HomeTown COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK f%mouth (Observer Your hometown newspaper serving Plymouth and Plymouth Township for 116 years Thursday. ^January 3, 2002 www.observemndeccentric.com 7 5 c Volume 116 Number 37 Plymouth Michigan ©2001 HomeTown Communications Network™ WTC, Booher top 2001’s stories B y Brad K adrich Staff w r ite r I M iB i [email protected] entertainm ent ! The Mayflower project ebbed, then flowed The city and township both got Big job: Putting on a new police chiefs There was an elec­ tion, with all its requisite hoopla, and Broadway-style musical several successful festivals made Ply­ is never easy especially mouth a hopping place All of those local stones would com­ when dancing across the pete for the year’s top news story m a stage as Sesame Street's normal year But thanks to terronst Big B ird./B l Osama bin Laden, 2001 was no ordi­ nary year, and bm Laden’s destruction hundreds of miles away from here still Childhood magic: M arcy ranks as Plymouth’s top story of 2001 H e lle r F ish er; w h o h as Here’s a look at the top 10 1. The World Trade Center — No wished every child could one from Plymouth died in the tragedy, experience the magic of but it still affected everyone in ways M arshall M. Fredericks previously unimaginable Surely it will rank with other tragedies as one of sculpture like she did those questions easily answered, when growing up, has “Where were you when 9” Locals leaped to the rescue, along written a book relating with people around the country those experiences./B 1 School-age kids held fund raisers, civic groups collected money and goods and some people even made it to Ground Zero to help family members of the thpusands who died in the collapse of Comforting: S tew s, the twin towers Staff P hoto by P aul hubschmann 2. Fifth time’s the charm — In a Time for prayer: NorthRidge Church opened its doors following the World Trade Center disaster for casseroles and hot cocoa process that frequently resembled a are examples of what is Chinese fire drill, the Plymouth City people looking for a place to pray or gam spiritual guidance c a lle d "co m fo rt foo d :” Commission finally got its man in the city manager’s seat — on its fifth try something that nourishes After offering the job left vacant by and nurtures, warming the departure of Dave Rich to four Budgets, buildings highlight school year other candidates, the commission final­ the spirit as well as the ly chose to give it on a permanent basis body. Now there's comfort By Brad Kadrich Buoyed by the support of dozens of alone would take about $17 millio to Paul Smcoek, the longtime director staff Writer community leaders and many more cit­ while an entirely new building could 1 fu rn itu re ./ C l of municipal services and assistant city [email protected] izens, Booher decided a few weeks later had for about $22 million, accordinguiig to manager Maybe Kathleen Booher, the superin­ she would stay to finish a job she’d analysts The other three mL l ^ After the four rejections, commission­ started about 18 months earlier schools — West, East and Pionee ers agreed to give Sincock, a 22-year tendent of Plymouth-Canton schools, e e n d L HOMETOWN LlFi 2. Budget deficit looms — While would take a combined $18 2 millihor veteran of the city, a clause m his con­ should live and work in Hawaii, where alohaf means both goodbye and hello painting a fairly rosy financial picture renovate, the report said Cookie time: P o u r y o u r­ tract that allows him to go back to for the upcoming year at spring budget Miller Elementary would be the most municipal services for a year if he’s Booher very nearly said goodbye this self a glass of milk and year, found a ton of community support sessions, the Plymouth-Canton school expensive to upgrade, at a cost of about removed as city manager board projected the district would be m $4 4 million However, the architects get ready to dunk! Girl 3. Top cops — The city and town­ and instead decided to stay, earning the status as the top story from the red ink by the 2004-05 school year suggested converting the school into an Scout cookies sales are ship took different routes, and found Fund balance projections showed a early childhood center their men in widely different places school district m 2001 Here’s a look at well underway Girl the top 10 $10 million balance m 2002 03 but a The study led +o a plan of action put while coming up with new police chiefs $3 6 million deficit m 2003 04 and forth by Booher at the board s fall Longtime Plymouth cop Wayne Car 1. Booher nearly leaves — Citing Scouts are out m force unnamed, outside forces as detractions another $5 3 million in 2004 05 throw retreat, during which she suggested roll was appointed late m the year by mg the district into deficit status changes to the Talented and Gifted through Jan. 20, going Sincock to replace the departed Steve from her ability to do her job, Booher door-to-door taking orders told the school board m October she The figures don’t