PESCADERO MUNICIPAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (PMAC) MEETING NOTICE AND PROPOSED AGENDA www.pescaderocouncil.org Tuesday, January 11, 2010, 7:30 PM, Community Church Social Hall, Stage Road, Pescadero CA 94060 1. CALL TO ORDER AT 7:30/ROLL CALL, CHANGES TO ORDER OF AGENDA 2. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA 3. PRESENTATIONS/ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Presentation of “Certificates of Appointment” from the County for new Council members. B. Public and council member comments on the status of the transfer station (see new Bus). C. Introduction of Rob Talbot to the Council as prospective council member. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF LAST REGULAR MEETING 5. FINANCIAL REPORT – Financial Report- Treasurer, Greg Bonaparte 6. CORRESPONDENCE –Report, Corresponding Secretary, Kate Meyer Haas 7. REPORTS FROM CURRENT COMMITTEE CHAIRS AND COMMUNITY LIAISONS A. Pescadero Foundation/Housing –status of Native Sons and Warheit grants- Catherine Peery B. School Board Meeting liaison – Don McDermott C. Emergency Preparedness – Lary Lawson D. Liaison to Puente, County Health & Human Services – Kate Haas E. Communications Committee – Rob Skinner 8. LAND USE COMMITTEE MEETING – ALL MEMBERS OF PMAC A. Sewer System: Status of Grant Application with Public Works, RCAC – 9. NEW BUSINESS- A. Council next steps for response to County re: transfer station. B. Updated Letter of support for Native Sons, second-step application C. Schedule goal-setting session, and viewing of community plan workshop for new and old council members. D. Letter advising County Board of Supervisors regarding Rob Talbot’s seating on the Council. E. Election of Officers—council members. 10. OLD BUSINESS – A. Status of town sign permit process 11. Adjournment. Next meeting Tuesday, February 8, 2011, This site is NOT wheelchair accessible. Individuals who need special assistance or a disability-related modification or accommodation (including auxiliary aids or services) to participate in this meeting; or who have a disability and wish to request an alternative format for the agendas, meeting notice, agenda packet or other writings that may be distributed at the meeting, should contact Catherine Peery at least 3 working days before the meeting at 650-879-0150, fax 650-879-1847, [email protected]. Notification in advance of the meeting will enable PMAC to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting and the materials related to it. SPANISH TRANSLATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. Traducciòn en español esta disponible si es solicitado. PESCADERO MUNICIPAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (PMAC) Minutes Tuesday, December 14, 2010 7:30 P.M. Community Church Social Hall, 363 Stage Road, Pescadero, CA 94060 www.pescaderocouncil.org 1. Call to Order/Roll Call: Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Chair, Catherine Peery Present: Catherine Peery (CP), Kate Haas (KH), Geoff Allen (GA), David Lee (DL), Greg Bonaparte (GB) and Rob Skinner (RS) Excused: Don McDermott (DM). Absent: None. 2. Public Comments not on the agenda: Cody Soules announced that he was available to help members of the community install holiday lights. 3. Announcements/Presentations: A. John Pliska from the Alto Velo Bicycle Club noted that the Alto Velo Bike Race was scheduled to occur on June 18, 2011 and he noted that they would appreciate a letter of support from PMAC. B. Matt Jacobs introduced Joe La Mariana from the County who outlined the status of the landfill activity and general matters associated with the Pescadero transfer station. Mr. La Mariana introduced Lilian Clark with the County who also provided background information on the need to increase revenue at the Pescadero transfer station. Extensive discussion ensued. C. The PMAC members noted that Geoff Allen was stepping down from PMAC after serving 12 years as a member and he was warmly thanked for his service. After a few words from Geoff, Matt Jacobs presented an award thanking him for his contributions to PMAC and the community. 4. Approval of Minutes of regular meeting on: October 12, 2010, with corrections to the financial report. GA GB KH DL DM CP RS Motion XX Second XX Ayes/Nays X X X X X X Abstain Carried XX Failed 5. Financial Report: GB reported on the current bank balances, including $6,655.30 in the main checking account and $1,178.18 for the copier account. 6. Correspondence: KH reported on correspondence regarding possible pesticide spraying, a potential meeting related to the possible restoration plans for the Pescadero Marsh and correspondence from Kellyx Nelson from RCD. 1 7. Reports from Current Committee Chairs: A. Housing Committee – CP gave a report on the present status of the efforts to raise funds for Native Sons. B. School Board – No report. C. Emergency Preparedness – CP noted that Lary Lawson indicated that approximately 1,000 sandbags were available at the High School and that CERT training for Puente workers would begin in La Honda in January. D. Environmental Committee – No report. E. Puente – Kerry Lobel provided a full report on activities at Puente, including thanking Matt Jacobs for his support of Puente, food distribution programs and the community posada program. Kerry also requested that PMAC send a letter of support to the County thanking them for the flu clinic and the planned CERT training of Puente workers and volunteers. F. Communications Committee – No report. 