C C (Composition from Deux Poemes De Louis Aragon [Dö Paw-Emm Duh Lôô-Ee Ah-Rah-Gaw6] — Two Poems by Louis Aragon — Set T

C C (Composition from Deux Poemes De Louis Aragon [Dö Paw-Emm Duh Lôô-Ee Ah-Rah-Gaw6] — Two Poems by Louis Aragon — Set T

C C (composition from Deux poemes de Louis Aragon [dö paw-emm duh lôô-ee ah-rah-gaw6] — Two Poems by Louis Aragon — set to music by Francis Poulenc [frah6-seess pôô-lah6k]) C dur C C Dur C TSAY DOOR C (key of C major, German designation) C moll C c Moll C TSAY MAWL C (key of c minor, German designation) Ca the yowes C Ca’ the Yowes C KAH (the) YOHZ C (poem by Robert Burns [RAH-burt BURNZ] set to music by Ralph Vaughan Williams [RALF VAWN WILL-lihummz]) C (In Britain, Ralph may be pronounced RAYF) Caamano C Roberto Caamaño C ro-VEHR-toh kah-MAH-n’yo Caba C Eduardo Caba C ay-dooAR-doh KAH-vah Cabaletta C {kah-bah-LETT-tah} kah-bah-LAYT-tah Caballe C Montserrat Caballé C mawnt-sehr-RAHT kah-vah-l’YAY Caballero C Manuel Fernández Caballero C mah-nooELL fehr-NAHN-dehth kah-vah-l’YAY- ro Cabanilles C Juan Bautista José Cabanilles C hooAHN bahoo-TEESS-tah ho-SAY kah-vah- NEE-l’yayss Cabecon C Antonio de Cabeçon C ahn-TOH-neeo day kah-vay-SAWN C known also as Antonio de Cabezon [kah-vay-THAWN]) Cabello mas sutil C Del cabello más sutil C dell kah-VELL-l’yo MAHSS soo-TEEL C (Of That Softest Hair) C (song by Fernando J. Obradors [fehr-NAHN-doh (J.) o-VRAH-thawrss]) Cabezon C Antonio de Cabezón C ahn-TOH-neeo day kah-vay-THAWN C (known also as Antonio de Cabeçon [ahn-TOH-neeo day kah-vay-SAWN]) Cabrito C Un cabrito C oon kah-VREE-toh C (a medieval song of the Passover sung by the Jews who were expelled from Spain in 1492 and who settled in Morocco) Caccia C La caccia C lah KAH-chah C (The Hunt) C (allegro [ahl-LAY-gro] number in L’autunno [lahoo-TOON-no] — Autumn) C (from Le quattro stagioni [lay kooAHT-tro stah- JO-nee] — The Four Seasons — by Antonio Vivaldi [ahn-TAW-neeo vee-VAHL-dee]) Caccini C Francesca Caccini C frahn-CHAY-skah kah-CHEE-nee Caccini C Giulio Caccini C JOO-leeo kah-CHEE-nee C (known also as Romano Caccini [ro- MAH-no kah-CHEE-nee]) Cachemaille C Gilles Cachemaille C zheel kahsh-mahy’ Cacilie C Cäcilie C tseh-TSEE-lihuh C (Cecilia) C (poem by Heinrich Hart [H¦N-rihh HART] set to music by Richard Strauss [RIH-hart SHTRAHÔÔSS]) Cacioppo C George Cacioppo C JAW-urj kah-CHOHP-po C (known also as George Emanuel [ih-MANN-yuh-wull] Cacioppo) Cadeac C Pierre Cadéac C peeehr kah-day-ahk Cadena C Candelario Huízar García de la Cadena C kahn-day-LAH-reeo OOEE-sar gar-SEE- ah day lah kah-THAY-nah C (known also as Candelario Huízar) Cadenza C kah-DAYN-zuh C (excerpt from Cello Concerto No. 1 by Dmitri Shostakovich [d’MEE-tree shuss-tah-KAW-vihch]) Cadenza finale C Cadenza Finale C kah-DAYN-tsah fee-NAH-lay C (excerpt from the Serenade in A by Igor Stravinsky [EE-gur strah-VINN-skee]) Cadenza on the night plain C Cadenza on the Night Plain C kuh-DENN-zuh (on the Night Plain) C (composition by Terry Riley [TEHR-ree R¦-lee]) Cadicamo C E. Cadícamo C (E.) kah-THEE-kah-mo Cadiz C Cádiz C KAH-dihth C (composition from Suite Española [süeet ayss-pah-n’YO- lah] — Spanish Suite — by Isaac Albéniz [ee-SAHK ahl-VAY-neeth]) Cadoni C Fernanda Cadoni C fayr-NAHN-dah kah-DOH-nee Caduca fiamma C kah-DOO-kah feeAHM-mah C (song by Giulio Caccini [JOO-leeo kah- CHEE-nee]) Caduff