continuing education for pharmacists Volume XXXI, No. 6 Anemia: Disease Basics, Treatment and Appropriate Use of ESAs Mona T. Thompson, R.Ph., PharmD Dr. Mona T. Thompson has no relevant considered a public health concern have an increased demand for iron. financial relationships to disclose. that affects both developed and In the United States, the preva- developing countries. Estimates lence of iron-deficiency anemia in the Americas and Europe were among children declined during the The goal of this lesson is Goal. lower than in other regions such as 1970s in association with increased to provide a basic background on Africa and Eastern Mediterranean. iron intake during infancy. It is anemia to include pathophysiol- Anemia is the result of one estimated that 4 percent of women ogy, epidemiology, and associated or more of the three independent in the United States between the laboratory studies in the diagnosis mechanisms that occur secondary ages of 20 to 49 years have iron of anemia; common types of anemia to various deficiencies and disor- deficiency anemia. According to and their causes; and treatment ders: (1) decreased red blood cell the WHO definition, more than 10 options in adults. (RBC) production, (2) increased percent of persons older than 65 RBC destruction, and (3) blood loss. years are anemic. The prevalence At the completion of Objectives. Decreased RBC production is the increases with age, and one study this activity, the participant will be result of nutrient deficiencies such found that it approaches 50 percent able to: as iron, vitamin B12, and folate; in chronically ill patients living in 1. demonstrate an understand- bone marrow suppression (drugs, nursing homes. ing of the epidemiology, pathophys- chemotherapy, radiation); bone Table 1 lists the normal red iology, and associated laboratory marrow disorders (aplastic anemia, blood cell parameters in adults. studies in the diagnosis of anemia; myelodysplasia, tumor infiltration); Several studies have demonstrated 2. recognize the general charac- low levels of erythropoietin (EPO); that anemia is an independent risk teristics and causes for select types chronic kidney disease; and other factor for increased morbidity and of anemia; chronic diseases. Iron deficiency is mortality, and decreases quality of 3. identify the general adult the cause in approximately 30 to 50 life in older persons living indepen- treatment options for anemia percent of anemia cases. Hemolyt- dently. Functional deterioration types, as well as key prescribing ic anemias are caused by RBC de- increases with decreased hemoglo- and counseling points for the enti- struction. Examples include sickle bin concentration in an inverse and ties discussed; and cell disease and thalassemias. In linear fashion. 4. demonstrate an understand- some cases, the cause of anemia is ing of the current recommenda- unexplained. Red Blood Cells Life Cycle tions for the use of erythropoietin The WHO defines anemia as a and Function of stimulating agents (ESAs). hemoglobin (Hb) level less than 13 Erythropoietin grams per dL in men, and less than RBCs, also known as erythrocytes, Background 12 grams per dL in women. Other are produced through the process Anemia is one of the most com- authors have proposed different of erythropoiesis which occurs in mon hematologic problems in ranges and lower limits of normal the bone marrow. While the pro- both adults and children. In a that vary based on age, sex, and cess is dependent on various fac- prevalence study conducted us- race. Patients living at high alti- tors, erythropoietin (EPO) plays an ing data from 1993 to 2005, the tude and athletes may also have integral role. EPO is an endocrine World Health Organization (WHO) different normal values. hormone produced in the kidney reported that globally, anemia Anemia occurs at all stages by cells that sense inadequate affected 1.62 billion people, cor- of life but most often in pregnant tissue oxygenation. Once hypoxia relating to almost 25 percent of women and preschool-aged chil- is sensed, EPO is produced and the population. Therefore, it is dren, which are populations that travels to the bone marrow where microcytic anemias are iron defi- Table 1 ciency, thalassemia, and anemia of Normal Red Blood Cell Parameters for Adults chronic inflammation. Macrocytic anemias are often due to alcohol- Red Cell Parameter Men Women ism, liver disease, folic acid and Hemoglobin, g/dL 15.7 +/- 1.7 13.8 +/- 1.5 vitamin B12 deficiency. Ferritin Hematocrit, percent 46 +/- 4.0 40.0 +/- 4.0 serum levels, which measure iron RBC count, 5.2 +/- 0.7 4.6 +/- 0.5 million/µL storage in the body (but not the Reticulocytes, percent 1.6 +/- 0.5 1.4 +/- 0.5 iron contained in heme or hemo- Mean corpuscular 88.0 +/- 8.0 88.0 +/- 8.0 globin), may also be obtained with volume, fL vitamin B12 and folate levels. Peripheral blood smears entail examining a single layer of blood it augments and differentiates of breath, dizziness, coldness in microscopically, in order