8. Land Use Committee Report: A. Wastewater Treatment – Karen McBride provided a status report on the sewer system feasibility study proposal. 9. New Business: A. Support for Alto Velo Bike Race. Upon motion by RS and a second by DL, PMAC agreed to write a letter of support in connection with the June 18, 2010 bike race that would take place in Pescadero. B. Letter of Support for Native Sons. Following a suggestion from Matt Jacobs to delay such a letter until new Supervisors had taken office; PMAC tabled the matter until a future meeting. C. Goal Setting Session. There was discussion about holding a goal setting session with the current and new PMAC members in early 2011. Possible dates for such a meeting would be set at the next PMAC meeting. 10. Old Business: Town Sign. CP and Matt Jacobs outlined the status of the sign project. Matt indicated that he would attempt to get an answer on the permit cost issue. 11. Next Meeting: January 11, 2011 at 7:30pm at the same location as this meeting. 12. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. by Chair, Catherine Peery Submitted by Recording Secretary, David Lee 2 December 30, 2010 John Pliska Alto Velo Bike Club VIA E-Mail Re: Annual Pescadero Classic Road Race, June 18th, 7:00 am – 1:00 pm Dear John: Thank you very much for contacting PMAC concerning the proposed Alto Velo bicycle race in Pescadero at 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM on Saturday, June 18, 2011. We appreciate your continued cooperation with the community, and the benefit the race provides for South Coast Children’s Services as in years past. We reviewed your proposal at the December 14, 2010 meeting of PMAC, and the consensus was that your organization has been exemplary in its efforts to cooperate with the Pescadero community in the planning of your event. We appreciate your attempt to make this race as safe as possible for both bicyclists and motorists, and that you have been responsive to the need to monitor parking. As we mentioned, please request that your downtown monitors treat residents as they would if they lived here. We encourage Alto Velo to publicize the event as widely as possible so motorists will be aware of the need to avoid the impacted roads that morning, and we will notify the local radio station to announce the route of the race. Announcements in the weekly Half Moon Bay Review and the monthly Coast Views would be helpful. We also have an online news site: coastsider.net. Contact Barry Parr, and there is a calendar on www.pescadero.com. We appreciate the participation of the California Highway Patrol and San Mateo County Sheriff’s office in the race, especially since no road area can be reserved for bicycles only. PMAC and the community look forward to the race and a long association with Alto Velo. We urge the Board of Supervisors, Caltrans, and any other public entity involved in this event to facilitate the processing of any required permits. Again, we especially appreciate your support of South Coast Children’s Services. Sincerely Catherine M. Peery, Chair, Pescadero Municipal Advisory Council PO Box 249 Pescadero CA 94060 www.pescaderocouncil.org p1/1 From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 4:09 PM To: Catherine Peery Subject: RE: Dump Cathrine, Being told the dump is not configured to handle 40' trailers and a compactor is not acceptable. I think AW is looking at short term costs vs. what it would costs 10 - 20 years down the road if a compactor and 40' could be in place now. We need to think green!!! AW needs to show us their expense breakdown; transportation, labor, etc. Thank you, Bob Hi, Bob We asked them about trash compacting the last time they were here, and They said this station is not configured properly so it would not be possible To install the equipment. In regard to larger trailers, same problem--the space is configured badly for that. I have to say, though, these guys aren't really trying to come up with solutions. There's no reason why the idea of having reusable items left for others couldn't work--and it would obviously reduce hauling costs just because there would be less to haul away. And if the big constraint on modifying the transfer station is configuration, why are they spending $100k on other stuff? I also think if they're right about people coming from all over to dump trash there, they should charge by the address of the person hauling the trash.
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