Francis Cairns: Curriculum Vitae: April 2013 FRANCIS CAIRNS: LIST OF PUBLICATIONS April 2013 1. Books GENERIC COMPOSITION IN GREEK AND ROMAN POETRY Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1972 (viii + 331 pp.) Revised Edition (viii + 336 pp.) Reprinted Michigan Classical Press 2007 TIBULLUS: A HELLENISTIC POET AT ROME. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979 (xii + 250 pp.) Reprinted in paperback Cambridge University Press 2007 VIRGIL’S AUGUSTAN EPIC. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989 (xi + 280 pp.) Reprinted in paperback Cambridge University Press 2008 SEXTUS PROPERTIUS: THE AUGUSTAN ELEGIST Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006 (xvi + 492 pp.) Reprinted in paperback Cambridge University Press 2009 PAPERS ON ROMAN ELEGY (1969-2003). (Eikasmos. Quaderni Bolognesi di Filologia Classica. Studi 16) Patròn, Bologna. 2007 (viii + 483 pp.) ROMAN LYRIC: COLLECTED PAPERS ON CATULLUS AND HORACE (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 301, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012 (x + 525 pp.) 2. Edited collections PAPERS OF THE LIVERPOOL LATIN SEMINAR vol. 1 (1976, publ. 1977) (310pp.) vol. 2 (1979) (360pp.) vol. 3 (1981) (423pp.) vol. 4 (1983, publ. 1984) (369pp.) vol. 5 (1985, publ. 1986) (502pp.) PAPERS OF THE LEEDS INTERNATIONAL LATIN SEMINAR (with Malcolm Heath) vol. 6 (1990) (375pp.) vol. 7 (1993) (219pp.) vol. 9 (1996) (350pp.) vol. 10 (1998) (391pp.) PAPERS OF THE LANGFORD LATIN SEMINAR vol. 11 (2003) (xxi + 232pp.) (with Elaine Fantham) vol. 12 (2005) (343pp.) vol. 13 (2008) (390pp.) vol. 14 (2010) (400pp.) (with Miriam Griffin) vol. 15 (2012) (376pp.) 3. Articles and Book-Chapters 1. ‘Propertius i.18 and Callimachus, Acontius and Cydippe’, Classical Review NS 20 (1969), 131-34 2. ‘Catullus 1’, Mnemosyne S.IV 22 (1969), 153-58 3. ‘Terence, Andria 567-8’, Classical Review NS 20 (1969), 253-64 4. ‘Theocritus Idyll 10’, Hermes 98 (1970), 38-44 5. ‘Propertius 2,30 A & B’, Classical Quarterly 21 (1971), 204-13 6. ‘Propertius 3,10 and Roman Birthdays’, Hermes 99 (1971), 149-55 7. ‘Horace, Odes 1.2.’, Eranos 69 (1971), 68-88 8. ‘A Note on the Eponymous Archon of 490/89’, Rheinisches Museum 114 (1971), 131-34 9. ‘Propertius 2.29A’, Classical Quarterly n.s. 21 (1971), 455-60 10. ‘Five ‘Religious’ Odes of Horace (I,10; I,21 and IV,6; I,30; I,15)’, American Journal of Philology 92 (1971), 433-52 11. ‘Catullus’ Basia Poems (5, 7, 48)’, Mnemosyne S.IV 26 (1973), 15-22 12. ‘Notes on Propertius 1.8’, Symbolae Osloenses 49 (1973), 97-104 13. ‘Propertius 2.19.32’, in Daube Noster. Essays in Legal History for David Daube, ed. A.Watson. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1974, pp.49-51 Francis Cairns: CV April 2013 Page 1 of 8 Francis Cairns: Curriculum Vitae: April 2013 14. ‘Some Observations on Propertius 1.1’, Classical Quarterly 24 (1974), 94-110 15. ‘Venusta Sirmio. Catullus 31’, in Quality and Pleasure in Latin Poetry, ed. Tony Woodman and David West. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975, pp.1-17 and 135-36 16. ‘Some Problems in Propertius 1.6’, American Journal of Philology 95 (1974), 150-63 17. ‘Horace, Epode 2, Tibullus I,1 and Rhetorical Praise of the Countryside’, Museum Philologicum Londiniense 1 (1975), 79-91 18. ‘Catullus 27’, Mnemosyne S.IV 28 (1975), 24-29 19. ‘Further Adventures of a Locked-out Lover: Propertius 2.17’, University of Liverpool Inaugural Lecture Series. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1975 (23pp.) 20. ‘Splendide Mendax: Horace Odes III.11’, Greece and Rome 22 (1975), 129-39 21. ‘The Philosophical Content of Horace Odes 1.29’, Liverpool Classical Monthly 1 (1976), 71-77 22. ‘Geography and Nationalism in the Aeneid’, Liverpool Classical Monthly 2 (1977), 109-16 23. ‘The Distaff of Theugenis - Theocritus Idyll 28’, Papers of the Liverpool Latin Seminar 1 (1976), 293-305 24. ÒErw~ in Pindar’s First Olympian Ode’, Hermes 105 (1977), 129-32 25. ‘Horace on Other People’s Love Affairs (Odes I 27; II 4; I 8; III 12)’, Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica 24 (1977), 121-47 26. ‘Two Unidentified Komoi of Propertius. I 3 and II 29’, Emerita 45 (1977), 325-53 27. ‘Horace, Odes III, 13 and III, 23’, L’Antiquité Classique 46 (1977), 523-43 28. ‘Theocritus Idyll VII 62’, Mnemosyne S.IV 31 (1978), 72-75 29. ‘H proevleush th`~ rwmaiκῆς ὑποκειμενικῆς ἐλεγείας’ ΕΕΦΣΠΑ ΚΕ (1974-1977, publ. 1978), 144-61 30. ‘The Genre Palinode and Three Horatian Examples: Epode 17’ Odes, I, 16; Odes, I 34’, L’Antiquité Classique 47 (1978), 546-52 31. ‘A Funerary Inscription from Eretria’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 35 (1979), 284-86 and Plate XIII b 32. ‘Self-Imitation within a Generic Framework: Ovid, Amores 2.9 and 3.11 and the renuntiatio amoris’, in Creative Imitation and Latin Literature, ed. David West and Tony Woodman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979, pp.121-41 and 229-31 33. ‘Some Eretrian Funerary Inscriptions’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 40 (1980), 215-18 and Plate XII a, b and c 34. ‘Propertius on Augustus’ Marriage Law (II 7)’, Grazer Beiträge 8 (1979), 185-204 35. ‘The Archpoet’s Confession: Sources, Interpretation and Historical Context’, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 15 (1980), 87-103 36. ‘Lesbia Mentoreo (Propertius 1,14,2)’, Papers of the Liverpool Latin Seminar 3 (1981), 419-22 37. ‘Cleon and Pericles - A Suggestion’, Journal of Hellenic Studies 102 (1982), 203-204 38. ‘Horace Odes 3,22: Genre and Sources’, Philologus 126 (1982), 227-46 39. ‘L’elegia IV,6 di Properzio: manierismo ellenistico e classicismo augusteo’, Colloquium Propertianum (tertium) Atti. (Assisi, 1983), 97-115 40. ‘Horace Epode 9: Some New Interpretations’, Illinois Classical Studies 8 (1983), 80-93 41. ‘A Herm from Histiaia with an Agonistic Epigram of the Fifth Century B.C.’, Phoenix 37 (1983), 16-37 42. (with P.G. Craven and J.G. Howie), ‘Textcode: Grammatical, Syntactical, Metrical and Accentual Information in Machine Readable Form’, ALLC Bulletin 9 (1981, published 1983), 13-18 43. ‘I.G. XII,9,248 and I.G. XII,9,251’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 52 (1983), 122-24 and Plate IV 44. ‘Alcaeus’ Hymn to Hermes, P. Oxy 2734 Fr. 1 and Horace Odes 1,10’, Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica 42 (1983), 29-35 45. ‘Propertius 1,4 and 1,5 and the ‘Gallus’ of the Monobiblos’, Papers of the Liverpool Latin Seminar 4 (1983, published 1984), 61-103 46. ‘The Archpoet’s Jonah ‘Confession’ (Poem 2): Literary, Exegetical and Historical Aspects’, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 18 (1983), 168-93 Francis Cairns: CV April 2013 Page 2 of 8 Francis Cairns: Curriculum Vitae: April 2013 47. ‘Religione e nazionalismo nell’epigramma ellenistico e nell’elegia romana’, in Dall’epigramma ellenistico all’elegia romana, Atti del Convegno del SISAC 1981. Napoli: Giannini Editore (1984), 59-80 48. ‘Propertius and the Battle of Actium (4.6)’, in Poetry and Politics in the Age of Augustus, ed. A.J. Woodman and D.A. West. