~f IN UTE S OJ.' TH t.: ANNlTAL CONFERENCES if·:,, ' .i 'I)•, METllODIS'l' EPISCOPAL CllllRCll, t' 0 R 'I' II E \' •: A ll S 1 7 7 3 -1 H 2 8. ~ ~ I . I NE\V-YORK: FOR TllJ.: :'tll:TllOPINT El'IMl'Ol'AI. C'lll!Hl'Jl 1 A'I' Tiii·: CONl-'Et~F.J1i;1·~~ :>t'Flt'E, ~00 l\llll.llti:l!H\-HTRF:ET. l: .T ( 'ollonl, f"1111frr. 1840. I I I ... ' TO THE READER. THE Annual Minutes of the Conferences of the Metho<list Episcopal Church ,· ...: .. '. I contain the statistics of the church in detail. They are therefore both en· I ·: tcrtaining and useful. All who feel an interest in the prosperity of Methodism •;. in this country derive much satisfaction from perusing these documents; and, as a source of authentic information respecting many things connected with the history, polity, and usages of the church, they are inJispensabh~. But being published in pamphlet form, they are liable to be lost ; anJ it requires no small trouble, when a. consecutive series is needed for any purpose, to procure one. For these reasons the idea of publishing them in a v<>lume was early conceived by John Dickins, first book agent in this country, who, in 1794, issued a volume embracing all the Minutes from the commencement of Methodism in America, a period of about twenty-one or twenty-two years. In 1813 a volume was published by D. Hitt and 'f. Ware, book agents. But this work is out of print, and the de&ire of many to have the whole from the commencement to the present period seems to call for the publication now offered. In addition to the benefit of having at hand a work of reference to which resort may be had for.settling any disputed or doubtful question relating to the statistics of the church, the volume now offered to the public may be recom· mended as a useful reading book. The biographical sketches of deceased preachers, of which there are many in the work, are highly interesting, and cannot, we think, be read without profit. The readers of the Minutes should bear in mind, that they are dated, seve­ rally, at the time of their publication ; and the matters recorded in each relate to the year closing at that period. This is necessary to a\·oid mistakes in regard to dates. Minute$ for 1799. B3 Elizabethtown, James Tolleson, Samuel George Pickering, Presiding Elder. Thomas, Thomas Morrell. \Varren, John Brodhead. Flanders, J as. Campbell, David Bartine. Greenwich, Stephen Hull. ,_. Newburg, Robert Green. Providence, Joshua Hall. Sylvester Hutchinson, Prtsidirw Sandwich, Ep:iphras Kibby. f'I Elder. Martha's Vineyard, Joseph Snelling. New-York, Joshua Wells, G. Roberts, C. Provincetown, Smith Weeks. Stebbins. Boston, William Beauchamp Brooklyn, Andrew Nichols. Lynn, Ralph \\'illiston. Long Island, David Brown, John Wil­ Needham, Daniel Brumly. Exeter, John Nichols. son. " ! ,New-Rochelle, Joseph Totten, John Joshua Taylor, Presiding Eldtr. ' : '. Clark. Portland, Timothy Merritt. -Croton, Peter Vannest, Thos. Woolsey. Readfield, Joshua Taylor, Jesse Stone­ Dutchess, Jacob Rickhow, Billy Hibbard. man. Columbia, Peter Moriarty. Kennebeck, Roger Searle. Cambridge, Timothy Dewy, Lorenzo Dow. Bath and Union, Robert Yallaley, Aaron Vergennes, Joseph Mitchel], Abner Wood. Humphrey. Pittsfield, Joseph Sawyer, Reuben Hub- Penobscot, Enoch Mudge, John Finnegan. bard. Pleasant River, Peter Jayne. Granville, Ezekiel Canfield, Daniel Webb. Darius Dunham, Presiding Elder. Litchfield, Ebenezer Stevens, Truman Bay Quintie, Darius Dunham. Bishop. Oswegotchie, Samuel Coate. -Redding, William Thacher. Niagara, James Coleman, Michael Coate. Middletown, Augustus Jocelyn. Quest. 