GREENBELT News ReviewAn Independent Newspaper VOL. 80, No. 48 15 Crescent Rd., Suite 100, Greenbelt, MD 20770-1887 OCTOBER 19, 2017 Defending Utopia Celebrates Election 2017 Greenbelt News Review 80th Colin Byrd, Challenger, by Cathie Meetre Candidate for City Council Greenbelter Susan Gervasi’s Thirteen candidates are certified for the Greenbelt City Council new documentary film, Defend- election by City Clerk Bonita Anderson. The biographies are pre- ing Utopia: The Greenbelt News pared by the candidates and published in the order we receive them. Review at 80, uses the News Review as a focal point to weave the compelling story of a city invented to demonstrate an ideal and which has reinvented itself Colin Byrd anew, continuously, since. Amid controversy and consensus, com- Colin Byrd is a lifelong Greenbelter munity spirit and dissension, and he has attended every city council Greenbelt morphed from a fed- meeting for more than the past year, pre- eral rental project and utopian senting several requests on such issues concept to one of the largest as the environment, discrimination and cooperative housing endeavors in COLLINS MARJORY BY PHOTO gun control. the nation. As the area around This photo, taken in 1942, may be of then Editor Sally Meredith. He is a member of the Greenbelt Cli- it grew, the original city became The movie premieres November 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Greenbelt mate Action Network (GCAN), Indivis- the hub of the busy and diverse Theatre with speakers and dessert. More information is available ible Greenbelt, and the Greenbelt Racial suburb of today. The film cap- on our website at greenbeltnewsreview.com. Equality Alliance (GREA). tures the soul and essence of a Colin is a committed progressive little newspaper with a big im- Why a Film? documentary. She observed that Democrat. He is the only candidate in OF COLIN BYRD COURTESY PHOTO pact. It’s also the story of how At 2016’s successful open the paper is an analog of the city, this race who served as a delegate to the Colin Byrd courageous residents and newspa- house for this newspaper, Maria chronicling its thrills and spills, 2016 Democratic National Convention, per staff faced up to a developer Silvia Miller, a Greenbelter and crises and celebrations through helping draft and approve the party’s platform, and he is a longtime who threatened to muzzle the professional voice-over artist, the years and revealing the evo- member of the Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt Democratic Club press and hold staff personally at suggested that the News Review lution of society as eras went by and the Maryland Democratic Party’s Diversity Leadership Council. would make a great topic for a risk for libel damages. See DOCUMENTARY, page 8 Colin has served as the head of government relations and chair- man of membership for the local NAACP, and he is an alumnus of the University of Maryland, College Park, where he studied sociol- ogy, was inducted into the National Society of Collegiate Scholars Council Asks for Draft County and the OMSE Academic Excellence Society, and was a research assistant in the fields of psychology, economics and public health. Zoning Regulation Release He served in the Student Government Association, where he had by Diane Oberg See BYRD, page 12 The Greenbelt City Council servation Overlay Zone (NCOZ) walkability, preserving GHI’s marched fairly quickly through prepared by Clarion Associates existing density, protecting the Election 2017 a varied agenda at its October on behalf of the county be in- remaining green belt, protecting 9 regular meeting, clearing a cluded in the zoning rewrite com- existing buildings massing and Answers to our Questions variety of issues from its plate prehensive review draft and that heights, preserving the original including responding to Aileen the NCOZ regulations be released architectural context of historic The News Review once again asked candidates for election to the Kroll’s petition regarding how to immediately so that the public Greenbelt, promoting sustainable Greenbelt City Council to respond to questions posed by this newspa- protect old Greenbelt under the review process could begin. The development practices and en- per. Answers are limited to 300 words. If an answer exceeds the limit, proposed new zoning law, final- letter was drafted in response to suring that future development/ the answer is cut off at that point. Here are the answers to question 3. izing a letter presenting the city’s a petition presented to council at redevelopment in surrounding proposals regarding changes to its September 25 regular meeting. areas is compatible with the ex- Question 3. With the FBI headquarters now off the table for Metrobus routes and approving Greenbelt Homes, Inc. (GHI) isting planned concept of Historic Greenbelt, what would you like to see done with the proposed the 2017 community question- also sent a letter that, among Greenbelt. development site? naire. other points, listed the planning Acting Director