WWW.TEHRANTIMES.COM I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 16 Pages Price 10,000 Rials 38th year No.13020 Wednesday JANUARY 10, 2018 Dey 20, 1396 Rabi’ Al thani 22, 1439 70 more detainees freed 2 Trump is not champion Iran to play Puerto Rico at “The Salesman” of democracy: FIVB World Championship trying luck at BAFTA Charles Taliaferro 7 opener 15 Awards 16 UAE not seen a major trade partner for post-sanction Iran ECONOMY TEHRAN — The and selling them to Iran. deskUnited Arab Emirates But the Arab country is not seen a major (UAE) benefited a lot from years of the trade partner for Iran in the post-sanction West-led economic sanctions against era as Iranian economy has opened its Iran as the neighbor country had turned doors to the global markets. into a number one trade partner of Iran Mohammad Lahouti, the head of through acting as a broker buying prod- Iran Exports Confederation, said on ucts and services from different countries Monday: 4 Four characteristics of the concept Honest of ‘Return to the self’ in Shi’ism THOUGHTS TEHRAN — Islamic groups - is justified within the theoretical deskfundamentalism is a framework of certain contemporary Islamic kind of revivalism (Salafism) which has ideas. These ideas are redefined in funda- turned into one of the most significant re- mentalist-revivalist thought and have lost gional and international threats; even though, their original meaning. The superannuated demands the fundamentalists talk about expanding and prominent concept of ‘return to the U.S. will pay for inciting violence in Iran the Islamic territory and guiding human- self’ is among the most significant concepts kind toward redemption. Flagrant violence in this line of thought. The Salafists have against ordinary people – as one of the most introduced this idea as a means to justify prevalent tactics used by the fundamentalist returning to an imagined past. 9 Syrian army hits Israeli jet, intercepts missiles near Damascus Syria’s army says its air defense sys- northeast of the capital, Damascus, from tems have hit an Israeli aircraft and inside the Lebanese airspace at 2:40 a.m. intercepted a number of rockets fired The target of the strike in al-Qutaifa See page 2 at targets on Syrian soil as the Tel Aviv was said to be a weapons depot. regime continues its acts of aggression According to the statement, Israel against the country. then fired ground-to-ground rock- In a statement carried by state media ets from the Israeli-occupied Golan on Tuesday, the army said that Israeli jets Heights, but the Syrian defenses brought Leader.ir had fired missiles at the al-Qutaifa area the missiles down. 13 ARTICLE ARTICLE By M.A.Saki The hot debate of revising Tehran’s traffic scheme By Ebrahim Fallahi Deputy editor-in-chief By Mohammad Ali Haqshenas Although the City Council has not still ham- pollution as the primary concerns of Tehraners, Tehran Times journalist The newly proposed scheme for traffic restricted mered out and approved the proposed scheme, he highlighted that tackling these issues are a zones put forward by Tehran Municipality to a wave of comments has been made on the issue priority for the municipality. Air pollution is replace the odd-even traffic scheme has led by municipal managers, city councilors, police linked to traffic but they are not essentially the Neither logical nor to a series of debates both among officials officials and citizens debating the advantages same; there are some other culprits for the air Renewing oil and the public. and disadvantages of the issue. pollution beside heavy traffic, he added. expedient The odd-even traffic scheme is a method Municipality’s viewpoint The odd-even scheme has lost its initial effects tankers fleet a of rationing in which access to the streets for Mohsen Pourseyyed-Aqaei, deputy mayor in reducing traffic and easing air pollution, In its national budget bill submitted private vehicles is granted on alternating days, for traffic and transport affairs, can be regarded said the deputy mayor. “must” for Iran to the parliament, the government has according to whether the last digit on their as the main figure behind the proposal. In an He went on to say that the municipality doesn’t proposed to raise fuel prices, mainly license plate is even or odd. interview with Fars news agency published intend to increase its revenue via this scheme, he collision of an Iranian oil tanker petrol, to raise 174 trillion rials (around According to general outlines of the newly on Sunday, he provided further details on the rather the aim is to control the traffic. “If it wasn’t with a Chinese freight vessel has $4.3 billion) and invest that money to proposed scheme, everyone will be able to enter schemes and strongly advocated it. the case, we wouldn’t eliminate traffic restrictions been at the top of news headlines Pourseyyed-Aqaei argued that reducing traffic on Thursdays in the new scheme,” he