Message To DM & DEO Hoogh1y() From CP, Chandannagar (.) Org. No.2 1 1/Elec Cell/CPC. Dt:- 18.03.202 1(.) Sub Revised format for daily report of Route March!CBM activity in connection with the ensuing General Election to WBLA,2021 (.) Ref :- Org. No. 93/CORD CELL/ELEC dated 23.02.2021(.) In reference to the above, the desired report of Chandarinagar PC is hereby sent as per given format which is enclosed (.) For kind information (.) CP, C$?ndannagar Enclo:- As Stated FORMAT D3 FORMAT FOR DAILY ROUTE MARCH / CBM ACTIVITY BY CAPF Actual No. No.of of Force Vulnerab Place of Route March Type of Programme for the next day Deployed le Date of Total force Rerna Sub- Block / Police (report by Polling Station Nos. Covered hamlets District Route Time Distance deployed rks, if Division Municipality Station section under Route March covered march Coverd (CRPF/BSF any mentioning by the etc) coy and Route Police From via To From To Bn.) March Station 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Bally More, Bandel St. Road, Banamosjid More, Sarat Sarani Balir More, Bikramnagar, Tewari Para, Deshbandhu Pally, Karbala Dakshin (Deshbandhu Pally), Karabala (Govt. Qrt.),Karbala, Kailashnagar, 182, 182A, 183, 214, 215, 2 No. Hooghly 16.00 hrs Raybazar, ,Narayan ITBP Nibedita Rabindranagar 219, 226, Kapasdanga. Olaichanditala CGR PC 17.03.21 Chinsurah Chinsurah Chinsurah to 19.00 Pur Sarkari Colony, 6 Km 34 Bn A 3 Sec I Chinsurah Park Govt. Qtr. 211,212,213,216,217,222, Private Colony Municipality hrs Gopinathpur Colony, Coy 22A, 223 = IS Colony Gandhi Colony I No., Prantik Pally, Subhasnagar I & 2 no colony, Meripark, Olaichanditala (Roy Bazar, Pulmalpara (Koli Road), Kalitala Jelepara (Ward no-4,5,6 of Hooghly Chinsurah Municipality) Commissi r of Police, 0 rict Magistrate, District ECtO1 Chan nnagar & Hooghly istrct Maqitrate, H000hy, Actual No. No.of of Force Vulnerab Place of Route March Type of Programme for the next day Deployed le Total force Rema Date of (report by Polling Station Nos. Covered hamlets Sub- Block / Police Distance deployed rks, if District Route Time section under Route March covered Division Municipality Station Coverd (CRPF/BSF any march mentioning by the etc.) coy and Route Police via To From To From Bn.) March Station Raybazar Kat Ghora, Kalitala, Kalinagar, Bhupatinagar, Sonatuli, Sarat Sarani Pulmalpara, Pal Pukur, Khat Ghara Lane, Sridurga Colony, Chawkbazr And Govt. Hooghly ITBP 218, 220, 221, 224, 225, 239, 7.00 hrs to Quarters, Baral Goli Jelkhana CGR PC 18.03.21 Chinsurah Chinsurah Chinsurah Bally More Barabazar 4 km 34 Bn. A 3 Sec. 240,241,273,276, 276A, 3 Chinsurah Karbala 10.00 hrs Napitpara, Debi Park, Goly, Muntcipality Coy 277, 274, 274 = 14 Baral Goli, Govt. Qtrs. Mahesh Tala,Rose Villa, Immambazar, Dhapapara, Hooghly Ghat, Moghal Pura (Ward no-5,7,2 I of Hooghly Chinsurah Municipality) Moran Road-Friends Club-Satghata- Khonepara- Chandannaga 15:00 hrs. 123,124,137,138-141,142- Chandannaga Chandannag Gondalpara ferry ghat- 03 Km ITBP 481E Chandann Chandannag Mazar- Hazra CGR PC 17.03.21 r Municipal to 19:00 Tematha Lichutala 2 Sec 144A,149,149A,135,136,l 17- 1 r ar Kachari ghat-Char (Approx) Bn. agar ar PS Gali Corporation hrs. I l9A = 19 Mandir tala- Chalkepara-Besohata more Commissior of Police, District Election Magistrate, Chand. inagar & ØçohlY