Each resident is a cog in the ma­ chine which helps a community toward greater growth, increas­ ed prosperity, and making it a betW place in which to live. Vol. 4(>; No. 30. BELMAK. NEW JERSEY,FRIDAY, MARCH 21,1930. SINGLE COPT, 4 Cents OPEN NEW MOOSE HOME G . O . P. LEADERS BOOST MORROW AT IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY HERBERMANN TRANSFERS HIS Prominent Men of Party HUNDREDS WITNESS EXERCISES Mount the Band Wagon at Barbour Dinner Elaborate Preparations Made for Entertainment of SHIPPING INTERESTS TO N. J. Guests in Week of Gala Events A large group of prominent Repub­ licans attended a dinner given by W. PALM GARDEN Warren Barbour of Rumson in the TO BERTH THIRTY VESSELS HERE In the presence of several hundred gave the Lodge credit for achieving a Berkeley-Carteret Hotel, Asbury Park, brother Moose and guests from all great objective and asked that the ON OCEAN FRONT Tuesday evening for the purpose of over the state the elaborate $50,000 spirit of brotherhood be extended President of Export Line Brings Enormous Shipping In­ furthering the candidacy of Dwight new home of Loyal Order of Moose, across the river where they are always W. Morrow for United States Senator. dustry Across from Brooklyn and Staten Island hapter 1327, was dedicated with im­ welcome. Old Tenth Avenue Pavilion pressive ceremony Sunday afternoon. Mayor Seigel of Spring Lake May House Much Needed Finding Employment for Thousands Dictator Charles A. Edwards opened Heights congratulated the members on High Class Restaurant the proceedings by calling on Prelate the real, fine work they had accom­ Henrv Herbermann of River road is road on an open berth basis, which; Frank Herbert who gave the invoca­ plished. doing for the progress and financial means that vessels of different lines tion. Charles J. Markus, president of Bel­ Borough Attorney Joseph Silverstein benefit of the State of New Jersey Mr. Edwards, in a brief address, mar Chamber of Commerce, a recently was authorized by the Borough Com­ probably more than any single indi­ may use the piers if space is available, welcomed the guests on behalf of the branded calf of the order, said it was mission Tuesday evening to draw up vidual in it, judged by facts just made but in view of the fact that the Export Lodge and called upon Mayor Joseph loyalty and faith that were responsible an ordinance for presentation at the public. Line controls more than thirty ’ ;-'s, Mayer, the principal speaker. for such an achievement. The croak­ next regular meeting of that body call­ Mr. Herbermann, who is president of it is believed that this fleet will man­ Mr. Mayer said it was a pleasure to ers said “It can’t be done!” as they ing for action in remodeling the Tenth the Export Line of passenger and age to keep the two piers occupied at him, personally, to be present, and a usualy do, but—here it is! Mr. Mark­ Avenue Pavilion according to plans freight steamships, has decided to all times. memorable occasion for the Borough us said it was loyalty, confidence and prepared by Clinton Cook. transfer his New York terminals from The head of the Export Line also re­ of Belmar. He congratulated the faith in Belmar that were responsible The cost of the improvement is es­ Brooklyn and Staten Island to the vealed that the customs authorities Lodge officers and members on their for the finest yacht club in the state, timated at approximately $20,000. new rail and water terminal of the have just approved an application to chievement in adding to Belmar such the finiest fishing club in the state, the Whether the work will be undertak­ Pennsylvania Railroad in Jersey City designate the piers as a customs dis­ splendid monument, typifying broth­ finest Legion building in the state and en this season or not depends upon the on December 1—a victory for New Jer­ trict and that the Postoffice Depart­ erly love and the spirit of fellowship, the best Moose Home in any state. return of bids from concessionaires to sey and a blow at New York in the ment has agreed to keep a permanent .an to man and citizen to citizen. It Postmaster George Titus said he be opened next Tuesday evening. contest between the sister states fpr sea post bureau on the piers. as a memorial also to the spirit of thought the officers and his brother Two bidders, who are anxious to control of the great shipping lines Commenting on his decision to drop ^irogressiveness, and a credit to the members had done a big thing in build­ take over the pavilion for the purpose serving the principal ports of the coun­ Greenpoint, Brooklyn and Staten Is­ town and comfnunity. ing such a home. of establishing a high-class restaurant try. land in favor of Jersey