15. Where and when shall our r Shadrach Bostwick, Presiding Elder. next Conferences be held? I . , . "1 Tolland, Lawrence M'Combs. I. Charleston, Jan. 1, 1799. ~, !, I. New-London, Nathaniel Chapin, Shubal 2. Jones' Chapel, Va., April 9, 1799. Lamb. 3. Bethel Academy, Ky., May 1, 1799. Pomfret, Daniel Ostrander, Asa Heath. 4. Baltimore, May 1, 1799. Chesterfield, Elijah Bachelor. 5. Philadelphia, June 6, 1799. Vershire, Joseph Crawford. 6. New-York, June 19, 1799. MINUTES TAKEN AT THE SEVERAL ANNUAL CONFERENCES OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, FOK THE YEAR 1799. Quest. 1. Who are admitted on trial 1 rick, Joshua Soule, Nathan Emory, Daniel Lewis Myers, Zachariah Maddox, Wm. G ossage--36. A-Yant, Moses Matthews, James Dillard, Quest. 2. Who remain on trial 1 ! r · ~ Britton Capel, Jeremiah King, Dennet Thomas Mi1ligan, George Dougharty, \, Kendrick, Nathan Jarrett, John Moore, Thomas Shaw, Hanover Donnan, Samuel : . ~ William Algood, James Denton, Billy Hooser, John Evans, Josiah Philips, Col­ ' . : Corr, Thomas Fletcher, John Ellis, James lier Hill, John Turner, Stephen Ellis, Ba­ Quinn, Peter B. Davis, Nathan Swain, nister Meador, Joseph Dunn, Thomas William Mills, Barzillai Willey, David Doughaday, Thos. Smith, Wm. Vreden­ Dunham, Jamee Herron, Nathan Smith, burgh, Jesse Justice, Abner Wood, Asa Edward Lukins, John Stewart, Nicholas Heath, Billy Hibbard, Comfort C. Smith, Chambers. Benj. Bidlack, David James, Daniel '\Vebb, Elijah Bachelor, Lorenzo Reuben Jones, Alexander M'Lane, ~lijah Dow, Reuben Hubbard, Epaphras Kibby, Cbichea&er1 Elijah R. Sabin, John Mer- Truman Biehop, Lewis Hunt-27. .>.• . ·.: ;· •. " ;..• .-!t '·~ _• .;~.. ,~ " f'· '.~ !), , s . 'J '·t ·j=•• ~; . I iJ • .• J .. 84 Minutes for 1799. Quest. Quest. 3. Who are admitted into full William Ormond, Salathiel Weeks, Ar­ 1kro!Jgh connection 1 cher Moody, Lewis Garrett, Roger Han­ cerns 1 cock, \V'illiam Early, James G. Martin, Thomas Nelson, Alexander M'Caine, Josias Samuel Douthet, Loammi Floyd, Robert William Kenyon, Humphrey Wood, Jo­ seph Pinnell, Thomas Mann, George ardPose) Gaines, "\Villiam 'Vest, John King, James Thomas Floyd, Llewellin Evans, N ath'l. Walker, M'Kenny, Samuel Ansley, Joseph Hill, Sands, ' William Atwood, Joseph Hill, Robert Thomas Wilkerson, James Ward, \Villiam Lamheth, John Sale, J osepb Everett, John El \Vilkerson, Solomon Harris, James Hun­ fiamson, ter, Joseph Stone, John Cullison, Abraham Philip Bruce, Daniel Hitt, Seely Bunn, Benton Riggin, Daniel Hall, John Blood­ Duke W Andrews, Caleb Kendall, Daniel Higby, Jones, E Johnson Dunham, John Leach, John ~ood, Lasley Matthews, Nathaniel B. Mills, Thornton Fleming, John Potts, Joseph Ruth, Thomas Dodson, Wm. P. Chand­ Humphr1 ler, Thomas Jones, Eber Cowles, Augus­ Morris Howe, Samuel Hitt, Nelson Reed, Rezin Cash, Thos. Lucas, Joseph Rowen, pin. Rob1 tus Jocelyn, Ebenezer Stevens, John diah Str: Nichols, John \Vilson, Joseph Snelling, James Smith, James Paynter, Robert Joseph Sawyer, Joseph Crawford, Peter Manley, Jonathan Forrest, Thomas Hay­ Quest. E Vannest, William Thacher, Thomas Al­ mond, Wilson Lee, Henry 'Villis, Hamil· Samu len-3i. ton Jefferson, Thomas F. Sargent, Curtis bert, W1 \Villiams, Stephen Timmons, Levin Moore, Quest. 