Personalize Golf Clubs with r WETHER-PRl F NAME LABELS STICK WITHOUT MOISTENING RESIST RAIN • SNOW * DIRT END LOSS, MIX-UP & AGGRAVATION! The (juick way for goiters to put IheiT" names on their clubs, 5 Year Guarantee against weather and wear. Packed kits on a self-selling counter card. Retails al 75c per kit. S-C PRODUCTS, INC., 39S ST. RONAN STREET, NEW HAVEN, CONN. Pros Star as School Masters Sit-N-Resf Corf-Bog (Continued from page 64) Comb/ties Many Features plan will grow very fast front now on. There were 28 assistants registered. While attendance A new golfer's Cart-Bag which combines cart, was relatively small I believe that the early bag, seat and all other features a golfer needs date had something to do with it. Regardless in one simple lightweight unit, has been of the fact that only 28 attended I am more developed by Sit-N-Rest Golf Hag Co., 2400 W. enthusiastic about the plan than ever. "After the meeting quite a few of the assis- tants remarked to |oe Devany and myself that they felt sorry for those fellows who didn't show up and felt that when the word got around of how interesting and educational this affair was, we would have a full house next time. } "My own reaction to the whole affair was that the older and experienced pros can perform a valuable service not only for their own benefit but for the game as a whole through programs of this sort. Our program Convinced me that the younger fellows arc eager to learn." Golf Car Survey Made by Met (N.Y.) Golf Assn. Metropolitan Golf Assn., 40 E. 38th st.. New York 16, has published in booklet Clybourn St., Milwaukee, Wis. Offered in at- form the golf car survey it made among tractive new color combinations, with bag por- 145 private clubs in the district. Replies tion of vinyl leatherette, the new Cart-Kag also were received from 80 clubs. Copies of the has a handy umbrella holder with strap which report are available at 25 cents each. The a 1st) carries jackets and sweaters in addition to broad scope of replies makes interesting regular storage pockets. and helpful material for club officials and l he new Cart-Bag features easy "one finger committees. puil" convenience due to its light weight. Clubs arc carried in a head-down position, keeping weight low and permitting pulling Presidio GC of San Francisco will be the entire unit in a near horizontal position. the site of the 53rd Western Open. Tourna- This produces a "floating" effect. ment dates are still open although it is Irons are carried in long sleeve-like pockets expected the meet will be held Oct. 11-14. protecting grips, shafts and heads from nicking and scuffing. Woods arc placed in individual San Francisco Jr. G of C is joining with pockets which serve as head covers with shafts WGA and local businessmen in helping to held by rubber retainers. Clashing of club j put the tournament over. Prize money will heads and club rattle when wheeling are total $22,500. entirely eliminated. Protect your floors from spike holes with rugged Ptteu-Mat Runners. Absolutely spike- resistant, they provide a comfortable walk- ing surface — improve the appearance of your club house. Woven of rubber-impregnated fabric, Pneu-Mat Runners are tougher than rubber runners. Reversible for double wear. MONEY BACK TRIAL OFFER: Standard Widthi 2Q'f JJ" 30" Order a trial section. Test „» , . J& -47 '41 it on an area which gets espe- tHdl Stolen! cially hard wear. Money back if J4"„60" % 10.00 not satisfied. 30"iI4" (4,00 Write today for illustrated folder. SUPERIOR RUBBER MFG. CO., INC., 145 Woodl<.nd Ave., Wailwood, N. J. Tests Show Effectiveness of Aqua-Gro in Dew Control Aqua-Gro, the non-ionic wetting agent which induces deep and uniform water penetration in hard-to wet soils, promises welcome relief to Lhe problem of controlling dew, according to field test reports to the makers. According to the prominent course equip- ment dealers who conducted the dew tests, Aqua-Gro proved the most effective control for dc-w yet brought to Lheir attention. following the first two applications ot the material, the problem of early morning dew was solved. The tests also included heavy sprinkler applications of water on some of Model 10 Simplex Rotary Balancer, mfd. by Fate- the treated ateas with no resultant accumula- Root-Heath Co., Plymouth, O., makes it possible for tion of water within five minutes following any serviceman to accurately balance and track any the shut-off. Four weeks elapsed between the rotary blode mower with mounting hotej $4-in, to first and second applications of Aqua-Gro in 1%-ln. In diameter. the tests which were made at Breakers Beach GC., Palm Beach, Fia. In addition to the dew- adequate and uniform water penetration in elimination, test plugs showed