City, Mr. Her­ Mayor George B. Goodrich of Avon (Continued on Editorial Page) and palm garden tearoom have signi­ Word that the Pennsylvania Rail­ bermann declared he shared the views fied their willingness to spend $25,000 road actually had started construction expressed many years ago by Alexand­ ! on interior decorations and improve- on its great $7,000,000 terminal was er Hamilton when he said, "The west ments should their bid be successful. hailed throughout this country and in bank of the Hudson is destined to be WORLD WAR MEMORIAL Washington as another important step the greatest shipping port in the TO INVESTIGATE in the great drive of American busi­ world.” ! TO FRONT LEGION HOME ness interests cooperating with Presi­ Mr. Herbermann is of the opinion LOST BLANKETS dent Hoover in relieving unemploy­ that New Jersey offers the solution to ORGANIZATIONS AGREED ON SITE W. WARREN BARBOUR ment. the pier controversy which has held Mr. Barbour made it clear at the Several hundred men have been the attention of local shipping interests Doughboy Statute in Bronze to Be Unveiled with Appro­ outset that the meeting was called for Meeting of All Firemen Call­ at work on the New Jersey terminal for some time, inasmuch as this side the expression of individual sentiment for some time and 1,500 more were of the Hudson offers direct ship and priate Ceremonies May 24th and not as a unit of any group of the ed at Request of Volun­ added Monday. All in all about 8,000 rail connections. party. - He stressed particularly that it teer H. and L. Co. are employed by Mr. Herbermann’s In discussing the new terminals Mr. ;; Mayor Joseph Mayer reported to the the park in front of the north entrance was not to be taken as an endorse­ company or on its projects. Herberman said that the yards in Jer­ to the Legion Home. The statute has Borough Commission, Tuesday even­ ment of the county committee, al­ In compliance with a request by The Export Line, which has the dis­ sey City will not be used as classifica­ already been purchased. ing, that all details regarding the erec­ though several of them were present, Volunteer Hook and Ladder Company tinction of being the largest privately tion yards, but that the railroad cars A bronze plate bearing the names of tion of a memorial to Belmar’s World j Among those who openly endorsed submitted to the Borough Commission owned fleet of American cargo ships will move from the piers to the Jersey Belmar Legion boys will be embedded 4Var heroes are completed and that Ambassador Morrow’s candidacy were Tuesday evening, Mayor Joseph Mayer operating in the South Atlantic trade, meadows where they will be made up in the granite. 'the various organizations in town had Congressman Harold G. Hoffman, At­ issued a call to all members of the will occupy Piers E and F. which, to­ in separate trains. Improved electric The cost of the memorial and im­ 'signified their approval of the site at torney General Stevens, State Senator three fire companies to meet in the gether with Pier D, are now under handling equipment will make it possi­ provement to the park will be borne gfche north of the American Legion E. Donald Sterner, Assemblymen Borough Hall, next Monday evening at construction. Altogether the develop­ ble to load fifty cars in a few hours’ by the borough as a token to those Home. Thomas Gopsill and Frank Durand, 7:30. ■<-* ment will provide seven 1,000 foot time. In fact, said Mr. Hebermann, who served in the World War. A resolution was unanimously adopt­ County Chairman R. Wesley Stout, The purpose of the meeting is to piers, capable of handling a great fleet “every known device for facilitating The memorial will be unveiled with ed authorizing Borough Attorney Jos­ Mayor Clarence F. Hetrick of As­ thoroughly investigate a charge that of ships at any hour of the day or loading and unloading of ships at these appropriate ceremonies the Saturday eph Silverstein to draw up an adver­ bury Park, Mayor J. William Jones of several blankets were found missing night. piers, and economizing in every detail before Decoration Day, according to tisement for bids for a base and light Long Branch and Mayor Douglas, after the recent fire at the Tel A Viv Warheouses will also form an im­ connected with loading and discharg­ present plans. It has been ascertain­ barrie Vermont granite die and the Thompson of Englewood, Mr. Morrow’s Hotel. portant part of the great undertaking. ing cargoes will feature this new prcn ed that several of the prominent 'army placing thereon of a doughboy statue campaign manager. The request for the investigation was The new terminal will include the area ject.
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