CCHURCHHURCH OFOF SSAINTAINT BBERNARDERNARD 1160 WOODBRIDGE STREET • SAINT PAUL, MN 55117 1160One WOODBRIDGEblock west of Rice STREET Street • SAINTon Geranium PAUL, MN Avenue 55117 One block west of Rice Street on Geranium Avenue MARCH 22, 2020 Parish Staff Pastor Reverend Ivan Sant Associate Priest Reverend Joseph Kureh Accountant Jim Rice Secretary Gloria Nava RCIA and Missionary/ Internship Program David Neira Refugee Liaison Hsawreh Sharpoehtay Music Director Mary Beth Redmond Parish Administrator Ryan Thornton Parish Office Phone: (651) 488-6733 Fax: (651) 489-9203 Website: www.stbernardstpaul.org Anointing of the Sick & Communion for the Sick & Mass Schedule Homebound Saturday 8:30 am & 4:00 pm & 7pm (NeoCatechumenate) Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements Sunday at 8:00 & 10:30 am & 2pm (Spanish) with Fr. Ivan Weekday Monday-Saturday - Mass at 8:30 am Confessions Baptism of Infants Mondays after the 8:30 am Mass Saturdays 3:15pm and after the 4:00 Mass Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Holy Hour Every Thursday from 6pm-7pm Marriage Preparation Couples anticipating Christian Marriage need to contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to the wedding date they desire. After a pre-nuptial interview with a priest, a specific date will be set. Marriage preparation classes are required. A WORD FROM FR. IVAN Covid-19. What’s happening in Rome ROME - Less than 24 hours after the Diocese of Rome issued a decree closing all churches to stop the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, officials walked that decision back, saying the about-face came out of a meeting with Pope Francis. In a March 13 letter, Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, Vicar of Rome, said he had a meeting with the pontiff Friday morning, and that during the conversation, Francis urged him to look beyond the immediate healthcare precautions. “He prompted us to consider another need: That with the closure of our churches, other ‘little ones’, this time of a different type, will not find a reason for confusion and disorientation,” De Donatis said, adding that the risk of closing churches is “for people is to feel even more isolated.” In light of his conversation with the pope, De Donatis ordered that only parish churches and those serving as the headquarters for missions be left open. He also encouraged priests to properly discern how to best to help their communities. “Be very close to the people of God, make each one feel loved and accompanied, help everyone to per- ceive that the Church does not close its doors to anyone, but is concerned that no little one risks life or is forgotten,” he said. De Donatis encouraged priests to administer the sacraments and to meet the needs of the poor and those “who have no one to rely on,” while following proper precautionary measures to eliminate the spread of the COVID-19 virus. On March 12 the Diocese of Rome announced the closure of all churches in the city until April 3, even for private prayer. The next day, Pope Francis in his Friday morning Mass warned that “drastic measures aren’t always good” and prayed that pastors will find ways not to leave the People of God alone. Although parishes have been reopened for prayer, Masses remain suspended through April 3. In his March 13 letter, De Donatis stressed that the decision to close churches was not made out of “an irrational fear or, worse, a pragmatism devoid of evangelical hope. But out of obedience to the will of God.” “This ill was manifested to us through the reality of the historical moment that we are living. It is obedi- ence to life, which is perhaps the most demanding way in which the Lord asks us to obey him,” he said, voicing concern that the coronavirus infection is getting exponentially worse in Italy. Noting that the number of those infected has almost doubled in a matter of days, he said that at this rate, there is genuine concern that in a matter of months “tens of thousands” throughout the peninsula will be infected. “There is a clear risk of the collapse of healthcare facilities,” which are already overloaded, and many elderly could die, he said, adding that citizens can help curb this “tragic eventuality” by applying precau- tionary measures, including abiding by government requests not to leave the house unless needed for the sake of the common good. “This is the reality we are experiencing,” they said, adding that in light of the crisis, “the spiritual need of the people of God to gather to celebrate the Eucharist becomes for us Christians