of Planning Emmett Jordan: should continue to function as a Zoning Rewrite goals that were integral to the and Community Development I believe changes will come multi-modal transit hub. A major Council finalized a let- original design of the commu- Terri Hruby said she expects that to our Metro Station in the near challenge to this is funding for ter to the chair of the coun- nity that GHI hopes to see in- her department will be ready to future. As a result of the GSA/ the completion of the full Belt- ty council (see greenbeltmd. corporated in the NCOZ. These start discussing specific issues FBI process, we have a “shovel way interchange. gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/ goals include preserving the regarding the rewrite in Novem- ready” plan for the Metro Sta- Improvements are needed at Item/3196?fileID=3485) asking superblock concept, protecting ber in order to meet the county’s tion area. Ground can quickly the Greenbelt Metro Station. It’s that the draft Neighborhood Con- common green space, promoting See ZONING, page 14 be broken once a private or pub- hard to imagine anything less de- lic agency is persuaded to lo- sirable than its current state. The cate here and anchor the project. over-sized impervious parking lot On the other hand, the FBI still dumps tainted stormwater run-off What Goes On needs a new location so it is into Indian Creek. The sidewalks, possible that a simplified bidding Thursday, October 19 building structure and facade are process could restart for the con- in desperate need of attention. I 6 to 8 p.m., PJ Pizza Party and solidated FBI headquarters. will push for repairs to the sta- the Princess Bride, Old Green- I think a mixed-use develop- tion’s eastern side and request the belt Theatre ment with an emphasis on com- addition of a mural or public art Sunday, October 22 mercial activity would be best for to the outer wall. 2 to 4 p.m., City Council Can- the site. Greenbelt needs more The pedestrian/bicycle path didate Forum for a Progressive jobs. Our workforce is well- connecting the Greenbelt Station Greenbelt, Community Center educated and versatile, but many neighborhood to the Metro sta- Monday, October 23 Greenbelters spend hours com- tion is of the highest priority. The 8 p.m., City Council Meeting, muting to distant jobs each day. planning hindrances proposed by Municipal Building Metro stations should be em- WMATA (the property owners) ployment hubs. This will take Wednesday, October 25 are being negotiated and solu- drivers off of the Beltway and tions to the fiscal barriers will be PHOTO BY BEVERLY PALAU BEVERLY BY PHOTO 7:30 p.m., Four Cities Meeting, provide local jobs so Greenbel- resolved. We recently spoke with John Henry and Elaine Jones enjoy the annual Fall Festival Municipal Building ters can spend more time with at Schrom Hills Park on Saturday, October 14. See page 20. their families. Our Metro station See QUESTIONS, page 12 Page 2 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, October 19, 2017 Candidates Forum Sunday, October 22 Letters to the Editor A coalition of Greenbelt or- ganizations is sponsoring a City Council Candidate Forum for a Why the Need? Supporting a Cause Progressive Greenbelt on Sunday, I was wondering if anyone On a lake walk, I encountered October 22 from 2 to 4 p.m. at knows the story behind why we a puppy owner wearing pants the Community Center, Room have to borrow $2 million to fix made by “women rescued from 201. With the ongoing disman- the dam? The details were not human trafficking.” Further proof tling of progressive policies on addressed during the last candi- of our big heart! Case closed. the federal level, a strong local dates forum. Patricia Novinski government committed to build- Joe Robbins ing and ensuring an inclusive, eq- Correction uitable, environmentally sustain- Outstanding Carrier The location for the recep- able and accessible community Concerning your October 12 tion after the memorial ser- is more critical than ever. Learn article on the News Review, I vice on October 20 for Joanne how Greenbelt City Council can- would like to add that in ad- Pritchard was incorrectly listed didates stand on issues such as dition to Eric Zhang for 2013, in last week’s newspaper. The the environment, racial equity, Greenbelt News Review’s ever- reception will be held at the immigration rights, energy, trans- cheery carrier John Henry Jones Community Center, Room 201, portation, policing and voting. is Greenbelt’s Outstanding Citizen at about 1 p.m. The News Co-sponsors: Franklin Park for 2012. Review regrets the error. Community Pride, Greenbelt Cli- Alan Duda mate Action Network, Greenbelt People Power, Greenbelt Ra- cial Equity Alliance, Indivis- ible Greenbelt, Peace and Justice Coalition, Center for Dynamic Community Governance, Friends visit www.greenbeltnewsreview.com of Still Creek, Inc., Transit Rid- ers United of Greenbelt, Green- belt Pride, Greenbelters for Zero Waste and the Butterfly Brigade.
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