argued. T create jobs. the traffic restricted areas with paying charges in many energy news agencies this week. However, the special parliamentary depending on the zone they wish to enter. Entering requires the implementation of two measures; However, elsewhere in his remarks, he noted Carrying 136,000 tons of gas conden- committee, which temporarily comes the city center - the most polluted and heavily developing public transportation and increasing that based on estimations, the scheme will raise sate, the Iranian tanker collided with into existence every year to assess the congested area - is costlier and the farther the zone the costs of using personal cars. the revenue of Tehran Municipality by 1.5 trillion the Chinese vessel on its way to South annual national budget bill, has opposed is from the city center the charge will be lesser. Referring to terrible traffic congestion and air rials (nearly $37.5 million) annually. 12 Korea on January 7. increase in fuel prices. This is the second incident of this The special committee has proposed kind involving an Iranian tanker. In Au- other resources to create jobs. A deci- Saudi regime seeking to acquire Israeli Iron Dome missiles gust 2016, also an Iranian super tanker sion which experts believe would not collided with a Swiss container vessel in be materialized. The House of Saud regime has reportedly been tion System (APS). The Ansarullah movement fighters regularly Singapore strait. The recent protest rallies in some cities, seeking to get its hands on Israel’s so-called The vehicle-mounted system is capable of fire domestically-manufactured ballistic missiles In Singapore incident luckily no inju- which were mainly motivated by economic Iron Dome missile system amid reports that intercepting and destroying incoming missiles at positions inside Saudi Arabia in retaliation ries or major pollution were reported, but problems including unemployment, have the two regimes have plans to normalize their and rockets with a shotgun-like blast. for the Riyadh-led coalition war on Yemen. this time the Iranian vessel’s crew weren’t made lawmakers member to the committee relations and unite against the regional power According to the report, the Saudi regime Additionally, the Swiss daily noted that that lucky, 32 crew members, including to be more cautious about raising fuel house Iran. military experts had even examined the Israeli Riyadh and Tel Aviv were working together 30 Iranians and two Bangladeshis, have prices, especially petrol. Basler Zeitung, a Swiss German-language anti-missile system in the United Arab Emirates to confront Iran’s growing presence in the gone missing after two vessels collided Even before the emergence of protests, newspaper published in the city of Basel, quoted (UAE) capital, Abu Dhabi. Middle East. off China’s east coast. the Majlis Budget and Planning Committee a “European weapons dealer in the Saudi cap- The House of Saud regime is said to have The two regimes, it noted, were cooperat- Hearing about two such incidents had opposed a hike in gasoline prices, ital of Riyadh” as saying that the Saudi regime wanted to acquire the system in an attempt ing significantly in the military and security with a less-than-a-year interval, one saying it would lead to high inflation. was seeking to buy Israeli military equipment, to stop missile attacks by Yemen’s Ansarullah sectors, with their intelligence cooperation can’t help but to wonder what is causing Such decisions are cherished by the including the so-called Trophy Active Protec- (Houthi) movement, the report said. having registered “further progress.” 13 such tragic accidents involving Iranian public but in the long run it is the masses oil tankers. who should pay the costs. As OPEC’s third largest producer, Contrary to common assumptions, Iran is currently exporting 2.6 million leading economists believe that increase First anniversary barrels per day of oil and gas condensate in fuel prices initially creates a psycho- of Rafsanjani’s to the world markets, almost all of which logical atmosphere for price rises but that is shipped through sea by vessels under excitement dies down after a while. demise marked the authority of National Iranian Tanker Even experts believe that inflation is Company (NITC). better than unemployment. MPs them- The company, which operates the larg- POLITICS TEHRAN – In a cer- est tanker fleet in the Middle East and has selves directly hear more complaints desk about unemployment from the people emony on Tuesday the world’s largest fleet of super tankers, they represent in the parliament. Iran marked the first anniversary of the transports Iranian crude and also acts as Writing an article in the Hamshahri demise of Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi an independent entity in contracts with newspaper on January 8, Mehdi Pazouki, Rafsanjani.
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