4. Who are the deacons 1 Reed, R1 Charles Burgoon, Christopher Spry, Free­ Cavende Moses Black, Nicholas Snethen, Josiah born Ganettson, Thomas Ware, John Cole, Moses Wilson, Thomas Nelson, M'Claskey, Ezekiel Cooper, 'Vm. M'Len­ Quest Alexander M'Caine, Samuel Douthet, ahan, Richard Swain, Robert Green, Ro­ 1. J1 Rohert Gaines, Thomas Shaw, Benjamin bert Sparks, Robert M'Coy, Robert Bon­ ~ni:i, ac Matthews, John King, James Floyd, ham, Richard Sneath, John Smith, Lemuel 1790, ar Llewellin Evans, Nathaniel Walker, Wm. Green, Charles Cavender, William Har­ the citv Brittain, William Atwood, Robert Wilker­ destv, \Villiam Hunter, William Bishop, South C son, Hezekiah Harriman, Jacob Colbert, \Viliiam Colbert, Anthony Turck, Anning a variet· Thomas Lyell, James L. Higgins, John Owen, David Bartine, Ephraim Cham­ bodv. · Pitts, Edmund Wayman, Shadrach John­ bers, James Tolleson, James Moore, Jas. and. jff son, Benjamin Essex, James Lattomus, Campbell, John Seward, Jacob Egbert, Jesus ( Jon a than Bateman, John Philips, Wesley Joseph Lovell, Joel Ketchum, Solomon lhoughl Budd, Solomon Harris, James Hunter, Sharp, Samuel Thomas, Samuel Fowler, was rai Joseph Stone, John Cullison, Abraham Thomas Everard, Thomas Jackson, Thos. time of Andrews, David Stevens, Archibald }'os­ Morrell, Thomas Bell, Jonathan Newman, ter, Roger Benton, James Stokes, Caleb He" Zenas Conger, Daniel Fidler, D:miel rng m ~ Kendall, Daniel Higby, Johnson Dunham, Crouch, Joseph Jewell, John Robinson, and opp J nhn Leach, John Ruth, Thomas Dodson, John Lackey, Michael Coate, Andrew my pl "\Villiam P. Chandler, John Finnegan, Nichols, ~yrus Stebbins, paniel. Ostran­ He was Peter Jayne, Ralph Williston, Timothy der, Damel Brumly, David Brown, Da­ God, ai Merritt, Augustus .Jocelyn, Ebenezer Ste­ rius Dunham, David Buck, Ezekiel Can­ !he cha vens, John Nichols, John Wilson, Joseph field, George Roberts, George Pickering, oor eon Snelling, Joseph Sawyer, Joseph Craw­ Joshua \V ells, Joshua Hall, Joseph Tot­ tions i1 ford, Peter Vannest, \Villiam Thacher, ten, Joseph Mitchell, Jacob Rickhow, which I John Page, John Watson, Henry Smith Joshua Taylor, John Clark, John Brod­ that h1 -61. head, Jesse Stoneman, J amea Cole.man, him, tc Quest. 5. Who are the elders 1 Lawrence M'Combs, Philip Wager, Peter ministe Moriarty, Roger Searle, Sylvester Hutch­ mav~ Jesse Lee, Jonathan Jackson, Benjamin inson, Shadrach Bostwick, Samuel Coate, Blanton, Rufus Wiley, Geo. Clark, Tobias Coiifer Stephen Hull, Thomas Woolsey, Timothy 2. \\ Gibson, James Douthet, John Simmons, Dewy, William Beauchamp, Francis Poy­ James Jenkin, Samuel Cowles, John ginia; thress, John Kobler, Valentine Cook, John eoooec Harper, Nicholas Watters, Jeremiah Nor­ Buxton, William Burke-156. man, James
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