm their commit- raised the expectation in Japan tion of the Society in 1960 — to ening of ties between the two ing and Japan-saudi arabia re- accomplishments in the areas of ment to enhance the compre- that economic and industrial contribute to the promotion of countries. lations, built on friendship and urban and economic develop- hensive partnership between cooperation between the two mutual understanding between I sincerely hope H.r.H. Crown trust, will continue to grow for ment, including the transforma- Japan and the Kingdom of Saudi countries will gain further mo- Japan and the Kingdom of Saudi Prince salman’s visit to Japan many years to come. tion of Riyadh, the Saudi capital, arabia in a wide range of areas, mentum. from a desert oasis town into a from energy and resources to at the Japan-saudi arabia metropolis of skyscrapers. defense, infrastructure develop- society we will continue work- In 1998, as the governor of ment, agriculture, medical care, ing on our cultural exchange riyadh Province, H.r.H.
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