to study two erythroid progenitors – burst hands and feet, and chest pain are the content of the cell. A reticu- forming units-erythroid (BFU-E) common, yet nonspecific, symptoms locyte count is a blood test that and colony forming units-erythroid that are often experienced. These measures how fast red blood cells (CFU-E) – into normoblasts. Once symptoms occur due to the lack are made by the bone marrow and the normoblast loses its nucleus, it of oxygen delivery to tissue and/ released into the blood. Reticulo- is termed a reticulocyte or imma- or acute, marked bleeding caus- cyte counts usually rise secondary ture red blood cell. The reticulo- ing hypovolemia. Clinicians are to blood loss or in cases of hemolyt- cyte spends about three days in the encouraged to complete a thorough ic anemia. Additionally, a low total bone marrow, and an additional and systematic approach so as white blood cell (WBC) count in a day in peripheral blood before it is not to overlook underlying causes. patient with anemia would lead fully matured. The mature RBC Angular cheilitis (cracking at the to consideration of bone marrow circulates in the body, deliver- edges of the lips) and koilonychias suppression, whereas a high total ing oxygen linked to hemoglobin (spooning of the nails) may ac- WBC may correlate with infection, from the lungs to tissue capillar- company iron deficiency anemia. inflammation, or a hematologic ies. After 110 to 120 days, the Neurological manifestations can malignancy. RBC is removed from circulation accompany or predate anemia asso- by macrophages sensing that the ciated with vitamin B12 deficiency. cell is aged. Under steady state The patient’s past medical history Treatment of Select conditions, the rate of RBC produc- can be helpful, as can a review of Anemias The remainder of this lesson will tion equals the rate of RBC loss, pharmacologic agents since certain review iron deficiency anemia and the reticulocyte count repre- medications, especially chemother- (IDA), anemia of chronic disease sents about 1 percent (normal for apy, may be associated with bone (ACD), and anemia associated with adults is 0.5 to 2 percent) of the marrow suppression. In addition, chronic kidney disease (CKD) as total circulating RBC. The normal some medications such as NSAIDs these types of anemia are often RBC count is five million µL (5 x and anticoagulants can increase encountered in the community set- 1012/L). Therefore, the bone mar- the risk of bleeding resulting in ting. Various oral and intravenous row must produce approximately anemia secondary to blood loss. iron agents as well as erythropoi- 50,000 reticulocytes/µL of whole etin stimulating agents (ESAs) are blood each day in order to main- Laboratory Studies for prescribed for their treatment. tain stable RBC mass. Persistent Diagnosing Anemia reduced rates of production lead to This section will briefly review the anemia. The rate of red blood cell laboratory studies that a clinician Iron Deficiency Anemia Iron deficiency is the most common production greatly increases under may utilize to not only confirm a di- nutritional deficiency worldwide. the influence of high levels of EPO. agnosis of anemia, but classify the Iron metabolism is controlled by In fact, normal bone marrow can type and determine the treatment absorption rather than excretion, increase erythropoiesis in response approach. Upon confirmation of and iron is only lost through blood to EPO approximately fivefold in anemia (Hb <13g/dL in men; <12g/ loss or in RBCs as they slough. adults. dL in women according to WHO), Men and non-menstruating women a complete blood count is generally lose approximately 1mg of iron Signs and Symptoms of obtained. The mean corpuscular each day, while menstruating Anemia volume (MCV) or red blood cell size women lose 0.6 to 2.5 percent more. The signs and symptoms of anemia is used to distinguish microcytic Pregnancy requires about 700mg are dependent on the degree of ane- (MCV <80fL), normocytic (MCV 80 of iron; a complete blood donation mia, the rate at which it evolved, to 100fL), and macrocytic (>100fL) of 500mL contains 250mg of iron. and the oxygen demands of the anemias. Iron absorption occurs mostly in patient. Fatigue, pallor, shortness The most commonly seen Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) for disease, diabetes, trauma, etc. Table 2 iron is 8mg per day for healthy, ACD is generally mild, normo- Causes and Examples of non-menstruating adults, 18mg per cytic and normochromic (concen- Iron Deficiency in Adults day for menstruating women, and tration of Hb in RBC is normal). 16mg per day for vegetarians (due However, it can become microcytic Increased iron loss to the difference in absorption of and hypochromic in long-standing Acute hemorrhage non-heme iron). cases, and can be severe. Labora- Chronic or occult hemorrhage IDA is usually a microcytic tory findings usually reveal a low Menstruation Inflammation anemia.
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