the object of a painful renunciation.” “There is first the spiritual need of charity in caring for our brothers. Unfortunately, going to church is no different than going other places: there is a risk of infection,” he said, and voiced enthusiasm for the inventive ways Christians have discovered to stay in touch and celebrate the Mass, even “at a distance.” Follow Elise Ann Allen on Twitter: @eliseannallen Page 2 St. Bernard † Mass Intentions † Weekly Saturday March 21 Collection 8:30 am † Paul Tischler Weekly-Sunday Actual Budget 4:00 pm † Edward Gunter 3/15/2020 Envelope Income $4,642 $4,807 Sunday March 22 4th Sunday of Lent 8:00 am Parish Plate 490 725 10:30 am † Bern & Minnie Witzman 2:00 pm † Carlos Trevino † Guadalupe Gonzalez Gas/Lights 276 125 Campus Repair 280 70 Monday March 23 St. Turibius of Mogrovejo 8:30am † Dennis Backstone Year to Date: Tuesday March 24 Envelope Income $170,213 $186,395 8:30am † Jane Anderson Plate 29,711 26,825 Wednesday March 25 SOLEMNITY OF THE Gas/Lights 5,313 4,625 ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD 10:30am † White Family Campus Repair 4,522 2,590 Thursday March 26 Boiler Repair 8:30 am † Bryan Perrizo The Boiler has been repaired and now is back Friday March 27 Day of Abstinence 8:30 am † Anita Seebach running on a regular basis. The cost is close to $28,650. Saturday March 28 8:30 am † Joseph Soler Donations received so far: $10,520 4:00 pm † Clifford Charpentier Thanks for your generosity! Sunday March 29 5th Sunday of Lent 8:00 am Andrew Lutz Capital Campaign Update 10:30 am † Patrick Brown Total Pledges: $920,298 2:00 pm Parish Payments to date: $823,071 Prayer Line Please call Amount Remaining: $ 97,227 Shirley Collett at (651) 488-6330 Judy Cloutier at (651) 224-2966 Please pray for the sick and homebound Mary Nordine Margaret Datko Mass Readings for the Lloyd Anderson Lorraine Eheim Week of March 22nd Theresa Griffith Bernice Labarre Devra Shepherd Yur Reh Sunday: Ex 17:3-7/Rom 5:1-2,5-8/Jn 4:5-42 or 4:5-15,19b- 26,39a,40-42 J. Harringer Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15b/Lk 4:24-30 Tuesday Ez 47:1-9,12/Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday: Is 7:10--14,8:10/Heb 10:4-10/Lk 1:26-38 Thursday: Ex 32:7-14/Jn 5:31-47 Friday: Wis 2:1a,12-22/Jn 7:1-2,10.25-30 Saturday: Jer 11:18-20/Jn 7:40-53 Sunday: Ez 37:12-14/Rom 8:8-11/Jn 11:1-45 or 11:3-7,17, 20-27,33b45 Page 3 St. Bernard Parish News & Events Holy Hour CSAF Results Every Thursday from 6—7pm Here are the results through Week 4: Goal $17,741 In the Church # Gifts 42 Total pledged $ $6,680.00 % of Goal 37.65% Stations of the Cross Parishes that reach their individual goal will receive 50% of all the dollars in access of their goal. Every Friday of Lent at: Parishes that increase collected dollars over the prior Appeal will 5pm English receive 25% of all dollars collected in excess of the prior Appeal 5:30pm Karenni year, regardless of reaching the individual parish goal. For the 2020 campaign, Parish Sharing checks will be issued in 7pm Spanish December 2020 and May 2021. NOTICE ON GIVING VIA CREDIT/DEBIT Lenten Season Food Sale CARD OR BY CHECK: —Hispanic Ministry— Church Fundraising We have implemented an new way giving to our parish through online, on our website www.stbernardstpaul.org, March 22 is canceled with a credit or debit card, you can make a donation on the window on our parish website entitled “Donation to our Parish”. Communication, Parish Updates If you would like to make a donation by check, you can The situation with Covid-19 is changing our lives quickly, mail to the address of the Parish Office: day after day. We would like to communicate with you more efficient. Fr. Ivan have sent an email to all the pa- 1160 Woodbridge St, St. Paul, MN 55117 rishioners who have shared their email with Fr. Ivan. If you would like to be included in this email please call us Pope Francis’s Prayer for the Pandemic of Covid-19 in the office and give your email to Gloria (our Secretary) or Ryan (our Parish Administrator). O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick. Our Website is At the foot of the Cross you participated in Jesus’ pain, https://www.stbernardstpaul.org/ with steadfast faith. You, Salvation of the Roman People, know what we need. You also can Follow our Parish on Facebook Pages We are certain that you will provide, so that, Parish Life at St. Bernard's Catholic Church, St. Paul, MN as you did at Cana of Galilee, or joy and feasting might return after this moment of trial.
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