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984, pp.129-68 and 229-41 49. ‘A ‘Duplicate’ Copy of IG XII 9,1189 (Histiaia)’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 54 (1984), 133-44 and Plate III 50. ‘ΧΡΕΜΑΤΑ ΔΟΚΙΜΑ: IG XII,9,1273 and 1274 and the Early Coinage of Eretria’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 54 (1984), 145-55 51. ‘IG XII 9,244 and the Demes and Districts of Eretria’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 54 (1984), 156-64 and Plate IV a 52. ‘Digest 39,3,3,pr.-1 and the Actio Aquae Pluviae Arcendae’ in Sodalitas. Scritti in onore di Antonio Guarino. Napoli: Jovene Editore (1984) 2147-2153 53. ‘The Etymology of Militia in Roman Elegy’ in Apophoreta Philologica Emmanueli Fernandez-Galiano oblata ed. Luis Gil and Rosa M. Aguilar. Madrid (1984), II, 211-222 54. ‘Theocritus’ First Idyll: the Literary Programme’, Wiener Studien n.f. 18 (=97) (1984) 89-113 55. ‘The Addition to Richard of Poiters’ Chronica and ‘Hugo Primas of Orleans’’ Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 19 (1984 - publ. 1985) 159-161 56. ‘Tibullus 1,8,35f. and a Conventional Ancient Gesture’ Vichiana n.s. 12 (1983 - publ. 1985) = Miscellanea di studi in memoria di Francesco Arnaldi 74-77 57. ‘The Nereids of Catullus 64, 12-23b’ Grazer Beiträge 11 (1984) 95-101 58. ‘Concord in the Aeneid of Virgil’ Klio 67 (1985) 210-215 59. ‘A Portion of IG XII 9,210 Rediscovered’ Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 62 (1986) 199-200 and plate VII, b,c 60. ‘IG XII Suppl.555, Reinmuth No. 15 and the Demes and Tribes of Eretria’ Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 64 (1986) 149-158 61. ‘The Poetices Libri Septem of Julius Caesar Scaliger: An Unexplored Source’ Res Publica Litterarum 9 (1986) 49-57 62. ‘The Milanion/Atalanta exemplum in Propertius 1,1: videre feras (12) and Greek models’ in Hommages a Jozef Veremans ed. F. Decreus and C. Deroux, Brussels (1986), Coll. Latomus 193, 29-38. 63. ‘Stile e contenuti di Tibullo e di Properzio’ in Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi su Albio Tibullo (Rome 1986) 47-59. 64. ‘Latin Sources and Analogues of the M.E. Patience’ Studia Neophilologica 59 (1987) 7-18 65. ‘A Note on the Editio Princeps of Menander Rhetor’ Eranos 85 (1987) 138-139 66. (with M.S. Haywood) ‘The ‘Learning Latin’ Computer Package’ The CTISS File 4 (1987) 22-24 67. (with M.S. Haywood) ‘The Computerisation of Learning Latin: an Introductory Course for Adults’ in Use of Computers in the Teaching of Language and Languages ed. G. Chesters and N. Gardner (CTISS Special Publication, Bath 1987) 51-54 68. ‘AP 9,588 (Alcaeus of Messene) and nam modo in Propertius 1,1,11’ in Filologia e forme letterarie: Studi offerti a Francesco della Corte Urbino (1987) I.377-383 69. ‘Love at the Seaside: Propertius (1,11), Cynthia, and Baiae’: The University of Leeds Review 32 (1989/90) 1-16.
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