Process Development for Diffusion Welding TI-6AI-4V Alloy Excellent weld quality and 100% joint efficiencies are obtained at 1800° F with a pressure of 60 psi time of 180 minutes and an optimum 15 RHR or better surface finish 1Y R. J. REHDER AND D. T. LOVELL ABSTRACT. A low pressure diffusion weld­ fusion welding would be extensive and well as chemically milled surfaces. In ing technique for joining Ti-6A1-4V al­ costly. Therefore, diffusion welding at the second phase, the quality of dif­ loy is described. Diffusion welding exper­ the lowest possible pressure and at fusion welds produced with the de­ iments were carried out in an argon temperatures just below and above the veloped parameters was evaluated by atmosphere under dead-weight compres­ beta transus was evaluated in this mechanical testing and nondestruc­ sive loading. Process parameters of time, program. The beta transus for Ti- temperature, pressure and surface finish tive quality control techniques. were determined. Diffusion welded joints 6A1-4V is approximately 1825° F. Mechanical testing dealt with the de­ were evaluated by mechanical property Diffusion aids have been successful­ termination of diffusion weld joint testing, metallographic examination, and ly used to produce joint properties tensile and fatigue properties. Non­ nondestructive testing methods. Excellent superior to those of conventional braz­ destructive testing (NDT) techniques weld quality was obtained at 1800° F ing methods. In the joining of dissim­ were used to evaluate their effec­ with a pressure of 60 psi and a time of ilar metal tubes, (stainless steel to tiveness of detecting artificial discon­ 8 180 min. The optimum surface finish was aluminum), the use of a diffusion aid tinuities such as voids, contamination, 15 RHR or better. With these process in the form of silver plating on the and lack of joint fit-up. parameters, joint efficiencies of 100% faying surfaces produced an excellent were obtained. The fatigue properties of joint and avoided detrimental stainless the diffusion welded joints approached Experimental Procedures steel-aluminum concentration gradi­ those of the base metal. Material NDT methods used were X-ray and ents. However, because of metallurgi­ ultrasonic A and C scan techniques. cal and corrosion problems associated The material for the metallurgical, Satisfactory NDT results were obtained with diffusion aid concentration gradi­ mechanical property, and nondestruc­ by both the ultrasonic A and C scan ents, it was decided not to use a tive test coupons was taken from an­ methods. diffusion aid in this program. nealed Ti-6A1-4V alloy rod having Low pressure diffusion welding is a the following composition: Al—6.30%, Introduction relatively new process. A development V-3.80%, Fe-0.017%, and Mn- The diffusion welding process offers effort was required to determine its 0.006%. One inch diameter cylin­ the potential for improving properties most optimum weld cycle. Primary ders, 3 in. long, were prepared for the and reducing weight of structural ele­ interest was placed on developing a mechanical property evaluation, and ments such as reinforced panel assem­ capability to low pressure diffusion both the metallurgical and NDT test blies. In addition, metalworking costs weld both thin sections and built-up buttons were made 0.250 in. thick, for producing certain types of forgings laminate production parts, such as (wafer shaped). The specimen config­ could be reduced by diffusion welded those shown in Fig. 1. The T-stiffened urations used in this program are built-up laminate structures as forging panel in Fig. 1A required two longi­ shown in Fig. 2. substitutes. tudinal welds connecting the thin cen­ The pressure required to produce ter section to the horizontal panel and Test Procedure intimate contact during the early the T-cap strip. The bell crank forging The welding system schematic is stages of diffusion welding of titanium replacement of Fig. IB was built up shown in Fig. 3. The welding environ­ can be high (above 1,000 psi) or low by laminating seven pre-machined ment was provided by an inert-gas (below 1,000 psi). Several investiga­ parts together by diffusion welding. retort system. The retorts were de­ 1 tors '-' have shown that Ti-6A1-4V The program was conducted in two signed and fabricated from type 321 alloy can be diffusion welded at high major phases. In the first phase, a stainless steel. A resistance wound ra­ pressures (1,000-2,500 psi) and low study was conducted to establish an diation heating type furnace capable temperatures (1200-1600° F). Such optimum range of w?ld cycle parame­ of maintaining a temperature of up to parameters offer high potential for ters, i.e., time, temn~-ature, pressure, 1900° F for 3 hr, was designed spe­ joining multi-layered structures. How­ and surface finish. The times consid­ cifically for the given retort configura­ ever, for joining elements such as ered ranged from 60 to 180 minutes. tion. The temperature of the sample reinforced panel assemblies, the Temperatures of 1700, 1800, and was controlled by an automatic con­ tooling required for high pressure dif- 1900° F, were chosen in order to troller, and as a check a chromel- obtain results below and above the alumel thermocouple was also used. R. J. REHDER and D. T. LOVELL are beta transus (1825° F) of the alloy. The thermocouples were located near Research Engineers, Aerospace Group, The the sample inside the retort. A manu­ Boeing Company, Seattle, Wash, The diffusion weldirg pressures evalu­ ated ranged from 15 to 75 psi. The ally operated potentionmeter was used Paper presented at the AWS 50th Annual surface conditions investigated in­ with the chrome-alumel thermocou­ Meeting held in Philadelphia, Pa., during April 28-May 2. 1969. cluded finishes of 15 to 60 RHR as ple. At the end of the argon system, WELDING RESEARCH SUPPLEMENT | 213-s •- NDT AND METALLURGICAL TEST SPECIMEN TENSILE SPECIMEN FATIGUE SPECIMEN SAMPLE AND INCONEL MANDRELS INITIAL 0.250 CYil NDER A. "T" STIFFENED STRINGER P, BAC 23-7070 BAC 23-6550 TEST SPECIMEN BEFORE MACHINING WELDED SPECIMEN Fig. 2—Diffusion welded test specimen configurations SURGICAL TUBING FROM RETORT TO BUBBLER OIL PURGING SYSTEM RETORT FURNACE BELL CRANK . .. Fig. 1—Examples of diffusion welded SURGICAL TUBING FROM production parts GAS SOURCE TO PURIFIER POTENTIOMETE an oil purging (bubbling argon through oil) system was used to keep air isolated from the inert gas enve­ lope. The metallurgical test buttons were loaded between two Inconel mandrels . THERMOCOUPLE and placed in the retort. A lid was -STAINLESS STEEL BELLOWS TUBING FROM PURIFIER TO welded on the retort, and then the RETORT retort was argon gas purged for 1 hr. -Ti CHIPS The retort assembly was then placed (ARGON PURIFIER) in the furnace. The same procedure, Fig. 3—Experimental diffusion welding equipment with the exception of the use of In­ conel mandrels, was employed when loading the mechanical property eval­ and it was taken out of the furnace Parameters uation test coupons. The dead load and cooled down to at least 250° F in A summary of test parameters eval­ used to supply the weld pressure was an argon atmosphere. The sample was uated is shown in Table 1. Parameters applied during the heat-up period. The then removed from the retort and tested were time, temperature, pres­ heat-up time was recorded, and once measured to determine dimensional sure, and surface finish. Purified argon the welding temperature was reached, changes which occurred during the was used as the atmosphere during all the outtime was established, i.e., 1, 2 weld cycle. Mounts of the metallurgi­ diffusion welding experiments. A or 3 hr after completion of heat-up. cal, tensile and NDT test coupons metallurgical examination of the weld At the end of the weld cycle, the were made for metallurgical examina­ joint was conducted on each of the weight was removed from the retort, tion to determine weld quality. specimens for correlation of weld Table 1—Summary of Test Conditions Temperature Surface —Time, min—, °F . -Pressure, psi— finish, (RHR) In- Con- Creep Test Chem. duced tami- Fit- defor- type 60 120 180 1700 1800 1900 15 30 45 60 75 15 30 60 milled void nant Up mation Metal­ lurgical Tensile Fatigue NDT 214-s I MAY 1970 quality with the weld cycle parameters used in producing the weld. Tensile and fatigue specimens were prepared to evaluate mechanical properties of the butt type diffusion weld joint and to establish optimum weld cycle parameters. The tensile specimens were statically loaded to failure and the yield strength, ultimate strength, reduction of area, and elon­ gation values were determined. The fa­ tigue specimens were tension-tension m loaded at a stress level of 60 ksi and Fig. 4—Surface finish effects on weld voids. A (left)—long weld line void; B (right)— 1800 cycles/sec to failure. small weld line void. Welding parameters: time—180 min; temperature—1300° F; pressure—44 psi (for A), 15 psi (for B). Finish—approx. 30 RHR (for A) and 15 RHR Types of weld irregularities studies (for B); number of voids—54/in. for A) and 6/in. (for B); total void length—0.090 in./ during nondestructive testing were in­ in. (for A) and 0.003 in./in. (for B); lack of weld—9.0% (for A) and 0.3% (for B), X500 duced voids, contamination, and fit- (reduced 56% in reproduction) up. The weld cycle parameters used throughout the NDT study were time adequate for good welding at pres­ 1. Weld cycle time evaluations of of 180 min, temperature of 1800° F, sures below 100 psi at the 1800 to 60, 120, and 180 min showed a signifi­ pressure of 60 psi, and weld surface 1900° F temperature as shown by the cant improvement in weld quality finish of 15 RHR or less.
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