ADIO AND TELEVISION A PUBLICATION OF RCA ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND DEVICES Geton the RCA COLOR -TV Bandwagon! Vol. 29, No. 1 Available Through Your Participating Authorized RCA Test -Equipment Distributor (For complete details, see story on page 3) zontal -deflection coil in the yoke. Pulses WG-354A Probe Heightens Performance in these circuits run as high as 5,000 peak -to -peak volts. Two high -voltage capacitors in the Of RCA's WO -88A, WO -91A Oscilloscopes WG-354A probe comprise a voltage - divider circuit which attenuates the input pulse signal voltage by a factor of 20 to 1. In its "Low -Cap" function, the WG-300B Direct/Low-Capacitance luACAPACITANCE TYPE Probe has a 10 -to -1 attenuation. In v.,i,jr WC' "`VOLTAGE DIVIDER combination, the WG-300B and WG- 354A have a 200 -to -1 attenuation. Because RCA 'scopes such as the WO -88A and WO -91A have built-in voltage calibration,itis possible to Owners of RCA's WO -88A, WO - probe, a capacitance -type voltage di- measure high -voltage TV waveforms 91A, and similar -type oscilloscopes em- vider which snaps onto the front end directly on the oscilloscope screen. ploying the WG-300B probe will now of the WG-300B probe. Optional User price of the new WG- be able to observe and measure high - The WG-354A is particularly useful 354A probe isonly $7.50-an alto- voltage waveforms with amplitudes up in black -and -white and color -TV serv- gether worthwhile investment which to 5,000 peak -to -peak volts. icing-for observing and measuring thecan repay the service technician many These new capabilities are madepulse voltage at the plate of the hori- times in his routine troubleshooting possible by the new RCA WG-354Azontal -output tube and across the hori- and repair tasks. WT -115A Designed Exclusively for Testing Color -TV Picture Tubes From RCA-pioneer in compatible tivity meter with a 5 -inch, easy -to -movement against damage due to over- color television-comes an outstanding read, three -color scale providing quick load. test instrument designed specificallyand reliable indication of color picture Front panel controls on the WT -115A for precise measurement of perform-tube performance. A 0 -to -10 "Quality" include an adjustment to compensate ance characteristics of color picture meter scale indicates the emission ca-for variations in line voltage, a switch pability of each gun. A separate, to select the color gun to be tested, and tubes. smaller scale is used to measure inter - a control for accurately setting the The newly announced WT -115A electrode leakage and to establish theproper cutoff point for the testing of Color Picture Tube Tester has beenproper cutoff point for the gun beingeach color gun. correlated with the equipment used for tested. Readily portable and weighing only in -plant testing of RCA color picture Interelectrode shorts in the color 5 pounds, the instrument is provided tubes. gun are indicated by a neon lamp. This with a protective vinyl carrying case This portable tester rates-in a man-lamp also serves to protect the meterwhich has a special compartment for ner similar to the in -plant testing equip- storing the tester socket assembly and ment-each gun of the color picture power cord. A card explaining the basic test procedure is supplied with tube for emission quality, interelectrode the WT -115A and can be stored inside leakage, shorted elements, and warmup the case lid for quick reference. performance. Equally versatile for either in -set or The WT -115A features a high-sensi- out -of -set testing of color picture tubes, the unit operates from an ac power source of 108 to 132 volts, 50-60 cps. Power consumption is approximately 25 watts. Many of the color picture tube test- ers currently available do not have ILMILIC OF MCA in-ECTROMIC C011010 ..... OrVIC I1(TA RADIO & TELEVISION SERVICE provision for adjusting the cut-off point NEWS is published in the interest of for each gun, and do not provide accu- dealers and service technicians. It is written to assist them in providing rate heater voltage. Such testers often betterservice, and tofosterthe growth of their business by supply- indicate that one gun in the color pic- ing them with information on the latest troubleshooting and sales pro- ture tube is "bad," when actually, it is motion techniques, sales and service perfectly good. The RCA WT -115A aids, together with invaluable data on RCA tubes, transistors, batteries, has the essential cut-off adjustment fea- WINTER and electronic instruments. ture and it provides accurate heater 1963-64 voltage. !ICA RADIO & TELEVISION SERVICE NEWS is a quarterly publication of An extremely accurate instrument RCA Electronic Components and Color Picture Tube Tester is de- for the testing of color tubes in the Devices, Harrison, New Jersey. RCA'sWT -115A signed specifically for the testingof color -TVpic- customer's home or in the store, the WT -115A is available through author- ©1964 ture tubes, includingtypes 21AXP22, 21AXP22A, Vol IV Radio Corporation of America 21CYP22, 21CYP22A, 21FBP22, 21FJ22, and ized RCA test equipment distributors 21FKP22. at an Optional User price of $89.50. 