C Sylvia Caduff C SÜL-fihah KAH-dôôf Caecilia virgo et martyr C Caecilia, virgo et martyr C chay-CHIH-lihuh, VEER-go ett MAR- tür C (Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr) C (an oratorio by Marc Antoine Charpentier [mark ah6- twahn shar-pah6-teeay]; also a character in the oratorio) Caesar C Irving Caesar C UR-vihng SEE-zur Cafaro C Pasquale Cafaro C pah-skooAH-lay kah-FAH-ro C (known also as Pasquale Caffaro [kahf-FAH-ro]) Caffarelli C kahf-fah-RAYL-lee C (known also as Gaetano Majorano [gahay-TAH-no mah- jo-RAH-no]) Caffaro C Pasquale Caffaro C pah-skooAH-lay kahf-FAH-ro C (known also as Pasquale Cafaro [kah-FAH-ro]) Caffi C Francesco Caffi C frahn-CHAY-sko KAHF-fee Caffrey C Greg Caffrey C GREGG KAFF-ree Cage aux folles C La cage aux folles C lah kahzh o fawl C (Broadway show, with music by Jerry Herman [JEHR-ree HUR-munn]) Cagnoni C Antonio Cagnoni C ahn-TAW-neeo kah-n’YO-nee Cahier C Mme. Charles Cahier C mah-dahm sharl kah-yay Cahn C Sammy Cahn C SAMM-mee KAHN Cahn speyer C Rudolf Cahn-Speyer C ROO-dawlf KAHAHN-SP¦-ur Cailliet C Lucien Cailliet C {LOO-sh’n KAHEE-leeett} lü-seeah6 keh-yeh Caine C Hugh Le Caine C h’YOO luh KAYN Caiphas C KAHih-fuss C (character in the cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] Forsaken of Man by Leo Sowerby [LEE-o S!W-ur-bee]) C (character in the Brockes [BRAW-kuss] Passion by George Frideric Handel [JAW-urj FRIH-duh-rick HANN-d’l]) Caireles C kahee-RAY-layss C (character in the opera El gato montés [ell GAH-toh mawn- TAYSS] — The Wildcat; words and music by Manuel Penella [mah-nooELL pay-NAY-l’yah]) Cairns C David Cairns C DAY-vudd KEHRNZ C (known also as David Adam [A-dumm] Cairns) Caissons go rolling along C The Caissons Go Rolling Along C (The) KAYSS-sahnz (Go Rolling Along) C (march by Gruber [GROO-bur]) Caius C Dr. Caius C (Dr.) KAHEE-ooss C (character in the opera Falstaff [FAHL-stahf]; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Arrigo Boito [ar-REE-go bo- EE-toh] after William Shakespeare [WILL-lihumm SHAYK-spihuhr]) Caix dhervelois C Louis de Caix d’Hervelois C lôô-ee duh keh dehr-vuh-l’wah Cajus C Dr. Cajus C (Dr.) KAH-yooss C (character in the opera Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor [dee LÔÔ-stih-gunn V¦-bur fawn VINNT-zur] — The Merry Wives of Windsor; music by Otto Nicolai [AWT-toh NEE-ko-lahih]; libretto by Salomon Hermann Mosenthal [ZAHAH-lo-mawn HEHR-mahn MO-zunn-tahl] after William Shakespeare [WILL-lihumm SHAYK-spihuhr]) Calabrese C Franco Calabrese C FRAHN-ko kah-lah-BRAY-zay Calabro C Louis Calabro C LOO-uss kah-LAH-bro Calaf C KAH-lahf C (character in the opera Turandot [TOO-rahn-doht]; music by Giacomo Puccini [JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee]; libretto by Giuseppe Adami [joo-ZAYP-pay ah-DAH- mee] and Renato Simoni [ray-NAH-toh see-MO-nee] after Carlo Gozzi [KAR-lo GOHT-tsee]) Calamnius C Ilmari Calamnius C ILL-mah-rih KAH-lahm-nihooss Caland C Elisabeth Caland C ay-LEE-zah-bett KAH-lahnt Calatrava C Il Marchese di Calatrava C eel mar-KAY-zay dee kah-lah-TRAH-vah C (The Marquis of Calatrava) C (character in the opera La Forza del Destino [lah FOHR-tsah dayl day-STEE-no] — The Force of Destiny; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR- dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] after Angel P. De Saavedra [ahn-HELL (P.) day