THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Federal funding slashed Cuts pose threat to research programs UBC researchers are bracing for bad NSERC will have a very negative impact news as Canada's largest research fund- on UBC and further erode Canada's al- ing agencies decide how to make cuts ready slim researchbase, leaving capable announced in the recent federal govern- researchers without the fundingthey need ment budget. to continue their work. Everyone from graduate students to There aresome very goodresearchers directors of prestigious research centres who will be losing their research funding will feel the pinch as agencies funding and important programs thatwill be can- research in medicine, science, engineer- celled," she said. ing, social sciences and humanities are "On one hand, we tell our young people forced to slash their budgets by more to choose a careerin science and technol- than $200 million in the next three years. ogy. but on the otherwe are not using the John Chong phot UBC's share of those cuts is unknown. capacity we already havein our universi- Man In Motion but university researchers here stand to ties. That's a contradiction1 don't under- Rick Hansen speeds along West Mall on a hand-propelled three-wheelec losemillions of dollars, stand." Salcudean said. cycle. The 15-kilogram Varna II cycle is highly manoeuverable and has 11 threateningwell-estab The MRC will see its gears for a variety of uses. Hansen is national Fellow, Disabilitiesin the Ricl lished programsand mak- budget reduced by 10 per Hansen National Fellow Programat UBC. He is also director of the Life Skill! ing it difficult to initiate cent over thenext three Motivation Centre, which is part of UBC's Institute of Health Promotio~ new projects. years for a total loss of al- Research. Theuniversity's larg- most $60 million. estsource of research "The obvious effect is funding, the Natural Sci- that it is going to beharder ences andEngineering Re- for people to get a grant." BOG approves fee search Council (NSERC), said Dr. Bernard Bressler, will be cut 14per cent head of theDept. of over the next threeyears, Anatomy and MRC regional a total shortfall of $142 director for UBC. for new MBA program million from previously In 1994/95,246 UBC approved funding levels. researchers shared about by Abe Hefter 15-month programwill replace the tradi The Medical Kesearch $17 million in MRC fund- tional two, eight-monthsessions an1 Staff writer Council (MRC). thenext Martha Salcudean ing._ for coreprograms. - ., enable graduates to enter the busines largestfunding agency. "As of Septemberlast UBC's Board of Governors has ap- world five months earlier. Anticipatec will lose 10 per cent of its budget over year, only 20 per cent of the faculty who proved an increase in tuition fees for a earnings during this initialperiod in th three years, while the Social Sciences applied for new grants were successful," radically revised MBA programin the work force would more than defray th andHumanities Research Council Bressler said. "That's down five per cent Faculty of Commerce and Business Ad- $2,500-increase in tuition, said Actin (SSHRC) will suffer a 14 per cent cut. from the year before because of budget ministration. Dean Derek Atkins. UBC initiatives that rely onmajor constraints: now we have a budget cut." Tuition for the new 15-monthpro- A part-time study program, whicl grants from other sourcesmay also bein Bressler also noted that the numberof gram, which goes toSenate for approval normally requires three years of stud) jeopardy. The Centre for Human Settle- faculty receiving grant renewals may de- next month, will be $7,000 for 1995-96, will also be availablein September 199E ments mustrenegotiate $6-milliona grant crease to as low as 50 per cent from a which is still far short of full cost recov- The foundation material of busines with the Canadian International Devel- current level of 65 per cent. ery. The facultymay eventually consider education has been completely rewrittel opment Agency, whichhad its budget In addition, a special fund sponsored recommending a further increase in tui- and restructured by the Faculty of Con1 trimmed by $300 million. by the council, which supports medical tion. merce and Business Administrationto b As well, both the National Networks of students engaged in summer research The revised program means a single. See MBA Page 2 Centres of Excellence and the Canadian projects during their first two years of Institute for Advanced Research suffered study, may be in jeopardy, he said. cuts. Bressler anticipates that cuts in fed- The worst loss, however, will be from eral transfer payments to the provinces Is it real,or is it NSERC funding. UBC is a major recipient - beginning next year - will have an of NSERC grants. second among Cana- impact on the infrastructure required to dian universities this year only to the support the research effort. 