more uniform heavier soils, on slopes, etc. with the resultant saturation of the soil in the green areas treated more efficient utilization of fertilizer and with the material than those left untreated. encouragement to deeper, more abundant root Control of heavy dew, the bane of most development. Complete information from course superintendents, adds another awaited Aquatrols Corp., 730 Lancaster Ave., Btyn benefit to Aqua-Gro's qualities of achieving Mawr, Pa, SELL PAR TUBES NOW! WHY WAIT? The demand i* terrific and the profits arc quick. PAR TUBES superior construction proves them tops in the field. A Must for any golfer who wants to protect his grips the full bag length and obtain a friction-proof bag with an individual compartment for each club, PAR TUBES are dropped into oval or compartment. PAR TUBES arc Strong — Moistureproof — They are endorsed by Pros apa Amateurs alike as a great idea for keeping grips in fine condition and protect- ing clubs against marring by careless handling. Packed in cartons of 42 and 144 Contact Your Local Distributor or PAR TUBES As Used In Indi- vidual Compartment or Slot srto W. DAK IN ST., Type Bags PAR TUBE— CHICAGO 34, ILLINOIS CREEPING BENT STOLONS Pennlu 10 (37) 4, Arlington C-l, Congressional C-lt ©I& ©rrl|tirll CI-52 <Piii ©rrhnrii Surf -Xinscrtca P. O. Box 350—Tel. AL 66395 R. R. BOND, Prop. Madison 1, Wisconsin Branch Nursery In Farming+on, lows. (Orrhilri) C-52 is a rapid spreader and heals quickly after injuries. THE GREENS ARE THE FOUNDATION OF ALL SUCCESSFUL GOLF COURSES begin) publication of a monthly "Golf Shoe Sales Builder ami News." The first issue is de- voted to the peculiarities of feet, gives tips on proper measurements and includes some golf chit chat. Also available from Eaton for the pro is a folder or envelope stuffer which can be used as a promotion piece when monthly statements are mailed out. True Temper Booklet Lists Rules, Other Interesting Golf Information True Temper Corp., 1623 Euclid Ave,, Cleveland 15, O. has recently made available a booklet, "Better Golf," which should be of great interest to all golfers. It describes the famous True Temper shafts. lists 16 rules of golf etiquette, gives a description of scoring methods and also presents, in capsule form, the rules of the game. The booklet also provides space for the individual's equipment record 1956 Miss Highland Caddy, Miss Itasca Leonard, as well as his scoring achievements. prepares for a ride in the 1956 model Highland Caddy Golf Car. Lightweight and low cost — this new electric golf car features a simplified electrical system powered by four 165 amp. hour batteries— (nternaf/ono/ Introduces goes over 36 holes on one battery charge at New Blade for Grading speeds up to 10 mph. Changes in design and additional attach- ments are announced by International Har- Tips from 5/toe Manufacturer vester Co. for the McCormick U-34 power Now Available for Pros loader, used on the International 300 Utility tractor. The new loader, the U-34A, is To aid the pro in merchandising golf shoes, equipped with a manually operated mechanical Charles A. Eaton Co., it rock ton, Mass., manu- [rip, with the hydraulic bucket control avail- facturer of Etonic All-Weather Coif Shoes, has able for those who want it. ftoth the hydraulic HYPER-HUMUS PUTS THE TOP IN TOPSOIL.. • The ideal organic soil conditioner and improver for better lawns, bigger flowers, crisper vegetables. Time tested for over 40 years — used on over 1,000 golf courses, Yankee Stadium, Garden State Parkway, Rutgers Stadium — and hundreds of famous public places. Sold bag or bulk. See your dealer. mt „ HYPER-HUMUS COMPANY oown iB NEWTON 20 NEW JERSEY pwy—v 5 Laugh and Learn with 'ERYTHING IN lb' * R. S.'OWENS & CO Amusing 20MG Instructive Spectacular CH1CA Golf's Greatest Show Indoor & Outdoor Shows Mallinckrodt Describes Kromad for Booking Defa//s Write: in Newly Released Report JOE KIRKWOOD Of special interest to supts. is a report of an entirely new method of turf disease control 5843 W. Division st. Chicago 51, ILL. published recently by Mallinckrodt Chemical Works. Mallinckrodt St., St. Louis 7. Mo, Tbe report tells how the work of maintaining healthy, disease-free greens is made easier thru bucket and the manure Cork now have round- the use of newly developed broad-spectrum ed backs, and an extension plate for the tup fungicide, Kromad, Copies of the report can of the bucket also is available. New attach- be obtained fioin the manufacturer. ments include a 7 ft., 18-in. high blade. In the case of tbe seven-foot blade, either end can be set to lead or either end can be New Schertz Umbrella raised or lowered in respect to the other end.
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