sah-VAY-drah]) Calbo C KAHL-bo C (character in the opera Maometto secondo [mah-o-MAYT-toh say- KOHN-doh] — Mahomet [mah-HO-mett] II; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee] and libretto by Cesare della Valle [chay-ZAH-ray dayl-lah VAHL-lay]) Calcabigi C Ranieri di Calcabigi C rah-neeAY-ree dee kahl-kah-BEE-jee C (known also as Ranieri de’ Calzabigi [rah-neeAY-ree day kahl-tsah-BEE-jee], Raniero de’ Calzabigi [rah- neeAY-ro day kahl-tsah-BEE-jee] , and Ranieri Simone Francesco Maria di Calzabigi [rah- neeAY-ree see-MO-nay frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah dee kahl-tsah-BEE-jee]) Calcano C José Antonio Calcaño C ho-SAY ahn-TOH-neeo kahl-KAH-n’yo Calchas C kahl-shahss C (character in the opera La belle Hélène [lah bell ay-lenn] — The Fair Helen; music by Jacques Offenbach [ZHACK AWF-funn-bahk]; libretto by Henri Meilhac [ah6-ree meh-yack] and Ludovic Halévy [lü-daw-veek ah-lay-vee]) Caldara C Antonio Caldara C ahn-TAW-neeo kahl-DAH-rah Caldicott C Alfred James Caldicott C AL-frudd JAYMZ KAHL-dih-kaht Calegari C Antonio Calegari C ahn-TAW-neeo kah-lay-GAH-ree Caletti C Pier Francesco Cavalli Caletti C peeAYR frahn-CHAY-sko kah-VAHL-lee kah- LAYT-tee C (known also as Pier Francesco Cavalli) Calhe C Lo calhé C lo kah-yay C (The Quail) C (excerpt from Chants d'Auvergne [shah6 doh-vehrny’] — Songs of the Auvergne [o-vehrny’], French folk songs collected by Joseph Canteloube [zho-zeff kah6-t’lôôb]) Calistratus C kah-lYih-STRAH-tôôss C (song by Modest Moussorgsky [mah-DYESST MOOSS-surk-skee]) Calkin C John Baptiste Calkin C JAHN BAPP-tusst KAHL-k’n Callaerts C Joseph Callaerts C YO-zeff KAHL-lartss Callas C Maria Callas C mah-REE-ah KAHL-lahss Callcott C John Callcott C JAHN KAHL-kaht Calle C Alicia de Larrocha y de la Calle C ah-LEE-theeah day lar-RO-chah ee day lah KAH- l’yay C (known also as Alicia de Larrocha) Calleja C Gómez Rafael Calleja C GO-mehth rah-fah-ELL kah-l’YAY-hah Calligaris C Sergio Calligaris C SAYR-jo kahl-lee-GAH-reess Callinet C François Callinet C frah6-swah kahl-lee-neh Callinet C Louis Callinet C lôô-ee kahl-lee-neh Callinicos C Constantine Callinicos C kohn-stahn-DEEN kahl-LEE-nee-kawss C (in Greece, the first name of this Greek national is known as Constantinos [kohn-stahn-DEE-nawss]) Calm C Birgit Calm C BIHR-ghitt KAHLM Calma C La calma C lah KAHL-mah C (Calm) C (excerpt from Colectici intim [ko-leck- TEE-see EEN-teem] — Personal Collection — by Vicente Ascencio [vee-SENN-teh ahss- SENN-seeo]) Calmatevi idol mio non mi dir C Calmatevi, idol mio — Non mi dir C kahl-mah-TAY-vee, EE-dohl MEE-o — NOHN mee DEER C (recitative [reh-suh-tuh-TEEV] and aria from the opera Don Giovanni [dohn jo-VAHN-nee]; music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF- gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart] and libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte [lo-RAYN-tso dah POHN-tay]) Calme des nuits C kahlm day nüee C (Nocturnal Calm) C (composition by Camille Saint-Saëns [{kah-meel seh6-sah6ss} kah-meey’ seh-sah6ss]) Calo C José López-Calo C ho-SAY LO-pehth-KAH-lo Calunnia C La calunnia C lah kah-LOON-neeah C (aria from the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah] — The Barber of Seville [suh-VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini

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