reflect the $6 1 mil Program and the “repurposing” of Cen­ Hundersmarck, who left the chiefs lion the district has set aside from the tral Middle School, among other post just a few months after Tom was job hunting Her dissatisfaction for cookie favorites, like centered around what she called inter­ Durant lawsuit settlement, which is things Miller, who left just six months after earning interest in a separate fund 4. Race rears its head — In an Thin Mints and Caramel replacing the retired Bob Scoggins ference from “former school board members,” and actually turned into a 3. Upgrades would cost m illions article questioning the reasons for cele­ d eh ites. /C 5 In the township, Supervisor Steve — An architectural study showed it brating Martin Luther King J r ’s birth­ Mann went on a nationwide search for criminal investigation into the tele­ phone and e mail actions of former would take more than $100 million to day, Salem senior Chris Mackinder a replacement for Larry Carey, and bring the district’s school and adminis­ prompted a racial debate that eventu- REAl.ESrAtS found one in Fort Lauderdale, Fla Tom board president Mike Maloney No charges against Maloney were filed trative structures up to par Please see 2001, A3 Upgrades at Central Middle School Please see SCHOOLS, A3 New year: H o w m a n y have you wished someone a happy and healthy New Year? Well, if that some­ With tree moved, care one works in residential real estate sales, you could have saved your becomes top priority b re a th ./ E l b y T ony bruscato trees m Texas that were 24 inches m STAFF WRITER diameter, weighing about 120,000 [email protected] pounds However, those were like When Bryan Williams, owner of toothpicks compared to the copper Apartments/E5 HomeTown Worldwide Tree Moving m Oxford, sits beech, which is 56 inches m diameter, and weighs more than three times the At H o m e / C l U fe / C 5 back and reflects on moving the 150- year-old copper beech tree on the smaller trees Automotive/F4 Jobs/E7 Wilcox property m downtown Ply­ Williams also ran into another prob­ Classified/E,F 0bituaries/A3 mouth, he’s very candid lem His expertise m moving trees was Classified 0pim ons/A4 “I was so in over my head I couldn’t to be combined with that of a partner lndex/E4 Real Estate/E4 see the sky,” said Williams m an inter­ who had the machinery to do the job Crossword/E5 Service Gutde/F3 view nearly two weeks after the Ply­ However, that relationship soured, Entertamment/Bl S p o rts/ D l mouth landmark was moved 150 feet to leaving Williams to take on the project make way for a multi-million dollar himself, with a lot of guess work tossed condominium project “Wheh I took on in with his knowledge “I had never STAFF PHOTO BY BRYAN MITCHELL the project, I was hoping I could do it, moved a tree this size, and I didn’t Big move: Now that the 150-year-old copper beech tree has been but I wasn’t sure how ” moved, the priority becomes caring for it in its new home Williams had expertise m moving Please see TREE, A3 Cupid, candy, candlelight and the Red Wings Cupid, candy, candlelight and the words or less a dream romantic Let me count the ways”) or a Rocky Red Wings evening for two The big night will Balboa (“Adrian1”) to express your Ahh, romancfe we all need it, take place Friday, Feb 8 We can’t love in unforgettable words You sim­ sometimes a little, sometimes a lot promise you an evening m Pans, but ply have to write your best version of History is full of couples who were we can come pretty close a romantic evening for two famous for it Anthony and Cleopatra, ■ Two tickets to Red Wings game Now for the rules They’re simple Romeo and Juliet, Sir Lancelot and ■ Dinner for two at Cafe Cortina m You must be at least 18 years old, Queen Guinevere, Brad Pitt and Jen­ Farmington Hills limit your entry to 100 words or less, nifer Aniston ■ Transportation compliments of and send your Lessons in Love entry Pitt and Aniston’? Only time will International Limousine m Westland to us by Friday, Jan 25 And, of m i tell ■ Candy from Kemmtz Fine Can­ course, you must be very romantic Now’s your time to make history dies & Gifts in Plymouth The winner will be announced t ■ 1 Love is m the air Cupid is ready to ■ A dozen red roses from Flowers Thursday, Jan 31 draw back his bow and let his arrow from Joe by Carolyn m Livoma Send entries to go straight to your lover’s heart And Sorry, you’ll have to buy the fancy Cathy Young the Observer Newspapers wants to duds, tip your hair stylist and pay the Lessons in Love Contest help baby-sitter, a small pnce for romance Observer Newspapers In honor of Valentine’s Day, we are One more thing, you don't have to 36251 Schoolcraft ■ K 2 sponsoring a “Lessons m Love” con­ be a famous poet like Elizabeth Bar­ Livonia, MI 48150 6 53174 10008 5 test We want you to describe in 100 rett Browning (“How do I love thee9 phone (734) 953 2155 To,,plac6'a?ct^‘sftiefa-'3rf:*r-800-579-SELL- Newsroom: 734-459-2700 Hpme Dcljvery.
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