1 acoustical virtual reality?University of Toronto, but often ranked Infrastructure costs arepaid out of the first in the country. university'sgeneral purpose operating by Abe Hefter ment in the departments of Occupa- UBC researchers received nearly $29 fund whichis determined by the amount tional Hygiene and Mechanical Engi- Staff writer million from NSERC thls year in research received from the province's transfer pay- neering. grants, equipment and fellowships. uni- ment allocation. It's one thing to don a pairof head- "Auralization is increasingly becom- versity-industry programs and strategic "It is important to realize that the full phones to listen to a selection of re- ing an important aspectof my research grants. impact is not yet known," Bressler cau- corded concert hall music. It's another activity. In addition,industrial applica- MarthaSalcudean, associate vice- tioned. to slipon a pair of headphones to listen tions will result in cost-saving implica- president,Research, said the cuts to to a piece of concert hall music in a tions for people who are in the business See BUDGET Page 2 concert hallthat hasn'teven been built of designing and building concert halls, yet. theatres and offices." However, as a resultof research be- Hodgson is currentlywriting the soft- ingdone by Asst. Prof. Murray Hodgson ware and assembling the computer hard- and a group of UBC master's students ware that will make auralization a vir- itwill soon be possible to experiencethe tual acoustical reality at UBC within Patent Push 3 acousticalenvironment of anarea oneyear. Although thereare opera- UBC inventors urged to act now with changes to U.S. patent law pending through computer simulation. tional systems in existenceat other labs It's called acoustical virtual reality. around the world, Hodgson said they or auralization.And as the term would are limited byvery largecalculation Looking Outward 4 suggest, it is the acoustical equivalent times and computer hardware require- A PadcRim universities agreement opens doors for graduate students of visualization. ments. 'Using a computer. it will be possi- "Auralization involves complex sig- Quality Commitment 5 ble to simulate the acoustical envi- nal processing techniques which are ronment of a particular room in such implemented using computers andsig- Forum: Maintainingteaching quality a priority for the Faculty Association a way that the personfeels as if he or nalprocessing cards," Hodgsonex- she is in the real environment," saidplained. Mountain Man 12 Hodgson, who has a joint appoint- See NOISE Page 2 Profile: Avalanche expert Prof. David McClung likes living on the edge 2 UBC Reports . March 23,1995 LElTERS POLICY UBC Reports welcomes letters to the editor on topics relevant to the Attention university community. Letters must be signed and include an address and phone number for verification. Please limit letters, which may be edited for length, style and clarity, to 300 words. Deadline is 10 days Foreign before publication date. Submit letters in person or by mail to theUBC Public Affairs Office, 207-6328 Memorial Rd., Vancouver,BC, V6T 122, by fax to 822-2684 or by e-mail topmmartina unixg.ubc.ca. Students! Are You Considering " -0" """=-=s--Sa- 5 Greater Vancouver Regional years by the proponents of Canadian Permanent e t- - "= GVRD does not District on behalfof the I incorporation that anyone who --- Residence? province." This is untrue. It is makes an unchecked-state- You Need Help With manage UEL managed by an on-site man- ment about this area has a 30 agement directly responsible to very good chance of getting it Studenwork Editor: the minister of Municipal wrong. Extensions? Affairs. The GVRD has nothing Page 12 of the March 9, to do with it, but so much Ralph Spitzer 1995-mC Reports states "The misinformation about the UEL Prof. Emeritus, Pathology Van Reekum Veress UEL . is managed by the has been spread over many Vancouver, B.C. Immigration Consulting MBA Ltd. Continuedfrorn Page 1 gram. It also capitalizes on the out precedent." delivered in a single integrated faculty's pre-eminenceas the top I Six, one-week sessionsde- For All Immigration core followed bya choice of spe- researchbusiness school in votedto professionaldevelop- Concerns cialization," said Atkins. Canada. ment will form a common thread "The movement away from a After completinga 14-week throughout the entire 15-month general management degree to singleintegrated course, stu- full-time program. one that addsreal value through dents will move into one of 11 Students will have an oppor- Berkowitz & Associates a specialized course of study has areas of specialization, includ- tunity to build skills associated been greeted with keen interest ing international business. en- with leadership, career guidance Statistics and Mathematics Consulting by prospective students. trepreneurship,banking and and personal communication.In - research design - data analysis 'An increase in tuition fees international finance, and man- addition,they will beencour- sampling forecasting wasnecessary to help defiay agement information systems.
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