District Magistr3te, Actual No. No.of of Force Vulnerab Place of Route March Type of Programme for the next day Deployed Ic Date of Total force Rema Sub- Block! Police (report by Polling Station Nos. Covered hamlets District Route Time Distance deployed rks, if Division Municipality Station section under Route March covered march Coverd (CRPF/BSF -. any mentioning by the etc ) coy and Route Police From via To From To Bn.) March Station Khalishani garerdhar- Chandannaga 07:00 hrs. Lalbagan More - Chandannaga Chandannag Rathar Sarak 05 Km ITBP 48/E Chandann CGR PC 18.03.21 r Municipal to 11:00 Narua Fan Bhakunda-Jugipukur- 2 Sec 18,88,89,134 = 04 1 Vidyalankar ar G.T. Road (Approx) Bn. agar Hospital More Corporation hrs. Duplexpatty - More Sahebbagan Angus babus Quarters, Angus Majher Angus babus Quarters, Goalapara - Angus Majher Angus North Goalapara - Angus goalapara, Angus North goalapara, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 33A, 34, Mazdur Line - Angus Mazdur Line - Khurigachi 34A, 35, 36, 36A, 37, 38, Tinbazar - Champdani 14.00 to Angus Post ITBP Coy Bhadresw Angus Post CGR PC 17.03.21 Serampore Bhadreswar Tinbazar - Khnapukur road 5 Km 3 Sec. 38A, 39, 39A,40,40A,41, 15 Khnapukur Municipality 21.00 hrs office Mor B/34 ar office Mor East'= Khanpukur Natunpara 41 A, 42, 42A, 43, 43A, 44, East= West- Chandanpara- 44A, 45, 46, 46A, 47 = 30 Khanpukur West- Khurigachhi Chandanpara- Notunparajagadhartita Khurigachhi Ia road. Notunpara,jagad hartitala road. Khurigachi road Natunpara Commissid of Police, District Election pX Magistrate, Chand .nagar & Hooghly District Magistrate, Hooghty. Actual No. No.of of Force Vulnerab Place of Route March Type of Programme for the next day Deployed Ic Total force Rema Date of (report by Polling Station Nos. Covered hamlets Sub- Block I Police Distance deployed rks, if District Route Time section under Route March covered Division Municipality Station Coverd (CRPF/BSF any march mentioning by the etc.) coy and Route Police From To From via To Bn.) March Station Dalhousie Jute Mill Line, North Brooke Line, KBM Road,, KBM Road, RBS Road (karaikal), Baguatala Mor, Palara Palpara, BM Road, Bighati Mor Chandannaga Singur 07.00 to Majherpara, Uttarpara, ITBP Coy Bhadresw Lichubagan Mor, - CGR PC IS 03 21 Bhadreswar on Delhi Ghosha 6Km 3 Sec. 164, 165, 166, 167 04 2 PBM Road (Block) 14.00 hrs Kumorpara, Patul, B134 ar Mukherjee Gali, Road Ghosha L.N. Atta Road, AG Road, SCM Road, SM Road, BM Road, QIS Cotton Mill, Noorie lane, PBM Road, Noorie lane - GT Road crossing Commissi(9r of Police, District Magistrate, Chandinagar District Ection ffiTooghly & District Magistrate, Hooghy. Actual No. No.of of Force Vulnerab Place of Route March Type of Programme for the next day Deployed le Date of Total force Rema Sub- Block / Police (report by Polling Station Nos. Covered hamlets District Route Time Distance deployed rks, if Division Municipality Station section under Route March covered Coverd (CRPF/BSF any march mentioning by the etc) coy and Route Police From via To From To Bn.) March Station Amulyakanan - Nurserypara - Serampur I No Colony. Surer Bagan - Serampur Colony-4 & 5 -Talpukur- Promod Pally-Kabarkhana- Socity Math- Mallick Para lane- Mallickpara- Haripara Lane - Haripara 2nd Lane- Sani Pam Bye Lane 1, IA, 2, 2A, 3,4,5, 5A, 6, Serampore - (Tarapukur Lane)- 257, 256, 255, 254, 261,259, Uttarpara 17:00 hrs 260, 253, 251, 250, 249A, Amullyakana Malpara Lane- Jamidar ITBP 34th Serampore Serampore Khatir Bazar G.T Road CGR PC 17.03.21 Serampore Block, to 21:00 bagan Road- Fish Market 14 K.M 3 Sec. 249 adding 257, 226, 232, 17 PS n Bn C Coy Baidyabati hrs Rakhamoni Road- 20, 11, 12, 188, 233, 156,124, 125, 105, 138, 175, Municipality Lalin Sarani- G T Road (W)-Kumir Jola 204, 209, 178 38 Road- Kumirjola 1st Lane-Kumirjola 2nd Lane-Jhilbagan adding Bargakshatriyapara, Mollapara, Madpur, Dakshin Mondal Para, Uttar Mondal Para, G T Road ( Sitala Tala), Arobindo Sarani, Bihari Kundu Lane, .L' - - Commissioi e f Police, District Magistrate, Chanda agar llooghly Actual No. No.of of Force Vulnerab Place of Route March Type of Programme for the next day Deployed Ic Total force Rema Date of (mport by Polling Station Nos. Covered hamlets Sub- Block! Police Distance deployed rks, if District Route Time section under Route March covered Division Municipality Station Coverd (CRPF/BSF any march mentioning by the etc) coy and Route Police From To From via To Bn.) March Station N.S Road, Sarkarpara, Jamindar Road- Khondakar Para- Fakirpara- N.C. Ghosh Sarani- Ambagan- Bank Colony, Sibtala- Sibtala Bye Lane- Sahid Khudiram Bose Sarani- Bank Para - Gopi Nath Pally- Dip Chand Ghosh Math Telipara, - Goyalapara - 206, 206A, 207, 208, 209, Serampore - Bouripara -Pearapore 181, 182, 183, 193, 184, 185, Lalit Mohon, Uttarpara 08:00 hrs Road- G.T Road- 186, I 86A, 191, 192, 194, Serampore Bowbazar ITBP 34th Satyacharan TOP More 12 K.M 3 Sec. 195, l95A adding 257, 226, 18 Serampore Bhattachary CGR PC 18.03.21 Serampore Block, to 12:00 Bowbazar More More Bn C Coy Sastri Street 232, 20, 11, 12, 188, 233, a Street, Baidyabati hrs adding, Municipality Bargakshatriyapara, 156,124, 125, 105, 138, 175, 204, 209, 178 = 35 Mollapara, Madpur, Dakshin Mondal Para, Uttar Mondal Para, G T Road ( Sitala Tala), Arobindo Sarani, Bihari Kundu Lane, Sarat Chatterjee Mukherjee Road, N C N Road, G.T.Road (Partly), 0 T Road Baidyabati ), ) Netaji .cr.LL fl .D -A Commis er of Police, District Magistrate, Chan nnagar Hooghly Actual No. No.of of Force Vulnerab Place of Route March Type of Programme for the next day Deployed le Total force Rema Date of (report by Polling Station Nos. Covered hamlets Sub- Block / Police Distance deployed rks, if District Route Time section under Route March covered Division Municipality Station Coverd (CRPF/BSF any march mentioning by the etc.) coy and Route Police From To From via To Bn.) March Station Bakultala, Subhasnagar, Jal Tank, 3No Bazar, Sashi 265,266, 225,225A,226,45, Bhushan Adhikar' 45A, 46, Lane, Jhanjhi More, Kumardingi ITBP, 34 Morepukur Kumardingi chai Rishra 16.30 hrs Morepukur 2 9 KM 2 Sec 47,47A,48,48A,49,50,50A,24 2 Rishra CGR PC 17.03.21 Serampore Rishra chaipara BN C COY Buttala para Municipality to 20.30 Bakultala Balak Sangha Math, 7,247A,248,249,250,250A, Nityananda Pally, 251,252 = 23 Khudiram Pally, veny, Kumardingi Chaipara Bagkhal, Banstala, Panchanantala, Horisabha, P.T laha 175, 176, 179,179A, street,Charbati, 180,181,182,183,184, l84A, 08.00 hrs Bigben, Rabindra Rishra Bidhan Ch ITBP, 34 192, 192A, 18.03.21 Serampore Rishra to 12.00 Bagkhal Sarani, N.S.
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