2 RCA RADIO & TELEVISION SERVICE NEWS Available Free With Purchase of WR-64A Color-Bar/Dot/Crosshatch Generator Famed RCA Institutes Color -TV Home Study Course Are you one of the 10,000 techni- cians who have been trained in color - TV servicing at RCA -sponsored work- shops? If not, there's still time to join the vanguard of dealer establishments prominently displaying "Expert Color - TV Service" signs by immediately tak- ing advantage of the following offer now available through your participat- ing RCA test -equipment distributor: For a limited time only, your pur- chase of the popular WR-64A Color- Bar/Dot/Crosshatch Generator entitles you to free enrollment in the widely popular and proven RCA Institutes Color -TV Home Study Course. This famous four -group, eight -lesson series is your direct entry to the most promising field of television servicing. By broadening your technical skills into this flourishing field, you can share in the wide recognition and customer ac- system; and supplementary information.video circuits, remote control, and over- ceptanceof RCA asapioneer of Each of the seven remaining lessonsall servicing features. Lesson 6 covers compatible color television. is presented in equal or even greaterall aspects of receiver alignment and The home -study course provides youdetail with sections and sub -sectionsLesson 7 describes the most effective with all the fundamentals for trouble-covering every aspect of the lesson'stroubleshooting techniques. Finally, in shooting and repairing color receivers-main subject. Lesson 2 tells you allLesson 8, you learn about your com- regardless of make. about color picture tubes. Lesson 3plete workbench needs in test equip- Lesson 1 offers in clear and conciseinstructs you in the functions of thement and accessories, including the form the principles of color television. color receiver, while Lesson 4 dealshighly regarded WR-64A Color -Bar/ Eight separate sections cover an ele-with setups and adjustments. Lesson 5 Dot/Crosshatch Generator. mentary color television system; light introduces you to modern color -receiver The eight lessons are divided into and color; the color -TV signal; the prin-circuits-with emphasis on tuners, video four "Study Groups" of two lessons ciples of modulation; development ofIF amplifiers, sync and AGC circuits, each. Included with each Study Group the color -TV transmission standards; deflection and high -voltagecircuits, are examination papers which are for- recovering the chrominance signals atthe chrominance channel, demodula- warded to RCA Institutes for grading the receiver; an over-all view of thetors, color synchronization circuits,after the completion of each lesson. As each Study Group is successfully As an RCA -trained color -TV technician, you receive a handsome graduation certificate which can be completed, you automatically receive prominently displayed in your establishment for all customers to read and remember when con- the following Study Group. Your par- fronted with future servicing needs. ticipating authorized RCA test -equip- ment distributor will be happy to co- operate in providing you with all the necessary details on how to file the Application Form and obtain the hand- some white vinyl binder containing Study Group I-your first two lessons. Your purchase of the WR-64A Color- Bar/Dot/Crosshatch Generator (avail- able through authorized RCA test - equipment distributors at an Optional User price of $189.50) provides you with an outstanding value. This gen- erator is one of the "Big -5" RCA elec- tronic test instruments which fulfill all test requirements in color -TV servicing (see story on page 4). "Color" is already big business, and getting bigger every day. Use this extraordinary offer toward a profitable futurecareerin"Expert Color -TV Servicing." :PERT TV rvice 3 RCA's Mark VIII Transceiver Sets New Standards For High -Quality Performance in CB Equipment Outstanding transmitting and receiv- ing characteristics of RCA's Mark VIII 27 -Mc Citizens' Band 2 -Way Radio label this unit as a pacesetter among instruments of its type. A 5 -watt -input transmitter with over 3 watts output offers clean, crisp voice "'"'"VirTrirrifffrrnITY7-.......... reproduction with full 100% -modula- ................ tion capability. ............... The intermediate frequency chosen .......... for the unit provides excellent image rejection. This feature, together with goodsignal-to-noiseratio,provides 0 high audio intelligibilityin the re- ceiver. Performance of the receiver is further heightened by placement of the large speaker in the center of the front panel. Offering new styling, new convenience, and new versatility, the Mark VIII in many respects repre- The relatively low cost and simple sents a significant departure from ordinary Citizens' Band radio design. Its low, slim silhouette and operating features of the Mark VIII height of only 31/2 inches facilitate installation in extremely limited space, including under -the -dash make this highly dependable commu- mounting in many of today's smaller cars.
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